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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Is it just me or is laddering harder this month? Or are we still in the "beginning of month period" where the good players are still stuck down at low ranks? Is deliberately dropping down to Rank 20 to try and get a win streak a viable strategy?

Just hit Rank 11 playing Rogue and a tiny bit of Mid-Range Shaman and Mid-Range Paladin when I get "bored".

I am choosing some off meta decks just to try and get an edge and it has been working, so there is that.

But honestly you should probably just pick a meta deck, like zoo or combo Druid and just pump out games.

If I'm on Europe servers when you are on I'll try and spectate.


If I had Al'Akir, I would probably have a better time with Midrange Shaman. I have all the cards for the combo Druid.. it is effective, predictable and kind of boring, which is true to how my main in WoW plays as well.


I hate Arena.

Actually, no, that's not it. I hate Hearthstone period.

My blood pressure says don't play this game. I keep trying to say it'll be better. It never is.

I don't enjoy winning with the game in the state it is, and I hate losing even more.

*queue up*

I haven't played in a month and it feels great. I highly recommend not playing the game for a while.
Right now I'm only doing my quests and nothing more, it's really demoralizing to continuously play against the same decks while the only deck I can properly play is tempo mage(lack of cards) so I can't exactly play any fun decks either.

I really want to play some mid-range decks but I'm not gonna craft any cards right now, I crafted a Highmane because I assumed it's going to be a good card no matter what though.


Nobody ever adds me :(

Probably because I'm too terrible to gloat at.

Play combo druid, I get friend requests all the time. /4Head

Yeti Druid new meta (which is probably true in Standard)

Stranglethorn Tigers are legit good in druid too. Some more obscure lists play them with one set of combo but with more minions, it helps consistency with ramp that you will have something to play rather than get awful hands and die. Honestly other than against control warrior, you rarely need double combo. Minion damage is more valuable.
Right now I'm only doing my quests and nothing more, it's really demoralizing to continuously play against the same decks while the only deck I can properly play is tempo mage(lack of cards) so I can't exactly play any fun decks either.

I really want to play some mid-range decks but I'm not gonna craft any cards right now, I crafted a Highmane because I assumed it's going to be a good card no matter what though.

can you make a zoolock? i'd recommend the cheapest decks you could make now that would make long term sense and still be OK for now would be, a warlock zoo, only crafting standard or newer cards to fill in spots if you don't have everything you want, and aggro/buff paladin, both those decks live off classic cards like argent squire, abusive serg, knife jugz and work well with plenty of the basic class sets, don't really need a legendary for either to work
Yeah I could make aggro decks but with my tempo mage and face hunter I'm really not interested in playing any more of them right now. Control decks seem boring as all hell but I think mid range is more my style. Sadly most of them require certain cards I can't craft easily whereas aggro deck cards are mostly cheap.


Yeah I could make aggro decks but with my tempo mage and face hunter I'm really not interested in playing any more of them right now. Control decks seem boring as all hell but I think mid range is more my style. Sadly most of them require certain cards I can't craft easily whereas aggro deck cards are mostly cheap.

I always recommend to newer players, who have limited dust, to play Zoo. I can guarantee you that it will survive the meta shift, because there has been some form of Zoo in play at all times since beta and it has always been the best cheap deck. It's like an aggro-control deck.


What's with Hearthstone aping MTG'S expansions? Dragons and now Eldritch abominations. Not to say those are unique to MTG, but if this is correct then that's twice now HS has released a similarly themed expansion at the same time as Magic. Probably coincidence, but funny.

Eldrazi Old Gods dominance incoming.


If it's called what the rumor says, the keyword is probably whisper. I'm guessing they are adding field effects to game just like enchantments. You play this card, it will have multi turn or permanent effect on game for both players. Much like the current brawl but probably less stupid.



expansion pack looks like to be based on old gods, should be pretty cool as far as flavor goes.

While all the first part of the rumor seems possible, the only part of the video I think he overthought was the year of the Kraken. Just because Ozumat is a Kraken and connected to the old gods is just a coincidence, otherwise the second expansion or adventure of the year would be connected to that again. I think the years name might just be a coincidence (I may be wrong as well). The first part of the rumor though seems very possible, and I love it. I love the old gods, the lore behind them and general Eldritch horrors (so much Lovecraft).

Speaking of Ozumat - http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ozumat

Seems in the alpha it was a card that was removed, and that it eventually evolved to be what Deathwing does.

Edit: Also check out this page http://wow.gamepedia.com/Old_Gods'_forces to see how many different races and creatures are associated with the old gods. Lots of different things they can pull from and lots of possible art too that we might see. If the old gods are really the expansion, wonder if we will get legendary old gods cards :)O I could be lucky enough to own c'thun or yogg...wait I got shit luck, I'll never get them if they are cards)


While all the first part of the rumor seems possible, the only part of the video I think he overthought was the year of the Kraken. Just because Ozumat is a Kraken and connected to the old gods is just a coincidence, otherwise the second expansion or adventure of the year would be connected to that again. I think the years name might just be a coincidence (I may be wrong as well). The first part of the rumor though seems very possible, and I love it. I love the old gods, the lore behind them and general Eldritch horrors (so much Lovecraft).

Speaking of Ozumat - http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ozumat

Seems in the alpha it was a card that was removed, and that it eventually evolved to be what Deathwing does.

I wonder what the tone will be. Will this expansion be a bit darker or are we getting the same light-heartedness?
Ah, the Old Gods - obviously modeled after Lovecraft's eldritch horrors. The last expansion focused on areas like Uldum and Uldaman, extremely ancient Titan civilizations, but the Old Gods are older then that. They used to rule the primordial Azeroth before the arrival of the Titans (basically demigods) who sealed them deep in prisons, but their influence still manages to leak out.

So far there is -

C'thun in The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, 40man Vanilla WoW raid.

Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, Wrath of the Lich King Raid.

N'zoth, likely imprisoned deep, deep beneath Azeroth's oceans. Source of the corruption in the Emerald Dream (Ysera's realm) and Deathwing's madness.

Y'shaarj, who was killed by the Titans eons ago. Old Gods don't really die though, nor are they really alive either, for they exist beyond the cycle of life and death. What remains of Y'shaarj was his heart, imprisoned beneath the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria. Y'shaarj is responsible for the Sha, manifestations of Anger, Despair, Fear, Doubt, Hatred, Violence and the most powerful of all - Pride.

There are probably others. The Elemental Lords - Ragnaros, Al'akir, Neptulon and Therazane were/are their servants, so Therazane will probably be added if true. They have many, many worshipers springing from all over encompassing many races - the Naga, the Qiraji, the Nerubians, the Mantid, tribes of Orcs and ogres, the Twilight's Hammer encompassing humans, trolls, tauren, dwarves and everyone else, dragons...pretty much everyone.

I didn't watch the video, but the keyword being "Whisper" makes sense. Old Gods, even deprived of most of their powers have the ability via telekinesis to speak inside the minds of mortals.


Mirror against a golden Druid. He had me on the ropes the entire game and I had to play out of my mind to stay in the picture.. using Ancient to heal even. Turn 9 and I have Loatheb on board, enemy has 27 health. I play Force, Savage Roar, Coin, Innervate, Savage Roar for 31 damage.

Just another day in the life of Malfurion. Enjoy it while you can.


Haha this tournament, this set ended with a secret paladin doing secret paladin things , and the guy playing it was so hyped as if he did something great. It's secret, settle down man, you need to really be trying to fail to not win.


Hmm, if there's Old Gods then I hope that we see some Cho'Gall action. I would play an ogre tribe if it was halfway viable just for the hilarious voice acting.

Also yeah, we probably shouldn't read too much into the Kraken label. That Kraken silhouette is just some old art that would appear as part of the guild tabard selections in WOW. Although this does mean that we could likely have a year of the Cupcake in the future, which would be boss.


Mirror against a golden Druid. He had me on the ropes the entire game and I had to play out of my mind to stay in the picture.. using Ancient to heal even. Turn 9 and I have Loatheb on board, enemy has 27 health. I play Force, Savage Roar, Coin, Innervate, Savage Roar for 31 damage.

Just another day in the life of Malfurion. Enjoy it while you can.

Druids usually pull that combo on me when they have 15 cards in hand LOL


Hmm, if there's Old Gods then I hope that we see some Cho'Gall action. I would play an ogre tribe if it was halfway viable just for the hilarious voice acting.

Also yeah, we probably shouldn't read too much into the Kraken label. That Kraken silhouette is just some old art that would appear as part of the guild tabard selections in WOW. Although this does mean that we could likely have a year of the Cupcake in the future, which would be boss.

Oh man, ogres, love to hate them. Love the voice work "I'm ready. I'm not ready" and "Sneaky! Shush, quiet!". Even the art for Ogre Ninja is hilarious, but, the 50% chance to hit the wrong target drives me insane. It's hilarious to watch when it happens to someone else, specially someone like Amaz.


Said it before but Cho'gall would be the best candidate for an alternate Warlock hero

With Wilfred being a card in game already, if they don't put in cho'gall as a card in the game with an old gold expansion, I could definitely see them using him as the alternative hero for locks.

speaking of which, for shamans, I would love if they use Ner'zhul as the alternative (to be also an opposite of the very kind Thrall) or maybe they go with someone like Drek'thar.
Old Gods expansion would be pretty cool, especially if they make them all into cards. I imagine they'd have to dream up some pretty crazy effects to justify it.
Old Gods would all have to be 9/10 mana cards with crazy effects.

For instance, in the Yogg-Saron encounter you have to get trapped in a nightmare, avoid going insane and destroy his brain, which doesn't even kill him. If you go insane you grow in power massively but start attacking your allies.

So...I dunno how you turn that into a card.


That was my entire hand at that point. I topdecked the second Savage Roar, counted it up and it was like lethal fell from the sky.

yeah sorry I meant cards left in the deck.

"They need exactly FoN, Innervate, Double Savage Roar to win; what are the chances?"

Turns out, they are pretty high.


Old Gods would all have to be 9/10 mana cards with crazy effects.

For instance, in the Yogg-Saron encounter you have to get trapped in a nightmare, avoid going insane and destroy his brain, which doesn't even kill him. If you go insane you grow in power massively but start attacking your allies.

So...I dunno how you turn that into a card.
+3 attack to a minion and the ogre effect. just give me more mad bomber-esque cards to put into one deck


Old Gods would all have to be 9/10 mana cards with crazy effects.

For instance, in the Yogg-Saron encounter you have to get trapped in a nightmare, avoid going insane and destroy his brain, which doesn't even kill him. If you go insane you grow in power massively but start attacking your allies.

So...I dunno how you turn that into a card.

Mind control type effects for a turn that end with the minion getting destroyed. Perhaps madness type effects that make your opponents minions have a chance to attack a their own hand or that hero instead. maybe a dot type effect on opponents minions that make them take x damage at the end of your turn until they die.


Mind control type effects for a turn that end with the minion getting destroyed. Perhaps madness type effects that make your opponents minions have a chance to attack a their own hand or that hero instead. maybe a dot type effect on opponents minions that make them take x damage at the end of your turn until they die.

What we've learned from TGT is that if cards are going to be clunky and conditional, they better be fucking amazing. Murloc Knight and Elekk = good. Alexstrasza's Champion and Axe Flinger = not good enough. Though in this meta, I have been thinking about subbing Axe Flinger for Shredder in Patron just for variety and to see if I can surprise some people.


Old Gods would all have to be 9/10 mana cards with crazy effects.

For instance, in the Yogg-Saron encounter you have to get trapped in a nightmare, avoid going insane and destroy his brain, which doesn't even kill him. If you go insane you grow in power massively but start attacking your allies.

So...I dunno how you turn that into a card.

The Warcraft TCG had the gods as enchantments iirc. Something like Yogg-Saron's Call and you could attach it to a minion and it would provide a powerful effect with a downside. Can't look up the card on mobile atm.
What we've learned from TGT is that if cards are going to be clunky and conditional, they better be fucking amazing. Murloc Knight and Elekk = good. Alexstrasza's Champion and Axe Flinger = not good enough. Though in this meta, I have been thinking about subbing Axe Flinger for Shredder in Patron just for variety and to see if I can surprise some people.

axe flinger in warrior is so much fun, that +3/3 card on it can really do damage to a zoo deck, i don't play warrior competitively though i just make fun synergy decks with cards like AF but imo it's one of the most fun cards to trigger a bunch


I dont normally mind reno, but i do mind it when it's in a deck like this


That is some bullshit. No one runs enough removal to deal with that. Thats whats infecting low level ranks right now.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
What we've learned from TGT is that if cards are going to be clunky and conditional, they better be fucking amazing. Murloc Knight and Elekk = good. Alexstrasza's Champion and Axe Flinger = not good enough. Though in this meta, I have been thinking about subbing Axe Flinger for Shredder in Patron just for variety and to see if I can surprise some people.

Axe Flinger is underrated but probably not better than Shredder or Korkron. He's super strong against hyper-aggro though.
i would love to see an anti justicar come into play, a legendary that makes your opponents hero power cost one more for the duration of the game or something.


In honor of Standard coming, I am playing a Warlock deathrattle deck. I can only imagine the looks on my opponent's face when on turn 10 I play Rivendare + Stalagg + shadowflame (emperor discounts) for full board wipe + 2 Thaddius. Talk about swing turns!

i would love to see an anti justicar come into play, a legendary that makes your opponents hero power cost one more for the duration of the game or something.

6 mana
Battlecry: Discover a new hero power for your opponent.


I dont normally mind reno, but i do mind it when it's in a deck like this


That is some bullshit. No one runs enough removal to deal with that. Thats whats infecting low level ranks right now.
That deck is ass and nobody should lose to it more than once unless they're silly Priests. Highlander Warrior can't deal with multiple sticky boards, it gets overrun eventually. Reno Warrior needs to go full fatigue tech to gain any form of consistency and that list is not that.


That deck is ass and nobody should lose to it more than once unless they're silly Priests. Highlander Warrior can't deal with multiple sticky boards, it gets overrun eventually. Reno Warrior needs to go full fatigue tech to gain any form of consistency and that list is not that.

Of course it's ass, but losing to it once is all that matters on the ladder. you're not going to be matched up against them ever again


Playing Rank 20 on my F2P EU account as Patron warrior. Come up against a Legend cardback control warrior. At some point he decided he is going to rope me every turn. He would make his play right away and then just wait for Rope.

Nothing better than beating that guy with Grommash to the face after he dropped the golden monkey. I think he was farming golden portrait or something, but it is early enough in season so hard to know for sure.


I'd like to think these asshole combo druids who emote for multiple turns are sitting there not knowing a nerf is coming to their precious deck. Kind of like those dudes dropping warsong after the nerf.


I'd like to think these asshole combo druids who emote for multiple turns are sitting there not knowing a nerf is coming to their precious deck. Kind of like those dudes dropping warsong after the nerf.
Best was when I was playing against a Grim Patron Warrior. Dude says "well played" as if to say he has lethal. He puts down Warsong Commander, Frothing Berserkers, activates a couple of Whirlwinds. Then there's a pause where he's mousing over his Frothing Berserkers trying to figure out what went wrong. Then he mouses over the Warsong Commander, reads the text.. says "well played" and concedes the hell out of there.
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