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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Yeah, they nerfed cards that weren't a problem, and ignored cards that are universally known to be problems.

Looks like I can still make that Freeze Mage deck! :-D

I feel bad for the poster here that got a Golden Alex and was all excited for the dust. :(
All of the cards on the list were problems but some might not have been in the top 12.


May contain jokes =>
That legendary 5/9 should have been not targeted by anything. If it was literally impossible to deal with besides killing with minions or attacking into a non targeted secret the card may justify its cost.


So Molten Giant gets a nerf but Sea Giant doesn't??!???!???!?

In line with blizzards hate of control/combo and love of zoo.


Damn, the nerfs are real. I like most of them, interesting that Druid is the only class that got nerfed. Arcane Golem looks too bad now, the rest feels reasonable. Blade Flurry was unexpected but I can understand the explanation that the card limited possible new cards.
That legendary 5/9 should have been not targeted by anything. If it was literally impossible to deal with besides killing with minions or attacking into a non targeted secret the card may justify its cost.
Owl and Grove are and and Spellbreaker is too expensive to be as common as Owl ever was, the 5/9 isn't hindered by silence as much as it is by its mana cost.

Earth Shock is I think the only problematic silence left, which again, means aggro Shaman is gonna be a huge problem.
That's a bug fucking deal. That would bury most other cards into the ground. Some classes will probably forgo the card entirely now, because it became basically unplayable for tempo.
If the Old Gods become a considerable portion of the meta as Blizzard wants, tell me BGH won't still be in a huge number of decks.

Nah, a couple missteps aside, they did a pretty reasonable job IMO.
You think so? I think they completely lack a coherent design philosophy, and as such, these nerfs seem like misguided attempts at answers.

Nobody hates that card more than I do and I think that was more than appropriate. Instead of being a decent three drop that allowed you to play a bunch of other crap, it's a bad 5 drop that limits what you can play with it.

It's no longer going to be a consistent, game losing tempo swing.
To me, the card was about what's worth playing. I'll give you an example: when I first played Zoolock, I got one Sea Giant. Sweet! I put him in the deck. Then, consistently, I would play him in a match, and my opponent would play BGH. I realized it was better not to include Sea Giant in my deck at all than to include him, because up to then no one used BGH against me. There were no viable targets.

Will the new BGH make me want to include a heavy minion or two in a zoo deck? I think I'll avoid it still, because an insta-kill counter is just too much.

Not really. 0 mana spells shouldn't be the answer to giant taunts. This was on the lower end of the spectrum of what people wanted, but nobody should be surprised.
Well, Hunter doesn't have any other answers. :p

It does still hit face, it just costs 2 more mana. Tinkeroil is gone, I don't see why it needed a nerf at all.

Consecration and Holy Nova hitting face is perfectly fine.
I think all AoE should target only minions. Just be consistent with it.

Well, it's the worst card getting changed but we knew that it's ability had the potential to break the game if a card was introduced with the right ability.
Yeah, I'm okay with that one.

It's fair now.

"Draw 2 cards" is costed, on average, at 3 mana. In terms of how it was costed for it's stats, it was essentially a 4 mana 5-5 AND it had the malleability of being a heal instead of card draw.
You're right.

Nah, it has no business crushing early game on top of silence or doing 2 damage. Now it loses to 2 drops.
As a 4 drop, 2/2 and 2 damage is pretty odd.

This was actually more harsh than I expected, but I'm happy about that. A 1 drop that trades with half the two drops and clocks in 4-6 face damage is pretty gross. Now it's mostly about the deathrattle.
But how many decks will take a 1/1 with that purpose? That's a huge tempo loss for 2 face damage. I count on my Leper Gnomes trading with a lot of aggressive drops like Flame Imp.

It is kind of being passively nerfed with the loss of tokens.

Loss of tokens?


That awkward moment when you realize that you would still play a 5 mana BGH...

In our current meta, I probably wouldn't play BGH just to have a chance at killing Dr Boom but in this Old Gods meta I can certainly see myself using one BGH especially in Reno decks. But that all depends on the decks and if it's Aggro Shaman and Freeze Mage meta then no point in using BGH.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
T E M P O B O Y S talking about the changes right now LINK
4/2 that kills a huge minion for 5 is STILL amazing. The card should cost 7 or
not exist at all, which is preferable.

muster and implosion
But we're getting Against the Darkness and Wispers of the Old Gods. It might just combo at different mana points now instead of not being a combo. Plus, if Egg Druid becomes a thing with the new Force of Nature...

Let's be real, the game will be over before turn 9.

Tirion is the only problem, they can still run it for that or tech hunters mark or something
Why would the game be over before turn 9?

That awkward moment when you realize that you would still play a 5 mana BGH...

In our current meta, I probably wouldn't play BGH just to have a chance at killing Dr Boom but in this Old Gods meta I can certainly see myself using one BGH especially in Reno decks. But that all depends on the decks and if it's Aggro Shaman and Freeze Mage meta then no point in using BGH.
Right on. This is especially frustrating for me because I don't even care about the "OP" 7-attack cards. I just want to run Earth Elemental and Obsidian Destroyer in my decks because I think they're cool. :(

Freeze Mage, Handlock, Zoo, Aggro Shaman meta here we come.
Hey, two decks I own, and two decks I want to create!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If the Old Gods become a considerable portion of the meta as Blizzard wants, tell me BGH won't still be in a huge number of decks.

Classes that have solid removal and didnt stock up on all of them already will probably run their class removals instead, like Paladin and Rogue. Druid will probably still run it. Control Warrior might still run it.


Neo Member
You think so? I think they completely lack a coherent design philosophy, and as such, these nerfs seem like misguided attempts at answers.

I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Blizzard nerfed most of the cards that players expected to be nerfed. Alex and Divine Favor aside, they addressed a lot of concerns, such as Charge and burst from hand. BGH and Juggler could have arguably been nerfed more, but these changes are all mostly good for the game.

I also think it's too early to grab pitchforks against Flurry. Rogue has gotten crap from the most recent expansions, and Blizzard seems to be blaming this card for that. Let's see what they get in this next expansion, because it's very easy with just a couple of cards for Flurry to become just as bad as FoN + SR.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
People are looking at the Juggler change all wrong. The nerf is irrelevant in Wild where it will be used in combination with Muster and Implosion. But in standard, this change flat out murdered it as a viable 2 drop. Now it's a combo card for a later Turn.


People are looking at the Juggler change all wrong. The nerf is irrelevant in Wild where it will be used in combination with Muster and Implosion. But in standard, this change flat out murdered it as a viable 2 drop. Now it's a combo card for a later Turn.

Wasn't it always that? I always mulliganed it away and pretty much never dropped it on 2.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wasn't it always that? I always mulliganed it away and pretty much never dropped it on 2.

Juggler saw plenty of play in Classic and Naxx on Turn 2. It was in every zoo deck even without Implosion. Minibot really put the screws on it in GvG for Turn 2.


Classes that have solid removal and didnt stock up on all of them already will probably run their class removals instead, like Paladin and Rogue. Druid will probably still run it. Control Warrior might still run it.

Whether or not decks still play it isn't the point. The point is that when they play it, they don't essentially render your last turn a pass. They have to play a bad five drop to answer your card. Which means they don't impact the board state as well. It's a marginally better assassinate. It still might be worth playing, but it isn't game winning.

Also, it's now terrible to play out as a tempo card. In match-ups like Control Priest, you could just play it with other things or on curve to give some power to your board and maybe make a trade. At 5 mana, it's terrible in any situation where the battlecry doesn't have a target.


Wasn't it always that? I always mulliganed it away and pretty much never dropped it on 2.

The only exception to this is maybe where you coin minibot to protect it or secretkeeper into secret into coin juggler. In most other decks you're right though.
People are looking at the Juggler change all wrong. The nerf is irrelevant in Wild where it will be used in combination with Muster and Implosion. But in standard, this change flat out murdered it as a viable 2 drop. Now it's a combo card for a later Turn.

Reynad just masterfully described why it's a bad nerf on value town.
I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Blizzard nerfed most of the cards that players expected to be nerfed. Alex and Divine Favor aside, they addressed a lot of concerns, such as Charge and burst from hand. BGH and Juggler could have arguably been nerfed more, but these changes are all mostly good for the game.

I also think it's too early to grab pitchforks against Flurry. Rogue has gotten crap from the most recent expansions, and Blizzard seems to be blaming this card for that. Let's see what they get in this next expansion, because it's very easy with just a couple of cards for Flurry to become just as bad as FoN + SR.
I mean that Blizzard will say they want to kill OTK decks with no board presence one day, but then not only leave the only viable OTK deck alive in a nerf patch, but will also try to create a new OTK deck in the next expansion. It's just a sea of bullshit everywhere.

Reynad going off on KJ, and hes not wrong.

Going off on why a 1 damage reduction on KJ isn't what the issue was
Yeah, but everyone but Blizzard knows that.


I'm not sure what Reynad said (not watching), but I can't imagine it was any different than what was said here.

The problem with KJ is that it is cheap to put down and combo, and has an ongoing effect that makes it a priority to remove. Lowering the damage doesn't change a thing, so the card is essentially the same.

Just another example of Blizzard completely missing the point. I mean, it's a nerf, it's a worse card, but it doesn't matter.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
flame juggler is a problem? cmon reynad

Flame juggler can be really stupid. If the opponent board state is a 2/1 and you respond with a 2/3 that kills it, that is massive.

His overarching argument is more about RNG in the early game being bad since it's much more swingy, which I don't really disagree with.
Time to look up the deck recipe for Freeze Mage...I'm definitely spending that $50 on Classic packs now, haha.

Edit: Wow, I have everything but Archmage Antonidas, a second Ice Block, Bloodmage Thalnos (probably just replace him) and Alexstrasza. I had no idea I was so close to having the Freeze Mage deck completed...

Flame juggler can be really stupid. If the opponent board state is a 2/1 and you respond with a 2/3 that kills it, that is massive.

His overarching argument is more about RNG in the early game being bad since it's much more swingy, which I don't really disagree with.
I also think Flame Juggler + good proc is too good. Generally better than Knife Juggler when played on tempo.


Cliff notes, guys? Some of us are at work and can't watch.

He was describing how the rng at an early turn is more impact that it would be later on and how this card could mean the reason for winning or losing just from the beginning. He woul dhav ebeen fine if it were a 3/3/3 or a 2/1/3, but in reality all they had to do was switch from summoned to played. Noxious agreed
He was describing how the rng at an early turn is more impact that it would be later on and how this card could mean the reason for winning or losing just from the beginning. He woul dhav ebeen fine if it were a 3/3/3 or a 2/1/3, but in reality all they had to do was switch from summoned to played. Noxious agreed

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