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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

ngl if yogg doesnt fuck off, i'm back out of hearthstone i hadnt played since standard was announced, but losing 10minute+ games cause of that card isnt fun in the slightest


Still very much alive and hitting face.


The power level is so much lower than what it used to be though.


Kind of hard to get mad at Yoggs.

I lost two games to him back-to-back when a Tempo mage just YOLGOed. Yeah, it sucked, but it's just a joke card. ; )
People hyping Call of the Wild but I hasn't seen an single practice that card single handedly won game for Hunter yet

I have played around with some different beast hunter ideas and I think it is a very strong card, winning me several games.

However I'm not sure it'll find its way into the strongest overall deck once the dust settles. The problem is basically the twin emperors. They are so easy to trigger and basically stop the card completely dead.


People hyping Call of the Wild but I hasn't seen an single practice that card single handedly won game for Hunter yet

It's not a win button. It just offers insane value for one card and guarantees the Leokk effect + 5 charge damage with huffer.


This is the hunter deck I've been using before the ladder reset yesterday:

Not too sure about Hyena tbh, although I could probably add in 1 Knife Juggler when I get him again from the brawl packs..


I give up yogg saron for unstable portal any time. This pos cast resurrect and of all card to resurrect that game is archmage. Then proceeds to cast tentacles on it so that I can't kill it.

This is the most bullshit card this game has seen yet. I'm only hoping with some time, it backfires enough times so that it phases out, if it sticks around I'm done with this game.

It's the worst card they've ever made IMO, everything wrong with the game boiled down to one card, the fact it got through is just incredible.


It's the worst card they've ever made IMO, everything wrong with the game boiled down to one card, the fact it got through is just incredible.

Nah it's a 10-mana "a lot of random shit happens" card.

It's nothing compared to straight up OP cards like MC that are annoying and overpowered every time.


I'd rather face MC all the time, atleast you know what you're getting with that card.

That's weird logic. Yogg sometimes fucks you over, costs 10 so it's not even played every match it is drawn and often loses the game for your opponent. Dr. Boom was way worse and Shredder too and you saw those cards every game in every deck.


I'd rather get fucked by Yogg 10 times over before seeing another MC or pre-nerf Undertaker.

If we should rank cancer-metas by level of cancer, who would win? I can think of:

* Undertaker Hunter
* Patron Warrior
* Face Hunter
* Secret Paladin

If we go back to closed beta you'll see stuff like giants OTK, but what came between that and Undertaker? Mech Mage?

I think Undertaker Hunter takes the cake.


2-mana Buzzard takes the cake maybe.
Then MC.

I didn't have any issues with Patron or Miracle. Those decks took skill to pull off.


Yogg is fine in my opinion. Losing/Winning because of it is memorable. At least more memorable than losing to Secret Curvelord #347.
That makes no sense.

In the time you had, it was very difficult to construct just the right play to make use of all your cards, the whirlwinds, charging minions and the patrons. It was a difficult puzzle against the clock while your opponent tried to stop you with counter plays.

Or you could just go "fuck it" and assume you had a shitload of damage and would win.

And you did.


In the time you had, it was very difficult to construct just the right play to make use of all your cards, the whirlwinds, charging minions and the patrons. It was a difficult puzzle against the clock while your opponent tried to stop you with counter plays.

Or you could just go "fuck it" and assume you had a shitload of damage and would win.

And you did.
Except all time when you didn't and lost the game because of it.

There is a reason why the averange winrate amoung legend players with the deck was below 50%.
Unstable Portal is much worse RNG because it affects the early game and allows you to snowball out of control, Yogg never really does anything of value. Sure it's annoying when he does make you lose but fuck it's a 10 mana card it's okay for it to do that sometimes.

It's going to eventually stop seeing play as people get more bored of it and realize they kind of want to reliably win games, can't say that about other random crap like Portal and KJ.


Yeah, Patron took skill to play well, but occasionally you got Emperor discounts on 6+ combo pieces and just charged for 60 damage.

I still maintain that Emperor should've been nerfed too. It's still enabling OTKs in torch mage.


There was a high skill ceiling, but you didnt need to be anywhere near that ceiling to win games.

But you didn't get an insane winrate with the deck unless you were good. You were just another pleb like everyone else.

Unlike with pre-nerf Hunter decks or Secret Paladin. Those require little planning and execution and you will have a good winrate just by choosing that deck.


Azure Drake is slightly OP and should've nerfed tbh, but this game always have more broken card so people overlook it

For now.
While Blizzard isn't prepared to completely rotate out Classic or Basic sets — at least not yet — it has another ambitious idea. With each Standard rotation at the start of each year, the developer will take an opportunity to look at those original cards and tweak their stats where deemed necessary.
I personally think it's fine.
Tuskarr gives me Flametongue, Drop a Spell Damage totem for my Thunderbluff Valiant to buff everything, and then drop Thing From Below.

Welcome to Value Town.


RIP rogue if more people start playing patron, you can't clear them anymore without flurry.

I've seen quite a few today and it's honestly a very good deck right now. I think it still needs refinements, like you probably need a third weapon. It performs very well against other popular decks like zoo, any c'thun deck really and even shaman isn't bad. Looking at streamers, rank 4 and better already, there are a lot of patron games.


Priest, especially Dragon Priest, is probably one of the few things that may be equipped to handle Shaman.

But go ahead, Dragon Priest is pretty good against Rogue too, unless you're just playing Miracle. If you're having tons of problems with Priest in this environment, then I don't really know what to tell you.

It's because I dared to play Patron Warrior. Every time I pull out that deck it's fucking Anduin fiesta day. I hate that smarmy asshole to my core.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Don't know why people are acting like Hunter is completely dead or a shit class. I've had some pretty good sucess with my hunter list. I have a couple flex spots (experimenting with snipe) but there's just so many games that I won by playing Call of the Wild.



Unconfirmed Member
It's the worst card they've ever made IMO, everything wrong with the game boiled down to one card, the fact it got through is just incredible.

What kind of games are you even losing against that thing, with what type of RNG?

Like 80% of the time it's 10 mana clear the board and draw a few cards, putting it on the same exact level as DOOM!, except with large chance of backfiring and not that big of chance of insane things like double call of the wilds.
RIP rogue if more people start playing patron, you can't clear them anymore without flurry.

I've seen quite a few today and it's honestly a very good deck right now. I think it still needs refinements, like you probably need a third weapon. It performs very well against other popular decks like zoo, any c'thun deck really and even shaman isn't bad. Looking at streamers, rank 4 and better already, there are a lot of patron games.

patron was so bad at the weekend tournies though, population might go down.

Real talk: Zoo is probably best deck at the moment.


RIP rogue if more people start playing patron, you can't clear them anymore without flurry.
I don't find them to be a problem yet. Pre-standard had easier ways to flood the board. Now it's just 2-4 Patrons which isn't too hard to clear with a bit of spell damage.

+ Miracle still run a copy of Blade Flurry in some cases.

Win 11 was against a priest; I have no freaking clue how he got there but he coined a cultist on t2, and I answered with the 4 random damage to kill it and a 1 mana ancient shade that I hid behind mirror image to win by t6. Mirror image is an amazing arena card and I credit many of my 7+ runs to it. It's not even a bad t1 drop if it's all you have.

Final boss dropped a faceless summoner that got him frothing berserker behind my two mirror images LOL, then he had a questing adventurer pop out of one that he got to ten attack -_-
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