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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I wish Blizzard's approach wasn't to nerf a card so that it never sees the light of day. That's not how you keep the game fresh. Giving people options is what keeps the game fresh.

Then you leave cards like Divine Favor, Rockbiter/Doomhammer, Alex untouched. Send me some of whatever Ben Brode is blazin'


Leper Gnome dust away, it's a common you will get two of them eventually again.

Knife Juggler, I probably keep them other than extras, it's perfectly OP still.

Molten Giant doesn't need to cost 0 to be playable, I think it's still ok in the right deck. I don't think I touch them.

BGH, I have a lot of these, I only keep one.

Lore, I dust because they are golden. I don't think new lore is any good for any deck. Nourish is better now or azure drakes. They could at least increase the healing so that it had some purpose.

Blade Flurry, I have a lot of these too, maybe keep one, maybe. I don't know. It's like a infinitely worse shadowflame now and you play one of those tops.

keeper, I keep. It's ok.

owl, see leper gnome.

force, dust.

arcane golem, all dust, I have golden of these. 800 dust each!

mod, dust.


Unconfirmed Member
No Alextraza change. No Mountain Giant change. wtf Blizz.

Handlock and Freeze Mage will be dominant once again through all of standard with these changes. Handlock got hurt a bit by the Molten change, but Freeze Mage is basically untouched.

I wish they went a different direction with Force of Nature. IMO, Savage Roar is the real problem. The entire Druid class is constrained by Savage Roar. Now they have to design every druid minion around the fact that it can be Savage Roar'd for huge burst. Druid can only get dumpster tier charge minions, etc. Leaving Force alone and changing Savage Road makes way more sense, IMO.


So I'll be getting around 1500 dust off druid 900 off rouge (thank you golden rare) and another 1800-2000 off the neutrals.

I've never had so much dust.

I wonder what I will craft.

I wish divine favor was nerfed as I got a golden one yesterday.


Cult Apothecary isn't going to do jack against Freeze Mage and Aggro Shaman.

I am actually less concerned about Freeze Mage because you can super hard counter it. You can't actually hard counter Aggro Shaman all that well.

Meta might be the same stuff we have seen forever.

Freeze Mage beats the zoo minions based decks, CW counters Freeze Mage which brings in Handlock/Renolock to counter then but then people realize that you play Midrange Hunter to all of them and hope to get lucky against Aggro Shaman.

Could have a more dreadful meta than Wild in the future.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
game suddenly got good



The right choice for the expansion is going to be paladin. With big minions coming, keeper is king (or queen), enough self healing, and who doesn't want a light lord.


best deck in standard is somewhere between freeze mage and face shaman.

I was playing my taunt druid against the face shaman the other day, it's ridiculous how they cut through all those walls, hello earthshock! best silence in the game left unchecked.


It'll still be using BGH, 2 extra mana is a lot but it's still VALUE against big drops.

Edit: Wasn't Reynad going to quit if Juggler didn't get changed? I feel like it losing that 1 attack will be enough excuse for him to stay.


7900 dust incoming, pretty good

Would pass on all of that to prevent Flurry from getting warsonged. One of the two changes would have been a lot to stomach as this is literally the one card holding Rogue together at the fringes of the meta. It's actually mind-blowing how hard they're gutting this card, especially compared to the slap on the wrist something truly cancerous as Knife Juggler gets. Blizz straight-up despises combo decks even if nobody's playing them.



best deck in standard is somewhere between freeze mage and face shaman.

I was playing my taunt druid against the face shaman the other day, it's ridiculous how they cut through all those walls, hello earthshock! best silence in the game left unchecked.

Yup, face Shaman gonna run rampant. No Deathlords, no Belchers, no Healbots. They still have their Doomhammer+Rockbiter combo. Only card they are losing to Wild is Crackle. Best silence in the game, as you said.

"The Elements will destroy you."


The blade flurry nerf is buzzard levels of terrible. What the fuck were they thinking?

The rest of the nerfs are pretty good, but that one is just crazy. Just increase it's mana cost or make it only hit minions. There's absolutely no need to do both. What are you even supposed to run instead, fucking vanish?


ah yes and people thought they were going to remove effects from the game or make silence not affect taunt or some other insane shit.
I'm a little sad about leper gnome but everything else is pretty reasonable.
The only thing I think they could have nerfed that I'm selfishly glad they didn't was divine favor.
this nerf on blade flurry seems kinda lol and too brutal compared to the knife juggler nerf.. Knife juggler still is pretty powerful and they didn't really address it so idk what theyre thinking. Idk how I feel about that hunter mark nerf. I feel that was unnecessary. Also lol at the ancient of lore nerf. Pretty unplayable now as well as arcane golem.

i was never out though :(

you're out every month


I honestly like every single change, mainly because I'm glad to see a lot of deck types get ruined which means new decks have to rise from their ashes. Exciting new meta scramble ahead.
I like most of the changes too but I think not nerfing Alex, Divine Favor and Rockbiter plus Doomhammer is going to harm Blizzard and their new expansion.

Those new cards better be something crazy.


May contain jokes =>
Got golden millhouse from my brawl pack :(.

I just realized that the weekly brawl packs also serve as a buffer against getting current expansion legendaries due to the pity timer. Because I open a classic brawl pack each week, I'll most likely get pity legendaries I already have from classic. Not that this was the main reason packs stayed as rewards for brawls, but it's certainly a side effect they'd like.

Once I start spending gold again next week, it won't be quite as likely, but it'll still be a factor.

Has anybody tested whether or not the pity counter is used upon earning a pack vs when you actually open it? It would be difficult/expensive to test, but you could earn/buy 40 packs and then earn/buy another 40 of another type. Each type should have at least one legendary. If one type ended up with two and the other none, then it must be calculated when you actually open a pack.

Maybe I could just stop opening up the classic packs until I have everything I want from the current set.

That's not how it works, the pity timer is tracked per set.


Leper Gnome dust away, it's a common you will get two of them eventually again.

Knife Juggler, I probably keep them other than extras, it's perfectly OP still.

Molten Giant doesn't need to cost 0 to be playable, I think it's still ok in the right deck. I don't think I touch them.

BGH, I have a lot of these, I only keep one.

Lore, I dust because they are golden. I don't think new lore is any good for any deck. Nourish is better now or azure drakes. They could at least increase the healing so that it had some purpose.

Blade Flurry, I have a lot of these too, maybe keep one, maybe. I don't know. It's like a infinitely worse shadowflame now and you play one of those tops.

keeper, I keep. It's ok.

owl, see leper gnome.

force, dust.

arcane golem, all dust, I have golden of these. 800 dust each!

mod, dust.
Dust everything, if something turns out to stay viable you can just recraft it down the line and if it doesn't you'll be bummed that you missed out on the nerf week value.


BGH still has a home in Druid since their removal is pretty lame. But now the relative value of stuff like Assassinate and polymorph has increased.


Bottom line for me:

Ancient of Lore - Completely excessive nerf. A 6/5 body would be the minimum required to keep it in line. At 7 mana card wasn't as powerful as it was made out to be going into late game with awful removal options.
Force of Nature - Expected and necessary nerf.
Keeper of the Grove - Probably excessive, and unwelcome. 2/2 stats for a 4 cost, no matter the utility will be a hard compromise.
Ironbeak Owl - Misses the point, but OK. Still useful due to the beast tag I guess.
Big Game Hunter - This card should be gone. It's still limiting, but at 5 cost it will at least not be as pervasive.
Hunter’s Mark - Whatever. Probably future proofing more than anything. Decent change.
Blade Flurry - Absolutely murdered. They made the room for better weapons, so we want to see them now.
Knife Juggler - LOOOL way to miss the point. It's a nothing nerf.
Leper Gnome - Still powerful enough for a 1 cost minion. Will not miss the attack too much I reckon.
Arcane Golem - Good riddance. Almost worthless card now.
Molten Giant - Very welcome and the most interesting nerf of the bunch.
Master of Disguise - Limits the design space, so it was necessary.

Alexstraza and Divine Favor - where the fuck are their nerfs?

Blizzard gonna Blizzard.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I was fishing for some of the nerf cards so I bought 7 Classic Packs. No nerf cards. But I did get a Golden Sylvannas !! It's pretty nice. The other part is that this thing is worth like 4 epics. Gonna disenchant my FoN's for that good ole dust.


Only reason I can justify the blade flurry nerf is the class getting a good weapon or a new oil/poison thing.

if not then lol I wish I had a copy of the card to dust away
we've only seen half of the new cards who knows what happens to aggro shaman. losing crackle is pretty big for them and they can't run arcane golem as an alternative.

I just hope the blade flurry nerf indicates a good weapon or weapon spell in wispers. rogue is my favorite class and as it stands it doesn't have a viable deck post-nerf.


I honestly like every single change, mainly because I'm glad to see a lot of deck types get ruined which means new decks have to rise from their ashes. Exciting new meta scramble ahead.

You're a bad, bad person if you think Blade Fury deserved that. May god have mercy on your soul.
There is no deck I hate more in Hearthstone than freeze mage. I feel like I don't even get to play the game against them. I was optimistic for a better future and now there's nothing but sadness.
There better be a good rogue weapon in the new expansion. Honestly they should change Prep in some way rather than making every rogue spell cost way more than it's worth.


I can understand the Blade Flurry nerf even though I think it's excessive. What blows my mind though is that Blade Flurry was a higher priority to Blizzard than stuff like DF or Alex.


You're a bad, bad person if you think Blade Fury deserved that. May god have mercy on your soul.

I think just minions only would have been a good enough nerf, but, as people have pointed out before, it opens the way for way better rogue weapons. Out of all the weapon classes, it uses card weapons the least, mainly because weapon buffs > its own weapons.

What would be a reasonable nerf for alex? 10 mana? 15 health for both heroes? Reduce statline? 18 health?


BGH is probably still fringe playable, but a real tech choice. The beauty is that witht his card meganerfed, big creatures will return seeing play, but that will make BGH still playable despite the nerfs because of the more targets around.

Force of Nature is deceptively good now. Yes it's a completely different card and worse than before, but 12 stats for 5 mana on 3 bodies is extremely annoying. Play much better with token druid in general. I think it will see play. More susceptible to mass removal, but very hard to remove without.

Owl make no sense when spellbreaker exist tbh. Needed to be a 1/2 or a 3 mana 2/3. 1 less mana for 4 less stats make no sense.

Flurry got murdered to hell and back. I think with the no face part the card was perfectly fine at 2, somewhat playable at 3, but FOUR? Dunno. Rogue wasn't even that good and flurry wasn't a 2-of oftentimes because it's really awkward in multiples. I guess blizzard really hate people not winning with creatures.

Juggler is a good nerf. Can't trade most of the times but still do its thing.

Lore is completely dead. I have no idea why druid would play lore over Drake or anything, really. At least make Lore a 5/6 to give it some board presence? Instadust.

Keeper is now comparable to spellbreaker, but much more leveraged for control MUs. Could still see some play i think. It's not the worst card.

No idea why hunter's mark needed nerfing? But ok, it's still a decent card.

Gnome is a 2-3 damage nerf to most aggro lists. I think it's still a good card to play in face decks though. Comparable to sergeant , which however seems a bit better even in pure face lists.


Unconfirmed Member
The BGH nerf is really interesting. Using it as removal for big minions is not necessairly the most efficient anymore. Polymorph is 4 mana, Assasinate is 5, etc. A 4/2 body for 5 mana is really bad tempo, but probably still better than Assasinate right? But I think mage would prefer the Polymorph. Since the owl is so much worse now, why not run a Poly or two to handle big taunts and big minions all at once. Makes sense in my head at least.

Are people really happy with the Force change? I get that the card might still be playable, but why leave Savage Roar? It seems like they intentionally left a huge deisgn constraint on druid in favor of "WE HATE CHARGE". In a world without Savage Roar, the old is Force is a 6 mana fireball. Not at all a problem. Really weird decision.
I don't understand the calls for a nerf to Alex. I can think of like 30 more problematic cards.

no auctioneer nerf is good for rogue. if cthun slows down the meta enough and rogue gets at least one good card there might be hope.


7900 dust incoming, pretty good

Would pass on all of that to prevent Flurry from getting warsonged. One of the two changes would have been a lot to stomach as this is literally the one card holding Rogue together at the fringes of the meta. It's actually mind-blowing how hard they're gutting this card, especially compared to the slap on the wrist something truly cancerous as Knife Juggler gets. Blizz straight-up despises combo decks even if nobody's playing them.


Rather than celebrate my dust, I feel like I'm mourning the loss of a friend...wtf do they expect rogue to do?

"I expect you to die!"


look at the power level of weapons they've been printing since gvg. There isn't going to be anything worth a damn. They've been just getting increasingly hilarious in some cases.

Maybe they can print weapon buff spells but that's going to cost something over 1 mana obviously. Now you have to hero power, play that card and flurry to clear board. It's not any good. Look to shadowflame see how slow it can be in your hand and why you play hellfire instead. This is far worse than that, shadowflame is very strong later in the game.

There won't be a control rogue without good board clear. 4 rogue cards are left maybe they have something here, I'm not holding my breath. They have shown they don't have any problem leaving a class for dead for some months (years) until they figure out something. Dark Iron Skulker isn't a replacement.
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