You say only one Dragon Deck Survived, but I swear I have seen every class pull a Dragon Deck on me in the last week. Dragon Hunter is still the oddest, I faced it several times. The Dragon Reno Warlock was not expected. The Dragon Rouge was apparently had a Malygos finisher (They managed to burn the card by mistake). The Dragon Mage also was going for the Malygos finisher, card showed up in a Joust. Dragon Paly did not get off the ground, it only managed to play Dragon Consort. Dragon Druid was some sort of Ramp deck, with Dragons. Dragon Warrior is basically what you would expect, Alexstrasza's Champion and Alexstrasza her self. I think that one's win condition was to assemble combo pieces to do 15 damage on our turn after Alex.
Actually, I take that back. There has been no Dragon Shamans. I have only faced Aggro face rush shaman, and blood lust shaman.
Unrelated, I need to see if I can retool my Warlock deck to do better against Tempo Mage. Its such a crappy match up for my current deck, the big issue is that Flame Waker is 4 HP, making it really hard to kill from hand on turn 3 or 4.