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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


After 66 packs I got 6 legendaries:
2x Fandral Staghelm
Nat, the Darkfisher

Haven't even done the quest packs yet, but so far I can't complain.


Yeah I'm running out of steam for Card draw in C'thun decks, even though I am drawing him and winning. Any suggestions

I'm running 2 sprints, 1 loot hoarder, 1 azure drake, 1 fan of knives in mine. Also use Sir finley to get either warrior/lock power. Gone with warrior both times i've used him, helps stall.
I'm running 2 sprints, 1 loot hoarder, 1 azure drake, 1 fan of knives in mine. Also use Sir finley to get either warrior/lock power. Gone with warrior both times i've used him, helps stall.

Yeah I'm using Druid and I have azure drakes, wrath, wild growth and nourish but i'm running out of steam. How is Rogue compared to Druid

Every c'thun deck i face runs out as well, seems we trade card draw for board control and a powerful core. I've won 4 games in a row but that doesnt mean much when everyone is doing whatever


Corporate Apologist
I'm doing pretty good with this so far, 6-2:

Rallying Blade is really good so far.


Yeah I'm using Druid and I have azure drakes, wrath, wild growth and nourish but i'm running out of steam. How is Rogue compared to Druid

Shadowstep has been great in it so far. I have blade of c'thun who has been doing work, and don't mind shadowstepping him either. Haven't tried druid yet though.

Edit: guess I shouldn't have logged out to let out the dogs and grab food, sprites keeping me from launching now lol
Shadowstep has been great in it so far. I have blade of c'thun who has been doing work, and don't mind shadowstepping him either. Haven't tried druid yet though.

Xaril also works out well. As it happens those spells are great for combos when nobody else has spare parts.

Really though you just need to stall.

Blade + shadowstep into brann + blade is super powerful.


Unconfirmed Member
Aggro Shaman, Midrange Shaman, and C'thun Druid bounces back and forth between looking unbeatable and looking pathetic so drastically. I can't tell if it's variance in draws or variance in deck building or what.

That's mostly the only decks I've seen today after a ton of playing. One divine shield paladin did beat me.
Opened 53 packs
one legendary
my luck knows no bounds

On the bright side I'm close to triggering the pity legendary.

It was Rag though. I have a really hard time pulling legendaries but at least they've all been pretty good(Antonidas, Justicar, arguably Krush).


After a couple more matchs of Reno C'Zoo I've gotten some sick reno heals to fend off aggro. Lots of aggro druids oddly enough. My biggest reno heal was 24. and the whole time I'm just building my C'Thun. I crafted the Emporers to go in my deck too. Pretty solid.


lol yogg is too funny. Playing a Shaman, he played Yogg as a last ditch come back, the first spell was deal 5 damage to an enemy minion, which hit my sylvanis which stole his yogg and then the rest of the spells were cast by me. Tried to click my shadowcaster on the Yogg but he conceded before I even moved my mouse.


After 5 hours of play, initial impressions of the expansion:

*Shaman dominating all across the board. Both in aggro playstyle and midrange playstyle.

*Evolve deck is all sorts of BS and no one has even bothered to refine it. Reminds me of Secret Paladin when it first came out. It's very easy to get value off of Evolve and there a lot of cheap, high stat minions that Shaman can play to get a massive board.

*A lot of pros are going to eat cross on that Shaman weapon but not only is it not bad... it's actually damage good especially in the Evolve deck.

*Faceless whatever his face makes me glad Blizzard didn't nerf BGH's text because that card unanswered is GG. BGH is the one thing controlling it at the moment.

*A lot of people online are playing Cthun decks with mixed results. However, you should be aware of this Cthun meta: Don't play 2 HP minions if you don't have to, everyone is playing Disciple of Cthun and it snipes your stuff. Have something to deal with the 3/4 because that is surprisingly hard to take care of and don't worry about burning a bunch of cards to kill the Twin Emperors because that's usually their win condition.

*Call of the Wild is ridiculous, 'nuff said.

*Probably a good idea to have a Black Knight in your deck just to stomp on the Cthun Druids.

*Infested Wolf is the linchpin of every single non face Hunter deck. Card is a staple.

*A lot of random ping stuff all over that is piling up on the RNG with Flame Juggler being the biggest culprit.

*Any Cthun deck not having cards that get buffed due to Cthun aren't good. Those cards are what make these decks playable. Druid and Priest seem like forerunners, a lot of people are trying Cthun Warrior but it's not impressive. God Curve Cthun Druid is unstoppable.

*A ton of weird bugs in the game.

*There might be something to this Divine Shield Paladin deck. I played it a couple of times and it felt pretty strong though I feel like Warrior can counter it easily with a bunch of 1 damage AOEs.
This is my current deck -


Thinking about Loot Hoarders instead of Darnassus Aspirant and a Crazed Worshipper over the Combatant.

I keep tweaking it but it works so far. Easy wins.


Corporate Apologist
Bullshit. One of my Murloc tokens didn't get buffed by Steward of Darkshire because of my Warleader. Blizard plz fix.


Well, second legendary was Herald Volazj. I suppose this is when I try to see if it's as bad as everyone says.

That pack also had a golden Master of Evolution. Oh boy, Shaman is so going to be my main class.


Is there a reason why I can't edit my new warrior deck? I can open up all my other decks just fine, but clicking that one does nothing. I'm getting tired of remaking it every time I want to change a card...

Google search didn't help at all. :/


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Crafted golden Twin Emperor Vek'lor.

My packs, thanks Smooth_Operator ala Gegz from tuning in and HYPING UP DEM CARDS!

Fandral Staghelm
Princess Huhuran
Cho'gall x2
Shifter Zerus
and C'thun (obviously)

Good shit! No duplicate except Cho'gall and overall mid/high-tier legendaries, happy about it!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Bout to open my packs. Pre-release I put together a hunter deck since it looks like it'll be insane, hopefully I pull the legendary or atleast 2 call of the wilds.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Cards (non-legendaries) that I didn't get:

Giant Sand Worm
Forbidden Healing
Selfless Hero
Hammer of Twilight
Renounce Darkness
Faceless Shambler
Validated Doomsayer
Ancient Harbringer
Scaled Nightmare

(for future reference)


Don't have all the pieces but im doing really well on C'Thun priest.

What have you been running? I've been playing with the recipe--minus the Twins. I feel like Disciple and Injured compete for the 3 slot and that I'm having more trouble with aggro so swapping BM or the 3/6 4-drop for ASP or Wild Pyros. Pyro / Northshire shenanigans could help us reach C'thun more quickly as well.

No Lightbomb sucks.
Opened 23 packs so far, keeping the rest (30) for tomorrow. 1 legendary - Hogger, Doom of Elwynn.

Got 5 golden cards, though... Evolved Kobold, Ravaging Ghoul, Squirming Tentacle, Feral Rage, Twilight Elder. Also got some of those Shaman cards that people have been talking about, so I guess I'm finally playing a Shammy deck sometime.
Crafted golden Twin Emperor Vek'lor.

My packs, thanks Smooth_Operator ala Gegz from tuning in and HYPING UP DEM CARDS!

Fandral Staghelm
Princess Huhuran
Cho'gall x2
Shifter Zerus
and C'thun (obviously)

Good shit! No duplicate except Cho'gall and overall mid/high-tier legendaries, happy about it!

Was really fun bro', anytime !

I'm trying to build a rogue deck for my daily quest, that's harsh, i almost never played Rogue :x


This is my current deck -

**C'thun Druid**

Thinking about Loot Hoarders instead of Darnassus Aspirant and a Crazed Worshipper over the Combatant.

I keep tweaking it but it works so far. Easy wins.

Here is my list:

C'thun Druid

It has been working quite well. I haven't opened/cracked Twin Emps yet, but have still been doing well without him.


Preorder pack haul + free packs. 53 packs = one legendary. The warrior one that gives you the random weapon when played.

Bought 50 more got Yogg, which I already put in a deck to hilarious results. I love this card.
Twin Emps seriously pisses me off because there's no way Blizzard didn't look at it and know it was completely broken yet they let it go anyway to appeal to their C'Thun bullshit.
I wonder what Blizz plans to do if Shaman completely dominates the meta so hard that a lot of people complain and give up on ranked. I'm guessing they do nothing for a year again, which is fine by me I'll just play Arena instead I guess.


So I opened 5 basic packs and I got Cho in the first one, then I opened 35 WTOG packs and got 0 legendaries.

Fucking lame. I don't even want to use my ~9k dust to craft anything. Even when I'm not playing this game makes me salty as fuck. It happened with TGT too. I preordered the packs and bought a bunch more. Got more legendaries from the classic packs I opened even though, again, they were way less.


Uggggghhhhhh first sight of Yogg and it saves a mage at 5 health by utterly clearing my board of 2 totems, a 3/3 windfury, a 5/5 taunt, and two 2/3 feral spirit wolves while leaving him with a 10/7 buffed Yogg.

Sure 9 times out of 10 that won't win him the game like that but holy crap. 0/1 in shit Yogg RNG deciding games RNG has no business deciding for me.


in 15 games I have faced mostly cthun decks and have not seen c'thun played yet. My crappy midrange hunter deck that I was using before the expansion is doing great at rank 9.

EDIT: also fuck c'thun druid and their 9000+ huge taunt minions.
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