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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

RIP rogue if more people start playing patron, you can't clear them anymore without flurry.

I've seen quite a few today and it's honestly a very good deck right now. I think it still needs refinements, like you probably need a third weapon. It performs very well against other popular decks like zoo, any c'thun deck really and even shaman isn't bad. Looking at streamers, rank 4 and better already, there are a lot of patron games.

At this point I am pocketing any Lightning Storms and Azure Drakes I get against Warriors. They lost their charge ability, thankfully, but it is still annoying to deal with the flood of patrons, especially with a Frothing whatever on the board. Talk about a momentum changer, Warrior can go from on the ropes to having lethal in a turn.

Also I discovered the card that is missing from my midrange Shaman deck, Bloodlust. There were so many games where I had 4-6 minions on the board and the opponent down to 10-15 health, but I still didn't have lethal and they would have minions on the board that had to be dealt with. Now I can just ignore those minions and burst damage to the face. This is especially useful because right now the current meta seems to favor heroes taking damage early and healing later or playing a lot of taunt to save face. Feels good to have a useful use of this card again.


This took ages :lol
everything but TBK was at full hp at the start of the turn too


Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I'd rather get fucked by Yogg 10 times over before seeing another MC or pre-nerf Undertaker.

If we should rank cancer-metas by level of cancer, who would win? I can think of:

* Undertaker Hunter
* Patron Warrior
* Face Hunter
* Secret Paladin

If we go back to closed beta you'll see stuff like giants OTK, but what came between that and Undertaker? Mech Mage?

I think Undertaker Hunter takes the cake.

Miracle rogue was cancerous as fuck before naxx.

So much so that loatheb and all the sticky shit like spiders or belcher were designed specifically to fuck over miracle without straight nerfing the key cards of the deck.


I think the OG miracle rogue gets more of a pass cause the game was still new. If it happened today there would be a ton more bitching about it. If not for the the simple fact you had to sit there and hear "leeeeeeroooooyyy jenkinsssss" for 3 times to make sure they had all the shadowsteps/cold bloods/etc. to kill you.
Why do people think are the best arena classes now? I feel like shaman might be some peoples top pick, but, it's inconsistent. Your evolve might give you a board of amazing stuff that ends the game, but will that happen in 10/12 games? I still think mage is tier 1 easily, the 2/2 that does 1 damage is amazing, summoner is fantastic, poly fireball water etc there are so many auto picks now. I'm not sure how I'd rank rogue shaman and pally right now though. I think pally would be my worst of that bunch but I haven't played a ton of rogue since the exp. but shaman seems to be either destroy the opponent or get wrecked. I did have a draft with four of the 7/7 guy for instance, but even then I had some games where I couldn't get them on the board fast enough to matter. With Mage right now I feel like it's impossible to really get too behind in most games cos the removal is perfect for the meta

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I think the OG miracle rogue gets more of a pass cause the game was still new. If it happened today there would be a ton more bitching about it. If not for the the simple fact you had to sit there and hear "leeeeeeroooooyyy jenkinsssss" for 3 times to make sure they had all the shadowsteps/cold bloods/etc. to kill you.

People bitched about it like crazy. The team dragged their feet like turtles on miracle.


I think the OG miracle rogue gets more of a pass cause the game was still new. If it happened today there would be a ton more bitching about it. If not for the the simple fact you had to sit there and hear "leeeeeeroooooyyy jenkinsssss" for 3 times to make sure they had all the shadowsteps/cold bloods/etc. to kill you.

Nah a lot of people bitched about Miracle rogues too. Watching your opponent draw their entire deck then killing you the turn after without being able to do anything about it wasn't very fun.


Undertaker Hunter was easily the worst top deck I've seen. After that? Probably Secret Paladin. Miracle was really bad, but I don't think it was as bad as these, Probably because it was easier to make a mistake with Miracle rogue than with these two decks.


I was thinking of a different intro than "Trogg into Totem Golem" and decided to give C'Thun cards a shot.

Early game is a problem if they get going fast, but past that it's been pretty solid. I don't really rely on C'Thun. He's just there if the game gets drawn out.

Going to try this one out, as I've had some success with Shaman in this ladder so far.


Emperor is obviously amazing, but I'm really liking the N'Zoth decks a lot more. Tempted to craft the new Rogue legendary instead, seems like he could pretty much be auto-include in any rogue deck. Free useful combo enablers, yes please!


Emperor is obviously amazing, but I'm really liking the N'Zoth decks a lot more. Tempted to craft the new Rogue legendary instead, seems like he could pretty much be auto-include in any rogue deck. Free useful combo enablers, yes please!

He's not that good in tempo lists.


Undertaker worst deck the game has ever seen that wasn't super early into the game's cycle.

OTK Warrior was also pretty stupid with OG Warsong Commander that gave Molten charge.

Secret Paladin probably just creeps into top 3 as well.


Undertaker worst deck the game has ever seen that wasn't super early into the game's cycle.

OTK Warrior was also pretty stupid with OG Warsong Commander that gave Molten charge.

Secret Paladin probably just creeps into top 3 as well.

Midrange hunter with undertaker, mad scientist and buzzard hounds combo.

thanks reynad


you don't want xaril in your deathrattle deck, it's not good. Actually you don't want N'Zoth in you deathrattle rogue either. You can win with tempo, that's what rogue is built for. Watch what mryagut was playing yesterday, he cut N'Zoth pretty quickly, he rarely got to play it. The games were over much earlier.

I had a bunch of games played against deathrattle rogues, guess what, I just rush and kill you, , and I was playing control warrior. You can't exactly control that board when it happens and rushing rogue seems like a very successful strategy in general :(

N'Zoth seems like a paladin thing right now.
Undertaker worst deck the game has ever seen that wasn't super early into the game's cycle.

OTK Warrior was also pretty stupid with OG Warsong Commander that gave Molten charge.

Secret Paladin probably just creeps into top 3 as well.
I don't see why Warsong Commander couldn't have just said "The first minion you summon each turn gains Charge".


Been running this guy in my zoo lists:


He has nice synergie with Power Overwhelming, Sea Giants, Doomguard and even Darkshire Councilman. Sometimes he is a third giant, sometimes he is Tazdingo and sometimes he is the most dead draw. Im still experimenting and tweaking my list, but have been surprised so far.


Dang, really? Glad I didn't then yet. I don't play at very high ranks so the decks I see are probably pretty different, but I've gotten a ton of value from N'Zoth so far. Not sure who that is or what tournament was going on, but I'll see if I can find a better list compared to what I have.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If you will all indulge me regarding Undercity Huckster for a moment.

It won't work in any deck because it's a 2/2 with random outcomes giving you cards that have possibly no synergy whatsoever with what you're trying to do. How much burgle saw play? This is even worse actually. Yeah, that one trolden video with burgle etc etc, it's a joke RNG card.

Not surprising some posters don't know what a good rogue card looks like and can't tell what's good or what's not :p

Amazing 2 drop? Ok, see you at launch.

Rogue already has had better 2 drops that didn't see much play, you think people will play THIS? I'm honestly surprised how off you can be with car d evaluating here..

you don't want xaril in your deathrattle deck, it's not good. Actually you don't want N'Zoth in you deathrattle rogue either. You can win with tempo, that's what rogue is built for. Watch what mryagut was playing yesterday, he cut N'Zoth pretty quickly, he rarely got to play it. The games were over much earlier.

I had a bunch of games played against deathrattle rogues, guess what, I just rush and kill you, , and I was playing control warrior. You can't exactly control that board when it happens and rushing rogue seems like a very successful strategy in general :(

N'Zoth seems like a paladin thing right now.

What do you replace Nzoth with?


If you will all indulge me regarding Undercity Huckster for a moment.


The card is indeed crap and so is the deck. The good rogue decks right now don't play any of that in case you weren't playing attention.

It's good for the class noobs, it gives them a simple deck to play and has RNG, oh fun, that was the point. Nothing has changed. When I talk about a card, I talk about high level competitive play, of course you don't understand.

It's so rich these coming from you, the guy who was predicting camel hunter to be the next mad scientist, now that's hilarious.
Because that wouldn't stop people from playing 0 mana Molten Giants and then casting Faceless Manipulator on it.
Nerfing Molten Giant does, though. :-/

That's still just one 8/8 charge. I can't even imagine Warsong Commander being on the board that long in this meta.
Peléo;202427999 said:
Been running this guy in my zoo lists:


He has nice synergie with Power Overwhelming, Sea Giants, Doomguard and even Darkshire Councilman. Sometimes he is a third giant, sometimes he is Tazdingo and sometimes he is the most dead draw. Im still experimenting and tweaking my list, but have been surprised so far.

Havent seen him used like that before, sounds like a good idea with power overwhelming


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's so rich these coming from you, the guy who was predicting camel hunter to be the next mad scientist, now that's hilarious.

My predictions are well documented. If you want to find a post where I actually said Camel Hunter was "the next Mad Scientist", I'll wait. Because it doesn't exist. I made comparisons. That was it.


My predictions are well documented. If you want to find a post where I actually said Camel Hunter was "the next Mad Scientist", I'll wait. Because it doesn't exist. I made comparisons. That was it.

you dodged the first part, where is your proof that huckster is some meta defining card for rogue where everyone is playing miracle right now? has someone piloted to top legend last month. Nobody cares who plays what in in like rank 10. A 2/2 body is very bad right now for a tempo deck. Yagut was testing it yesterday and the card was just so bad.

I'm sure you said a LOT about the camel, fortunately I have better things to do with my time to dig up some post nor I care to prove anything to you.


The card is indeed crap and so is the deck. The good rogue decks right now don't play any of that in case you weren't playing attention.

It's good for the class noobs, it gives them a simple deck to play and has RNG, oh fun, that was the point. Nothing has changed. When I talk about a card, I talk about high level competitive play, of course you don't understand.

It's so rich these coming from you, the guy who was predicting camel hunter to be the next mad scientist, now that's hilarious.

Holy shit, calm down dude


Havent seen him used like that before, sounds like a good idea with power overwhelming

He works best with Giant warlock and keeps it sort of viable. Otherwise he is hot garbage made worse by the fact the second he becomes popular silences will return and nerf him into oblivion.


He works best with Giant warlock and keeps it sort of viable. Otherwise he is hot garbage made worse by the fact the second he becomes popular silences will return and nerf him into oblivion.

Or just any good paladin worth his salt.

Follow the rules
Not my house
Do you like to play with fire

And for the techs

Your magic shall not save you


Today was the first time I actually got to play Old Gods. I heard all the rage about Evolve but only new it's effect not the mana cost. 1 fucking mana? You have got to be shitting me!
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