Against Freeze Mage and fuck priest. Losing against your own cards sucks, srsly my opponent played my NZoth before me.
This brawl is super easy if you play zoolock.
Anyone here have insight or tips on how to beat Hunter as Tempo Warrior? Can't really find ways to deal with them, particularly Call of the Wild.
Frothing is mvp in that matchup, they can't immediately deal with a turn 2/3 one dropped on an empty board and then you can protect it with monkeys/taurens. They'll have to make extremely wasteful turns to address it later. Clear every last beast when you are able to comfortably, if you can't anymore racing while dropping taunts is a real out. Execute is perfect for Houndmaster targets.Anyone here have insight or tips on how to beat Hunter as Tempo Warrior? Can't really find ways to deal with them, particularly Call of the Wild.
Molten Giant
Molten Giant is an interesting card, but it’s too easy for players to reduce its mana cost to 0. We’re increasing Molten Giant’s mana cost to 25 to increase the risks players must take to get a free Giant. The changes to Force of Nature and Arcane Golem will make dropping to low health somewhat less risky as well, which helped spur this change.
That is actually absurd, it's not like Miracle Rogue, Freeze Mage and the classic Leeroy combos aren't known quantities.Molten Giant nerf was the most nonsense nerf in the batch when sea giant wasn't nerfed and it was made easier to play even and when they printed faceless.
Blizzard's testing environment is very flawed, now that the meta has settled just read this...
Less risky to drop to sub 10, lets make it 25 ahahaha.
There was somewhat of an interesting discussion recently in the mtg space.
Define Tempo!
This brawl seems boring.
In practice I just feel like most of my early game comes down to chance, and everything always seems to go the Hunter's way. Between Bat and Toad it's not really that hard for a one damage to tick somewhere on Frothing, or even from your own minions/spells, and then you can see an easy removal from Hunter. If you see Huffer or Misha on the board Frothing is just dead.Overall your early game lines up well against theirs, use that to your advantage and be the agressor. Once CoTW is available you should already be pushing, it's not that hot of a card when they're forced to trade into midrange minions. And don't overvalue Armorsmith shenanigans, while a couple of procs are a nice bonus its main purpose is trading down Firebats and tokens. It's all about the board.
Anyone here have insight or tips on how to beat Hunter as Tempo Warrior? Can't really find ways to deal with them, particularly Call of the Wild.
Would but don't feel like spending the dust on 2x Call.have you tried playing the hunter end of that matchup? Knowing what upsets your gameplan as the hunter player, what cards you feel that you need to play around, the things you can't deal with.
This is true for any player struggling with any matchup, know your enemy.
I wondered what are my chances to get legendary if I buy the 40 packs.
Only have 1 legendary from opening packs since I'm playing this for almost 2 months.
You're guaranteed 1 legendary every 40 packs at a bare minimum.
The average is typically 1 every 20 packs though.
RIP N'Zoth, Freeze Mage, and Tempo Warrior decks.Strong decks right now don't even have legendaries.
I have been doing a little bit better today with a very basic paladin and Cthun mage. I also went 6 wins in arena.
But still, when things go bad I'm still not sure what to blame it on. I definitely catch myself making small little dumb mistakes but often times it feels like things go terribly wrong early on and i never have a chance to recover.
Am i wrong in thinking that decisions early on, in the first four rounds, seem very straight forward?
What kind of deck beats Rend Blackhand other than a pimped out 8k dust Freeze Mage? I usually roll over the adventures, but this stage seems impossible with my low dust aggro/tempo decks. I tried a gimped Freeze Mage without any Doomsayers, Ice Blocks, or legendaries, but I was sitting on a Pyroclasm for most of the game, unable to get him down to 10 health since he had a full board almost every turn as I delayed the inevitable.
the gift box one was pretty good, till ppl just brought warlock
I hear the AI bugs out if you can get the kelthuzad + target dummy combo since it doesnt want to kill the taunt
if not, hearthpwn or icy-veins usually have a list to play against the solo adventures
What a bunch of half-wits. They kill off an entire deck archetype for no reason.Molten Giant nerf was the most nonsense nerf in the batch when sea giant wasn't nerfed and it was made easier to play even and when they printed faceless.
Blizzard's testing environment is very flawed, now that the meta has settled just read this...
Less risky to drop to sub 10, lets make it 25 ahahaha.
What deck archetype? Control Locks works the same as always.What a bunch of half-wits. They kill off an entire deck archetype for no reason.
You mean it doesn't work, right? When was the last time you faced a Handlock?What deck archetype? Control Locks works the same as always.
Handlock just transitioned to being Renolock to survive the changes in the meta. Similar concepts.You mean it doesn't work, right? When was the last time you faced a Handlock?
I used to see Renolock and Handlock on the ladder, and at a roughly even rate. I felt like both decks had merits in the meta. Now Handlock is completely dead, and Renolock is mostly dead.Handlock just transitioned to being Renolock to survive the changes in the meta. Similar concepts.
The OG 4 giants double Drake Handlock with Ancient Watchers was something that was well out of its way prior to standard. People had cut out the Mountain Giants because they were too slow and Ancient Watchers weren't cutting it anymore. Renolock ended up being the superior choice because of the massive heal which allowed the archetype (ie. having a massive hand that they can use to control the board with) to survive.
Handlock was damn near unusable prior to GvG after Naxx was released. Hunter farmed Handlock all day with Undertaker, same with Miracolis. They didn't have the burst healing from the Healbots. Healbot brought Handlock back into the meta in a big way and Grim Patron kept it in relevant for quite some time. Then the game started to become more aggressive after the Patron nerf and Handlock couldn't keep up, had to adjust by becoming either Demonlock or Renolock.
Handlock was at its prime way early into the game when you could feasibly tap 2 turns in a row and then play a discounted Mountain Giant or a massive Twilight Drake. Just try to do that now with all the power creep that has been happening with the early game minions... you will die by turn 5.
All Molten Giant did was make aggro decks think a millisecond before dropping a Handlock below to critical health. That really doesn't matter in this current meta EVEN with a pre nerf Molten Giant... you will get farmed by the Midrange Shaman (which was a bad match up for Handlock EVEN when Handlock was in its prime) and Miracolis.
Honestly losing stuff like Zombie Chow, Healbots and Belchers was a far bigger blow to OG Handlock than the Molten Giant nerf.
Also as an aside someone brought double Mountain Giant, double Drake Handlock with Reno Jackson at a tournament recently. I personally would never even think about running that but it's there at least.
Games against priests are just so boring. He get's a shifting shade from museum curator, the shifting shade gives him fiery war axe which keeps him in the game. It's one thing to lose against control where they just outplay you, but losing to a priest because he drew a card from your deck, that was just what he needed, just feels lame. It really feels like the priest just wins from pure luck.
edit: well, there's nothing better to lighten up the mood than roll over a shaman.
Nice! I am also guilty of never knowing I am facing Mill Rogue until it is too late.Mill Rogue against Bubble Paladin is an utterly stupid and hilarious matchup. I lost track of how many times I played Cult Apothecary and healed myself to full. Also, he Divine Favored and I responded by Vanishing his entire board into oblivion. He lost the game to fatigue entirely because of that play.. he didn't realize I was a mill deck until too late.
There are probably several other cards he could have pulled from your deck that would have been even better than that axe.Games against priests are just so boring. He get's a shifting shade from museum curator, the shifting shade gives him fiery war axe which keeps him in the game. It's one thing to lose against control where they just outplay you, but losing to a priest because he drew a card from your deck, that was just what he needed, just feels lame. It really feels like the priest just wins from pure luck.
edit: well, there's nothing better to lighten up the mood than roll over a shaman.
Yeah, but we could just as easily get your Shield Slam. I guess people just don't like the feeling that they're getting beat with their own cards.
yes anduin is and always will be, a fuckboi
I don't even know what this means.yes anduin is and always will be, a fuckboi
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