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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I still haven' played much of anything besides Rogue yet this expansion... Just love those new class cards.

Although I may try revisiting the Bane sisters soon. A Bane sisters + Yogg deck sounds fun... Not sure what class I wanna build that with first though.





I actually think miracle rogue is a superb pick in the tournament, because if people are running cthun decks (and they are), miracle rogue matches up really well against them. I only saw him lose to the cthun druid list, I think in most games he wins that match up with even average draws. But he had saps, preps, sinister strike (i think) and never drew into a draw engine. I didn't pay that much attention to it because it seemed like a slaughter and over twitter he said he lost due to bad draws.
People usually only have one Cthun deck, usually rest is Mage/Zoolock/Shaman. Occasionally Paladin and Warrior.
Cool, got a Vilefin Inquisitor. I spent all of the dust I had building up my two shaman decks, but I wanna get into Murloc Paladin once I build up resources again.
WTF, in brawl this warrior played varian, got another varian, and a sea kraken on board. Then he goes face instead of trading with his two existing minions. Meanwhile, I have lethal on board + hero power, let alone pyroblast in hand. If he traded right, I would have been 1 off lethal with pyroblast. What a dumbass.


control lock is dead in standard, Fibonacci didn't get the memo.

Bringing a full control line up is a really bad idea too, targeting works both ways. Decks like miracle just tear down slow decks like that as it was demonstrated just now. Control lock is just suicide against shaman too. I guess he's just testing the waters and yeah, probably no one will bring control lock in standard.


control lock is dead in standard, Fibonacci didn't get the memo.

Bringing a full control line up is a really bad idea too, targeting works both ways. Decks like miracle just tear down slow decks like that as it was demonstrated just now. Control lock is just suicide against shaman too. I guess he's just testing the waters and yeah, probably no one will bring control lock in standard.
I already made a post about this.

Not only that Cthun decks kinda wreck Control Lock too.

So aside from Zoo there's nothing that Control Lock is good against in this current meta.

In other news Undercity Valiant brought into the meta for Rogue... I am finally vindicated for it!

LMAO this Shaman vs Rogue game right now... turn 6 lethal.


Blizzard really did good with the hearthstone MMO, really captures the game, I was doing my weekly run of AQ and seeing cards come to life like Pincess Huhuran and twin emps and C'thun, amazing.
Wow aggro Paladin destroys Shaman, at least in my experience. They just can't ever get on the board, and Flamewreathed is more of a liability with how incredibly easy it is to neutralize it.

Still don't really know how to deal with Zoo but hey.

Edit: Also I'm rank 9 after floating around rank 12-14 for months, probably because I'm putting in more time but also because this deck is so good.


Control Nzoth pally seems pretty much unbeatable except by the fastest aggro decks if you are on bad draws. I got rank 5 today from 10 losing 1 or 2 games.

For the list, it's Sjow's one, but without the Lightlord for a Abomination and a corrupted hoarder instead of the new 1/1 that give a 5/5 deathrattle on death.

2 forbidden healing
2 equality
1 humility
2 Doomsayer
2 Wild Pyromancer
1 Harvest golem
2 Aldor Peacekeeper
2 Acolyte of Pain
2 Truesilvers
2 Consecrate
1 Corrupted Hoarder
1 Keeper of Uldaman
1 Spellbreaker
1 Azure Drake
2 Stampeding Kodo
1 Abomination
1 Cairne
1 Sylvannas
1 Lay on Hand
1 Tirion
1 Nzoth
I want to play nzoth Paladin but I can't exactly afford to craft 3 legendaries and like 5 epics. It sucks that a lot of control cards are epics, it's like they don't want any new players to have any options.
I've consistently beaten nzoth paladin with cthun paladin. The only 2 I lost was because of your typical 1/6 bullshit sylvanas steal. I mean, I had 5 bad minions to steal and one of his high value deathrattles (I think tirion). It stole tirion of course, which enabled a bigger nzoth later.

The other loss was because I simply made maybe 1 questionable decision but also 1 very clear mistake in fatigue. For some reason I thought he couldn't deal with c'thun and heal in the same turn, so I used cthun one or two turns too early. Later I realized my deck tracker wasn't working and that is why I thought he used both aldors and both keepers already. Also, c'thun was my very last card. If I drew it the turn before it was guaranteed lethal.
Does mage have the most top class cards (compared to neutrals, not best of all cards in the set)? I mean I just made a mage deck of 100% class cards. I don't think I've done that before. Even in shaman, although I haven't tried this set yet.


Does mage have the most top class cards (compared to neutrals, not best of all cards in the set)? I mean I just made a mage deck of 100% class cards. I don't think I've done that before. Even in shaman, although I haven't tried this set yet.
We talking about Standard or Wild?

Mage and Shaman right now in Standard, Paladin in Wild.

You can make a Tempo/Midrange Mage deck these days with no neutral minions except Azure Drake. With Shaman you can make a Midrange deck without using any neutral minion except Azure Drake.

In Wild you can make a Paladin exclusive Secret Paladin deck pretty easily though you will probably need Ragnaros for the late game finisher.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Does mage have the most top class cards (compared to neutrals, not best of all cards in the set)? I mean I just made a mage deck of 100% class cards. I don't think I've done that before. Even in shaman, although I haven't tried this set yet.

Mage has a lot of solid value spells and minions. Frostbolt, Fireball, Polymorph, Flamestrike, Mana Wyrm, Water Elemental.

You probably could do a 30 Shaman deck in this set. Try and make a Midrange Shaman deck and you'll throw in 28 Shaman cards without even trying.


Just made it to rank 5 without net decking and because I'm in Greece on my vacation there was very little time to spare. How Kripp managed to stream on a regular basis is beyond me. Greek internet is like their grasp of basic capitalism: the worst
That was me :D

I feel like a 2nd Azure Drake is a better replacement for Hammer of Twilight. I've never really been convinced by Doomhammer in midrange decks. The main focus of this deck is board control, which I don't think Doomhammer does particularly well.

I liked having Defender of Argus instead of the 2nd Tuskarr. I used to always have 2 Arguses in Midrange Shaman. It has a lot more competition now with Flamewreathed Faceless and Master of Evo, but I still think it warrants a spot. Partly because it's important to get value out of your hero power. Sometimes with Shaman, your hero power does nothing and each time that happens, you've wasted 2 mana. I guess another option would be a 2nd Flametongue, which also does what I'm talking about and helps with the totem synergy as well.

Of course, if you disagree and your adjustments are working for you, and you're happy with how thing are going, just ignore what I've said.

Also Earth Shock is taking up the tech slot so, depending on the meta, adjust if necessary. It's a good answer for Darkshire Councilman and Paladin buffs. But if you're seeing a lot of C'thun decks, the Black Knight is insane.

I'm glad a few people have had success with the list. Have fun ladder climbing :)

These are some good recommendations. Evo has been a lot of fun but I have pitched a tent at level 10 and just can not crack 9. I have been thinking about putting thunderbluff valiant in because hero power at times has been filling board slots and doing nothing. May drop elemental destruction in favor of that and drop my last nerubian prophet I was holding for a second faceless. Then it is a matter of do I drop one of my master of evolution for something else of better value and control, still would have an evolve spell as well which has come in handy big time in rejuvenating the board with healthy plus one minions. Plus it is good and turns everything gold lol.

If I have no flametounge or rock biter would you say one of hose two would be a better trade for master of evo if I still have one master of evo and evo spell?


i'm not doing well as cthun priest, lost to a cthun druid who just had more and better minions to throw out and my measely two shadow pains and entomb can't keep up.
Prophet in to evolve is so dirty. Free 7 drop

I just wish 7 mana cards had better bodies. A lot of 7 mana cards have 5/5 or 6/5 or 5/6 bodies with some sort of battle cry don't doesn't execute. still taking a minion like fire elemental and getting a 3 damage battle cry and a 6 attack on face or minion clear and then refreshing it to a 7 is awesome.
Guys I'm trying to craft a Paladin deck and Solemn Vigil doesn't show up at all. Not when I sort by all cards in all collections, not when I search the name, not when in crafting mode. What's up here?

Edit: I'm dumb, it's a class challenge card from BRM.


Does mage have the most top class cards (compared to neutrals, not best of all cards in the set)? I mean I just made a mage deck of 100% class cards. I don't think I've done that before. Even in shaman, although I haven't tried this set yet.

I think so, my tempo mage deck which is working great is nearly all class cards
What? No... my hero power only mattered in 1 game, but because I got a bunch of hero power related cards.

My point is that skill is a substantial and significant factor even in the brawls.

sure but mage is just the most suited for the randomness since its cards work on both board control and straight burn.

Going 5-0 with mage is significantly easier than with other classes. Did 3 win 5 quests this tavern brawl and none were easier than mage.

Cat Party

i'm not doing well as cthun priest, lost to a cthun druid who just had more and better minions to throw out and my measely two shadow pains and entomb can't keep up.

Yeah, I'm sucking shit with C'Thun Priest. Even when I get good minions out and have access to my healing. It should dominate on paper, but I just never seem to have the right answers in my hand. Still trying to figure out how to balance AOE and targeted removal.

What is clear to me is that the best C'Thun synergy card is the Warrior one that gives you +10 armor. That is a game winning card.


Lose to an opponent after getting them to 1 health (I conceded after they countered my last option)

... next match against them again, huh...

Edit: And then on the third turn they just conceded o_O. Either they didn't want to play again, or I guess they had to go... huh


and that too yup, banning shaman seems like better. I was watching Dog the other, he was happy that he doesn't have to play against shaman in tournaments because they can just ban it. Freeze mage without mad scientist isn't as consistent as shaman.
From this tournament, looks like zoo, shaman, miracle rogue, patron, druid and N'Zoth control paly are the meta decks.

Nzoth is crazy annoying to deal with. Also I may have just had terrible luck but dragon priest is super powerful as well IMO. Especially if they get a great top of the deck and starting hand. Can play some early taunts that are just difficult to get rid of and that escalates and then they just remove or possess your minions away.


Kripp thinks Stranghelm, Nzoth and Twin Emperor are top 3 Legendaries to craft from the set.

I would put Xaril over Stranghelm personally.
they're still laddering with serious decks today, as usual I can't get above 15 no matter if it's the highest rated deck I have cards for on HearthPwn.

Dude rank ten has some insane competition. Everyone has every card they need and rarely make mistakes if at all. I cannot no get a win streak to safe my life down here. It actually makes me want to just say screw it and good around with decks and take it easy because wow every match is intense.
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