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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Skill is always an interesting term for proficiency in this game.

For example I have Lifecoach stream on in the background, he made his new Y'shaaraj deck and he is already at rank 7 from 18 in just this afternoon. Some of his wins are the luckiest bullshit I've ever seen.

This is the typical stuff I see with popular streamers. The funny part is half the chat questions every play he makes while he flies up the ladder.

I think the reality is that the game is full of random events and you build decks the best you can to navigate the games with the best curve according to your game plan. Sometimes you get shitty match ups (Freeze vs Control Warrior) or you get blown out by a low curve deck (Zoo) even if you are teched to beat them.

Lifecoach does well with Hearthstone because he plays, what he feels, is the best possible deck and he plays every turn with well thought out plans for possible outcomes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
We should all start referring to decks without a god as atheist decks.

What about decks without legends as socialist? One legend can be is tyrannic. Multiple legends is oligarchic.

I'm working on a new tyrannic theist shaman brew.


I would play Priest more if we got a better non-$10 hero. I don't like Anduin, i never played any wow stuff before but he seems like a create-a-character that i would avoid in a videogame.
Skill is always an interesting term for proficiency in this game.

For example I have Lifecoach stream on in the background, he made his new Y'shaaraj deck and he is already at rank 7 from 18 in just this afternoon. Some of his wins are the luckiest bullshit I've ever seen.

This is the typical stuff I see with popular streamers. The funny part is half the chat questions every play he makes while he flies up the ladder.

I think the reality is that the game is full of random events and you build decks the best you can to navigate the games with the best curve according to your game plan. Sometimes you get shitty match ups (Freeze vs Control Warrior) or you get blown out by a low curve deck (Zoo) even if you are teched to beat them.

Lifecoach does well with Hearthstone because he plays, what he feels, is the best possible deck and he plays every turn with well thought out plans for possible outcomes.

Lifecoach always approaches the game from discerning the play that has the highest possible chance to win, even from a deck building perspective. I think finding the absolute best chance to win every single turn is actually really hard considering all the variables.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Knife juggler is still complete bullshit of a card. Nerf did nothing.

Yeah it did. You'd see a lot more of it if it wasn't nerfed. Every time you see a Flame Juggler, just imagine that's a Knife Juggler.

The nerf changed it from the best 2-drop in the game to a thing you play in a flood deck.
Lifecoach always approaches the game from discerning the play that has the highest possible chance to win, even from a deck building perspective. I think finding the absolute best chance to win every single turn is actually really hard considering all the variables.

yea ropecoach really thinks about the action of his play and what the opponent can do on the next turn and tries to find the best course of action. Then he makes weird noises when it works out.


I made it to rank 16 today and it is only day 2. I hope this is the first month I make it to 5.

I've figured out how to make my c'thun druid deck win against N'zoth. Mulligan for wild growth and a mire keeper then charge to the face with only minimal trades. Also I think it is worth keeping C'thun in your hand as long as you are not facing a shaman.

In general a wild growth and mire keeper in hand at the beginning is almost certain victory against anything even without C'thun.

By the way what is a good replacement for Emperor in the 6 slot? I feel like he is not worth the tempo loss despite the mana decrease. I'm leaning toward a boulder fist ogre since I already have sylvanas in the deck and I just don't know what would be better.

Any suggestions?
Yeah it did. You'd see a lot more of it if it wasn't nerfed. Every time you see a Flame Juggler, just imagine that's a Knife Juggler.

The nerf changed it from the best 2-drop in the game to a thing you play in a flood deck.

You could argue that the nerf didn't do enough but I wouldn't say knife juggler is the reason Zoo is still as insane as ever, that's more because of Warlock's hero power and the power of 1 drops.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
What about decks without legends as socialist? One legend can be is tyrannic. Multiple legends is oligarchic.

I'm working on a new tyrannic theist shaman brew.

A socialist deck runs two equalities.


There is apparently a subset of diehards who are trying to make a neo-Backspace Rogue work. I suppose there are people who will make every list try to work, but without Arcane Golem and with 5 cost Leeroy, plus this new guy put Xaril in his list.. makes me think it's probably not optimal. That mantid is as far from an aggro card as they come.
I would play Priest more if we got a better non-$10 hero. I don't like Anduin, i never played any wow stuff before but he seems like a create-a-character that i would avoid in a videogame.


Yeah it did. You'd see a lot more of it if it wasn't nerfed. Every time you see a Flame Juggler, just imagine that's a Knife Juggler.

The nerf changed it from the best 2-drop in the game to a thing you play in a flood deck.

You think just because someone includes flame juggler they aren't running knife juggler or that they shouldn't be running knife juggler?

And nearly every single aggro deck in the game is about flooding the board, so you're pretty much describing every single aggro deck.

Hell, even my tempo rogue deck should be running knife juggler. I am just more interested in seeing how other card combinations play out, like huckster. It worked well enough in LOE pre-nerf. The 1 attack reduction means nothing.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You think just because someone includes flame juggler they aren't running knife juggler or that they shouldn't be running knife juggler?

I don't think I've seen a single deck that runs both.

And nearly every single aggro deck in the game is about flooding the board, so you're pretty much describing every single aggro deck.

Aggro decks that go face and rely on direct-face burn don't flood the board. See: Face Hunter. Or just hunter in general these days.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I played the new zoo a decent amount and would actualy mulligan juggler away when would not happen before. He's still good with cards like forbidden tentacles but that's later in the game. I think he's not worth it in hunter anymore, not sure about aggro pally lists.


I would play Priest more if we got a better non-$10 hero. I don't like Anduin, i never played any wow stuff before but he seems like a create-a-character that i would avoid in a videogame.

lol just last night I was googling "priest alternate hero"

give sally whitemane

this is also the reason I don't play shaman and druid
Yeah it did. You'd see a lot more of it if it wasn't nerfed. Every time you see a Flame Juggler, just imagine that's a Knife Juggler.

The nerf changed it from the best 2-drop in the game to a thing you play in a flood deck.

Knife Juggler can't trade with 2/3s alone anymore, and since a ton of people are using them thanks to C'thun, that's a pretty big deal. That's what stood out to me the most


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Knife Juggler can't trade with 2/3s alone anymore, and since a ton of people are using them thanks to C'thun, that's a pretty big deal. That's what stood out to me the most

It also doesn't trade favorably with 1/3's anymore. So Juggler doesn't straight up kill Voidwalkers, Northshire Clerics, Mana Wyrms, or Tunnel Troggs.
Yeah it did. You'd see a lot more of it if it wasn't nerfed. Every time you see a Flame Juggler, just imagine that's a Knife Juggler.

The nerf changed it from the best 2-drop in the game to a thing you play in a flood deck.

Knife juggler value is comboing a flood. And it got a great flood combo with that tentacle card.


Personally I thought making knife juggler work with played minions and not summoned minions would have been a fair nerf. I don't particularly mind what they did do to change it, though.

It's no Flamewreathed Faceless.


I guess I just have to accept that I suck at this game. No matter what I do I can't get more than 3 wins in arena.


are you mulliganning correctly? Search for your aoe and for your keepers and peacekeepers. I haven't lost to a single zoo as n'zoth paladin yet. They are super predictable.

I must be doing something wrong. I went through two equality / wipes, one consecrate, and a Forbidden healing.

Guess I just need to L2P Paladin, I only have 30 wins with Duhther.


I guess I just have to accept that I suck at this game. No matter what I do I can't get more than 3 wins in arena.

i never line up any combos. Mech warper into piloted shredder, pinging an enrage target with a minion's battlecry, or last arena where a druid had an addled grizzly into an echoing ooze which was crazy good stats. I am starting to play better, pro tip: Don't go face with a Worgen Infiltror against someone that can kill it with a hero power, save it to kill a two hp minion.


It gets kinda like that sometimes, but the thread isn't always that, in fact it's almost always more friendly sharing stories and advice. It's the new expansion jitters where things haven't settled that much.

But, real talk now, there's something to this thread I don't like, and it happens often enough. There's always a feeling of trying to one up each other with "I am more right than you". Whenever there's someone coming in with a statement like: 'I think this card works like this and this', or 'this deck seems to be doing this and that' there will invariably come someone who tries to argue you out of it or immediately point out how wrong you are. I understand some of it is part of being in a discussion forum, but a lot of the comments come off as just pointing out how you don't know, but I do in things that are not as clear cut in a game with so many variables and perspectives.

I've been there myself, so I've been guilty of it and I'm not trying to sound above it, but it's a really unfriendly tinge I see here too often and it puts me off a little.

Yeah, good post.
I guess I just have to accept that I suck at this game. No matter what I do I can't get more than 3 wins in arena.

Watch good arena streamers, helped me out a ton. What really helps is to check out a vod of an arena run and every time it's the streamer's turn pause the video and ask yourself how you would play that turn, then unpause, see what they did and think about how/why that differed from what you would have done. You'll learn a lot this way.

You can do the same with drafting, watch how they draft and compare it with what you would have drafted.

At some point spamming arena runs and hoping you'll get better becomes the equivalent of banging your head against the wall.


The lists I've seen lack pyro activators, you have to kill the tentacles quickly not to wait for the sea giants to come down then maybe hopefully I get equality. Sea giants are not as scary by themselves when they cost 7 or similar, you just keeper them and leave them but the board is more scary. I think you should 2 humility. Forbidden healing can be use as triggers.


I see! That's why Strifecro runs Humility in his list. I wonder why Kolento didn't. Probably because he's Kolento and can win without it.

I'll give it another shot. I already (accidentally) crafted a gold Tirion. I don't really want to invest more dust into Paladin unless it's Vilefin Inquisitioner. There's probably a reason I only have 30ish wins with Uther. I just pulled a Lightlord and thought I'd give it a shot. The golden versions of Yirion, True silver and Lay on Hands look amazing though.

What are you going to be running this cycle?

=BenjaminBirdie;202445657]Follow up, dude's right. I hardly ever end up playing N'Zoth.

I want to check out those posts Mil put up, but wanted to mirror this sentiment.

I play Nzoth Pally, but it feels really difficult. The list is really top heavy and around the time I want to play Nzoth, I'm usually too far behind. Nzoth in Priest, while weaker power-wise, feels more natural as my DR minions are coming out at turns 4, 5, and 6. Then at 6-8 I can Nova, EE, Cabal or Entomb to help steal or neutralize board, then Nzoth. Nzoth with Tyrion is so bad ass though.

QUESTION: How does Entomb work with C'thun? If I Entomb and he Doomspeaker(?)s, does C'thun go back into his deck?


I had my doubts, but the new Aggro Rogue is putting in work. You have to play fast slowly, because every move counts double. And sometimes this happens:



Are the Shadowcasters any good? They seem so slow...kind of like Twilight Summoner.

Yes they are good, you just can't be greedy. Take what you can hit on the board, same with Raptor, but there are so many good targets in your deck that you probably won't feel too bad about what you get.


I would play Priest more if we got a better non-$10 hero. I don't like Anduin, i never played any wow stuff before but he seems like a create-a-character that i would avoid in a videogame.

Oh my gosh, this.

The wait for Tyrande is soul-crushing.
Going to try to get gold Anduin before then.
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