Are these cards a piss take?
Didn't someone post a few "new" versions of old cards (Dr. Tentacles) as a joke a few days ago?
Those cards were identical. These are entirely different. Antique healed you, corrupted antique heals enemy.
Doomsayer killed minions, new doomsayer buffs itself.
Still smacks of a stunning lack of originality and/or creativity.
looks pretty trashy to me right now.
My prediction:
The old gods won't really work, because you are dead before you can play them.
Wow, C'thun is awesome. Hopefully it's not too slow.
Late April/early May is ridiculously late.
Ugh, they're doing the TGT slow drip. Shitty.
Kinda want that card back though.
Anyone got any screens of the cards?
Not having been around for a preorder before can you use gold for it? If so I figure I need to really grind out some more.
Looking at the cinematic again. One of the cards in the beginning is corrupted Hogger.
Not having been around for a preorder before can you use gold for it? If so I figure I need to really grind out some more.
Late April/early May is ridiculously late.
i definitely like the free legendary and 3 packs, C'thun seems a lot better than Rafam. Could make for a good reno deck. End of april/early may though.......but ladder has crushed my spirits already.
Nope, cash only. You'll have to open that wallet if you want that cardback