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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Either way, at least it's only viable in fast decks. And honestly even then it doesn't draw a ridiculous amount of cards nearly as often as some claim it does.

Well, I don't see how any of that is relevant to my point. My point is that it isn't a tool that Shamans (who can play fast decks too) have, full stop. So to say that Shaman variations are as ridiculous as Secret Paladin variations is a bit of a stretch.
Well, I don't see how any of that is relevant to my point. My point is that it isn't a tool that Shamans (who can play fast decks too) have, full stop. So to say that Shaman variations are as ridiculous as Secret Paladin variations is a bit of a stretch.
I'm just disagreeing with you saying Divine Favor is a "general Paladin problem" when it's only viable in certain archetypes, I agree with your overall point.


I'm just disagreeing with you saying Divine Favor is a "general Paladin problem" when it's only viable in certain archetypes, I agree with your overall point.

I just said it that way because it wasn't exclusively a "Secret Paladin" problem, which is what the other posters where talking about. I meant that it could work in other decks not that it worked in every single variation of Paladin, or in Control Paladin, etc. just that i worked in some non-Secret Paladin too. It wasn't tied to the specific archetype.


It's because Shaman requires staying on curve, being smart with overload, and hoping for decent evolutions.

MC just kind of gave you a great setup whenever you had the mana.

Much like evolve does now, but evolve isn't a set outcome like MC is.

Shamans can make all sorts of grievous mistakes, bad trades, fuck up their overload and still win. I think I'm legitimately at 0% against them so far in Standard except when I played Freeze Mage.


So it's what, a figurative hammer? It just seems really weird.

Paladins in wow have spells like hammer of justice,lights hammer,hammer of the righteous and hammer of wrath that you use without actually having a hammer equipped. In fact hammer of wrath and lights hammer are a magical hammer paladins can create from the light.

I guess you can compare it a bit to the green lantern corps rings, where they can make whatever they want with it, paladins manifest the light as hammers


Wish they'd just let us buy her. Not everyone has a computer.

Got a swank, all-powerful Paladin N'zoth deck, but still playing the jank version I'm Priest.

I considered dusting that golden Tirion for a new Hogger. Wish I hadn't pulled the Lightlord or I never would have been looking at Paladin legendaries.

There is nothing like a Priest game. Forbidden shaping and Palatress brings forth Rags, Tyrion, and Aviana... Lol. Sometimes these wins are just too easy. Still wish I didn't have to always rely on insane pulls to win consistently.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Here I am trying to play flood zoo with everybody raving about Darkshire Councilman (and he is good) but I fail 3 times trying to rank up to Rank 5 with it.

Then I go to Midrange Hunter and put everybody on an 8 Turn Clock and get it immediately.

Call of the Wild is real, guys.


Woke up, got excited there was a tournament to watch, saw mad scientist in a freeze mage, closed that tab immediately.

I have much respect for the folks out there who can craft and refine decks. I'm trying to make a Control Warrior in standard that doesn't rely on C'thun synergy, and it just doesn't feel like 30 cards is enough to get in everything I want.


Here's the first draft of my list, and here's an example of when it works:

That's Doomhammer I've got equipped, by the way, and a second Grom in my hand I got from Blood Brothers.

Not sure it's even worth playing CW without C'thun since that means forgoing Ancient Shieldbearer and Twin Emperor, but I feel like's there some way to make it work.

I have spent most of my Hearthstone time yesterday refining Control Warrior and eventually came up with this


I originally went with a Reno build but eventually it morphed into this. I must have hit a sweet spot at some point because I went on an 11 game win streak at the end of the day and am close enough to Legend now that I may go for it today!

I tried Blood Warriors but was never able to get more than one or two hits with it so I dropped it. I also dropped Arcanite Reaper for Kokron Elite and second Brawl at some point.

Blood to Ichor is an insane card, just outclasses Cruel Taskmaster in my opinion. I have stalled out so many early game decks with that card. Hardcounters Argent Squire haha. I would also give Blood Knight a try (potentially with Sparring Partner) if you have it.

Shifter Zerus is also a fun card to play and I think it is actually pretty good in long game decks like this since you have the opportunity to wait until you find the right minion at the right time.

The last card on the list is a Varian Wrynn that I have been running in Control Warrior since I opened a golden one in a pack months ago. I still don't know if it is good but I can't not run it because its fun :p It wrecks Mid-range decks (getting taunts/charge minions off it it is great). Against Control decks I can always turn it into a random legendary if I am worried about losing the Fatigue battle.



There is nothing like a Priest game. Forbidden shaping and Palatress brings forth Rags, Tyrion, and Aviana... Lol. Sometimes these wins are just too easy. Still wish I didn't have to always rely on insane pulls to win consistently.

What the heck is that, Dragon C'thun with Shaping?


yup, fuck this game, You think reynad has bad RNG? I wish i had Reynads RNG.

This fucking brawl, apart from being stupid as fuck, gave me a me gelbin, fine you think. Play it i get the Poultryizer. Ok, my opponent has a board maybe it can do work. Fist time up, it chickens one of my guys, ok I think, random, better luck next time. My opponent gets a bigger board for the next one, surely this time It'll help, it chickens melkin. fuck, ok. Third turn comes around, the think chickens itself. This game can go fuck itself


Just did Arena for the first time in forever, Went 8-3 as Rogue lost every game I went first on and won every one I started with a coin.

Got shifter zerus out of the pack! ... my third one ;_;

I laughed. I almost got to 10 this month, first time I seriously laddered in months. 11 and max stars, lost a game to Yogg. Enough Hearthstone for this season.

I'd love another EU tournament after a few more weeks though. Last one was fantastic fun, even though I went out in the first round it was the most fun game I played that year. NA guys should do one too.

Does it bother anyone else that Liadrin says "My hammer burns with holy fire" but she's clearly wielding a sword?

Think it's this:


When I played my Paladin for the Liadrin hero, they had a magic hammer thing as well that would crash on top of people.
I laughed. I almost got to 10 this month, first time I seriously laddered in months. 11 and max stars, lost a game to Yogg. Enough Hearthstone for this season.

I'd love another EU tournament after a few more weeks though. Last one was fantastic fun, even though I went out in the first round it was the most fun game I played that year. NA guys should do one too.

On a win streak, first time I've hit 14 just like the other poster.

I'm super stoked. I have to pack for a week long trip tonight, but I put hearthstone on my phone so I'll manage without DSIII for the week.


Neo Member
Miracle rogue is so fun when you can keep the auctioneer on the board for one more turn with conceal..haha..can lead to some crazy turns


I have spent most of my Hearthstone time yesterday refining Control Warrior and eventually came up with this

Shifter Zerus is also a fun card to play and I think it is actually pretty good in long game decks like this since you have the opportunity to wait until you find the right minion at the right time.

The last card on the list is a Varian Wrynn.

Blood knight I may tech in if I start seeing Paladin, but where I'm at (15-10 up and down) there aren't any. Mostly I'm facing zoo with the occasional Rogue or C'Thun deck.

Shifter I didn't pull and isn't a crafting priority for me--it's a fun card, for sure, and if I had it I'd tech it in to see what I could do.

Varian I dislike in the style of CW I like to play because I rely so much on my battlecries. If I lose the Justicar battlecry, for example, and I'm also trying Malkorok out, which so far has been better than just running an Arcanite Reaper in that spot. Puts something on board and even a bad weapon is pretty decent for reach or to give me a ping. Only got Cursed Blade once and it was a non-issue.

Blood Brothers is a fun one of--card advantage really helps the control game, anytime you can get it without getting closer to fatigue I think is very powerful. I even run Blood Brothers in my C'thun Warrior:


I don't like C'thun itself, but the synergy cards are very strong. Bran+Ancient Shieldbearer is 20 armor. Bran+Twin Emperor is three big taunts. People also prioritize removing Bran which means an Ancient or an Emperor can stick and then I can dupe it with Blood Brothers for another 10 armor or big Taunt.


I wish jaraxxus had interactions with the old gods. Hes part of the burning legion, they have beef with the old gods. I still wish the old gods talked at each other if they wer eon the board at the same time, they all disliked each other

Weird seeing so many Sylvanas now compared to before the expansion.

Are there any Pirate decks which make use of Greenskin and/or Skycaptain? Have both of them in my collection and I'd like to use them.

Theres a really aggro pirate warrior deck right now, I'm sure you could find a spot for them in there


I'm quite sure control is just going to morph into cthun fully, it's pretty much all I see people playing with at the moment in terms of warrior, that and patron of course since it's still strong. (Very strong with zoo and shaman being popular)

I'm loving it at the moment, both decks flow nicely. Druid is still the best cthun deck by far but warrior offers much more after the fact, cthun just feels like he's chilling there as a board clear and not much more and I like it.

Playing double brawl because fuck shaman and shaman culture. (Which is working great by the way peaked at 96 with it)


Blood knight I may tech in if I start seeing Paladin, but where I'm at (15-10 up and down) there aren't any. Mostly I'm facing zoo with the occasional Rogue or C'Thun deck.

Shifter I didn't pull and isn't a crafting priority for me--it's a fun card, for sure, and if I had it I'd tech it in to see what I could do.

Varian I dislike in the style of CW I like to play because I rely so much on my battlecries. If I lose the Justicar battlecry, for example, and I'm also trying Malkorok out, which so far has been better than just running an Arcanite Reaper in that spot. Puts something on board and even a bad weapon is pretty decent for reach or to give me a ping. Only got Cursed Blade once and it was a non-issue.

Blood Brothers is a fun one of--card advantage really helps the control game, anytime you can get it without getting closer to fatigue I think is very powerful. I even run Blood Brothers in my C'thun Warrior:


I don't like C'thun itself, but the synergy cards are very strong. Bran+Ancient Shieldbearer is 20 armor. Bran+Twin Emperor is three big taunts. People also prioritize removing Bran which means an Ancient or an Emperor can stick and then I can dupe it with Blood Brothers for another 10 armor or big Taunt.

Sorry I mean Black Knight not Blood Knight! Also try Blood to Ichor I love that card.
I was interested to watch this millenium tournament, despite it being cast in french.

freeze mage
freeze mage
freeze mage
freeze mage
freeze mage
freeze mage


Really interested to see what Control Paladin lists end up looking like. Must have seen 20 different variations already.
I actually think miracle rogue is a superb pick in the tournament, because if people are running cthun decks (and they are), miracle rogue matches up really well against them. I only saw him lose to the cthun druid list, I think in most games he wins that match up with even average draws. But he had saps, preps, sinister strike (i think) and never drew into a draw engine. I didn't pay that much attention to it because it seemed like a slaughter and over twitter he said he lost due to bad draws.


Miracle rogue is doing quite well on ladder. I think he just got some bad luck. Ryzen brought malygos rogue up the ladder quite a bit. Running almost the exact same list as I was too, whereas I had middling result (I'm a malyrogue noob though).

Blackout had rank 1 for like a day and a half with it I believe, malyrogue as well as chessdude.
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