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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


54 packs, 4 legendaries (though one is Nat Darkfisher, seems like hot garbage). Way better than my TGT turnout of no legendaries in over 50 packs. And I finally got my first golden legendary, playing every day since beta!

And then I got a second


While everyone is on Rogue stuff I literally laughed out loud at the undercity huckster's quotes. His playing quote was ok, "Hey, hey... wanna buy a... funnel cake?" But I wasn't expecting his attack quote, "BUY ONE!!"


My EU packs were horrible.

from over 50 packs I got 1 legendary, Ragnaros, and only a single golden epic, wisps...

I didn't get a single shaman rare, wtf game.
115 or so packs, got 8 legendaries and 23 or so epics I feel pretty good about that. No golden ones, but plenty of gold epics, rares, and commons.

I got like 40 pirate cards though...

Now at 5K dust and 1.2k gold. Good start to this year of standard.
I know it's early but things haven't seemed to slow down much. I feel like most of my games so far have been decided well before an old god could be dropped.


After 5 hours of play, initial impressions of the expansion:

*Shaman dominating all across the board. Both in aggro playstyle and midrange playstyle.

*Evolve deck is all sorts of BS and no one has even bothered to refine it. Reminds me of Secret Paladin when it first came out. It's very easy to get value off of Evolve and there a lot of cheap, high stat minions that Shaman can play to get a massive board.

*A lot of pros are going to eat cross on that Shaman weapon but not only is it not bad... it's actually damage good especially in the Evolve deck.

*Faceless whatever his face makes me glad Blizzard didn't nerf BGH's text because that card unanswered is GG. BGH is the one thing controlling it at the moment.

*A lot of people online are playing Cthun decks with mixed results. However, you should be aware of this Cthun meta: Don't play 2 HP minions if you don't have to, everyone is playing Disciple of Cthun and it snipes your stuff. Have something to deal with the 3/4 because that is surprisingly hard to take care of and don't worry about burning a bunch of cards to kill the Twin Emperors because that's usually their win condition.

*Call of the Wild is ridiculous, 'nuff said.

*Probably a good idea to have a Black Knight in your deck just to stomp on the Cthun Druids.

*Infested Wolf is the linchpin of every single non face Hunter deck. Card is a staple.

*A lot of random ping stuff all over that is piling up on the RNG with Flame Juggler being the biggest culprit.

*Any Cthun deck not having cards that get buffed due to Cthun aren't good. Those cards are what make these decks playable. Druid and Priest seem like forerunners, a lot of people are trying Cthun Warrior but it's not impressive. God Curve Cthun Druid is unstoppable.

*A ton of weird bugs in the game.

*There might be something to this Divine Shield Paladin deck. I played it a couple of times and it felt pretty strong though I feel like Warrior can counter it easily with a bunch of 1 damage AOEs.

Just remember how many people wanted BGH to only kill dragons, or only do some damage to thing over 7.


Corporate Apologist
This is actually pretty typical for this deck:

I wish Stand Against Darkness was a 4 mana summon 4 dudes card. I often don't have enough space for all 5 dudes.


Divine Murlocadin is a pretty fun deck. It helps with Aggro Murloc's problem of being easy to remove and having Keeper to deal with taunts is so amazing. I Keeper'd an Ancient of War last game, it felt so dirty.


So I was playing against this C'Thun warrior, first C'Thun deck played against which got to play his entire deck thanks to shieldbearers. I hex'd his C'Thun and he played Doomcaller next...


he drew his last card and there was an awkward pause there.... no C'Thun for you bro. lol I was waiting for that moment, pretty sure he didn't expect it.

Shaman is ridiculous, I pretty much just put 30 class cards in and it just destroys everything.


What's funny is I'm trying to do all this fancy card slinging to get wins and my opponents are doing some very effective but simple face bashing


Playing against C'Thun decks makes me not want to play any of them. Not only they look really boring, they are really helpless against tempo decks. You're playing mostly vanilla bodies that lose you tempo against non C'Thun cards. Only 1-2 of them are positive tempo, it's not enough. Yeah, Emperor and the Disciple are good. Druid has that 4 drop but it's really hard for it to come on turn 4. The taunt one is strong, but if you're behind it's not going to help.

I'm not impressed at all, like druid looks like the best one on paper and it gets crushed very easily. The lists will get better better but it's not like there is much room for card decision in these decks, it's almost prebuilt

All of these cultists have really annoying voices too...
Yelped when I got this golden Ragnaros, Lightlord. Hoping to find a spot for him in a paladin deck. Other legendaries I got in 100 packs:

- Xaril, Poisoned Mind
- Nat, Darkfisher (bleh)
- Anomalus (bleh again I think)

Gonna finish off my free pack quests, then hopefully craft:

- Call of the Wild x2
- Yogg-Saron
- Twin Emperor Vek'lor
- Cabalist Tome x2


I have about 2000 dust, I wonder if I should craft Hallazeal or try to craft the pieces for an evolve deck.

Edit: Got to rank 13 with my aggro shaman, started at like 23. This deck is filthy


Playing against C'Thun decks makes me not want to play any of them. Not only they look really boring, they are really helpless against tempo decks. You're playing mostly vanilla bodies that lose you tempo against non C'Thun cards. Only 1-2 of them are positive tempo, it's not enough. Yeah, Emperor and the Disciple are good. Druid has that 4 drop but it's really hard for it to come on turn 4. The taunt one is strong, but if you're behind it's not going to help.

I'm not impressed at all, like druid looks like the best one on paper and it gets crushed very easily. The lists will get better better but it's not like there is much room for card decision in these decks, it's almost prebuilt

All of these cultists have really annoying voices too...

the less boring variant maybe Super Control Priest that no one bothered to try so far, if its viable of course

Yogg is the superior gawd so far, at least he made so many people laugh

N'zoth also legit


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Wow. Traded with fire ele, used master of evolution mainly to heal, then used evolve and got a fucking tirion.

I don't even think I made a good deck but jesus these cards are nasty.


I so confused what to play for pack quest because I'm not pre-ordering pack, and all my deck dead

So didn't want to craft Doomhammer tho


Unconfirmed Member
Yogg just won me a game I was going to lose. Not by some spectacular combo but by doing a single Brawl that the Yogg won.

Still testing out Yogg as a card you only play in case of emergencies. It's probably not good overall but I don't want to give up on it yet.


I haven't had a single quick game, everything ends in suffocation and beyond even, I'm not sure I like this.

Yeah everything is insane control for me. MId-Range Shaman is strong, but a lot of control decks are wiping the floor with me. I actually do really good against aggro and other mid range decks.


I have seen Yogg 3 time so far while playing against mage decks, each time he basically did fuck all.

So far I'm 7-2 with a Tempo-Yogg deck and I have 4 good or even results to 1 bad one. He's obviously a giant risk, but I still think he's more likely to work in your favor.

This was 5 minutes ago. Call of the Wild/Bloodlust lethal.

I have seen Yogg 3 time so far while playing against mage decks, each time he basically did fuck all.

This happened to me earlier, first time I saw Yogg and was ready for the party. He did like three buff spells, a couple of spells that did nothing, then turned his minion into a frog.

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