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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


So far we know that C'Thun is a neutral legendary card and i would say that for the others will be class cards.

Yogg-Saron- priest

N'Zoth- driud (maybe)

Y'Shaarj- warrior


Cho'gall- warlock

no idea for rogue, hunter , pally or mage


So far we know that C'Thun is a neutral legendary card and i would say that for the others will be class cards.

Yogg-Saron- priest

N'Zoth- driud (maybe)

Y'Shaarj- warrior


Cho'gall- warlock

no idea for rogue, hunter , pally or mage

I could see this, but I could also see a world where all 4 gods are neutral and they can still do class specific legendaries. If the wording is correct and like half the expansion are just gods + their modifiers, still leaves like 60+ cards to be spread out. Even if they gave each class just 1 legendary, still would be a lot to spread around
So I doubt it'll be the least bit reliable but C'thun in Druid could be fun to try.

Get a Thaurissan proc on Aviana then Aviana + Brann + C'thun, or there's always Innervate as well.


Unconfirmed Member
So I doubt it'll be the least bit reliable but C'thun in Druid could be fun to try.

Get a Thaurissan proc on Aviana then Aviana + Brann + C'thun, or there's always Innervate as well.

Yeah I am excited to try some Aviana shenanigans in a world where there is no BGH.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm still baffled by the "hate" for BGH.

The battlecry itself is an average of a 4 mana swing, and the minion left behind can easily turn it into a 2 for 1 card swing + more mana on top of that.

Dr. Boom at least traded with the minion left behind thanks to boom bots, and Alexstraza/Ragnoros have fast and powerful enough card text to get value before BGH, but BGH vs most other 7+ attack creatures can alone cost you the game.


It gets rid of the "I win if I have more legendaries than you" part of the game.
That's not really a valid reason. You actually do NOT want the game to boil down to who has the most legendary cards in their deck.

BGH is ridiculous because it makes using particular costly cards a GAME LOSING play. You spend whole turn playing a card, it gets countered by BGH and they play a midranged minion alongside it while retaining whatever board position they had before.


Unconfirmed Member
I think something that gets rid of powerful minions should exist. Polymorph is that thing, or Equality, or Siphon Soul. That kind of removal should be a spell and all classes should have some kind of access to it (depending on how it works into their class).

Having the removal attached to a body gives such a massive tempo swing (remove huge 7+ atk minion and get a 4 atk one), that is can be completely unrecoverable. Better to not run BGH targets and play a lower cost or less impactful minion that can't be so easily swung against.
Just jumped on for an hour after watching the stream got me in the mood, wish I didn't bother. It's just aggro deck after aggro deck... Face! Face! Faaace!!!

Does everyone just Google the same decks or something?


Unconfirmed Member
I think something that gets rid of powerful minions should exist. Polymorph is that thing, or Equality, or Siphon Soul. That kind of removal should be a spell and all classes should have some kind of access to it (depending on how it works into their class).

Having the removal attached to a body gives such a massive tempo swing (remove huge 7+ atk minion and get a 4 atk one), that is can be completely unrecoverable. Better to not run BGH targets and play a lower cost or less impactful minion that can't be so easily swung against.

Just look at BGH compared to those class specific removals.

Execute is 1 mana but requires an activator so 2 cards plus more mana.

Shadow Word Death and Hex are 3 mana and Polymorph is 4 mana but doesn't give you a minion, with Hex and polymorph giving your opponent a minion.

Assassinate is 5 mana and Siphon Soul is 6 mana, again not doing anything else for tempo but removing the creature.

BGH's only drawback is being limited to 7 attack creatures, but do we really want 6 attack to be the cap for popular minions outside of the ones that have really good battlecries?


Corporate Apologist
Just jumped on for an hour after watching the stream got me in the mood, wish I didn't bother. It's just aggro deck after aggro deck... Face! Face! Faaace!!!

Does everyone just Google the same decks or something?

People rather play a deck where a game takes 5 minuets then a deck where a game takes 20 minutes.



Yup, add brann to he mix to use with cultist as well.

Turn 9, brann + 2x Beckoner of Evil + conceal
Turn 10 cthun.

28 damage cthun if you can't get rid of that stealthed brann.

If brann dies, turn 10 drop 14 damage (or more depending in how much you've been developing it) cthub and instantly pick it back up with shadowstep, turn 11 drop it again.


i've been wiggling around my tech card in demon zoo, went from sea giant to void terror, thinking about brann or boom, but i put in enhance-o-mech and it's helped me win a few matches whereas Void terror has done nothing several times. I'd build it up and it would get silenced/executed/whatevered.
Try playing some games with one or two high end legendaries with 7+ attack and no battlecries/deathrattles and get back to me on how reasonable the card is.

You would probably do ok considering just about all the top decks in the meta don't actually run BGH at the moment.

If BGH gets nerfed, welcome back to handlock city.


I'm still baffled by the "hate" for BGH.

Its a bad card. You can have 2 in your deck in addition to all the removal class cards available to your class. It massively devalues all 'large' minions forever and ALWAYS as long as it stays in its current state. Its just poor design. Unless its nerfed all cards with 7 attack or more will always be fodder for it. Really stupid.

You would probably do ok considering just about all the top decks in the meta don't actually run BGH at the moment.

If BGH gets nerfed, welcome back to handlock city.

I think most expect those giants to be nerfed too. Handlock is unlikely to escape this all unscathed.

It gets rid of the "I win if I have more legendaries than you" part of the game.

You can run class removal cards if you want that effect. There's nothing wrong with your assassinates, saps, entombs, deaths, naturalizes, siphon souls deadly shots, hex, humility, polymorph execute, mind controls, crush, Mulch and the like. You can also counter with equally large minions or trading. Theres also stuff like doomsayer and others. BGH is just overkill. Waaaaay overkill.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Molten/Mountain giant are likely getting hit alongside BGH since he basically originally existed because of them.

Also weren't we supposed to get more cards revealed today while the tournament was going on?
Molten/Mountain giant are likely getting hit alongside BGH since he basically originally existed because of them.

Also weren't we supposed to get more cards revealed today while the tournament was going on?

You would hope so. BGH is the fairest card in the world after your opponent drops a 0 cost 8/8.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If they made giants do something like "reduce cost, but not less than (5)" I would be much more inclined to support a major change to BGH.


You would probably do ok considering just about all the top decks in the meta don't actually run BGH at the moment.

If BGH gets nerfed, welcome back to handlock city.

I forget which interview, but they noted that they felt it would be bad for the game if Handlock was a deck that was around forever. I took that to mean they intend to address the giants.

I think Kibler is right in that the reason BGH exists in the first place was that people were having issues dealing with Mountain Giants on turn four, and this gave every deck a way to fight back.

However, its broad impacts are tremendous in the same way Master of Disguise and Warsong Commander caused major issues. Not only are you harming 7+ attack cards tremendously, but you're straining the entire nature of how classes are supposed to have varying quality of removal to help balance other elements of the class.

Nerfing the giants instead is the far more straightforward solution.

Also weren't we supposed to get more cards revealed today while the tournament was going on?
They said "over the weekend" so I assume they meant more in the other days of the tournament.


Try playing some games with one or two high end legendaries with 7+ attack and no battlecries/deathrattles and get back to me on how reasonable the card is.

Charge -

King Krush, Icehowl

End of your turn -

Geddon (garbage 2 damage), Rag,

Nothing -

Velen on curve, Mogor, Illidan on curve, Gruul, Flame Leviathan, Noz, Mekgineer Thermaplugg


Every other 7 attack legendary has a battlecry or deathrattle. I wouldn't be filling my deck with any of those that do nothing if played on curve like Velen or Illidan, hell I wouldn't even play any of those legendaries that don't have a battlecry, deathrattle, or even end of turn. Why would I? They suck? Are you? Clearly the vast vast vast majority of 7 attack legendaries (28 right now) get some value, 8 of them have the possibility of getting no use out of them when played if they are BGH'ed. Now you could add Geddon to the list of garbage one cause it will probably get in 2 damage and that's it. If BGH was gone, would you suddenly start playing Mogor cause at least he'll survive?


Charge -

King Krush, Icehowl

End of your turn -

Geddon (garbage 2 damage), Rag,

Nothing -

Velen on curve, Mogor, Illidan on curve, Gruul, Flame Leviathan, Noz, Mekgineer Thermaplugg


Every other 7 attack legendary has a battlecry or deathrattle. I wouldn't be filling my deck with any of those that do nothing if played on curve like Velen or Illidan, hell I wouldn't even play any of those legendaries that don't have a battlecry, deathrattle, or even end of turn. Why would I? They suck? Are you? Clearly the vast vast vast majority of 7 attack legendaries (28 right now), 8 of them have the possibility of getting no use out of them when played if they are BGH'ed. Now you could add Geddon to the list of garbage one cause it will probably get in 2 damage and that's it. If BGH was gone, would you suddenly start playing Mogor cause at least he'll survive?

If we look at arena where removal is class and weapon based and doesn't include BGH for almost everyone, things like Icehowl and Gruul actually have some usability.

Removing BGH makes it more feasible to attempt a ramp or control archetype where you're ending with a couple of big creatures after forcing out their removal through the earlier stages of the match, or by being slightly greedier and having something like four big threats. It's still vulnerable to classes with strong removal, or to midrange decks built around punishing control archetypes, which is what the normal counter to these types of decks is, instead of making it so any deck on earth can blow up these cards if they want.

There are almost no control decks at this point. The two causes of this are the comical strength and stickiness of the tempo midrange cards (which is being addressed via nerfs and the standard format) and that simply teching in a BGH makes anyone able to throw these types of decks off a cliff.

That the whole idea of having a playable 10 mana card (or even 8 or 9 in most cases) that doesn't instantly win the game is a new concept to Hearthstone illustrates the problem. Hell, an actual Control Warrior isn't even a viable archetype right now and that's basically what the class was built to do. You're trying to sneak in your big minions with Elise at this point, and prior we had "midrange control warrior" coming into favor.

The reason handlock even worked is that it could run giants for zero to four mana so that losing one to a BGH wasn't a game ender. That the deck BGH was designed to punish is the one that can actually survive it points to the original design problem being that giants are way too good.

If you get a control heavy meta you can still make a cheap deck that feeds on them all day. It's certainly not a scenario where having the most legendaries makes you win. You're even opting to play notably slower matches at that point which you're distinctly not rewarded for doing at higher levels of the ladder system.
I forget which interview, but they noted that they felt it would be bad for the game if Handlock was a deck that was around forever. I took that to mean they intend to address the giants.

Makes sense.

However, its broad impacts are tremendous in the same way Master of Disguise and Warsong Commander caused major issues.

I don't think I've ever seen Master of Disguise played outside of some random brawl. Not that I'm disagreeing with the design problems it causes, but it would have been nice for Blizzard to put one card in that worked with it so we could at least see some non-miracle rogue mayhem.


Makes sense.

I don't think I've ever seen Master of Disguise played outside of some random brawl. Not that I'm disagreeing with the design problems it causes, but it would have been nice for Blizzard to put one card in that worked with it so we could at least see some non-miracle rogue mayhem.
Consider what would happen if you could stealth Animated Armor or Mal'ganis. It forces those kinds of designs onto class cards.


Corporate Apologist
I'm guessing Master of Disguise will be changed to just give a minion stealth till the end of the turn, like Cloak Field.

I wonder if Blizzard will ever make a card that freeze's an enemy minion as long as its alive.


Unconfirmed Member
I missed pretty much all of the tournament today, anything worth going back for in the VODs or should I just ignore it and go into the next day?


Charge -

King Krush, Icehowl

End of your turn -

Geddon (garbage 2 damage), Rag,

Nothing -

Velen on curve, Mogor, Illidan on curve, Gruul, Flame Leviathan, Noz, Mekgineer Thermaplugg


Every other 7 attack legendary has a battlecry or deathrattle. I wouldn't be filling my deck with any of those that do nothing if played on curve like Velen or Illidan, hell I wouldn't even play any of those legendaries that don't have a battlecry, deathrattle, or even end of turn. Why would I? They suck? Are you? Clearly the vast vast vast majority of 7 attack legendaries (28 right now) get some value, 8 of them have the possibility of getting no use out of them when played if they are BGH'ed. Now you could add Geddon to the list of garbage one cause it will probably get in 2 damage and that's it. If BGH was gone, would you suddenly start playing Mogor cause at least he'll survive?

It's not that 7 attack minions need Battlecry or Deathrattle, it's that they need ridiculously overpowered effects in order to be worth it.

Alexstrasza can heal for 14 or do 15 damage. That's an insane ability. The card is bad in any deck that doesn't set-up for lethal the very next turn, because it's a 9 mana card that's could die to a 3 mana card for free. Even that effect isn't powerful enough.

Hearthstone is a game based around tempo and board control. BGH makes it so every slow card with 7+ attack has a chance to be a game-losing tempo loss. Every 7 attack minion in the game, with the possible exception of Fel Reaver (which is a gimmick card) would be better at 6 attack than 7+. That is idiotic to the extreme.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I just want to point out that the art for the Corrupted Healbot is seriously badass.



As a Secret Paladin, why would you change your hero power to Steady Shot knowing you're facing a Zoolock? Doesn't make any sense to me.

The real question is why you will play sir finley mrggglton as secret paladin, but is I had to give an answer, maybe he wants to finish the game soon
The real question is why you will play sir finley mrggglton as secret paladin, but is I had to give an answer, maybe he wants to finish the game soon

Yeah, it was odd. He had Boom and Tirion in his deck it was still the slower variant.

Not sure what he was thinking but I crushed him both times we matched up so whatever I guess lol.


Just jumped on for an hour after watching the stream got me in the mood, wish I didn't bother. It's just aggro deck after aggro deck... Face! Face! Faaace!!!

Does everyone just Google the same decks or something?

Depends on a lot of factors. Rank 20-15 always seems to be one priest after the other.


Corporate Apologist
Aw yeah, got the Unplayed Card GvG dream. The enemy Druid played Dark Wispers, got 5 Wisps, I drew Flame Leviathan.

"I'm sorry"

Edit: Aw yeah, opened a Second Bestial Wrath. Now I'm ready for the Control Beast Hunter next expansion.
The art for all the cards they showed us today is really great in my opinion. The golden versions are awesome as well, I just wish they had put up larger images of them.
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