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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I like to play only 1 deck per ranked season so I do all my dailies in casual. What I've learned so far is that people at this point are even too lazy to netdeck. They just make every deck a C'thun deck. Doesn't even matter what class. Just put all the C'thun cards in there and play.

The purpose of free packs was C'Thun.

Nothing wrong with that.

When I started, I got nothing. Just confusion of what's GvG and what was mech mage. Played Arena once like Dennis. Drafted everything Taunts only to know it was a bad strategy.

I learned quickly.


I'm pretty sure my most recent opponent is fucking livid right now.
Midrange Hunter mirror match, he gets a better starting hand and pressures my life total down to 11, on turn 8 I play call of the wild and clear his board (taking 2 to face) leaving me misha and leokk.

He plays call and clears my misha.
I play my second call and a fiery bat, clear his misha leaving him leokk
I only have deadly shot in hand. He plays a second call and a fiery bat and clears my misha and goes face setting me to 6 hp,
I topdeck unleash the hounds with him having 24 hp and 4 minions on board. including a taunt.
I play my hounds, play deadly shot, deadly shot kills misha, giving me lethal.

No friends request thank god.


You're getting 10/10 stats spread across 3 cards with a card that buffs them to 12/10.

Probably will see a nerf. Not for a while considering how long it takes them to do things.


I'm wondering about Kodorider: Is it undervalued in this meta?


You're getting 10/10 stats spread across 3 cards with a card that buffs them to 12/10.

Probably will see a nerf. Not for a while considering how long it takes them to do things.

I'd settle for them not having 2 in hand by turn 8. Every. Single. Time. ( And never when I play the deck.)


I don't see hunter, zoo or shaman all day on a deck that I feel is favored against them. Drop from rank rank 8 full stars to rank 9. Switch to tempo warrior, which I stopped playing because of midrange hunter.

Immediately face a midrange hunter. Who is golden. And who is roping every turn.

Worst day of Hearthstone ever. I'll be rank 25 in an hour. I'm gonna lose stars in ranks it's impossible to lose stars in.

Edit: now three hunters in a row. I'm just conceding as soon as I see them. Let's see how many I get in a row now that I'm playing a deck that auto loses.

Edit 2: some shit head broke my hunter opponent streak and gave me a free win by choosing bubble paladin. Playing all 1 health minions isn't the greatest idea against a warrior.

Edit 3: Great, Priest. Fml. My mulligan was shit and he had a 1,2 and 3 drop so I just conceded. He had to bm me too.


gave up on climbing a few days ago, now I"m just trying to refine my midrange paladin and this yogg druid.

completely bullied a zoo lock with my midrange paladin just now too. selfless hero into flame juggler into rallying blade, get rekt m8


Why some of you mòfò keèp playing while salty af

Holý shit sure its gonna help your chance

Bad momenťum just keep going


About to drop to rank 10. So depressed I make a midrange hunter deck to try and keep in the single digits. All my warrior decks are losing and I'm not seeing the decks I'm strong against anyway.

Get an aggro shaman, first I've seen in a dozen or more games. I could win this game if I was warrior.

This is bullshit.

Edit: I won. That Shaman was pretty bad at the game.

Edit 2: I fell so many ranks I'm facing a Cthun Druid. My number says 10 but this is a rank 18 match up.

Edit 3: thank God, I almost won 3 in a row, luckily a Yogg Soron Miracle Rogue came to put a stop to that.


About to drop to rank 10. So depressed I make a midrange hunter deck to try and keep in the single digits. All my warrior decks are losing and I'm not seeing the decks I'm strong against anyway.

Get an aggro shaman, first I've seen in a dozen or more games. I could win this game if I was warrior.

This is bullshit.

Edit: I won. That Shaman was pretty bad at the game.

Edit 2: I fell so many ranks I'm facing a Cthun Druid. My number says 10 but this is a rank 18 match up.

At least you're not playing a MOBA where a teammate can troll you and contribute greatly to your loss. It gets much worse man, much much much worse


Who plays MOBAs?

Had to quit. I don't see a single Shaman all day as a warrior. Switch to hunter and all of a sudden it's every other game. I just don't understand how my opponents get to counterpick me but I don't get the same opportunity.


Step one: draft aggro deck in Arena.
Step two: queue into a Warrior with an opener of two Fiery War Axes, two Ravaging Ghouls, and a Death's Bite.
Step three: cry.


Talking with a neighbor and it turns out he's like Rank 3 and next month he's hoping to go Legendary. Will be spamming him for tips :)

Who plays MOBAs?

Had to quit. I don't see a single Shaman all day as a warrior. Switch to hunter and all of a sudden it's every other game. I just don't understand how my opponents get to counterpick me but I don't get the same opportunity.

er, not sure what you mean but I see you're having a rough day so will leave you be for a bit :)
I don't see hunter, zoo or shaman all day on a deck that I feel is favored against them. Drop from rank rank 8 full stars to rank 9. Switch to tempo warrior, which I stopped playing because of midrange hunter.

Immediately face a midrange hunter. Who is golden. And who is roping every turn.

Worst day of Hearthstone ever. I'll be rank 25 in an hour. I'm gonna lose stars in ranks it's impossible to lose stars in.

Edit: now three hunters in a row. I'm just conceding as soon as I see them. Let's see how many I get in a row now that I'm playing a deck that auto loses.

Edit 2: some shit head broke my hunter opponent streak and gave me a free win by choosing bubble paladin. Playing all 1 health minions isn't the greatest idea against a warrior.

Edit 3: Great, Priest. Fml. My mulligan was shit and he had a 1,2 and 3 drop so I just conceded. He had to bm me too.

Never because the card will be eventually rotated out.
Same with Faceless...
I beat the brawl with an aggro paladin deck I threw together that relied on buffs and divine shield. Faced a freeze mage who doesn't understand that his draws equal my draws. Destroyed him in the end. I even played magma rager with steward.

Yup. Now that the Basic/Classic cards Blizzard wanted to nerf got hit I don't think we'll ever see another nerf ever unless there's a card that is flat out breaking the game.

They might nerf some basic/classic cards in the future for the same reasons they did this rotation. I don't think they've confirmed that they will not and they talked about making more adjustments in the future if necessary.


Basic/classic cards will probably see a change start of next year with the new rotation.

I doubt anything gets changed before that. They are still going to be releasing new cards that will be changing things up.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Logs on.
Wtf why did I just play 3 Mid Range Shaman in a row?
Go to r/Hearthstone.
"Oh. The meta snapshot just came out. Also it's the end of the month."
Logs off.

Hearthstone at the end and beginning of the month can fuck right off. Too many try hards and frankly the opponents are straight up way tougher.


Is Shaman the new Druid combo?

You have to be wary of 16 points of burst damage from Doom Hammer.

I thought Blizzard nerfed FoN because of a similar reason.


They have nerfed cards every year before Blizzcon, targeting the top deck each time (hunter, miracle, patron).

That was before standard. They're going about it differently now. Basic cards will be evaluated at the start of the year (similar to what we've just seen) and expansion/adventure cards will only be touched if they're game breaking since they'll eventually be rotated out.


Is that really a Midrange Shaman? That looks like a Totem deck had an awful baby with Aggro. I guess you can put double Hex into any Shaman deck and call it midrange.
Is that really a Midrange Shaman? That looks like a Totem deck had an awful baby with Aggro. I guess you can put double Hex into any Shaman deck and call it midrange.
It's definitely a midrange Shaman, but I think midrange Shaman has a lot of flexibility. I run 2x Earth Elementals and 2x Fire Elementals in mine, and I've never regretted that decision.

I think they just gave a super cheap deck to make Shaman as omnipresent as possible. 1800 dust is extremely cheap for a tier 1 deck.


I'm still with N'zoth Priest and still stuck going back and forth between ranks 9 and 10. I tried the Strifecro version of N'zoth Priest that drops one flash heal, Justicar, and an Embrace the Shadow for Alchemists, Holy Nova, and Harvest Golem.

2-power creatures are so, so bad right now. I swapped all that jazz back out and it seems a bit more stable. The extra Embrace really helps against aggro.

Otherwise, just getting more frustrated with Priest at times, probably because I'm running two SW: Pains and two SW: Deaths. There are so many times when you're sitting there with the wrong Shadow Word or a Circle with no activator.

I'm seriously debating just conceding against Rogues, but I usually can't bring myself to do it though my win rate is currently 0W : 8L. Most of them seem to be the Leeroy Jenkins variety. It doesn't matter if I can wipe their concealed board with CBS and CoH. Such a stupid deck (up there with Freeze Mage).

I may play a different class next ranked season, but I'm usually missing a few key legendaries or epics.

What's up with N'zoth Paladin? Everyone goes on about how good it is, but it has like zero presence on the ladder (or have they just all ranked up?)

Seeing a lot of Rogues with Reno Jackson and Shadow Caster lately.

Anyone try adding those two to the deck?

Yeah, it was one of the first archtypes that came out at the beginning of Whispers: Reno, N'zoth, Rattle Rogue.

It's pretty fun and it does all right against control, but it's not quite there yet.

"Although a majority of the top-tier decks have seen relatively minimal movement from the previous week, we see the fall of Priest"

You gotta be at least standing to fall, mayne.

Oh, look. First Priest deck on the list is Tier 3.


Captain frigging Kragg for exhausting TGT pity timer


Man.. its been forever since I get Jaraxxus, getting no decent legendary since then
I'm still with N'zoth Priest and still stuck going back and forth between ranks 9 and 10. I tried the Strifecro version of N'zoth Priest that drops one flash heal, Justicar, and an Embrace the Shadow for Alchemists, Holy Nova, and Harvest Golem.

2-power creatures are so, so bad right now. I swapped all that jazz back out and it seems a bit more stable. The extra Embrace really helps against aggro.

Otherwise, just getting more frustrated with Priest at times, probably because I'm running two SW: Pains and two SW: Deaths. There are so many times when you're sitting there with the wrong Shadow Word or a Circle with no activator.

I'm seriously debating just conceding against Rogues, but I usually can't bring myself to do it though my win rate is currently 0W : 8L. Most of them seem to be the Leeroy Jenkins variety. It doesn't matter if I can wipe their concealed board with CBS and CoH. Such a stupid deck (up there with Freeze Mage).

I may play a different class next ranked season, but I'm usually missing a few key legendaries or epics.

What's up with N'zoth Paladin? Everyone goes on about how good it is, but it has like zero presence on the ladder (or have they just all ranked up?)

Yeah, it was one of the first archtypes that came out at the beginning of Whispers: Reno, N'zoth, Rattle Rogue.

It's pretty fun and it does all right against control, but it's not quite there yet.

"Although a majority of the top-tier decks have seen relatively minimal movement from the previous week, we see the fall of Priest"

You gotta be at least standing to fall, mayne.

Oh, look. First Priest deck on the list is Tier 3.
N'Zoth Paladin is a really expensive deck. Anyone who has that kind of dust laying around is probably rank 5+ right now.

I feel you on those Priest woes, though. The worst is double Circle of Healing in your opening hand with no Auchenai.


The dream was real, but then I ran into a bunch of Shamans using the same deck I am.


Guess I'll not be making Rank 10 this season :(
I feel like Midrange Shaman has a lot of personal choice involved. I couldn't see myself running it without Fire Elementals for example.

I've never liked the meta snapshot deck.


As Midrange Shaman player man I'm fucked if everyone goes midrange now instead aggro, I crush those aggro but mirror match is crapshoot.. its depend who got the best roll from LNGstorm, and I don't have doomhammer is handicap


I was thinking "How can a Rogue kill a stealthed 12/4?" and then I saw Yogg-Saron. In the end it polymorphed himself and that but it was scary watching myself at the hands of the RNG Gods again. At first when it was revealed I was upset because of the extreme RNG, then I was fine because how could such a joke card get seriously used but then I have seen it used too many times to be still fine for me. I hate that card even when it does nothing.
"Are you ready for a miracle?" "Ready as I can be!"

That was a 22 damage turn if it wasn't obvious. Never leave Azure Drake alive when facing Rogue.


I was thinking "How can a Rogue kill a stealthed 12/4?" and then I saw Yogg-Saron. In the end it polymorphed himself and that but it was scary watching myself at the hands of the RNG Gods again. At first when it was revealed I was upset because of the extreme RNG, then I was fine because how could such a joke card get seriously used but then I have seen it used too many times to be still fine for me. I hate that card even when it does nothing.

I've seen it a handfull times and the worst it ever did was wipe the board and deal a bit of damage to me, the other times it mostly finished the game for me.


I've seen it a handfull times and the worst it ever did was wipe the board and deal a bit of damage to me, the other times it mostly finished the game for me.

I know it goes wrong more often that not but that feeling of fearing a good outcome isn't good to my heart. Once it cleared my board and got a bunch of secrets so I'm kinda traumatized.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Someone finally used secret eater on me (wild, I'm playing secret pally).

I still won.

Good game fam
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