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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Double god pack!


Got this, Xaril, and Mukla out of my 53.


Right now I am rolling a Reno Rogue with Yogg, N'Zoth and C'thun. Lots of fun. Shadow Step and shadowcaster work well with Reno


Thistle Tea is also nice
N'zoth is everything I dreamed he would be! I am almost always going to see him drop at least 3 guys next to him.

I love him

Every time I get him on the board it's GG, even if he only pulls a bunch of my little guys and one infected wolf

If I manage to get highmane and sylvie, lol

Once grabbed deathwing with sylvanas and dropped Nzoth, that was my favorite game so far


62 packs opened:

21 packs in, Golden Deathwing, Dragonlord.

2 packs later, Ragnaros, Lightlord.

19 packs left, Anomalus.

So basically 1 every 20. Not bad!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Bloodhoof Brave actually seems pretty cool. I've seen it give pause to a lot of people, like they really aren't sure how to kill it. I was up against a zoo deck and he used PO on an Imp Gang Boss to kill it. I was like "that'll do".


I like playing C'thun priest, but I think investing the 1600 to craft the Twin Emps is probably not going to be worth it. If Blizz sticks to the two expansions / one adventure cycle, then we probably have another adventure coming in about 3 months. I doubt that it will contribute anything extra to the C'thun archtype, so I see C'thun being a One Set Wonder. All of the class legendaries and other Old Gods will probably only get stronger (especially Priest and N'Zoth), but C'thun will probably be relegated to OG OLD GOD once the new cards hit.

In a way, I love that there's no more stale-ass BS in the early game with Naxx and GxG rotating out, but I hate that I'm not considering how long cards will be viable (how many sets / how many years) when crafting. It means that I probably won't buy any more TGT packs, nor ever get a Saarad or Paletress (or craft Twin Emps.)

I love him

Every time I get him on the board it's GG, even if he only pulls a bunch of my little guys and one infected wolf

If I manage to get highmane and sylvie, lol

Man, you guys are KILLING ME! I'm so on the fence about crafting N'Zoth!
My favorite thing to do is Call of the Wild into Nzoth, because Call demands to be dealt with and tends to clear out much of the board then BAM. A big chunky dude and 6 deathrattles


i threw together a sad totem/face/whatever shaman to try to will my way to five wins quest. Part of that willing was a double rockbiter doomhammer and sometimes it doesn't matter what else you have. Still need to craft two feral spirits.
God Master of Evolution is disgusting. Just evolved my Jeweled Scarab into an Addled Grizzly that buffed the MoE. Priest had to use Shadow Word: Death on it then I played Tuskarr Totemic lol.

I already had a mage use faceless summoner to do that combo. His summoner became a 6/6 and was out of range of my shadowstrike as a result. I also played it poorly.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Feels sooooo weird having like 9 health against a druid and still winning
15 packs in, Yogg Saron get.

Also all these Gold cards, I feel like a baller tonight.


Evolution and Master of Evolution get too. Keep 'em coming Blizz!


Yep, Master of Evolution is disgusting. Just 'healed' my Thing from Below into a Chillmaw against Zoolock. Was holding an Azure Drake too, lol.


So what are the C'Thun pieces worth running? The 3/4? The 3/6 taunt? I got a golden 7/6 as well.

Depends on what class you're playing.

I feel like the 2/3 2-drop and 2/1 3-drop are auto-includes. After that, the 3/4 is a solid drop. I think the 4/2 4-drop is OK. The 4-drop slot is pretty heavy for Priest, but it seems like a decent minion though it rarely stays on the board long.

I feel like the 7/6 is too slow, since you typically want to be getting your power cards at that point.
Dog saying Sylvanas is so good now it should go in every deck, makes me want to choose her as my one legendary I can craft, might give me more value than twin emp?
Yeah, I think Nerubian Prophet is a must have in midrange Shaman now. I don't know if you run 1 or 2 but playing it on turn 3 then trading into something and evolving it on turn 4 is one of the most disgusting combos in the entire game.


Maaan, ignorance is bliss.
I was enjoying my Rag / Xaril pulls, when my friend came over to show me his new golden Twin Emps and Shaman Legendaries.....Sheeeeit

Dog saying Sylvanas is so good now it should go in every deck, makes me want to choose her as my one legendary I can craft, might give me more value than twin emp?

If you're maining C'thun, then Twin Emps is probably more useful.
C'thun killing Sylvanas seems pretty good though.

If you're looking to play a wide range of mid / control decks, then Sylvanas. She's not going to save you from the Shamarmaggedon though.

Syl is probably my most used legendary. The only complaint I have about her is that Kel is now out of standard so I can't do Sylly shenanigans.
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