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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Yeah I had fun beating cthun decks then I started getting non stop aggro shaman.

Yeah the lack of class heal can hurt, but you do have strong early game. You are never gonna run out of value with the deck, copying and resurrecting Hucksters guarantees that. Thistle Tea is amazing because it doesn't thin your deck. Opponent has board clear for Nzoth? Doesn't matter because all of your board generates value after death


I tried one game with deathrattle rogue in wild. That was one hour ago and I still feel for the guy at the other end of the table.


I never seem to see the same meta as everyone else. There are no shaman, druids, or C'Thun decks out there for me, in casual or Rank 11, 12, 13, 14...I'm seeing a huge mix of things. No patterns at all.


I tried one game with deathrattle rogue in wild. That was one hour ago and I still feel for the guy at the other end of the table.

I play it in standard. Doesn't even feel like I'm missing anything essential. I can often play Nzoth 2-3 turns early thanks to all the coins.

this deck isn't good, but it's hilarious

you don't consistently get removal or card draw from class cards, so I added 2 coldlights and 2 bghs and a black knight. Don't know if the doomsayers are necessary and it doesn't help as much as I thought vs aggro.

wish neutral healing/anti aggro like healbots or deathlords were still around
I never seem to see the same meta as everyone else. There are no shaman, druids, or C'Thun decks out there for me, in casual or Rank 11, 12, 13, 14...I'm seeing a huge mix of things. No patterns at all.

I played in Casual yesterday to get the Old Gods pack quests done, and it was at least 70% Face Shaman. I can understand farming ladder with Face Shaman while everyone is trying out new stuff that might not work, but fuck you if you bring Face Shaman to Casual.


I found a more fun C'Thun Warrior list which even uses Malkorok. To my surprise the first weapon it gav me wasn't Cursed Blade. Got Brann + Twin Emperor off against a Druid. Insta-conceded.

Are there a little bit more refined N'zoth Priest lists? I threw together one and was a little bit successful with it but I suck at deck building. What other classes would be good with N'Zoth? Rogue I guess.


Despite the unshakable feeling that it couldn't possibly work with things as they are, I've just got to try to make a Standard Patron Warrior work with Blood to Ichor, Blood Brothers, Bloodhoof, notice a theme here? Might need to do it in Wild because the two DB's are still sorely needed but maybe not.


I got home and brought another 60 packs, so that means I've spent 90GBP today on cards. I got so many good cards though that I think it's been worth it. In my last set of 60 I got another Zerus, another Huroholon or however you say it and... GOLDEN TWIN EMPS! :D:D

Yeah. I was going to buy them in a few days anyway due to payday. Thought I might aswell do it now and get it over and done with. I seriously cannot buy any more cards for a while though, but I don't think I'll need to. I'm up at 11k dust now and got most of the cards I wanted.


So I was rocking Beast Druid last night and went 5-1. It was my last deck of the night and I can't wait to play some more games with it.

I crafted Fandral Staghelm for this deck and he did not disappoint me. He never survived for more than 1 turn, but it was always enough to get value. The transform beasts are all good cards on their own, but they turn into some nasty bastards if Fandral is around. All of the spells are also good enough on their own, but just turn into tempo gaining machines played with Fandral. He is a good turn 4 play against aggro as well.

In general all of the Beast minions from Druid are very good. I run the typical spells for removal or burst.

The +2/+2 Mark of Y'shaarj card is absolutely insane, Innervating a 2/5 druid of flame on turn 1, turn 2 buff it to 4/7 and draw a card, turn 3 play mounted raptor, and some turn later win the game.

Savage Combatant is a straight up great card. Any kind of health buff makes this card such a pain to remove. If left unchecked the inspire effect just carries the game.

The deck uses Savage Roar as a finisher. Two of the beast cards have charge options and there are a lot of health buff which allows you to keep things on the board. So this druid deck is pulling lethal from far off places again.

2x Innervate
2x Living Roots
1x Raven Idol
2x Mark of Y'shaarj
2x Power of the Wild
2x Wrath
2x Druid of the Saber
2x Savage Roar
2x Druid of the Flame
2x Mounted Raptor
2x Swipe
1x Fandral Staghelm
2x Savage Combatant
2x Wild Walker
1x Nourish
2x Druid of the Claw
1x Cenarius

I want to try and fit a Feral Rage into the deck. It's the perfect Mid-Range card, it offers burst against some decks and healing against others. I'm just not sure which card to drop yet.


I got home and brought another 60 packs, so that means I've spent 90GBP today on cards. I got so many good cards though that I think it's been worth it. In my last set of 60 I got another Zerus, another Huroholon or however you say it and... GOLDEN TWIN EMPS! :D:D

Yeah. I was going to buy them in a few days anyway due to payday. Thought I might aswell do it now and get it over and done with. I seriously cannot buy any more cards for a while though, but I don't think I'll need to. I'm up at 11k dust now and got most of the cards I wanted.

Blizzard is basically a drug pusher


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think it's funny Druid got a viable Beast deck before Hunter.

I guess it's to be expected since power level was nerfed across the board so you can have to play Beast instead of Force/Roar/Lore druid.


Was playing some Standard Control Warrior, got to late rank 4 then due to a bunch of DCs and some Shaman scums got slapped down to rank 6.

Cthun decks running that Doomcaller is impossible for control decks to beat. There was a Druid match where I must have taken like 30 damage just smacking their big minions with weapons.

On that note Ravaging Ghoul is pretty damn good for CW. Almost a Death's Bite replacement... almost.


I really want to craft a legendary but my pity timer has to be nearing 100% now and I don't want to craft something and then immediately open it.
I really want to craft a legendary but my pity timer has to be nearing 100% now and I don't want to craft something and then immediately open it.
Are you me? In club poor with no pack luck while other people post "meh" to getting 5 legendaries in their preorder. Fuuuu....


Brawl got me my first Rag when I just got new Rag from the preorder packs. It is now my ranked goal to have both in play at once in some control or Reno pally.


fandral is getting to be one of my favourites of this set, so glad I opened it.

He is easily one of my favorite cards as well. All of the new beast transform cards look really great. All of the spells offer up crazy amounts of value. Best of all he is only 4 mana, has decent stats for the cost, and is playable with cards that are already really good.

He is like the greatest hits of legendary cards.
I really want to craft a legendary but my pity timer has to be nearing 100% now and I don't want to craft something and then immediately open it.
Same, I got one in my first 20 or so and am now at number 58? Really hoping for Twin Emps or an old god(not Y'Shaarj) but I'm not holding my breath, class legendaries would be cool too.


Are you me? In club poor with no pack luck while other people post "meh" to getting 5 legendaries in their preorder. Fuuuu....
Count me in the poor club. I opened 67 packs and only opened 1 legendary, on my 40th pack. So I literally hit the pity timer limit for my legendary.

Luckily I have saved a lot of dust and have been able to craft what I wanted.
I think it's funny Druid got a viable Beast deck before Hunter.

I guess it's to be expected since power level was nerfed across the board so you can have to play Beast instead of Force/Roar/Lore druid.
Idk Hunters beast synergy seems better than ever right now. Houndmaster is so easy to hit on t4 as is wrangler after, and highmane to fill in, and cotw, Hunter seems to have opened up big time to me


Anyone else played a deck like like this and have comments? Just won a bunch of games up to Rank 4 with my "Annoyadin" deck..


Also been having some fun (and success) with Reno Warrior (Shifter Zerus and the new highlight), Tempo Mage with Yogg finisher and a Battlecry focused Mage with Brann and Yogg. Fun stuff!

Cat Party

I did ok with legendaries. I opened around 50 packs and got 3, then I crafted the twin emperor.

I built what I thought was a good C'thun priest, but I really struggled. I haven't found a good balance between AOE and targeted removal. It's fun to have this uncertainty though. Lots of people trying new deck types.


Are you me? In club poor with no pack luck while other people post "meh" to getting 5 legendaries in their preorder. Fuuuu....

I know, right. Kibler today got like 3 legendaries in his first 30 packs opened. WTF man.

Count me in the poor club. I opened 67 packs and only opened 1 legendary, on my 40th pack. So I literally hit the pity timer limit for my legendary.

Luckily I have saved a lot of dust and have been able to craft what I wanted.

Dang, that is rough. I'm up to 36 packs with no legendary, so I might just catch up to you yet.


Tinkered with cthun, seems like warrior is one of the better classes for the archetype. Brann to combo with all the battlecries (3x 4/6 taunts, gain 20 armor, deal 2 dmg twice and buff cthun by 4, etc), justicar for the armor spam + shield slam, 4 cheap removals etc. Running with 4 weapons total (double win axe + one arcanite reaper and gorehowl).
I only got deathwing, nat, boogey, and 2 priest legendaries from around like 100 packs including the quest ones, So really only 2 legendaries. Ended up crafting most of the others like nzoth and huhu. Also had a golden tinkmaster sitting around for a time like this.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
20-15: Janky Cthun decks, Shaman climbers
15-10: Shaman tryhards, Streamlined Cthun decks, Beast Druid, Tempo Mage
10-5: Will report with findings
5-Legend: Nice joke like I would ever bother climbing to legend


So we're a little over 24 hours into the Old Gods meta. I know it's still super early but if you had to give a meta snapshot, what would it look like?

Mine would probably be:

Tier 1
Aggro Shaman
Freeze Mage
Evolve Shaman
C'Thun Druid

Tier 2
Beast Hunter
C'Thun Warrior
Bubble Paladin
C'Thun Rogue
Control Warrior

Tier 3
C'Thun Priest
Beast Druid
Token Druid

Tier Lulz
Yogg Whatever
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