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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

I feel like there's more talk about this Brawl's deck meta than there was when WotOG released, lol.

Well I'm a part of a collective hive-mind that run the same decks and jerk each other off for hitting rank 5 every month.
In card and fighting games, I'm a Johnny/Spike. I love winning, but I need to feel like an individual expressing myself with my deck. It's why I love ideas like Shadowform - if everyone used Shadowform, I would lose interest in it. However, in this game, if something isn't popular, it's usually for a good reason. :-/

By the end of this month, I will be able to try Shadowdragon Priest.

It will take a few more months before I can try Shadow N'Zoth Priest unless I get him or Sylvannas in a lucky pack.
In card and fighting games, I'm a Johnny/Spike. I love winning, but I need to feel like an individual expressing myself with my deck. It's why I love ideas like Shadowform - if everyone used Shadowform, I would lose interest in it. However, in this game, if something isn't popular, it's usually for a good reason. :-/

By the end of this month, I will be able to try Shadowdragon Priest.

It will take a few more months before I can try Shadow N'Zoth Priest unless I get him or Sylvannas in a lucky pack.

I have no problem with that way of thinking. It's fun trying new decks/building around cards you enjoy while navigating an aggro/zoo meta filled with netdecks. I was just being facetious that someone could think ladder is competitive and rank 5 is some barometer of skill. Too funny!
Just faced 5 Reno Mages after another. I suppose that's the new flavor. It's pretty annoying. :p
I lost to one last night. I did not expect Reno when he dropped, haha. I still won because I am an incredibly good player
and I had Doomhammer + 2x Rockbiter in my hand.

I have no problem with that way of thinking. It's fun trying new decks/building around cards you enjoy while navigating an aggro/zoo meta filled with netdecks. I was just being facetious that someone could think ladder is competitive and rank 5 is some barometer of skill. Too funny!
Oh I dig. Yeah, anyone can make rank 5. It just takes time and the right deck.
Mana Wyrm
Forgotten torch
Arcane missiles
Flame Lance

Every fucking turn an answer to what I put out, he ends up with a 7/3 Mana Wyrm. Like how the fuck do you end up at 2-2 with those cards. He then later played fucking Rhonin too.
Meanwhile yarden.............

with the gun


Decide to try some Wild. Turns out Addled Grizzly is pretty good in Egg Druid.

Fun little interaction I discovered: playing Echoing Ooze with Addled Grizzly on the board gives you a 2/3 and a 3/4, since the second Ooze copies the first and then gets another buff on top of it.
Yes, anyone can make rank 5. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be in my room crying.
It's easier than you think. Hitting rank 5 from rank 20 took me about 4 hours of play this season. You just need the right deck. I've found that midrange Shaman has amazing matchups against most things right now. Control decks have no chance of survival if you get a good curve, you can outlast aggro decks, and you have better card value against other midrange decks. It's just a top deck right now, and it's not skill-oriented at all.

The only thing I did that most midrange Shaman players don't is add two Earth Elementals. I think it's an underloved card, and it won me quite a few matches. Turn 6 Earth Elemental + Tunnel Trogg is a great play. Waiting until turn 8 to Earth Elemental + Mana Tide Totem is also amazing. Very few decks can kill both in one turn, so you're going to get 2 cards draws from that Mana Tide Totem, which is when I'm usually happy.


Anyone else ever had this bug before?

All the duplicate cards in all of my decks got removed... so strange lol

Yea just happened to me when I went to play some ladder.

I annoyingly fixed all the decks I've been using recently but when I try to launch it keeps telling me deck is invalid for this playlist everytime I search
What do u guys think i should do to refine this hunter death zoo list

not pictured: 1x sea giant

obvi the objective is to swarm the enemy and take advantage of an insanely sticky board, gormok, giant, if anything is on the board when COTW gets played it's probably GG. i would play a second COTW but i don't have the dust rn. here's my thoughts

2x hunter's mark: essential, deck is full of pings and tokens, and this is way more valuable than an owl would be because the deck isn't a face deck. it's not even that bad to play this with RTH if i have an open board and an opponent drops a really deadly 4+ drop.

fiery bat: kind of weak, but has a death rattle, and is cheap. early game is very important with this deck which makes it hard for me to decide on a concrete later game. the webspinners are way more important though, hence 2 of them, bc hunters mark will get a spinner to get an important early kill anyway, and the free card + chance to sling another off feign is more valuable than bat's death

explosive x1, snake x2, mad sci x2: snakes are insane for juggler and for gormok/sea giant. explosive is basically to mix it up so the second one isn't insanely predictable.

alpha: the deck is full of tokens, so this helps make a board clear. it's sort of weak. but i don't think i wanna drop it.

creeper x2: not running abusives but the token and juggler synergy is too good

juggs x2: absolutely broken in this kind of deck

nerubs x2: AOE protection, insane synergy with feign death and princess

UTH x2: essential obvi

forlorn stalker: bad tempo, but the deck is so ramped with rattles that i think he's worth it. he can power up nerubs to 1/3 which is awesome. possible dead draw and bad tempo

cult master: MVP. deck is flushed with tokens. can almost always snag at least two cards from him. almost good enough to jam 2 in but i don't think i'm that ballsy.

gormok: too good, no one expects him either

infested wolf: kiiiind of eh, but works well with feign and gormok/sea/COTW/juggler

shredder: too good. maybe i should jam a second one in?

huhu: INSANE. hit cairne, highmane, nerub and the value is outrageous. but in worst case scenarios even hitting a spinner or creeper or shredder isn't horrible.

cairne: too good with feign/huhu. AOE protector

highmane: amazing, but do i really need two? idk. i think a second COTW is more important.

COTW: insane when you have any kind of board. this card makes this sort of hunter viable IMO. you are guaranteed to pump up ANYTHING on the board when you drop it. insane.

sea giant: amazing, but two is too greedy i think

sylvannas: tough to keep out. lots of synergy. idk.
eaglehorn bow: this deck is good because you can put out insane boards on turns 4 - 9. losing health works directly against that. i wish i had more taunt or heal in here but i just don't see what i could play. defender of argus maybe?
animal companion: a tough omission. admittedly i don't have shit for 3 drops. but that's usually when i'm trying to cram in the cheap minions. buzzard would be great, taunt dude would be ok i guess, huffer honestly wouldn't add much under most circumstances. need the board to be sticky.
kill command: maybe i should have one. i have lots of beasts, but no houndmaster/wrangler/KC. that's because i'm trying to just swarm the deck, hope people will either ignore some things or just won't be able to kill all the death rattles, then use the board against them as hunters almost never do.
dr boom: maybe i should play him. so good, synergy with feign and huhu. but late game cards are hard to put in hunter decks. i think a second COTW would be better.

thoughts and suggestions? i don't own a second feign death yet, i'm not sure if i should use a second one or not when i get the dust. its really really good even if you can just hit a nerub egg with it. hit more than that and its insane, but liable to be a dead draw with 2x.
so i improved this deck and it has been doing some work on the wild ladder


explosive trap is rarely missed, with the board flood you really don't need it. only having one scientist feels a little wasteful, but honestly snake trap is the only secret that really helps flood the board. its so good though! juggles and gormok and sea giant really feed off of snake trap. and people rarely expect the second ST, or gormok, or anything the deck is trying to do really. they all think you're face, but it's not. face. at. all. it's super sticky zoo.

stalker is just too slow. infested wolf is garbage compared to shredder unless you go beast synergy, and tbh i feel going for beast synergy is not worth it. shredder is also much better with feign/huhu than wolf. animal companion and boom were idiotic things to leave out when i first made the deck. the buzzard makes your zoo clean house, the taunt is great, and eh huffers usually not bad. boombots can be hit with feign for massive lulz

when i get enough dust for a second COTW what do u think i should drop? fiery bat is kind of weak, but man those 1 drops help for getting ahead on the board , procing snake trap, and getting gormok/sea giant off.

my two biggest downfalls have been lack of taunt/healing; i suppose finley might be worth it, as pally/druid/priest would be solid grabs. warlock would kill you faster though so honestly it would not be an upgrade. i rarely find myself running out of cards. a sludge belcher sounds nice but....idk what i would drop for it. like i ditched a sci and explosive before, and that helped a LOT with me more consistently being able to have control of the board. cairne is just too good with huhu and feign death to drop. ideas? it's insanely fun. freeze mage has been my biggest PITA, but a second COTW would help. i just don't know where i would squeeze it in.

one could also add a second cult master and slash the curve much lower i think, but this is very consistent so far, you don't live and die on pulling cult


Nzoth Priest bullying Nzoth Paladin on stream LMAO!

Also Beast Druid being played against Nzoth Paladin right now.

Seems like despite being a tier 1 deck, Nzoth Paladin is pretty easy to target farm in tournaments.
Some of the decks I run into on ladder blow my mind. Like, decks that just get completely run over by aggro Shaman or Zoolock. Can't imagine these people are actually having a good time.


I think for the first time Hearthstone has a really interesting meta.
If Shaman wasn't as strong as it is then I would agree.

Without a dominant Shaman, we would actually have a proper aggro/midrange/combo/control meta where readily available counters are available for various deck archetypes. As it is, it's very hard to punish/counter a Shaman properly.


Playing a Yogg-Nzoth Hunter deck and it's really fun. 2 Elekk + 1 track will always get you all your 6 drops and your gods on T10 , plus all the traps keep you afloat early on. Yogg has been a mostly YOLO card, but Nzoth always summon up at least 1 highmane + 1 Cairne/Sylvannas and rek.
If Shaman wasn't as strong as it is then I would agree.

Without a dominant Shaman, we would actually have a proper aggro/midrange/combo/control meta where readily available counters are available for various deck archetypes. As it is, it's very hard to punish/counter a Shaman properly.

Sorry no, I was talking about the brawl.

Mechwarper + flare. Astounding!
Lol, I guess this Rogue was playing some sort of miracle Ragnaros + Shadowcaster + Brann type thing?

I dunno, they played Rag, I used Hex on it and they conceded lol.


I mean sure if you like getting killed in 3/4 turns and games being decided by who has the godlier opener or who counter picks who it's astounding.

The games basically play out automatically with almost 0 player interaction. That's why people will see a single card played then concede on the spot if they know their deck is a bad match up. It's not like you can rely on them not drawing one of the two cards that wreck you nor can you tech because changing a card is basically playing an entirely new deck.

Great for getting the easy quest/gold, for sure. Also there are some cool combos like Darkshire Librarian and Fist of Jaraxxus.
Already won 3 with my c'thun shaman deck. I removed eternal sentinel for al'akir. It doesn't run many overload cards anyway.

I was surprised to see this midrange/totem shaman go face with his tunnel trogg instead of removing my rumbling elemental. I guess he could not resist 7 to the face. But fire elemental probably made him cry next turn.

I eventually had 2 rumbling elementals up and a 14/14 c'thun dropped on turn 10, so I got 18 damage out of that turn lol.

I swear to god, every Shaman I play against has Trogg into Coin + Feral Spirit.

Might as well be an on the spot concede.

3 damage removal is pretty good atm against shaman decks. Just taking out the tunnel trogg should be enough to slow them down to keep you in the game. After all, if they coin feral spirit on turn 2, they only have 1 mana to work with on turn 3.

A 3/4 3cc is decent because it doesn't die to just rockbiter, although it will to abusive sergeant. A 3/3 is the minimum okay response, although rockbiter exists.

I wonder if people will tech in MCT to counter these explosive openings, similar to what happened with mech mages.


I mean sure if you like getting killed in 3/4 turns and games being decided by who has the godlier opener or who counter picks who it's astounding.

The games basically play out automatically with almost 0 player interaction.
Can't tell if referring to standard or this tavern brawl insanity.


Ok, this is getting ridiculous: there are a number of people who hasn't been able to connect to the game for about two months now. The spanish forum has a thread that reached the limit of post about this issue and STILL no single solution has been provided by Blizzard. They are basically ignoring us. WTF. Any of you has experienced this problem?

Here you can find a snippet about what I'm talking about: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/20742894568?page=5
Well, up to rank 7 now with C'Thun Shaman. It's working but there just aren't all that many favorable matchups out there right now.

Not sure what to switch to. Outside of C'Thun Shaman there hasn't really been a deck I've found myself latching on to in the new expansion.


What is with literally everyone playing priest at rank 7-8, FOURTH priest in a row. Everyone running double entomb double death too. zzz

Wanna make me queue Shaman
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