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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Is it worth it to run the new overload killer? A lot of the new cards seem high enough tempo even with overload that it might be fine without it.


The 7/7 dude is legit, yes. There are not good removals for it, it generally means you win or they have to spend their turn or board removing it. I think that's good in a card. if you plan your curve, overload isn't a big deal. I play a copy that new 2 drop too. It's been fine, I'm yet to get punished for playing that dude, actually coining it out makes a lot of sense.


ok I got rekt by this warrior guy, buffing gorehowl with the pirates is pretty broken. Weapon removal is a must in this meta.
Playing against C'Thun decks makes me not want to play any of them. Not only they look really boring, they are really helpless against tempo decks. You're playing mostly vanilla bodies that lose you tempo against non C'Thun cards. Only 1-2 of them are positive tempo, it's not enough. Yeah, Emperor and the Disciple are good. Druid has that 4 drop but it's really hard for it to come on turn 4. The taunt one is strong, but if you're behind it's not going to help.

I'm not impressed at all, like druid looks like the best one on paper and it gets crushed very easily. The lists will get better better but it's not like there is much room for card decision in these decks, it's almost prebuilt

All of these cultists have really annoying voices too...
The 2/1 pinger for 3 is the worst.




Playing against C'Thun decks makes me not want to play any of them. Not only they look really boring, they are really helpless against tempo decks. You're playing mostly vanilla bodies that lose you tempo against non C'Thun cards. Only 1-2 of them are positive tempo, it's not enough. Yeah, Emperor and the Disciple are good. Druid has that 4 drop but it's really hard for it to come on turn 4. The taunt one is strong, but if you're behind it's not going to help.

I'm not impressed at all, like druid looks like the best one on paper and it gets crushed very easily. The lists will get better better but it's not like there is much room for card decision in these decks, it's almost prebuilt

All of these cultists have really annoying voices too...
C'Thun looking like a precon (and playing about as well as one) is almost certainly by design.


After a couple more matchs of Reno C'Zoo I've gotten some sick reno heals to fend off aggro. Lots of aggro druids oddly enough. My biggest reno heal was 24. and the whole time I'm just building my C'Thun. I crafted the Emporers to go in my deck too. Pretty solid.

What are you running?


Corporate Apologist
New Paladin cards are really good, it makes him an amazing token class. I think the only card that tends to be a bit unwieldy is Selfless hero.


Got Yogg casted on me for the first time. He gave my Hallazeal a Divine Shield, gave Cold Blood to one of my totems, and Holy Smited himself. Good stuff.


I wonder how Wild is looking with these new cards, the thought of it is terrifying...

Also from my last game
"That's Incredible"


Shaman kind of has the advantage against C'thun decks because even if you're behind on the fated turn, you're pretty much free to flood the board with 2 health totems to soak up a lot of C'thun's bullets, then you just Hex him because lol. Anything that's left on your board is free for an Evolve, too.
It's weird, c'thun decks don't feel crazy strong so far but they've been really boring to play against. It feels like playing vs a good minion-only arena deck.


Well out of 112 packs:

Golden Deathwing
Golden Shifter Zerus
The Boogeymonster

Pretty damn stoked, only one dupe.


Time to try to do my Paladin daily with Blizzard's assured to be excellent deck.

I'll report back on how many tries in Casual this takes.


No golden legendary, but up to 63 packs now including the 10 bonus quest ones, my last card of my last bonus pack got me the Twin Emperors, one of the ones i was going to craft.

63 packs, 3 legendaries, N'Zoth, Hogger of Tentacles, and now Twin Emps. Just need the druid and shaman legendaries...but that's a good three.

I evolved a board of bad totems against a priest and got darnassus, the 4/3 demon girl, another 7/7 flamereath from the there mana bringer of totem fish. It got mostly wiped to the 3 damage to the board spell, but was fun.

Renolock without C'Thun doesn't seem too good against Renolock with C'Thun, but i didn't have any kill cards when it landed.


What are you running?

8/3 or 9/3 I forget. It might be too heavy with the doomcaller in there, but it's nice having yet another fat body when you're dragging the game out with reno/jarraxus.

bilefin and lance carrier are probably the weakest early game cards, but they have really good synergy with the darkshire councilman.

The other one I'm not sure about is the ancient brewmaster... it's pretty good with the cthun cards and the taunts, but it's a pretty good way to lose a lot of tempo too.

Anybody have suggestions?
Well, here's the deck I ran most of the night. Didn't track stats or anything but it was pretty successful. Not sure what, if anything, I'll end up changing.

It does pretty well against C'Thun decks too. They need a really good draw to slow you down.

i think right now a lot of these cthun decks are running cthun minions and trying to play a tempo game when they really can't. Gotta go for the long game with a control style. yet to lose to a cthun deck, but I did lose to a mage that had the nuts with cabalist tome and spell slinger. Could not do anything against all those frostbolts


N'Zoth Rogue is doing really well against C'Thun decks- the deathrattle coin dudes mean you can beat a C'thun to the punch and get a board to soak.
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