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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Does everyone get C'thun btw?
Does everyone get C'thun btw?


As for me, I will play Arena for a couple weeks (after getting my quest packs and dusting my nerfed cards). I'll let the meta shake down a bit, then craft nice Shaman/Priest decks accordingly. I've got like 6,000 gold and 14,000 dust I think after dusting the nerfed cards so I can easily throw together some nice stuff.


C'thun Warrior v0


What do you think?


I think i'm going to try to make an evolve shaman and a dragon deck, though unsure of the class (either priest or paladin).
Oh also a pirate deck, probably warrior.
Maybe a cthun deck for every class possible.


I preordered the expansion last night and now all of my devices are stuck with the "authorizing transacation" swirl that won't go away. I have the receipt from amazon that the purchase went through but nothing in game. They still haven't fixed these issues from the numerous rollout problems we've had before? Should I open a ticket or wait?


Opening day is going to be slow again

Yeah, i'm not logging on til wednesday. Not gonna bother.

I still don't have a handful of important classic legendaries (jaraxxus, tirion, rag, alex), so I need to figure out which of those to craft based on which decks I want to play. I assume I won't need jaraxxus as i'll probably play whatever form of zoolock works. Tirion only if i make dragon paladin, where i'm sure it'll still fit. Alex maybe for freeze mage (replace mad scientists with shatter maybe?). Rag will probably be a must as I see him working in a lot of decks I wanna play.


My C'Thun Druid

The four slot is really hard in this deck.... maybe I could cut the Mire Keeper?

Raven Idol is ridiculous with Staghelm btw

Looks nice!

Though personally I would double down on the ramp and remove the twilight elders and C'thun's Chosen for 2x Ancient of War and another Mire Keeper or perhaps a Nourish.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Kinda need Nourish in this deck or some form of card draw. Otherwise looks good to me.

Yeah maybe I cut the Mire Keeper for a Nourish. I should have plenty of cards to play on 4, and Nourish would get me both the Ramp and some card draw into C'thun.


I'm actually really excited to see the arena people play on the first day. Want to see how the be cards and old cards go together in the arena


I'm actually really excited to see the arena people play on the first day. Want to see how the be cards and old cards go together in the arena

Would love if they do the early arena thing, but I have a feeling they won't since it means no cthun which is a big part of the expansion.

Curious what the tavern brawl will be next week, if it takes advantage of the new stuff or is another (possibly standard version of) crossroads/crazy mana brawl to try out the new cards for free.


Would love if they do the early arena thing, but I have a feeling they won't since it means no cthun which is a big part of the expansion.

Curious what the tavern brawl will be next week, if it takes advantage of the new stuff or is another (possibly standard version of) crossroads/crazy mana brawl to try out the new cards for free.

Would be cool if they planned ahead and make a zerus one. I'll hate it because he'll never be the right mana, but others will.


Would be cool if they planned ahead and make a zerus one. I'll hate it because he'll never be the right mana, but others will.

God yes, that'd be the best. Nothing but zerus and maybe evolve. Constantly transforming hand and board.

Just tried to make a shaman evolve deck and boyyyyyyy am i really bad at making decks. It's 100% a skill I don't have.


Kripp on Tuesday should be all kinds of laughs and salt with some of the combinations he'll see.

First stream after the set comes out is going to be hours (and hours) of pack openings on his 4 accounts, maybe build a couple of decks to try and get the free packs for winning in Standard, and almost certainly no arena.


sorcerers apprentice should really not make spells cost 0. I don't know why that flies under the radar. Any brawl with 1 cost spells makes it crazy good


Yeah that deck needs more Cthun buffers.

It's very difficult to play a Cthun deck as pure Control, you have to play it more Midrange style.


You can't just skip turn 4. I'd see what works best between C'Thun's Chosen/Tazdingo/Bloodhoof Brave and try out a one-of Arcane Reaper.

Crazed Worshipper is trash tbh.

Yeah turn 4 looked bad. But I'm not sure about the 4/2 DS card, feels like it'd need more taunt. Hard to fit everything in.


Heal Priest - Mid-Range/Control priest that uses reverse heals as a finisher.

---0s (4)
2x Circle of healing
2x Forbidden Shaping

---1s (6)
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Flash Heal
2x Power Word: Shield

---2s (2)
2x Embrace the Shadows

---3s (4)
2x Injured Blademaster
2x Shadow Word: Death

---4s (4)
2x Sacred Warrior
2x Auchenai Soul priest

---5s (6)
2x Darkshire Alchemist
2x Holy Nova
2x Corrupted Healbot

---6s (0)

---7s (1)
Prophet Velen

I have 27 cards in the deck. I probably need more early game. I also probably need more card draw. Loot hoarder is probably a good start for that slot. I will probably add 1 more legendary to round out the deck, probably Justicar Trueheart.

Forbidden Shaping offers the deck much needed ability to curve out. It also acts as late game finishers if I can't draw and start top decking.

The idea would be to barely fight for board control in the early game. Using Blademaster, Sacred Warrior or Auchenai on turn 3/4 to setup a must remove minion. Use holy nova or a circle combo to clear the board. Then use minions with healing to stabilize around turn 6.

Prophet Velen unlocks some straight up insane burst damage. 10 damage for 1 mana from Flash Heal. 16 damage from corrupted healbot.

What makes this deck possible now compared to before:
  • Embrace the Shadows is a 2 mana reverse heal, this opens a lot of combos for the healing cards and makes the effect more consistent.
  • Darkshire Alchemist is a 5 mana minion with a heal battlecry. An important turn. It comes after Auchenai which means the battle cry could act as 5 dmg removal.
  • Corrupted Healbot is a much stronger Zombie Chow. Chow very rarely could live long enough to see the effects of a reverse heal, but a larger minion often dies when you want it too. With 4 cards in the deck that trigger reverse healing, the combo is much more likely as well.
  • Sacred Warrior has been very good since its release. More healing means the card is even better.
  • Forbidden Shaping allows you to do something other combo decks can't, which is play a minion on curve more consistently. Often times it doesn't matter what it is, you just need something on the board to delay the game while you draw more cards.

This will be one of the first decks I hit standard with. Thoughts?


I think Black Knight is looking to be a very strong pocket card over Harrison for now.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to cycling him back into my CW deck. Sludge basically ruined the card but before that he was a Legendary I really enjoyed using.

Is it full on confirmed that the expansion is launching next week? Looking at about 5000 gold and w/ the 13 free packs I think it'll be more than enough to start out with. Also looking forward to D/Eing my golden BGH, gonna hold off a few weeks before I start crafting any legendaries though. Crafted Varian day one of last expansion and that ended up being a mistake.


gonna hold off a few weeks before I start crafting any legendaries though. Crafted Varian day one of last expansion and that ended up being a mistake.

Tell me about it! I crafted Mistcaller day one and I used him less than a day. :( Maybe he'll be good in this new Shaman dominant meta, though.

Once the refund for nerfs hit I'm going to have 30,000 dust so I'm not going to be too picky about what I craft. Between my 63 packs and 30K dust I'll try any deck that looks halfway decent.


trying to fit enough cthun cards + stuff warriors need like removal or weapons or something as simple as shield slam is tough. Warriors just dont feel right without a lot of the base card stuff


Tell me about it! I crafted Mistcaller day one and I used him less than a day. :( Maybe he'll be good in this new Shaman dominant meta, though.

Once the refund for nerfs hit I'm going to have 30,000 dust so I'm not going to be too picky about what I craft. Between my 63 packs and 30K dust I'll try any deck that looks halfway decent.

Yeah, I actually got Mistcaller from opening my initial packs and got pretty excited, but after a few days realized he was a bust. The other legendary I crafted day one was Justicar which thankfully worked out great.


Black Knight is only going to deal with half of twin emperor and the other half contests your 6 drop lol. It's worse than old BGH/Boom dynamic.

I'm not sure if it's even good to play it. Other classes don't really have access to OP taunts that are worth running other than Twin Emperor. I'm not sure one BK will change the game too much against druid's bullshit taunts lol.



Addled Grizzly 3 mana 2/2 After you summon a minion, give it +1/+1

I really like this card. Will open up possibilities for token druid, hobgoblin, egg and has even beast synergie. It is also not hard at all to get value from it, turn 4 Addled Grizzly + Living roots is 6/6 divided in 3 bodies (gets bodied by consecration though. You can trade mounted raptor or harvest golem and buff the drop. If it sticks for one turn it combos well with Mire Keeper for a 4/4 and a 3/3 in turn 4. Even turn 8 with original wisps for 6 minions with 2/2 is decent.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Thank god Druid got nerfed or it would have been crazy broken, some of the cards they got are insane. The fuck is that 6/5/7 taunt.

Less good than it looks, only marginally better than Sunwalker. It would be an okay neutral without the C'Thun buff. It fits what a C'Thun deck needs to do, though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Peléo;201634152 said:
Addled Grizzly 3 mana 2/2 After you summon a minion, give it +1/+1

It is kind of like Questing Adventurer but a little bit better for token decks. It's weak on curve.


A first pass at a Beast/Token Hunter.


All the Beast tokens synergize with Hunter's Mark, Infest, Ram Wrangler, Kill Command and Houndmaster. High value cards like Highmane and Call of the Wild hopefully allow me to out value my opponent. Infest and Tomb Spider (in addition to King's Elekk) ensure I don't run out of resources.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
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