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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


but I think the list needs an additional win condition.



Yogg is just a flip-a-coin win or lose card if you run out of threats. You can replace him with anything really, Rag, Malygos or some other value minion.


I'm less familiar with the miracle style rogue so what exactly are you trying to win with? Do you need to save spells like Eviscerate for face damage with Thalnos?

you play your stuff until you draw enough spells to get gadgetzan going, it's fine to get 2-3 draws from it and conceal it. In a meta without lightbomb and few brawls, it lives more often that not. Some classes can't even deal with it, like druid.

Your conceal turn could include a very big Edwin too which is really good in a BGH free silence scarce meta. You can cold blood on the gadgetzan, draw card, hit face, conceal and hit again next turn, on this turn you draw your entire deck every time and and just kill them. There is not much they can do about it, taunts get sapped.


this zoo is crazier than ever

this one card can go to 7 attack boost in one turn, minion that swing tempo easily with easy enabler, its very nuts

Implosion seem like fair card now

Have any good zoo standard decklist? I guess that 0 spell is the new implosion.
Yogg is just a flip-a-coin win or lose card if you run out of threats. You can replace him with anything really, Rag, Malygos or some other value minion.

He's really not. Playing Yogg like that typically makes you lose. It's better to think of Yogg as a board clear or a panic switch rather than a win-con.
Anyone know when the nerf bonus dust will go away? I don't like to get rid of cards anymore usually, but I'm considering getting rid of my Molten Giants and Force of Natures at least, if not Ancient of Lores as well (though I think AoL is still pretty good). Would net me 1600 dust for something new and fun. I don't see Moltens really being playable much more aside from the gimmick Holy Wrath deck, and Force of Nature, while not absolutely terrible, isn't core anymore.

Also, definitely crafting Xaril I think, and probably gonna run Rafaam in place of Yogg for Miracle Rogue. He seems to be the most "late-gamey" thing with a bit more power than Nefarian, Rag, Ysera, etc. Ysera might be good, but she doesn't fit Rogue as well.


Anyone know when the nerf bonus dust will go away? I don't like to get rid of cards anymore usually, but I'm considering getting rid of my Molten Giants and Force of Natures at least, if not Ancient of Lores as well (though I think AoL is still pretty good). Would net me 1600 dust for something new and fun. I don't see Moltens really being playable much more aside from the gimmick Holy Wrath deck, and Force of Nature, while not absolutely terrible, isn't core anymore.
Just do it. You get back 1:1 value anyways, so in case nerfed FoN turns out to be legit actually then just recraft them. If not, well, you can afford a lot of new cards.


Anyone know when the nerf bonus dust will go away? I don't like to get rid of cards anymore usually, but I'm considering getting rid of my Molten Giants and Force of Natures at least, if not Ancient of Lores as well (though I think AoL is still pretty good). Would net me 1600 dust for something new and fun. I don't see Moltens really being playable much more aside from the gimmick Holy Wrath deck, and Force of Nature, while not absolutely terrible, isn't core anymore.

Also, definitely crafting Xaril I think, and probably gonna run Rafaam in place of Yogg for Miracle Rogue. He seems to be the most "late-gamey" thing with a bit more power than Nefarian, Rag, Ysera, etc. Ysera might be good, but she doesn't fit Rogue as well.

will probably test rag first.


maybe it's just me but Call of the Wild is incredibly disgusting.

more like Call someone who knows what the word balance fucking means.


Yeah I'm still experimenting with priest, but until I lose to lifeloss with the deck, I am not putting them in.

He's really not. Playing Yogg like that typically makes you lose. It's better to think of Yogg as a board clear or a panic switch rather than a win-con.

Nah, Yogg usually fatigues you so it needs to resolve the game on the turn it is played or one turn after.


Xaril is only worth including if you're playing gadgetzan. It makes gadgetzan considerably more playable.

I'm not sure why people play it in deathrattle deck, is it even worth it? you're not playing a combo deck here and the cards don't even have synergy with what you're trying to do. Just play a better minion with a real body.

Call of the wild is bs OP but rest of the hunter decks are so weak that it doesn't matter right now. Just like doomhammer didn't matter for two years.


Deathrattle/N'zoth Rouge/Priest has been absolutely putting in work today for me! :)


The best part is I opened both Xaril, Poisoned Mind for Rogue and Herald Volazj for Priest so I can get my full VALUE on. D'rattle N'zoth R'ogue alone brought me back up to Rank 4 from 6.


none of those heal 5 health priest cards?

I think the Alchemists are a bit stronger in Control Priest where you can leverage them as heals, or bombs via ASP.

In C'thun, you use the Darkmenders instead for the huge body and 10 pt. heal.

trying to build a reno dragon paladin deck right now. Trying to figure out my 3 and 4 spots

Technician, Twilight Drake, Guardian, Truesilver, Peacekeeper?


Unconfirmed Member
I lost 2 games today because of my own Yogg I might have otherwise won. One a pyroblast to face for instant death, and one a equality + cone of cold on my own minions.

The biggest problem with trying to use Yogg as a serious competitive card for panic switch purposes is resisting the urge to use him just for fun.
I think the Alchemists are a bit stronger in Control Priest where you can leverage them as heals, or bombs via ASP.

In C'thun, you use the Darkmenders instead for the huge body and 10 pt. heal.

Technician, Twilight Drake, Guardian, Truesilver, Peacekeeper?

yea, was wondering if I should keep mct. This is the list right now. Want to test out midnight drake right now to see what he's like. Probably bad but w/e



While everyone is on Rogue stuff I literally laughed out loud at the undercity huckster's quotes. His playing quote was ok, "Hey, hey... wanna buy a... funnel cake?" But I wasn't expecting his attack quote, "BUY ONE!!"

this may be my favourite thing in the entire expansion.
Gonna need more to go on than that. From what I've seen he's a great enabler for combos.

It sucks because of the 2 health. Right now every deck can do that easily, most while buffing a c'thun.

In return, the spare parts or whatever they are often result in the 2 damage one, which doesn't really help. Best you can hope for is another shadowstep, which isn't going to be consistent enough.

In short, run a yeti over this guy. Combos are nice, but by that point in the game it isn't worth the price. I got it in a pack and spent the day trying to make it work. It just doesn't.

So by all means try if you get it, but I certainly wouldn't be spending the dust.


Xaril is amazing in miracle rogue. But like someone here says he's pretty bad in tempo decks. So often you get the stealth or the draw potion which does absolutely nothing.


I absolutely love N'zoth/Dragon control pally. It was the list I wanted to play ever since Kibler announced Deathwing.

Rallying Blade has been an absolute MVP so far in my N'zoth/Dragon pally. I kinda expected it beforehand but it's so nice that paladin have a good second weapon that gets stuff done.

Deathwing has been really good in the control matchups. Most of the time I don't want to draw with my Azure Drakes so having Deathwing pull out 2 cards in the late game that would otherwise sit dead in my hand is great.

Forbidden Healing is just great.

Ragnaros is super strong as well. Because I run the two Rallying Blades I also run 2 farseers which can be really useful late directing where Rag's heal needs to go.

And N'Zoth, what more is there to say. It's the best Yu-Gi-Oh card in Hearthstone. Love the guy.

Pretty happy with the list so far. Basically took out the twilight summoner and ooze for two twilight drakes compared to my day one list.

edit: my list atm



Seems like Azure Drake has made a glorious return as king of 5 drops. Works in practically everything.

Makes sense. Drake has always been really good and the cards that marginalized it are out of standard. No more Shredder trading up and outvaluing it, no more Belcher that Drake can't trade with, no more boom bot sniping it and no more second Death's Bite charge making it a bad 5 drop against Warrior.


I built a Reno C'Thun rogue and it has turned out to be a lot of fun. I wanted a tempo deck that invested fewer cards overall into C'Thun, so tempo rogue with Blade of C'Thun seemed like a promising direction. I built in Reno since rogue is so short on healing and the deck really doesn't need a ton of C'Thun activators.

The list is super rough - I didn't include anything that I haven't pulled yet(Shadowcaster, Xaril), and some cards in the list are clear under-performers, but here's what I ran tonight:

It worked very well and should be fun to tune.


Is there a need for reno decks anymore now that the meta is slower?

The meta is going to be in flux for a while, so it's hard to tell if Reno will be strong or not, but rogue is already notoriously short on healing, so it felt appropriate for my desk at least.


Got my second five free packs. Got N'Zoth. Guess which legendary I crafted first yesterday.

So you threw 800 dust away. My biggest fear in the game. I won't have that problem this time since my three legendaries are trash tier, but I'm not crafting shit for a while.


Trying that StrifeCro paladin deck went from rank 12(didnt play this month) to 5 losing only 1 game to a lucky varian into rag for exact lethal in my face having 4 minions on board when I was going to clear next turn heal 12 and game over.

Deck is superstrong it prays cthun decks all day and its good vs cancer decks.


Trying that StrifeCro paladin deck went from rank 12(didnt play this month) to 5 losing only 1 game to a lucky varian into rag for exact lethal in my face having 4 minions on board when I was going to clear next turn heal 12 and game over.

Deck is superstrong it prays cthun decks all day and its good vs cancer decks.

Do you have a list? I'm 200 dust away of crafting Tirion and I'm looking for a Control Paladin list.


Anyone having any luck with Vilefin Paladin?
It doesn't look that strong, but it sure looks fun!

Also, do most dragon decks need Chillmaw? I'm looking at crafting Ysera because she gets used in a lot of control decks, but not sure I want to invest another 1600 in a legendary that will be gone in a year.
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