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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Got pretty good stuff with my 53 packs.

Shifter Zerus
Princess Huhuran
Y'Shaarj and Golden Deathwing


Unconfirmed Member
I have discovered the undiscovered op deck, and it is Y'Shaarj Druid


Why you play Naga (because you can't always use innervate)

Overkilling aggro shaman (in earlier deck version)

More or less, just survive to turn 10, and then put a billion high stat minions on the field. Naga or Aviana + Y'Shaarj + at worst a Mire Keeper is 18-18 of well distributed stats, with a extremely good chance for more. That alone is enough to threaten 2 turn lethal if they can't deal with all of it.

Yogg is there because you have to rely on spells to make it so Y'Shaarj can't whiff on a crappy minion, so you tend to get plenty of spells in time for yogg just on your way of trying to play big minions. From there it's a get out of jail free card. Play it when you've lost because you have no cards or the enemy has lethal on board and you can sometimes win games you have no business winning. At worst it's a dead card when you're winning, but this deck snowballs like crazy anyway.

5 wins 0 losses at rank 6 and 5 on this latest iteration of adding Ironbark Protectors.

Only problem is it sucks against Paladin's equality, which you can sometimes weather through with enough resources to rebuild that crazy board multiple times and Tempo Mages beat down which is probably unbeatable unless they draw bad.
The deathrattle one?

Is that standard or wild? Because of old murk eye

yo man, share that malyrogue list.

I've been updating my weenie aggro paladin list. Right now against cthun decks divine favor was not doing much, so I dropped one for a wolfrider. Also dropped seahand for argent squire and one stand against darkness for the 2nd wolfrider


Blizzard's Dragon Paladin worked well for me today.

Throwing it out there for frugal players who only buy adventures.
yo man, share that malyrogue list.

I've been updating my weenie aggro paladin list. Right now against cthun decks divine favor was not doing much, so I dropped one for a wolfrider. Also dropped seahand for argent squire and one stand against darkness for the 2nd wolfrider

ok, it's nothing special though. It's like 27 old cards + shadowstrikes and xaril pretty much. Shadowstrikes are awesome though, and so is xaril!


Dubbed Xarilyos


Its Standard. Super, totally fair RNG.

Standard is bugged and RNG effects can still pull Murk Eye and Captain's Parrot

Oh yeah, I had a Paladin get one out of a Murloc Knight. He also had the card that makes your recruits into adorable 1/1 Murlocs.


First 50 packs got my hope up


Next 50 got me back to reality


16k dust. Guess I'll just go to town and start churning out some legendaries myself.


Astral communion actually is usable now.

ive experimented with a pally dragon buff version, but I got tweak my deck for standard

The game should end by turn 9 unless you're facing a more difficult deck.

Frustrating to get board control when you don't have good cards, so I went with a close to vanilla build with Deathwing and Chromaggus since I didn't have the other two cards.
Fought a shaman that pulled Stoneclaw Totem 4 times in a fucking row. Are you Serious!?

This is my decklist btw, I never thought a Midrange deck with no late game would work so well, that's incredible!

This is a lot of fun, but I'll probably go back to scumbag face Shaman.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So my 113 packs yielded me basically all of the commons, all of the rares (?), 1/3rd-ish of the epics and 6 Legendary (Cho'gall, Soggoth, Nu Nat, Nu Deathwing, 2 Vek'lor). But that wasn't sitting well with me. So I dusted all the extras and crafted N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, Xaril, and a suite of epics that I felt like I needed to be competitive (Twilight Hammer, Shadow Caster, Call of the Wild, Twilight Summoner). I have enough for 1 more legendary (or 4 epics). I'll wait for the meta to settle before I do that though. But it's between Shifter Zerus, Nu Hogger, Hallazeal, Black Knight, and Cairne.

I dodged sooooooo much of the bad stuff, got most of the good stuff, and came away with way more than average dust. This was basically as good as it was gonna get.

This is so much damn fun. N'zoth gives Deathrattle Rogue INSANE endgame. Especially if you've piled on those draw card minions, it can even refill your hand. I literally won a game ONLY because of Yogg-Saron! I was dead on board with no board myself, topdecked Yogg, wiped his board, set up counterspell, and Burlge'd Cenarius and Ancient of War ^_^. Are we sure this can't win you more games than it'll lose you when you're in top deck mode?


Anyone got some degenerate Wild decks for me to enjoy?

Also god damn I hate playing against Shaman and their endless barrage of RNG non sense. Totem up, always taunt when they need it, always spell damage when they need it, always perfect Lightning Storm etc.


What type of move he pull with Shadowcaster?

i just started watching, last time he played shadowcaster it was on an open board, but I would guess the dream is landing caster on xaril for +2 toxins. caster on an auctioneer isn't terrible and you can get value from a few other targets.

Edit: Vancleef is the other big thing.


Haha, Yogg-Saron and Sylvanas interaction is the best. Opponent got an Enter the Coliseum off it, killing my Sylvanas, which stole Yogg-Saron and then it continued casting spells...for me. Mass dispelll drew me a Highmane and then Beneath the Grounds got cast as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Yep aggro Shaman is real good y'all. No need to try out those C'Thun decks or anything else. Just play that faceroll to wins
ok, it's nothing special though. It's like 27 old cards + shadowstrikes and xaril pretty much. Shadowstrikes are awesome though, and so is xaril!


Dubbed Xarilyos

this is the decklist I was thinking about using. Haven't tested it but I feel like squidface can be good as tempo and clearing minions. I took out auctioneers and put the shadowcasters in because I always thought auctioneers were slow and obviously dead without spells and at least shadowcasters can body things like erf and si. Maybe ill put in a sprint as well.



at the best ranks losing is so punishing, watching dog spend like 5 games climbing up from 40 something to 26 and then one loss and he's down to 50.

it's ruff.
Astral communion actually is usable now.

The game should end by turn 9 unless you're facing a more difficult deck.

Frustrating to get board control when you don't have good cards, so I went with a close to vanilla build with Deathwing and Chromaggus since I didn't have the other two cards.

yea I kind of framed my dragon paladin like how dragon priest and egg paladin works. Try to buff the nice stated dragon minions to help trade and gain board control for the win
I hate when morons don't know when they're doing yet it works out for them anyway.

C'Thun Druid and he fucking runs Deathwing lol. What sense does that even make.
My 2 cost Thing From Below evolved into Prophet Velen.
Next turn, Lightning Bolt + Lava Burst for 16 damage.

Feel like crafting a Yogg just to add to the RNG.

An evolution deck is basically this

It might just be because of the C'thun big minion craze but these new pirate Warrior cards are just running over people right now. Win streaked from 13 to 10 in what felt like a few minutes.

They all laughed at cursed blade. But cursed blade into corsair or raider into the new 3/4 weapon buffer is backbreaking against like every C'thun deck who plays the 2/3 into the 3/4 on turns 2 and 3. Only two things that have stopped me so far is a super defense tempo mage opener with coin-apprentice-mirror image and a druid Cthun who was able to squeak just enough healing and stall out of the new 8 armor card and Twin Emperor.

Pirate Warrior? I'm interested whats the list?
Pirate Warrior seems like it could be on the cusp of working. I'm sure someone will figure it out pretty quick.

Unfortunately it'll probably end up being a face deck rather than a tempo/midrange type thing.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Just started playing today....and little is more satisfying than beating someone with 5 legendary cards when your only one is C'thun, especially with the limited card pool available to you.

Is the fastest way to get cards basically just doing the daily quests (aside from spending money?)


Pirate Warrior seems like it could be on the cusp of working. I'm sure someone will figure it out pretty quick.

Unfortunately it'll probably end up being a face deck rather than a tempo/midrange type thing.

I ran into someone trying to do something like that earlier. Unfortunately, I was trying out C'thun Control Warrior at the time. I played a Bloodhoof Brave on curve. He ran his Acolyte into it, which drew him a Kor'kron Elite which he charged into it, and still had to take 5 damage to face to kill it with his hook. 2 for 1 plus 5 face damage, that's an MVP there. He conceded right after I played my first Ancient Shieldbearer.


So just play freeze mage, face shaman or control warrior. "new meta"
Freeze Mage doesn't seem that good. I feel like Evolve Shaman's in a better spot than Face Shaman too, but obviously the Flamewreathed Faceless is strong as fuck in it. Deathrattle Rogue actually seems like it does work, too. C'thun is, well, I'm pretty sure there'll be a consistent recipe for one soon. Every class got at least one new 'potential' archetype, which is neat.

I guess it'll take another day or so for people to stop playing 'fun' decks in general, but from what I've seen the ladder definitely looks a lot different right now.


Got up early to open some packs. Bought 75 with gold. 6 legendaries!


also double Herald Volazj. and Rag and Mukla.
Haha, Yogg-Saron and Sylvanas interaction is the best. Opponent got an Enter the Coliseum off it, killing my Sylvanas, which stole Yogg-Saron and then it continued casting spells...for me. Mass dispelll drew me a Highmane and then Beneath the Grounds got cast as well.
That's a really interesting interaction. I would of assumed that all the spells would of still counted for the original player. Good to know.

Now I want to see Yogg change boards twice with two Sylvanases out.


Woke up at 6AM this morning to open my packs and by 60 more. Got:

Shifter Zerus, Nat, The Darkfisher Golden, New Mukla, Twin Emps, Yogg, Deathwing Dragonlord, Hallazeal the Ascended and 2x Huhuran

I really can't complain at that for 110 packs. Got so lucky for the first time ever.


I tried deathrattle and mid-range hunter. I feel like I'm getting shit on by everything and it takes exactly perfect curve to win.

Maybe somebody will find a good hunter deck, but this my not be the time for mid-range hunter to return despite how amazing Call of the Wild is.
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