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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


So we're a little over 24 hours into the Old Gods meta. I know it's still super early but if you had to give a meta snapshot, what would it look like?

Mine would probably be:

Tier 1
Aggro Shaman
Freeze Mage
Evolve Shaman
C'Thun Druid

Tier 2
Midrange Hunter
C'Thun Warrior
C'Thun Rogue
Control Warrior

Tier 3
C'Thun Priest
Beast Druid

Tier Lulz
Yogg Whatever

I may be biased but I think deathrattle paladin is pretty great!


Cthun Druid isn't tier 1. I don't think any Cthun deck is tier 1.

Midrange Beast Hunter might actually be tier 1. Does well against everything except pure face Shaman.

Tempo Mage is still pretty good.

Beast Druid has potential to be at least tier 3 now. Don't know where Patron Warrior is, haven't played it myself and haven't played against it. Haven't tried many Paladin decks either aside from Secret Paladin which is honestly better than most of these Cthun decks.

My day 1 tier list:

Tier 1:

Aggro Shaman
Midrange and/or Evolve Shaman
Freeze Mage
Midrange Beast Hunter

Tier 2

Tempo Mage
Control Warrior
Cthun Druid
Cthun Warrior
Dragon Priest
Zoolock or Flood lock

Tier 3

Who cares


I can't decide what to craft. I've managed to accumulate 6700 dust, but now I'm not sure what to make. My collection is pretty sparse on the legendaries. I really like Rogue in general so I wanna make a Sylvannas, Cairne, Xaril, and Nzoth for my Deathrattle deck. I think that might be putting my dust in one basket though.


Even with my bitching about lore, fuck do I love ragnaros lightlord , everything about him, from flavor text to ability to his audio, he's freaking amazing


Key to realizing how your experiences are different from others. Different rank groupings have different metas.

Right, but is everyone on here really rank 5+ or whatever? It seems like everyone's consistently describing a meta I don't see, haha.

(are you all just that awesome, I dunno...) I tend to get up to 8 or 10 each month, tops. Mostly due to time


I really love Malkorok now. Glad I got him of a pack. Played him a few times, never got Cursed Blade. And I caved in and crafted Grom. Already love this magnificent bastard.


Corporate Apologist
Token/Murloc/Darkshire Paladin is pretty strong. At least a tier 2 deck. You basically just flood the board the entire game.

Like, as dumb as it sounds, hero power, vilefin, hero power is a surprisingly powerful move that only requires 1 cards to be played. Vilefin also combos well with Darkshire, Murloc Knight, and Murloc War Leaded.

In addition, Rallying Blade is pretty great, the Bilefin murloc that summons the adorable ooze is good, and stand against darkness instantly fills the board and is pretty playable. They are all cards that are powerful alone, but allow you to gain huge tempo if the opponent doesn't have an immediate answer. Selfless hero is a bit lacking, but when it works it does wonders.
Anyone else played a deck like like this and have comments? Just won a bunch of games up to Rank 4 with my "Annoyadin" deck..
Probably not the best idea, but Steward of Darkshire works with Twilight Drake and Faceless Shambler since they are summoned as x/1s before gaining the extra health.

Those are probably both anti-synergy though, just thought it was a cool interaction.
Thoughts on ram wrangler? Insanely ez to trigger now. Just undecided if the rng on standard pool of beasts is worth it. Def worth at least a one of but debating if second is worth it or not


Unconfirmed Member
Cthun Druid isn't tier 1. I don't think any Cthun deck is tier 1.

Midrange Beast Hunter might actually be tier 1. Does well against everything except pure face Shaman.

Tempo Mage is still pretty good.

Beast Druid has potential to be at least tier 3 now. Don't know where Patron Warrior is, haven't played it myself and haven't played against it. Haven't tried many Paladin decks either aside from Secret Paladin which is honestly better than most of these Cthun decks.

My day 1 tier list:

Tier 1:

Aggro Shaman
Midrange and/or Evolve Shaman
Freeze Mage
Midrange Beast Hunter

Tier 2

Tempo Mage
Control Warrior
Cthun Druid
Cthun Warrior
Dragon Priest
Zoolock or Flood lock

Tier 3

Who cares

Paladin control N'Zoth is probably tier 2. I can't say exactly how good it is, but it's certainly become a fairly popular deck in my experience, so I assume it must be good.


Is anyone even trying pirate warrior? Seems fun.
I was having pretty massive success with an aggro variant, rocketed from rank 12 to 8 in like no time. Sorry guy like 7 pages back who asked for the decklist after I went to bed but some cursed blades can end up putting out like 10+ face damage total by turn 4. Pretty good. After I get off work I might refine it a bit further and post once I'm back at my computer.


I keep hearing midrange beast hunter. What exactly are we talking about? I am trying to figure out what to play and I dunno if jumping on the shaman train is going to be good long term.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I really love Malkorok now. Glad I got him of a pack. Played him a few times, never got Cursed Blade. And I caved in and crafted Grom. Already love this magnificent bastard.

Still wondering if I should have picked him as the most underrated card of the set. I picked Xaril, though, and based on early impressions also seemed like a great pick.
Just had a guy rope me continuously while playing Tempo Mage. Luckily I always keep a book on hand for these events, but sheesh. There really are losers everywhere.
One is enough, second one is super clunky.

Thoughts on ram wrangler? Insanely ez to trigger now. Just undecided if the rng on standard pool of beasts is worth it. Def worth at least a one of but debating if second is worth it or not

yea 1 is fine. I haven't gotten anything terrible from it yet. I still need to fit in some more two drops, so I think im going to cut a 2nd uth since I feel two is a bit clunky. I had two kings elek but I switched to toads, so I'm probably going to add one more elek back in


Well I decided to buy an extra 40 packs since my luck was so shitty yesterday and I was much luckier today. Got 3 Legs (Chogall and YShaarj x 2) and about 3k in extra dust.


Actually ran into a fucking Mill Rogue memer... Terrible matchup for my Miracle Rogue. I only needed about 15 damage from Yogg, alright he does some pointless shit, draws some cards but actually shadowsteps himself. Now I only need like 7 damage but there's no burn left so I sap my opponent's taunt and second Yogg it is, pretty good odds considering I'm sitting at above 20 life and haven't even hit fatigue yet.

Of course he deals not a single point damage and kills me with a billion draws.


Still wondering if I should have picked him as the most underrated card of the set. I picked Xaril, though, and based on early impressions also seemed like a great pick.

He's definitly underrated imo. Don't know if most underrated. He's pretty solid and I think many sites earlier you made a breakdown of what he can pull and most of the time one would get something good. Who underrated Xaril though?


Probably not the best idea, but Steward of Darkshire works with Twilight Drake and Faceless Shambler since they are summoned as x/1s before gaining the extra health.

Those are probably both anti-synergy though, just thought it was a cool interaction.

Good point! I may give Twilight Drake a shot since I have a small Dragon theme going there (so i can get Chillmaw off of N'zoth)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
He's definitly underrated imo. Don't know if most underrated. He's pretty solid and I think many sites earlier you made a breakdown of what he can pull and most of the time one would get something good. Who underrated Xaril though?

Lots of people were dismissive of him based on his stats.


Still wondering if I should have picked him as the most underrated card of the set. I picked Xaril, though, and based on early impressions also seemed like a great pick.

I picked Malkorok. Struck me as a card you'll get use out almost every time.

I checked Hearthpwn for the card ratings and it surprised me how low some people rated it. I don't think we've seen the most efficient deck to put it in yet (everyone seems to include it in some sort of C'Thun deck) but I reckon it will be a solid choice going forward.
Well, in terms of Legendaries I got:
Ragnaros, Lightlord (YESSSSSSSSSSSS!)
Twin Emperor Vek'lor (YESSSSSSSSSSSS!)
Herald Volazj
Nat the Darkfisher

I got two of the three I wanted, and I had enough dust for Yogg-Saron out of nerf dust. Now I have about 4000 left. I'll probably craft two Call of the Wilds as that card seems pretty damn nuts. Otherwise, not sure. Deathwing, Dragonlord is very tempting to build another Dragon deck. Fandral as well since he seems really good.

Thanks to anyone who flipped on to me for a bit by the way! Lots of competition today, was nice to have a few viewers. Also, sorry to the person I annoyed by wasting an Ice Lance -> Shatter combo when the other guy was getting his C'Thun ready. I was so hyped to think of the combo I used it too early.


Having some very nice games so far with C'thun/fatigue warrior, it's really neat to just keep clearing the board forever AND still having a massive powerhouse such as C'thun. Also the dude that revives him is pretty relevant on warrior, he probably sucks on other classes though.

6k dust, I got absolutely no clue what to craft, I think I'll let the dust settle a little while playing freeze mage or something.


I think I discovered a bug.

A warrior's C'Thun came out, I Peacekeeper'd it, and then the warrior played the minion that granted him 10 armor IF the C'Thun had 10+ attack, which it didn't. But he still got the armor boost. C'Thun was out on the field with like, 3 attack, but the '16' attack C'Thun still appeared briefly in the side portal, just as it was before he played it a turn ago.

Wha gives?


Need help with N'Zoth Priest. Despite moderate success, I feel pretty insecure about this. I think I'm too greedy. But Confessor is too much fun. Thinking about kicking something like Thalnos and include Elise for a second win condition.

Lots of people were dismissive of him based on his stats.

Really? Most of what I heard was pretty positive.

I think I discovered a bug.

A warrior's C'Thun came out, I Peacekeeper'd it, and then the warrior played the minion that granted him 10 armor IF the C'Thun had 10+ attack, which it didn't. But he still got the armor boost. C'Thun was out on the field with like, 3 attack, but the '16' attack C'Thun still appeared briefly in the side portal, just as it was before he played it a turn ago.

Wha gives?

I read that C'Thun's stats are tied to the player. Which would explain C'Thun effects still going off when it is dead.


Weird, I was making a new deck, and filling out all my cards, and when I went and added my 30th card it reset all my cards and that 30th card became the first card of the deck. Kinda weird


First time I get to rank 4, this time with a mix of token and beast Druid. Maybe I should try to get to legend now that people are in an innovative mood and not full tryhard.
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