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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?



Oh look it's a fucking Freeze Mage's Yogg clearing a massive Varian board after both Doomsayers and all AoEs are gone and summoning a better Druid combo w/ Commanding Shout that eats all of the armor I built up while my Rag can't even get a 50/50 on Alex


Oh look it's a fucking Freeze Mage's Yogg clearing a massive Varian board after both Doomsayers and all AoEs are gone and summoning a better Druid combo w/ Commanding Shout that eats all of the armor I built up while my Rag can't even get a 50/50 on Alex

And people said Yogg wasn't viable


Kolento was eliminated from prelims by yogg saron. it's competitive viable in some decks I guess. Quite a few players brought it, unfortunately.


Already seeing firebat OTĶ priest in ladder while not OTK me frigging corřupteď healbòt n embrace deal 16 damage in totaĺ. Fuck slid down again to rank 8


here is your ladder experience for next ~3 months. Things will settle down now after the tournaments showing what's good and what's not.


Tier 1
Aggro Shaman
Miracle Rogue
N'Zoth Paladin
Midrange Shaman
Tempo Warrior

Tier 2
Patron Warrior
N'Zoth Priest
Tempo Mage
Midrange Hunter
Maly Rogue
Control Warrior
Freeze Mage

I think totem/bloodlust build is way more consistent than aggro shaman and is actually favored against it. It's harder to deal with too in general, except rogue, aggro shaman might be unwinnable for rogue but mid range is definitely doable, I win that match up usually. It's not great but it's not auto concede.

edit: the tiers are new, they are still editing the article, it's not supposed to be up yet, the intro text is from last week. match ups are still wip.


I think it's interesting that Miracle Rogue is up there despite all the doom and gloom about Rogues before the release of the expansion.
I think it's interesting that Miracle Rogue is up there despite all the doom and gloom about Rogues before the release of the expansion.

It is only because decks are artificially slower due to not being quite refined yet.

That'll change very quickly and it'll be out the door again.


I think it's interesting that Miracle Rogue is up there despite all the doom and gloom about Rogues before the release of the expansion.
The problem is that Rogue can no longer deal with non-aggro boards efficiently anymore so while they can cycle for threats and burst well, midrange decks can now go all out against Rogue with no threat of an easy clear.


I think it's interesting that Miracle Rogue is up there despite all the doom and gloom about Rogues before the release of the expansion.

You always evaluate pre-release cards in the framework that you know, which since Naxx has been granular, sticky and cancerous boards starting on turn 1. Because of that Rogue was defined entirely by Blade Flurry. The current boards line up extremely well against Rogue's removal kit, as they're either made up of midrange threats that target removal deals with, or full of literal tokens which get destroyed by Fan. For longtime players it was hard to predict or even just believe boards would ever change as much as they did.

For the record I still hold the view that the Blade Flurry nerf was complete overkill and looks especially ridiculous next to Juggler's slap on the wrist. Their "design space" mantra still doesn't apply, they didn't print anything but meme cards for Rogue once again, but in the current meta it actually would have been a somewhat oppressive card. They butchered another card when only one of the two changes would have sufficed. Now without any worthwhile synergies Rogue simply can't use weapons anymore, most lists run 1x Deadly and otherwise use the hero power as a ping. Ironically Flurry being unplayable even benefits Rogue as it lets you get away with absurd Conceal shenanigans in the mirror.


lack of flurry is manageable now, against control and midrange decks where your single target removals are more than good enough and generally you are the aggressor anyway. You could beat shaman before by flurry on feral spirits and their other stuff and out tempo them out of the game and there was the outracing potential in flurry too. Now it's just almost impossible. Other classes in next set could become a problem too, I don't think the concerns over the overnerf were wrong. Right now fok and thalnos are good enough for zoo and similar and against control you don't need more than that, patron looks like it's not going to be popular. There is always skulker if you want an extra clear but it doesn't do enough. 3 damage is the threshold you want to hit for it to be a real board swing. It's only real impact is against zoo again and it's rotating out next set.

Even when that future meta happens, I don't think you play flurry still, it's just extremely bad. 4+2+1 mana, losing your weapon in the process to do a worse flamestrike? it's just not going to provide a swing, it's an stall maybe, a very expensive one. hell, prep vanish is maybe better even if you want to stall. I think at some point they should print a new aoe spell that is not tied to your weapon.

Something like 6 mana, combo: deal 2 damage to all enemy minions for every card you played this turn.


It is only because decks are artificially slower due to not being quite refined yet.

That'll change very quickly and it'll be out the door again.
Perhaps. We'll see in a while. How does it stack up to the current aggro Shaman?
The problem is that Rogue can no longer deal with non-aggro boards efficiently anymore so while they can cycle for threats and burst well, midrange decks can now go all out against Rogue with no threat of an easy clear.
Is that necessarily a problem, though? It definitely gave Rogue a weakness, but a class having a weakness should be fine, I think. If it's good against aggro (boardclear) and control (get to find the combo) but has a weakness in midrange, that can be all right. I don't play enough to be able to say whether the class is good or not right now, so I'm just speaking theoretically. It should still be able to deal with single midrange threats in an all right way with stuff like sap and eviscerate.
You always evaluate pre-release cards in the framework that you know, which since Naxx has been granular, sticky and cancerous boards starting on turn 1. Because of that Rogue was defined entirely by Blade Flurry. The current boards line up extremely well against Rogue's removal kit, as they're either made up of midrange threats that target removal deals with, or full of literal tokens which get destroyed by Fan. For longtime players it was hard to predict or even just believe boards would ever change as much as they did.

For the record I still hold the view that the Blade Flurry nerf was complete overkill and looks especially ridiculous next to Juggler's slap on the wrist. Their "design space" mantra still doesn't apply, they didn't print anything but meme cards for Rogue once again, but in the current meta it actually would have been a somewhat oppressive card. They butchered another card when only one of the two changes would have sufficed. Now without any worthwhile synergies Rogue simply can't use weapons anymore, most lists run 1x Deadly and otherwise use the hero power as a ping. Ironically Flurry being unplayable even benefits Rogue as it lets you get away with absurd Conceal shenanigans in the mirror.

I guess, that's fair. I agree that the mana increase OR the (only target minions) thing would be a better change.


patron looks like it's not going to be popular

Neo-Patron without DB swing potential is as dead as expected. Because the deck still won certain matchups due to its Whirlwind effects it took a while for people to accept that fact, until someone smart finally dropped the Patron pretense, replaced them with good cards and thus created Tempo Warrior.
lack of flurry is manageable now, against control and midrange decks where your single target removals are more than good enough and generally you are the aggressor anyway. You could beat shaman before by flurry on feral spirits and their other stuff and out tempo them out of the game and there was the outracing potential in flurry too. Now it's just almost impossible. Other classes in next set could become a problem too, I don't think the concerns over the overnerf were wrong. Right now fok and thalnos are good enough for zoo and similar and against control you don't need more than that, patron looks like it's not going to be popular. There is always skulker if you want an extra clear but it doesn't do enough. 3 damage is the threshold you want to hit for it to be a real board swing. It's only real impact is against zoo again and it's rotating out next set.

Even when that future meta happens, I don't think you play flurry still, it's just extremely bad. 4+2+1 mana, losing your weapon in the process to do a worse flamestrike? it's just not going to provide a swing, it's an stall maybe, a very expensive one. hell, prep vanish is maybe better even if you want to stall. I think at some point they should print a new aoe spell that is not tied to your weapon.

Something like 6 mana, combo: deal 2 damage to all enemy minions for every card you played this turn.

Which is why I am trying out a evolved kobold. I already smashed a shaman scum with a evolved kobold + prep + fan of knives. Then they had to still spend a card to remove it. So not only did it get value in the initial clear (killed 3 minions + 1 totem), it took a card itself so I actually came out ahead by like 2 cards due to card draw off fan and saved a bunch of health.

If it actually survives a round, we're talking about 4 damage backstabs, 3 damage shivs, 6 damage eviscerates... it's basically a mini-malygos for 4 mana. For 6 mana you can double eviscerate + double sinister for 22 damage, although I haven't been using it long enough for that to happen yet (only a couple games so far).


yeah, I think I posted about kobold vs flurry earlier in this thread before the set came out, when the time comes I consider that before going to flurry, it's definitely more efficient and has the added utility of killing your opponent with spell power +2, that's no joke. I played freeze mage on first week of set with it and the burst potential was just stupid, the problem was with other parts of the deck, I should revisit it at some point.

The only case I can make for flurry is that there is a new high tempo rogue minion that can buff your dagger to 4 on battle cry and have a reasonable body on board for its cost, then I can see playing flurry then so that it evens out on tempo. Deadly poison and flurry are not going to be worthwhile.


Is it really a gimmick if half the playerbase is running mech warper hunter?

You can counter it with Shaman - Elemental Destruction and Volcanic Drake. If the Hunter player sees what's coming they can play around that and kill you anyway, and if they can do that, they deserve it.. but fortunately most of them are opportunistic dumbfucks.


Neo-Patron without DB swing potential is as dead as expected. Because the deck still won certain matchups due to its Whirlwind effects it took a while for people to accept that fact, until someone smart finally dropped the Patron pretense, replaced them with good cards and thus created Tempo Warrior.

At least 85% of the goldens I crafted are still good for Tempo. Kicking myself when I could've crafted Malkorok and Harrison instead though. Oh well, I'll still get my mileage out of the shiny cards, and why not throw a couple golden Chillwind Yetis in there just to mix things up?
You can counter it with Shaman - Elemental Destruction and Volcanic Drake. If the Hunter player sees what's coming they can play around that and kill you anyway, and if they can do that, they deserve it.. but fortunately most of them are opportunistic dumbfucks.
Aw, thank you. :)

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Am I right in thinking rank 20 is when you either quit the game or spend money? It seems like I'm the only guy using a level 10 deck at this point and I just can't win, I've lost like 8 out of the last 10 and they all had cards I've never even seen, let alone own. Everything I did they just had a perfect card to undo it, it feels like I'm completely handicapped.


Am I right in thinking rank 20 is when you either quit the game or spend money? It seems like I'm the only guy using a level 10 deck at this point and I just can't win, I've lost like 8 out of the last 10 and they all had cards I've never even seen, let alone own. Everything I did they just had a perfect card to undo it, it feels like I'm completely handicapped.

You don't necessarily need to spend money. The grind is painful though when the majority of quests are "Win X Games With Y". But pretty much, yes, rank 20 is the breaking point and you have to decide how much you like the game. You'll come up against another new player occasionally but people have full legend quality net decks grinding around rank 20. Casual mode is even worse.

Someone will probably tell you to "just do arena" but that's kind of hard as a new player when you have to win games in Play Mode to get gold to run arena.
Am I right in thinking rank 20 is when you either quit the game or spend money? It seems like I'm the only guy using a level 10 deck at this point and I just can't win, I've lost like 8 out of the last 10 and they all had cards I've never even seen, let alone own. Everything I did they just had a perfect card to undo it, it feels like I'm completely handicapped.

No. You can go much further than rank 20 without paying a dime. Streamers have done f2p legend runs on new accounts without even using arena to earn a collection faster. Myself, I've done f2p on EU up to rank 5 running mostly and sometimes even only basic cards.

You don't necessarily need to spend money. The grind is painful though when the majority of quests are "Win X Games With Y". But pretty much, yes, rank 20 is the breaking point and you have to decide how much you like the game. You'll come up against another new player occasionally but people have full legend quality net decks grinding around rank 20. Casual mode is even worse.

You're imlying he can't progress without spending money or grinding, which isn't true even slightly. I hate the whole "git gud" thing, but sometimes you actually do have to step up your gameplay. You don't think he is playing perfectly as a new player do you?


You're imlying he can't progress without spending money or grinding, which isn't true even slightly. I hate the whole "git gud" thing, but sometimes you actually do have to step up your gameplay. You don't think he is playing perfectly as a new player do you?

I'm implying that no matter how good you get, you'll hit that wall. If you become an amazing player with the lack of collection, you'll still be fighting uphill battles every game where your opponent will have higher quality cards. It's either a lot of money or a lot of time or a mix of both to be able to play at the level most people here do.

Hearthstone is a great game and I think it's worth the grind to be able to play but I'm not going to pretend it's not stupidly difficult for new players to get started, even with the introduction of the Standard format.

I know people love to say "look at these streamers who did it!"
Those are people who play Hearthstone as a job. They play many hours a day every day for the last three years. You can't possibly expect a new player to do that.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
No. You can go much further than rank 20 without paying a dime. Streamers have done f2p legend runs on new accounts without even using arena to earn a collection faster. Myself, I've done f2p on EU up to rank 5 running mostly and sometimes even only basic cards.

You're imlying he can't progress without spending money or grinding, which isn't true even slightly. I hate the whole "git gud" thing, but sometimes you actually do have to step up your gameplay. You don't think he is playing perfectly as a new player do you?

But I'm a new player, not some pro streamer with countless hours in the game. If my opponents have more exp and a better deck I'm not sure how I can possibly win? We'll see I guess. I was enjoying it up until this point but last night and today has been me banging my head against a brick wall basically.


But I'm a new player, not some pro streamer with countless hours in the game. If my opponents have more exp and a better deck I'm not sure how I can possibly win? We'll see I guess. I was enjoying it up until this point but last night and today has been me banging my head against a brick wall basically.

I tried arena few times, but I guess you/we should've wait longer until we understand more of the mechanics.

I'd say watching a lot of pro players, reading the card descriptions and learned a lot from my mistakes are actually helping me playing better.

Trust me, I started playing since the released of WoTG and grinding gold through quest or luckily the last brawl to collect cards and have the worst of luck. Only have 1 legendary so far.
But I'm a new player, not some pro streamer with countless hours in the game. If my opponents have more exp and a better deck I'm not sure how I can possibly win? We'll see I guess. I was enjoying it up until this point but last night and today has been me banging my head against a brick wall basically.

You can do a lot to improve your chances. Start by refining your deck as much as possible. Cut all the bad cards you are running and replace them with cheap but effective alternatives.

There are plenty of resources to help you play better. Even just posting your deck here may get you some suggestions to improve your deck.

My point about people doing legend runs is not to say you should be able to. But that it's your skill level, not your collection, that holds you back at rank 20. That doesn't even mean you suck at hearthstone. You're clearly a new player. You have, probably, a lot to learn. A bigger collection might help you advance some, but it's not gonna solve your problems where it comes to skill.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
You can do a lot to improve your chances. Start by refining your deck as much as possible. Cut all the bad cards you are running and replace them with cheap but effective alternatives.

There are plenty of resources to help you play better. Even just posting your deck here may get you some suggestions to improve your deck.

I've been using this guide: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/game-guides/the-best-free-basic-decks-in-hearthstone-march-2016

No idea how good it is, but it's current.


I think it's funny when I did my quests and want to play the game for fun and maybe do some laddering. Well I'm laddering but not in the direction I would like. Getting absolutely steamrolled by my opponents. They either draw their answers right away, have the luckiest RNG or the cards I needed several turns ago are literally the last two cards in my deck.

And I can't wait until Tuskarr Totemic leaves standard. I've lost count of how many times it summoned Totem Golem.

I know there are times when luck is on my side but when you're on the recieving end of misfortune it really is upsetting because it's either or for me most of the time.
Am I right in thinking rank 20 is when you either quit the game or spend money? It seems like I'm the only guy using a level 10 deck at this point and I just can't win, I've lost like 8 out of the last 10 and they all had cards I've never even seen, let alone own. Everything I did they just had a perfect card to undo it, it feels like I'm completely handicapped.
I hit rank 15 my first week playing, so there's definitely room for you to grow still.

That said, you basically have three choices at this point:
1) Quit
2) Spend Money
3) Accept a long painful grind.

But I'm a new player, not some pro streamer with countless hours in the game. If my opponents have more exp and a better deck I'm not sure how I can possibly win? We'll see I guess. I was enjoying it up until this point but last night and today has been me banging my head against a brick wall basically.
I started toward the end of January, and people talked to me the same way. I also still haven't actually seen someone post a video of a player hitting legend with nothing but Basic cards in the last 6 months, but it gets said a lot. The closest someone could find for me is a top player hitting legend with Basics like 2 years ago when the game wasn't nearly as strict in its demands.

A lot of the guys here have been playing for years - they have no idea what it's like to start new in the game's current climate. Even I am a bit out of touch - I almost recommended the midrange Shaman deck to you, forgetting how expensive Doomhammers are.

I suppose the strongest cheapo deck that can still win is...midrange Hunter?
I'm implying that no matter how good you get, you'll hit that wall. If you become an amazing player with the lack of collection, you'll still be fighting uphill battles every game where your opponent will have higher quality cards. It's either a lot of money or a lot of time or a mix of both to be able to play at the level most people here do.

Hearthstone is a great game and I think it's worth the grind to be able to play but I'm not going to pretend it's not stupidly difficult for new players to get started, even with the introduction of the Standard format.

I know people love to say "look at these streamers who did it!"
Those are people who play Hearthstone as a job. They play many hours a day every day for the last three years. You can't possibly expect a new player to do that.

I don't play hearthstone as a job and I know for fact, because I have done it multiple times, that I can run up the ladder with budget decks. Highest rank I worked up to was either rank 5 or 6 on EU with 95% basic deck, only using cards I got from opening packs and I didn't even bother to complete achievements that can net you at least 10 packs. This expansion also gives you 13 additional ones.

I don't expect a new player to get legend right away. That wasn't my point. But if a good player can get to legend, that means there is a heavy element of skill involved that holds other new players back, that if worked on they can overcome.

It's actually 2 months old with no update for the latest expansion and format change.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I hit rank 15 my first week playing, so there's definitely room for you to grow still.

That said, you basically have three choices at this point:
1) Quit
2) Spend Money
3) Accept a long painful grind.

I started toward the end of January, and people talked to me the same way. I also still haven't actually seen someone post a video of a player hitting legend with nothing but Basic cards in the last 6 months, but it gets said a lot. The closest someone could find for me is a top player hitting legend with Basics like 2 years ago when the game wasn't nearly as strict in its demands.

A lot of the guys here have been playing for years - they have no idea what it's like to start new in the game's current climate. Even I am a bit out of touch - I almost recommended the midrange Shaman deck to you, forgetting how expensive Doomhammers are.

I suppose the strongest cheapo deck that can still win is...midrange Hunter?

I actually looked on Youtube for people doing well with basic decks and I couldn't find anything from this year which isn't too promising. Those 3 options really do sum up how I feel right now, and just out of interest, what sort of ££££ do you need to spend for a competent deck that won't always have me at a disadvantage?

It's actually 2 months old with no update for the latest expansion and format change.

Oh damn, and the new one is literally right there on the same site. I blame Google.


EDIT: That's standard decks, not basic ones, need to find an updated basic one.


I don't play hearthstone as a job and I know for fact, because I have done it multiple times, that I can run up the ladder with budget decks. Highest rank I worked up to was either rank 5 or 6 on EU with 95% basic deck, only using cards I got from opening packs and I didn't even bother to complete achievements that can net you at least 10 packs. This expansion also gives you 13 additional ones.

I don't expect a new player to get legend right away. That wasn't my point. But if a good player can get to legend, that means there is a heavy element of skill involved that holds other new players back, that if worked on they can overcome.

You've also been here since beta.

I'm not saying the game isn't insurmountable. But you can't pretend new players will be able to catch up that easily. I'm telling them the truth. To get going in Hearthstone requires a lot of something. Either money to outclass other not-great players or tons of time and experience.

You run face first into that wall at rank 20. At that point you have to decide for yourself whether its worth it to you. If it is, then you can decide whether you want to spend money, or time to research/get experience. How can you deny that?
I actually looked on Youtube for people doing well with basic decks and I couldn't find anything from this year which isn't too promising. Those 3 options really do sum up how I feel right now, and just out of interest, what sort of ££££ do you need to spend for a competent deck that won't always have me at a disadvantage?

Oh damn, and the new one is literally right there on the same site. I blame Google.

The funny thing is, it's mostly about having the dust to craft the cards you need - packs hardly help on their own at all. When I started playing, buying Naxx was the thing to do - it just had too many useful tools. Now, I'm not sure. Here is a midrange Hunter deck list:

The only expensive card in it is Call of the Wild. Everything else is rare or less. It can work with alterations, but I think at least 1 Call of the Wild is pretty much neededfor higher ranked play. You can definitely get to ~rank 10 without it, though. It's not a super fun deck, but it's probably more fun than you're having right now, haha. :p

According to the list, someone hit legend with that deck. I used my own variant and got to rank 8 before switching to midrange Shaman, which is undoubtedly stronger but more expensive than this deck.
Only reason I was able to stay f2p was that I got a golden legendary back in beta before I stopped playing. From that I crafted secret paladin when I came back a year later, profited off that for a couple months, and now N'Zoth Paladin.

Now only the Adventures are a thorn in my side with their prohibitive costs.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
According to the list, someone hit legend with that deck. I used my own variant and got to rank 8 before switching to midrange Shaman, which is undoubtedly stronger but more expensive than this deck.

Yeah after posting I noticed it wasn't basic but standard and I don't have any of those cards lol, if I could make one of those decks I doubt I'd have so much trouble right now.
You've also been here since beta.

I'm not saying the game isn't insurmountable. But you can't pretend new players will be able to catch up that easily. I'm telling them the truth. To get going in Hearthstone requires a lot of something. Either money to outclass other not-great players or tons of time and experience.

You run face first into that wall at rank 20. At that point you have to decide for yourself whether its worth it to you. If it is, then you can decide whether you want to spend money, or time to research/get experience. How can you deny that?

I'll boil my point down to a simple singular sentence. The only thing you need to get past rank 20 is experience.

And the game pretty much hands you 20+ packs now.
Yeah after posting I noticed it wasn't basic but standard and I don't have any of those cards lol, if I could make one of those decks I doubt I'd have so much trouble right now.
No doubt. But I do want to echo what Mobius is saying, and state that rank 20 is not a "pay to win" barrier level. I found rank 15 very obtainable in my first month of play. I think it might have even been rank 13...

Only reason I was able to stay f2p was that I got a golden legendary back in beta before I stopped playing. From that I crafted secret paladin when I came back a year later, profited off that for a couple months, and now N'Zoth Paladin.

Now only the Adventures are a thorn in my side with their prohibitive costs.
I have one adventure left, and Google Opinion Rewards has stopped sending my wife surveys at $6.43. :-(


Rank 25-20 is the kid's corner, you can't lose stars and people play like total garbage so you can get away with messes of decks and the sloppiest play yourself and feel good about it but won't learn anything in the process. The second you cross that line to rank 20 is when the real Dark Souls starts, there's no gradient, you go from the absolute pits straight to major league where people actually have a baseline of understanding on how to play the game. You get absolutely dumpstered again and again by all these cards you've never seen so that it's hard to process why you really lost those matches.

Basically what you do now is dick around between casual and ranked while watching educational streamers like Trump or w/e and reading/watching newbie guides until you have a solid grasp of the game's mechanics and systems, then hit arena. Start looking into arena streamers who make it a point to explain and discuss their decisions like Shadybunny, Hafu and ADWCTA/Merps, and watch full runs like the Arena Coops on Youtube.

I do wish people would stop overselling that handful of f2p legend projects conducted by highly experienced players in order to downplay the p2w component inherent to CCGs. Those have absolutely no value to beginners and Blizzard is far from generous because they don't have to be.
Oh damn, and the new one is literally right there on the same site. I blame Google.


EDIT: That's standard decks, not basic ones, need to find an updated basic one.

Chances are 100% basic decks don't change. What you need is a budget deck, not a basic deck.

Also, have you completed all the achievements? I don't even remember what they all are atm.

unlock every class, beat every expert class in practice, hit level 10 every class...

Between all that and the standard format/expansion promotions, you should have at least 20 packs opened by now. Should be good enough to make an effective budget deck.

I do wish people would stop overselling that handful of f2p legend projects conducted by highly experienced players in order to downplay the p2w component inherent to CCGs. Those have absolutely no value to beginners and Blizzard is far from generous because they don't have to be.

I don't think the argument is that at all. The argument is that skill stops players from advancing and just blaming your lack of success on a lack of legendary cards is an easy out.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Chances are 100% basic decks don't change. What you need is a budget deck, not a basic deck.

Also, have you completed all the achievements? I don't even remember what they all are atm.

unlock every class, beat every expert class in practice, hit level 10 every class...

Between all that and the standard format/expansion promotions, you should have at least 20 packs opened by now. Should be good enough to make an effective budget deck.

I'm working on that stuff ATM, I just need to finish Druid and Paladin and I'll have everyone at level 10. I've opened a bunch of decks and I got one legendary which my friend said is bad, "The Boggymonster".


I'm not saying it's impossible to get rank 19. I'm saying rank 20 is when you see what the game is really like and the kind of grind/wall that stands before you. At that point you have to decide for yourself whether it's worth it. How is this an unreasonable statement?

It's ridiculous to downplay what's involved in getting going in this game.

Experiences of getting higher ranks as streamers or someone who has played since beta years ago are worthless to people starting today.

I'll boil down my point to one sentence too: Hearthstone is great but there's a huge wall for new players to get started and I won't pretend there isn't.


Is anyone here around rank 5?

I cannot get a handle on the meta at this rank and I'm just trading wins and loses. It is a lot slower and I'm not sure how to adapt.

I'm seeing a lot of Reno Mage, Reno Handlock, and Miracle Rogue. Almost all of the Shaman I'm seeing is slower and using the midrange varient.

I've used Zoo, tempo Druid, and a Mid-range n'zoth Pally for my laddering so far, but I've been playing around with just about everything now. I usually try to learn to play a deck to beat it, but there is just too many new things right now.

Any tips for taking on a meta like this?
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