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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Got hunter daily so I threw together a Reno deck. 5-2 with it at rank 5. Deck is very draw dependent so top dicks and RNG were with me.


Man, RNG really isn't on my side today. I keep losing every 50-50 and even most of the 33-66s. Like just now, Lightning Storm rolls low on both minions, leaving them at 1 hp. Then Flame Juggler decides to juggle face. T_T


Yeah, I guess it's time to take a break (I'm playing midrange shaman)



Molten Giant nerf wasn't what killed handlock. Standard format killed handlock. Lost way too much. Molten Giants was just the finishing blow. It makes me really sad. Handlock was my favorite deck by far. I hate Renolock. It feels like an unfocused mess.


Anyone here have insight or tips on how to beat Hunter as Tempo Warrior? Can't really find ways to deal with them, particularly Call of the Wild.
I'm a bit late to answer your question, but hopefully you see it.

The odds are against you for just about the entire match. You will need some good draws and early board presence to pull off a win. Don't sweat it too bad if you lose the match, their deck is made to counter tempo warrior.

I mulligan for Blood to Ichor, Slam, Fiery War Axe, and Monkey.
Fiery war axe isn't the best card to start with in this match up. The 5 to 7 damage you take is often enough to lose you the game. So make use of other removal tools if you have them.
If it's on curve use your Blood Ichor to remove Fire Bats, and use your Slams to remove the 3/2s. A perfect curve is key to winning this match.
Turns 3, 4, and 5 are turns where you need a minion to stick. These are the turns where you will want to develop a weapon and hopefully control the board.
Turns 5, 6, and 7 is where you can hopefully develop a Frothing Berserker behind a taunt minion. This is your primary win condition against them. If they can't deal with it out of hand they will have to gamble on a Deadly Shot.
Alternative 5, 6, and 7 is too completely out draw your opponent and flood the board. If you get a good board and a good Battle Rage or Acolyte combo you can flood the board. This means they have to use their burst damage to clean up, which extends the game, which is better for you. If they can't clean up it means you can fight off a call of the wild and reach your late game.

Notice how all of those conditions end at turn 7? That's because we can't fight back against Call of the Wild. You have to start winning before that card is played.


If a priest has a number of cards, bad idea to put out a big card.

You generally want to force the priest to make suboptimal moves. Bait out removal.

Also play 4 attack cards that have at least 5 health or a shield.


Super Sleuth
I don't think I had much choice I was down to 11 health and he had an 8 attack minion I couldn't clear otherwise so I felt lethal was likely on the next turn if I left that guy out there. Could be wrong about that though.


Shaman is so stupid. Basically unless you can insta-kill flamewreathed on turn 4, you're done
Shaman is so stupid. Basically unless you can insta-kill flamewreathed on turn 4, you're done
I always hard mulligan for something to kill Trogg, though. Hopefully the answer to Faceless comes at the right time...

Having your C'thun polymorphed does suck, even after it gets finished off can't seem to bring it back with Doomcaller
You can't bring it back because C'Thun didn't die, the sheep did. ;-)


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
It's Warriortown from rank 8 to rank 6. A lot a lot a lot of C'thun decks too. The only one that won did so because he innervated out the C'thun 3/4. I don't know how this is happening but a single copy of Savage Roar is getting me super duper cheeky wins even after they start Tanking Up. Loving this beast Druid and more specifically in loving the 5/2 Druid of the Flame. Why don't I see her picked more often? Yeah you fall into backstab and answers and the like but if she lives that's 5 damage.

Savage Roar also enable super damage plays like Druid of the Claw charge + Druid of the Saber charge + Savage Roar = 12 damage. All you need is a single other minion on board for 16+. Druid Combo still exists. It's just a lot less inevitable =]. Best part is that I haven't played my N'zoth even since I started using this at Rank 9.

I only make trades when my minions will live to my next turn.
I got the Win 5 Brawls Quest. :(
Do I want to wait a day to reroll or do I want to play 5 aggro Shaman games? Ugh.
I'm waiting. I'm not gonna sully myself with Shame-an.
Freeze Mage, mwahahaha.


I got the Win 5 Brawls Quest. :(

Do I want to wait a day to reroll or do I want to play 5 aggro Shaman games? Ugh.

I'm waiting. I'm not gonna sully myself with Shame-an.

It's Warriortown from rank 8 to rank 6. A lot a lot a lot of C'thun decks too. The only one that won did so because he innervated out the C'thun 3/4. I don't know how this is happening but a single copy of Savage Roar is getting me super duper cheeky wins even after they start Tanking Up..

Druid has always been a bad match up for Warrior. If that's all you're seeing you're playing the right deck.

Freeze Mage, mwahahaha.

That's a deck I'll never, ever, ever, ever, EVER pilot.



Shaman is so stupid. Basically unless you can insta-kill flamewreathed on turn 4, you're done
Funnily as midrange Shaman player I starting to dislike thè card.. you dont want to coin ìt tòo much òverlord because everyone anticipate it its fullý functional as win morè carď now.. most of time I rather plaý MòE as yeti on naķed boàrď

Instant win against druid tho.. but that class suck anyway

I thinķ I'll cut the card and see the resuĺt



Been laddering with this deck today.

Think it has too many 3s.


Had Sylvanas but I think the Rhino just puts so much pressure on the board when behind a taunt.

Thinking of adding Tomb Spider.

I dusted my KJs when the nerfs occurred. I don't know if he's really required any more although I am missing the KJ + Unleash combo.

I agree with cutting Sylvanas, she's too slow for that deck. I think this is a good deck that would be a great deck if you added Call of the Wild. KJ is nice but I'd save your dust unless you plan on playing a lot of zoo or hunter.


I agree with cutting Sylvanas, she's too slow for that deck. I think this is a good deck that would be a great deck if you added Call of the Wild. KJ is nice but I'd save your dust unless you plan on playing a lot of zoo or hunter.

Game is decided by turn 6/7.

I suppose if the deck gets countered early, then yes, CoW is absolutely necessary. CoW is probably top turn 7/8/9 play right now.

Don't have any of those cards, but I figured posting this deck would help some new players out there.

I guess cutting powershot and infest for CoW would be the move. No one expects a control card from Hunter though.


Game is decided by turn 6/7.

I suppose if the deck gets countered early, then yes, CoW would be an absolutely necessary. CoW is probably top turn 7/8/9 play right now.

COTW is why I lose to hunter as a Warrior. Hunters that don't draw or run that card aren't nearly as scary to me. COTW would increase the consistency of your deck but seems like you're happy where it is!

As far as Tomb Spider, it's a high variance card and I don't really see how that fits your aggressive game plan with that deck.

I'd consider Carrion Grub first. It has good stats that become amazing when followed up with Houndmaster.


I got so upset by a game that I won last night that I stopped playing immediately after.

It was vs a Renounce Darkness Zoolock hybrid.

I was so depressed that I was the same rank as that deck that I couldn't continue.

Don't know why, he probably wins all his games because of all the zoo cards and just has RD as a reset button for when things go south.


Call of the Wild is one of the, if not the, best cards of the set. It's auto-include in all Hunter decks.
Of course. It's a lot of value and hunters didn't have any great late game cards anyways. Highmane was the best big drop for hunters and that was a six drop.


This brawl is so bad to try to do your dailies with.

Why would they thing this is any kind of fun
Tavern Brawls are only designed by two guys. They probably have a lot of ideas and it's a matter of trying out as many different types of games as you can. If it's not popular then they will probably never run it again. Sometimes it might really work out and could come back multiple times.

So this week might suck, but I'm happy that they are still continuing to try new things.


Tavern Brawls are only designed by two guys. They probably have a lot of ideas and it's a matter of trying out as many different types of games as you can. If it's not popular then they will probably never run it again. Sometimes it might really work out and could come back multiple times.

So this week might suck, but I'm happy that they are still continuing to try new things.

2 guys making it is no excuse. Give everything stealth, ooo, what did that take them all of 3 seconds to come up with?

Anyone could tell you the second you add stealth to a bunch of these cards they become broken, like if they need that explained to them then why are they ones designing these things


One thing Brawl made me think:

Does this game need to add 10 health to every character?

Would help control stabilize vs aggro. Would hurt decks that have a set amount of damage they can do (some Freeze Mage lists, for example). Would buff Warlock and would REALLY buff Renolock (assuming Reno's battlecry is adjusted to be able to restore greater than 30 health.)

I think it's an interesting idea but I don't think Blizzard is all that interested in catering to those of us who prefer longer games.
Would help control stabilize vs aggro. Would hurt decks that have a set amount of damage they can do (some Freeze Mage lists, for example). Would buff Warlock and would REALLY buff Renolock (assuming Reno's battlecry is adjusted to be able to restore greater than 30 health.)

I think it's an interesting idea but I don't think Blizzard is all that interested in catering to those of us who prefer longer games.

Oh God no could you even fucking imagine the soul crushing 40 hp restore Reno? I think everytime I saw that I would lose a year of my life from the despair
Sounds good to me. You could make a few adjustments. Life Tap could do 3 damage and Reno could heal a pre-set 30, for example.


Oh God no could you even fucking imagine the soul crushing 40 hp restore Reno? I think everytime I saw that I would lose a year of my life from the despair

Yeah, like in this fucking brawl i got matched up with a reno warrior. fuck that guy. 40 hp wasn't enough apparently that he needed another 29.


2 guys making it is no excuse. Give everything stealth, ooo, what did that take them all of 3 seconds to come up with?

Anyone could tell you the second you add stealth to a bunch of these cards they become broken, like if they need that explained to them then why are they ones designing these things
Delivering a new product every week is actually really demanding. For a few people to design and generate that content regularly is pretty crazy.

Yeah you're right that the current brawl isn't some crazy rocket science. and I think we all can grasp the mechanics. Yet it is something totally different. It does change the decks that are played. Maybe it's more miss than hit, but there is always next week. It's not made for your quests, it's a way to keep things fresh and always changing within the game. That is something the brawl is doing and it gives cards that haven't been in a deck a chance to shine.


If a priest has a number of cards, bad idea to put out a big card.

You generally want to force the priest to make suboptimal moves. Bait out removal.

Also play 4 attack cards that have at least 5 health or a shield.

Don't follow this advice if you're fighting Dragon Priest, you will lose.
New player. Any tips for the AI? They've been wrecking me lately with an endless barrage of summons. I'm usin a shaman to basically makea n army of fodder but,its not really working.


Continuing my adventures of "what the hell is this EU ladder". I just got destroyed by a C'thun shaman that got an unanswered Faceless on board and then put Windfury and double rockbiter on it.

26 damage to the face. Yup.


Lots of these brawls are interesting and I like seeing how the game changes with new rule sets. However, they get "solved" so quickly that it's frustrating to try and play with homebrew decks because you get crushed by whatever degenerate deck Hearthpwn puts on their front page. There are also some cards that shouldn't be allowed in some of these rulesets--Flamewaker ruins so many brawls it's not even funny.

Also, on my EU account, I only have standard cards so it's really hard to build a deck that'll beat all the OP Naxx cards.

I end up giving up on having any fun and just playing the same degerate deck as everyone else just to get my damn pack and move on.

The RNG brawls are just boring. Flip a bunch of coins and see who wins.
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