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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


This Hunter deck has gotten me as far as Rank 14, is there anything I can do to improve it?



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Dahbomb and I might be doing a LoE card re-review and Standard Discussion stream here fairly soon, maybe in 30 mins to an hour. I'll let you all know when the stream is about to start.


This Hunter deck has gotten me as far as Rank 14, is there anything I can do to improve it?

-1 Houndmaster
-1 Bear Trap
-1 Snake Trap

+1 King's Elekk
+2 Freezing Trap


Yes I am a Freeze Mage and I will not be playing around Combo. - Cheesedude

Though he probably thought that he would never win if the Druid did have Combo in hand so went for the all in play.

Edit: Man how the hell do you misplay using Secret Paladin..


This Hunter deck has gotten me as far as Rank 14, is there anything I can do to improve it?

I can see where you are going with it, but it seriously lacks cards draw except the RNG from webspinner, assuming neither of them get silenced. Seems like you would run low on cards quickly and probably top deck shit cards.

Personally, I would give up the ram wrangler and replace with a tomb spider, you will regularly discover high quality beasts.
Built a horrible Tavern Brawl deck, won anyway because my opponent had no answer for Animated Armor, thank god I didn't have to play more than 1 game of that trash.


Fuck blizzard, fuck secret paladin and fuck them for not testing secret interaction. Who would let this even get through. Just from a balance point of view


Guys, Desert Camel is kind of OP OP if you don't draw your Injured Kvaldir's into your hand.

Saw ZealousD (zealous not so much) and Dahbomb throw a shade at it in their stream, fucks secret pally, fucks warrior, fucks druid (no 1 drops lol), also under estimated how enables a free trade against troggs, mana wyrm, or cleric (by forcing it out of their decks) with your previous 2 drop.


also under estimated how enables a free trade against troggs, mana wyrm, or cleric (by forcing it out of their decks) with your previous 2 drop.
I am not sure how that's a good thing.

Also Secret Paladin does use Secret Keeper as their 1 drop.


I am not sure how that's a good thing.

Also Secret Paladin does use Secret Keeper as their 1 drop.

Yes, I did experience it once when I played Camel on and empty board, although I run flare and had it in my hand, so once he vomited all his secrets I just flared. Felt good really.

I mean, it's not good, but you get to free trade which is a good compromise I guess is what I meant.


Does Blizzard normally show off some or most or all of the cards before the release of the expansions?
They show off all the cards. For LoE they showed all cards at the same time in advance. For TgT/GvG they slow fed us cards and one week before we had all the cards revealed.
At this rate we'll get the reveal on March 9th, I think that's still a thing, then get Standard in April. Between the 9th and April will probably be the slow feed of reveals if they don't do them all at once.
Didn't know Summoning Stone takes Emperor discounts into account. Got a Tinyfin from Tree of Life.
Another interesting thing about that too is discounts and effects also effect Gazlowe too. For example, if you're a Mage, have both Gazlowe and an Apprentice out, all your 1 mana spells are 0, so don't work. However, any 2 cost spells that are 1 will work.


I was thinking, maybe to make Priests a little bit more enticing to people is if they removed shadowform as a card altogether, and instead, when building a priest deck (so not when a game starts, this is already pre set from the collection screen), you get to set it to have the 2 heal ability or it gets mind spike (but reduced to 1 damage, so it is basically the mage power). Then in game, it can't be changed, but it would give priests the option to start out a little bit more aggressive is someone wanted to.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Guys, Desert Camel is kind of OP OP if you don't draw your Injured Kvaldir's into your hand.

Saw ZealousD (zealous not so much) and Dahbomb throw a shade at it in their stream, fucks secret pally, fucks warrior, fucks druid (no 1 drops lol), also under estimated how enables a free trade against troggs, mana wyrm, or cleric (by forcing it out of their decks) with your previous 2 drop.

Like I was saying, its power will depend a lot on how powerful 1 drops are in the next expansion. Zombie Chow not being a thing anymore is pretty significant.


I'm having so much fun lately, it's like I'm playing a different game from everyone else. Been building some decks I'm not that familiar with, learning to play them, having to find subs for the cards I'm missing that end up winning me games and make me feel like a genius, I get bad matchups once in a while but I'm overwhelmingly having super close games that end with both of us in the single digits regardless of the result. I'm finding the game super satisfying lately, I've even added some people and gotten good convos going about our decks, Standard, etc...

I was playing against an aggro Shaman earlier that got me to like 2 health and I did the same to him. He "Well Played" me for his entire turn and I just kept "Well Played"ing back expecting a last second Crackle or something, but he ended up conceding. He adds me right after to tell me he "had the damage, but he conceded because he thought I was doing a spellmaster quest so he thought he'd do me a favor" and I'm like "cool, cool, thanks"

Bullshit, that didn't even make sense. I'm sure he didn't have the damage. That was hilarious, I should have called him out on it but instead just gg'd and kept playing

I'm excited for the future, but man do I have fun with this game as it is. I only wish I had more cards to play more decks; like I have 0 Paladin cards, super low amounts of Priest cards... and crafting them right now doesn't make sense. At least I'm saving enough gold right now that I should get a decent-sized chunk of the next expansion when it comes out. Here's hoping I'll have some lucky packs in my future.
I was thinking, maybe to make Priests a little bit more enticing to people is if they removed shadowform as a card altogether, and instead, when building a priest deck (so not when a game starts, this is already pre set from the collection screen), you get to set it to have the 2 heal ability or it gets mind spike (but reduced to 1 damage, so it is basically the mage power). Then in game, it can't be changed, but it would give priests the option to start out a little bit more aggressive is someone wanted to.

Dragon priest is pretty popular and priests consistently have decent control decks in every meta. If any class needs to see more play and their hero power reworked it's rogue.

Plus I don't see Blizzard ever wanting the custom UI for selectable hero powers over changing them with hero powers. If anything I'd feel they'd sooner make a new hero over complicating existing mechanics.


What's with every priest player getting really mad when they lose to druid?

Like really. I got like 3 friend request today. I wonder if they know how it feels to play against priest too. It's like if you don't just wait until they remove every single thing you play every turn it's somehow unfair. Druid combo gone, they will lose to murlocs, worgen, freeze mage etc. You just have to deal with it, control loses to combo.

Honestly, druid combo is very strong but after it's gone, the complaints will just move to something else. There is something with this game, it's like every body hates combo decks. After nerf, it will be murlocs, or faceless combo or something else. They can't just keep removing combos from the game like this. People do enjoy playing the archetype, it's the most fun in the game and it should exist.

I can't play anything but combo any more, whether it's double oil rogue, miracle, worgen or druid. Everything else is just boring.


People hate combo decks because Blizzard hates combo decks.

If a combo deck gets too powerful then people start asking questions like "why is X allowed when Y was nerfed?"

Main issue with Druid is that it's just a Midrange/Tempo deck disguised as a Combo deck. It functions similarly to other decks just with the added finisher. And even Aggro Druids run that as a clutch finisher. You don't have to make a lot of sacrifices to include that "combo". Unlike Anyfin Paladin for example which actually does require a large retooling of your deck to play the combo.


Yep, it's the adaptability of the Druid cards that make the combo powerful. The combo itself is not even bad, I don't even mind it too much, but Druid can keep up the normal game and play good minions. It doesn't even need Emperor for the combo, unlike most other combos which utilised emperor in some way (maybe emperor was the problem, hmmm...? lol).

Once they start vomiting death rattles and shades... and you're at ~20 health... better start trading/taunting.


Yep, it's the adaptability of the Druid cards that make the combo powerful. The combo itself is not even bad, I don't even mind it too much, but Druid can keep up the normal game and play good minions. It doesn't even need Emperor for the combo, unlike most other combos which utilised emperor in some way (maybe emperor was the problem, hmmm...? lol).

Once they start vomiting death rattles and shades... and you're at ~20 health... better start trading/taunting.

The loss of sticky minions and the (likely) nerf to savage roar alleviates things. Force of nature is actually quite the weak card without savage backing it up. But the fact druid is hurt the least by the upcoming meta shit goes to show 2 things. 1) Druid was screwed for quite some time until the more recent adventures and 2) the added flexibilty is a welcome change of pace for a class that was rather stagnate for a while.


I don't know if this how it's supposed to work but apparently if you Aviana and then the Emperor power takes effect, all your minions will stay at 0 even if Aviana dies?
Fuck all Joust cards. They trick you into thinking "Oh this isn't so bad" by sandwiching them in between other garbage cards in Arena but you pick it and it fucks you every time.
So what are the chances of an opponent playing Dragon Egg and then using Acidic Swamp Ooze on my Death's Bite two games in a row in Arena?

Because that just happened


I can't play anything but combo any more, whether it's double oil rogue, miracle, worgen or druid. Everything else is just boring.

I like combo decks too, but Druid is "babby's first combo deck". It doesn't require the same types of set ups and sacrifices you have to make with something like worgen, double PO, and tinkers oil combos (even Patron Warrior took a lot of thought and effort to get to their combo) and it is just way more consistent and popular than anything else right now.


Jeebus that's a nice bit of ramp for an arena deck. And I'm pretty sure you got those 5 mana swipes in Raven idols there.

That or combo.


there should be a shaman card that lets you choose your totems from your hero power.

either a spell thats something like "choose one totem, that totem always spawns from hero power"

or a minion that lets you choose as long as its alive.

i'm the best fucking game designer i swear
there should be a shaman card that lets you choose your totems from your hero power.

either a spell thats something like "choose one totem, that totem always spawns from hero power"

or a minion that lets you choose as long as its alive.

i'm the best fucking game designer i swear
I think it would make more sense to just be able to click on the hero power and select from the pop-ups. I don't think it would be overpowered. They could always make each totem have a 2-turn cooldown so you can't spam Stoneclaw or something.


there should be a shaman card that lets you choose your totems from your hero power.

either a spell thats something like "choose one totem, that totem always spawns from hero power"

or a minion that lets you choose as long as its alive.

i'm the best fucking game designer i swear

So...jusitcar??? As that's what it does
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