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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Playing as Raptor Rogue since that was the closest to a Standard deck I had already. First game in Standard, facing Aggro Shaman that Evolves into Millhouse. I sap it. He plays it next turn which gives me the battle cry. Thistle Tea into Cold Blood. I play the Shadowcaster on my Azure. Play the new Azure, triple CB on the existing Azure, go face, Eviserate for 6. Felt good.


face shaman also still around, fucking no brain shit will never go away.

It's the best aggro deck in the game currently and aggro is never going away. It also completely punishes all the unrefined decks out there. Great time to be climbing the ladder.


Opened 53 preorder packs. Got booted a few times on mobile as the packs were blowing open. Got three legendaries – Huhu, Deathwing2, Boogeymonster.

Stormcrack x8
Carrion Grub x6
Shadow Strike x4
Mark of Y'Shaarj x5 reg x1 Golden
Servant of Yogg-Saron x2 (Rare)
Ravaging Ghoul x3
N'Zoth's First Mate x7
Ancient Shieldbearer x3 (Rare)
Hooded Acolyte x3
Tentacle of N'Zoth x5
Princess Huhuran (Legendary)
Southsea Squidface
Bloodsail Cultist (Rare)
Nerubian Prophet
Fiery Bat x5
Twilight Flamecaller x4
Forlorn Stalker x3 (Rare)
Grotesque Dragonhawk x4
Addled Grizzly x2 (Rare)
Bilefin Tidehunter x7
Spawn of N'Zoth
Duskboar x2
Darkshire Alchemist x7
A Light in the Darkness x6
On the Hunt x4
Squirming Tentacle x3
Crazed Worshipper (Epic)
Bloodhoof Brave x7
Darkshire Councilman x5
Shifting Shade x2 (Rare)
Psych-o-Tron x3
Zealous Initiate x5
Faceless Summoner x4
Am'gam Rager x2
Spreading Madness x2 (Rare)
Twilight Geomancer x6
C'Thun's Chosen x8
Cult Apothecary x5
Twilight Darkmender (Rare) (Golden)
Mire Keeper (Rare)
Thing from Below x2 (Rare)
Stand Against Darkness x5
Twilight Elder x4
Midnight Drake
Faceless Behemoth x3
Steward of Darkshire (Rare)
Flamewreathed Faceless x4
Master of Evolution x2 (Rare)
Infest x3 (Rare)
Power Word: Tentacles x2
Klaxxi Amber-Weaver x2 (Rare)
Forbidden Flame (Epic)
Deathwing, Dragonlord (Legendary)
Usher of Souls x4
Bog Creeper
Infested Wolf x2 (Rare)
Demented Frostcaller x2 (Rare)
Aberrant Berserker
Blood to Ichor x2 (Rare)
Bladed Cultist 1x reg 1x Golden
Primal Fusion x2
Nerubian Prophet x3
Eater of Secrets x2 (Rare)
Corrupted Healbot (Rare) x2 reg x1 Golden
Evolve (Rare)
Divine Strength 2x reg 1x Golden
Polluted Hoarder
Shadow Word: Horror x3 (Rare)
Shadowcaster (Epic)
Southsea Squidface x4
Blood Warriors (Epic)
Cult Sorcerer x2 (Rare)
Skeram Cultist (Rare)
Giant Sand Worm (Epic)
Silithid Swarmer x2 (Rare)
Darkshire Librarian x3 (Rare)
Feral Rage x4
Journey Below x2 (Rare)
Infested Tauren x3
Validated Doomsayer (Epic)
Evolved Kobold x2
Corrupted Seer (Rare)
The Boogeymonster (Legendary)
Eldritch Horror x2
Blood of the Ancient One (Epic)
Undercity Huckster x2 (Rare)
Dark Arakkoa x2
Forbidden Ancient (Epic)
Disciple of C’Thun (Rare) 1x Golden
Forbidden Shaping (Epic)


Won a game solely because of Call of the Wild.

Crafted another and put one more copy in my deck.


The new meta.


Won a game solely because of Call of the Wild.

Crafted another and put one more copy in my deck.

You playing the Beast token deck? I want to try it out but didn't unpack any Infested Wolfs and not sure I want to waste dust on a rare I will likely unpack eventually.


You playing the Beast token deck? I want to try it out but didn't unpack any Infested Wolfs and not sure I want to waste dust on a rare I will likely unpack eventually.
Playing around with that deck and Infested Wolf is pretty damn good. Honestly better than King's Elekk in that deck even though you really need King's Elekk too.


So you guys, C'thun reno warlock is pretty good.

1 each of the c'thun buffs + reno and jaraxus basically guarantees you're gonna drop the fattest c'thun.


Playing around with that deck and Infested Wolf is pretty damn good. Honestly better than King's Elekk in that deck even though you really need King's Elekk too.
What are you playing for 2 drops. I struggled with what to use when messing around with deck creation yesterday.

Would you mind posting the deck you're using?


What are you playing for 2 drops. I struggled with what to use when messing around with deck creation yesterday.

Would you mind posting the deck you're using?

Yeah, I felt like there weren't any great options in the 2-drop slot. Elekk is probably the best but it's really only a vanilla 3/2 that 33% of the time cycles itself. Not great, but could be worse, I suppose. Haunted Creeper would be perfect in the deck, alas.
So something I'm trying out that I didn't think about before with Paladin.

Do you guys think cards like Twilight Drake and Faceless Shambler will work with Warden of Darkshire? You summon them as x/1s before they change their stats. Trying to test it out right now to see how it works.

Fake Edit: Just did it and it works with Faceless Shambler. Kind of a cool interaction.


Yeah, I felt like there weren't any great options in the 2-drop slot. Elekk is probably the best but it's really only a vanilla 3/2 that 33% of the time cycles itself. Not great, but could be worse, I suppose. Haunted Creeper would be perfect in the deck, alas.

No Huge Toad?


Wow I got off really lucky compared to many people.

Golden Mukla
Mukla again
Princess Huhuran
And then at least ten other golden common-epic


Fuck off. 53 packs and I only got Princess Huhuran as a legendary. Three goldens, and all of them common. I'm buried in Flamewreathed Faceless and Duskboars, though.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I am salty.


Warrior C'Thun deck sucks pretty bad so far, funny enough I didn't even lose to aggro, lost to control warrior and dragon priest, but gonna need a lot of tweaking to make the deck viable. Card draw is a real problem so far. Cool mechanic though and nice to have a lot of new pieces to play around with.


78 packs, 3 legendaries.

Mukla, Tyrant (lol)
N'Zoth (not bad)
Deathwing, Dragonlord (fun times ahead!)

Better RNG than my TGT packs, that's for sure! Now to find out if I can actually get into a standard game.
Playing around with that deck and Infested Wolf is pretty damn good. Honestly better than King's Elekk in that deck even though you really need King's Elekk too.

i think im gonna make a hybrid hunter that tops out w/ the call of the wild. Think that'll be the new face hunter. I want to make a nzoth midrange hunter deck w/ wolves. Not sure if the stalker is gonna be worth the slot, gonna switch that out w/ carrion grub into houndmaster combo


What are you playing for 2 drops. I struggled with what to use when messing around with deck creation yesterday.

Would you mind posting the deck you're using?
I use King's Elekk and Huge Toad. Then a couple of secrets.

Hunter's Mark
2x Fiery Bat
2x King's Elekk
2x Huge Toad
2x Quick Shot
1x Bear Trap
1x Snake trap
2x Eaglehorn
2x Animal Companoin
2x Kill Command
2x Unleash Hounds
1x Houndmaster
2x Infested Wolf
1x Tomb Spider
1x Cult Master
1x Ram Wrangler
1x Huhuran (just for testing, not supposed to be in deck)
2x Highmane
2x Animal Companion


Been playing Zoo in Standard. This card is already insane, so easy to buff, snowballs so quickly. I love it:


Amazing synergie with Forbidden Ritual as well (summon 1/1 tentacles for each mana crystal).


Any Zoolocks got a good replacement for Implosion? Seems like Forbidden ritual is also pretty good (Knife juggler isn't going anywhere for a while lol)

Hes a good legendary though

lol that's true I guess, my pity meter also probly throbbing right now, hopefully those 10 extra packs will be fruitful
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