I'm really tempted to pre-order the 50 packs. The only time I've spent money on this game was buying Naxx.
I'm really tempted to pre-order the 50 packs. The only time I've spent money on this game was buying Naxx.
They probably realize that Standard is pissing off way more people than they thought it would. Consolation prize to get people to try it out.What is up with this 13 free packs?
I didn't think they were being that generous.
What is up with this 13 free packs?
I didn't think they were being that generous.
I'm really tempted to pre-order the 50 packs. The only time I've spent money on this game was buying Naxx.
I just spent all my gold on classic packs hoping for dust value. Plus I'm lacking a lot of the classic cards so I was hoping to fill out the collection.I'm less tempted because I'm getting 13 free packs and will have enough for 20 more next week. 33 packs to start off with...seems like a good number, you know?
Such an it pheeny bo beeny
They probably realize that Standard is pissing off way more people than they thought it would. Consolation prize to get people to try it out.
I'm less tempted because I'm getting 13 free packs and will have enough for 20 more next week. 33 packs to start off with...seems like a good number, you know?
I feel like Yogg Saron exists only for Trolden.
I feel like Yogg Saron exists only for Trolden.
The alternative interpretation is that Blizzard said they really just wanted people to spend less money and had a surge of generosity. Which makes sense to you?Is it though?
Damn!I am right there with you. Expect by next week I should be able to get at least 56 or so packs with gold. I have not spent any in a long time. So it will be really close to 70 packs I think that should be a good start.
Fel Reaver worked in one specific Druid list, because it could be ramped out in an early turn before anyone was prepared to deal with an 8/8. On curve it was dead dead dead.
I already did it. I feel so dirty... but also so good.I'm really tempted to pre-order the 50 packs. The only time I've spent money on this game was buying Naxx.
With this new 'identity', might as well put a Sir Finely in your rogue decks because the hero power isn't very relevant now past the early game, not even that. you want to play stuff every turn, it's like a zoo deck. Getting lifetap or lesser heal against aggro is probably better than your own hero power. It's always going to be a worse zoo, you don't have a card that can get you back on board after losing it, the new deathrattle cards about random value in your hand and hardly on board and warlock has a new token card.
The other problem is that people that enjoyed playing that style of rogue aren't going to care about this style of play, it's like anti thesis to it. Amnesiac was on stream earlier with crane/justsaiyan/Laughing reviewing class cards and he was still hoping to play miracle in Blizzcon, not optimistic but hopeful still, he straight up said "I'm not going to play fucking raptor rogue". raptor rogue isn't even good, I'd say it's probably worse than miracle with gimped flurry.
you can play a minion heavy miracle deck, the kind that lifecoach plays. Amnesiac was thinking about that too, minion miracle he calls it, Essentially you out value your opponent out with gadgetzan and there is always coldblood conceal gimmick too. It doesn't sound that good but that deck does not rely on flurry finish. I don't think malygos version will be very good.
raptor zoo, I don't know, even if it becomes the best deck in the game, I'm just not very interested in playing the class like that even, it's not just about power level, it's boring.
Well, you will get at least 1 legendary, but it's probably The Boogeymonster.I did it, I broke
I pre-ordered the 50 pack with Amazon coin
I FEEL GREAT .... for now
Well, you will get at least 1 legendary, but it's probably The Boogeymonster.
Good luck using Mill without Healbot.If Rogue just becomes another class focused on curving out minions, that's going to be so disappointing. Maybe I'll play more Mill...
Damn it...Good luck using Mill without Healbot.
It's definitely not as bad as Hobgoblin, since most of the stuff is totally fine to play on its own. You just play your early drops and raptor whatever is on board. It's basically a higher curve Zoo deck.Raptor Rogue seems like it'll always be stuck in a similar place hobgoblin is. It's a deck that relies so much on tempo, but is completely worthless the 50% of the time you don't draw the curve you want.
The only way it becomes super good is if Rogue becomes super good, and people decide to tech in Raptor as a secondary win condition along side whatever super good other card Rogue gets.
The alternative interpretation is that Blizzard said they really just wanted people to spend less money and had a surge of generosity. Which makes sense to you?
As there appears to be a lack of weapons is there going to be less use of Harrison Jones in Standard? He was in my to-be-crafted list, but see him being a bit of a waste.
Marvelous, it was the last legendary I got out of a pack.I think Black Knight is looking to be a very strong pocket card over Harrison for now.
I have 3k saved up. That didn't take long at all so 43 packs should be alright
I should really still get around to buying blackrock but I haven't felt I need to yet.
Rogue hasn't been combo focused in quite a while. Oil definitely isn't played in that fashion and Rogue as a combo class is one of the lightest offenders. Warlock is a stronger charge combo class and Malygos Rogue doesn't stand above other classes that use him. But now a lot of things that make Rogue will go out the window with Blade Flurry. Working with a limited health pool that you tap into for removal while developing a more strategic board state is definitely more interest than 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 with no further thought."Curving out with minions is so dumb and uninteractive".
*wants to draw out the entire deck and OTK with some absurd bullshit burst combo in two turns*
Yeah okay.
Miracle Rogue is still the worst thing Hearthstone has ever had to suffer. Fucking Undertaker Hunter and Secret Paladin look in at awe at the bullshit of pre-nerf Rogue.
Who's got the most insightful set analysis out right now? I don't follow anyone Hearthstone related or know who's who.