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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

Face hunter isn't good anymore due to the Leper Gnome nerf, and it's especially weak in Standard format without Mad Scientist. Other decks are now able to out damage or out survive Face Hunter fairly easily.

nah I mean midrange hunter. It's on the cheaper side to craft and does decent. Also while losing mad scientist sucks, you can just modify the deck and run less traps and bows. Or you can do w/ the deathstar version and run like 6 traps.


This Brawl...

My opening hand is 2 cards to buff totems, Finley Mrrrrglton, and the Paladin card that lets you summon murlocs with your hero power.


Edit: Now Sea Reaver just wiped my board. This Brawl is stupid.
More like this Brawl is 90% of Brawls where your deck is randomized.

Get wrecked as you top deck unusable cards vs the other guy playing multiple Legendaries.


nah I mean midrange hunter. It's on the cheaper side to craft and does decent

Midrange Hunter isn't cheap for a new player, 2x Call of the Wild are core finishers but they are epic rarities, then there are 2x Highmanes, Infested Wolf, Eaglehorn Bows as rares. And then if you want to go with the anti-aggro 2x Doomsayer route that's another 2 more epics.
More like this Brawl is 90% of Brawls where your deck is randomized.

Get wrecked as you top deck unusable cards vs the other guy playing multiple Legendaries.

My starting hand as priest had a nzoth,twilight elder, and micro machine. When I played the elder, I found out I didnt even have cthun in my deck.

Midrange Hunter isn't cheap for a new player, 2x Call of the Wild are core finishers but they are epic rarities, then there are 2x Highmanes, Infested Wolf, Eaglehorn Bows as rares. And then if you want to go with the anti-aggro 2x Doomsayer route that's another 2 more epics.

It runs no legendaries, at least two epics, and just a crap load of commons and rares which is more than other decks. It can put the list below 2k dust which isn't out of reach in the beginning and doomsayers aren't a necessity. Not needing a legendary already puts it in the cheaper ends of decks to craft


I highly recommend Zoo to new players. Pretty cheap to make and more importantly it isn't just a face deck. It teaches you about board control, trading, holding back against board clears, etc. Aggro decks don't teach you important fundamentals of the game.


Super Sleuth
2000 dust is very high for a beginner. I have been playing for almost a month and I have gotten around 700 dust, which required disenchanting a few cards most would recommend a beginner not disenchant.

When most card packs give you maybe 10-15 dust because you simply don't have many cards dust is very hard to come by.

600 is a reasonable dust amount for a deck for beginners I think.

Cat Party

2000 dust is very high for a beginner. I have been playing for almost a month and I have gotten around 700 dust, which required disenchanting a few cards most would recommend a beginner not disenchant.

When most card packs give you maybe 10-15 dust because you simply don't have many cards dust is very hard to come by.

600 is a reasonable dust amount for a deck for beginners I think.
I started playing about 18 months ago and I can tell you people quickly forget how hard dust is to come by for beginners. Even crafting a single epic is a tall order.

The best way to earn dust is the arena, IMO, but that takes some experience to have success.



So I've got a midrange shaman opponent and he hexes my first frothing, low on cards, less than halfway through his deck I figure it's unlikely that he has or will draw the second hex immediately. Well of course he immediately topdecks it but that's fine. I'm behind on board but I'm still in the game. A few turns go by and he drops a thunder bluff valiant while I have a cairne on board. for 4 turns his hero power churns out taunt totems one after another after another while he's able to use the rest of his minions to stay on top of the rest of my board state. I'm staring down lethal with no guaranteed way out all because of those improbable taunt totems. I'm forced to put my faith in the king of stormwind. Varian pulls me a slam, a frothing, and a bloodhoof which puts him 1 off lethal on the board. literally any source of damage from hand ends the game but he doesn't have it, he clears my frothing and hopes his board will live.

I slam into a bloodrage into an ichor and another slam into a whirlwind and I completely wipe his board leaving me with baine, a 2/1 slime, and varian to dome him until he is dead.


Brawl is kinda neat. Did mine with Warlock/Hunter. I guess it'll be another week with 40 dust.... Wait, what?


Finally got a Raging Worgen! Now I can make that OTK deck!


winstreaking with tempo warrior.
It's so weird facing tough games when you're in dumpster ranks, rank 15 matches today are harder than rank 3 matches a couple days ago :p
winstreaking with tempo warrior.
It's so weird facing tough games when you're in dumpster ranks, rank 15 matches today are harder than rank 3 matches a couple days ago :p

arent you playing w/ ppl that were rank 5 or higher right now b/c it's the start of the season
I like to wait a week or so after the month starts so I play people closer to my level. I figure the beginning and end of the month are hardest for ranked.

First Tavern Brawl, I play a Hunter with the perfect curve so I concede on Turn 4. Second game is against a Paladin coins out Tirion. I play Faceless Manipulator and he concedes.

Had Chromaggus in a Warlock deck which was pretty good. Also got Dreadsteed and Anima Golem in another game. I thought I was home free until he played his own Anima Golem. Had to trade.


Doing quests, I'm 6-0 in Tavern Brawl. Only one game was close, the rest were blow outs.

Where was this RNG when I was desperately trying to get to rank 5 over the weekend? I'm playing Voidcaller into Malganis and they're playing a 4/1 Pirate.


A Brawl where you could craft a two-hero deck would be sweet.

It would be sweet for 5 minutes until people realize they can make an Aggressive deck with Warlock using Shaman cards and roll everyone over. Only reason why Zoolock isn't the best in the game because Blizzard repeatedly gives Warlock mediocre cards unlike Shaman because of that hero power.

Or worse yet, a Secret Warlock Paladin...


Lol this Brawl. Enemy Shaman was at 2 HP, plays Confessor Paletress to summon a random Legendary minion, gets a Baron Geddon for the sudoku. XD
Thanks Brawl for giving me 5 straight wins as Hunter for my quest. Shit felt impossible as a new player with no Hunter cards (already rerolled the quest).


Lol this Brawl. Enemy Shaman was at 2 HP, plays Confessor Paletress to summon a random Legendary minion, gets a Baron Geddon for the sudoku. XD

I had a Brawl as Druid where I was dealt Arcane Golem, Force of Nature, and Ancient of Lore. That would have been so badass a couple months ago.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Golden force of nature.

So fucking close.


Holy Shit. My opponent won the Yoggery.

I'm getting dinner ready and playing some hearthstone so I turn away when I'm at 30 health 7 armor, a board with a monkey, frothing, armorsmith and acolyte on it. My opponent is at 2 health and I have lethal next turn. My opponent has no board, and only 2 cards in hand.

I look away.
My burgers need to be flipped on the barbecue.
I come back.

I have 8 health, no board, my opponent's hand is full he has 4 points of armor and a 13/6 yogg with ancestral spirit.

I try to draw to find lethal through my second waraxe, to find grom, to find ragnaros. nothing.
He plays leeroy combo.

It still doesn't seem real.
This guy just burned all his resources to get to and kill Mana Tide Totem.

Next turn, I double drop Tuskarr, and each one spawns Mana Tide Totem - LOL!


had fun with this new brawl. you can get some interesting (either awful or good) combos

Holy Shit. My opponent won the Yoggery.

I'm getting dinner ready and playing some hearthstone so I turn away when I'm at 30 health 7 armor, a board with a monkey, frothing, armorsmith and acolyte on it. My opponent is at 2 health and I have lethal next turn. My opponent has no board, and only 2 cards in hand.

I look away.
My burgers need to be flipped on the barbecue.
I come back.

I have 8 health, no board, my opponent's hand is full he has 4 points of armor and a 13/6 yogg with ancestral spirit.

I try to draw to find lethal through my second waraxe, to find grom, to find ragnaros. nothing.
He plays leeroy combo.

It still doesn't seem real.


Which is more replaceable in Tempo Warrior Cairne or Varian?

Cairne is more replaceable imo.

Feels like Varian wins games for me. Cairne is more matchup specific and doesn't have that level of impact.

Varian gives me 3 draws to find a taunt and puts that taunt into play for me when I'm trying to stay alive for a turn, or he finds me a ragnaros or grom or an elite for that last bit of damage (never play varian and hit end turn).

I've won miracle rogue matchups because Varian pulled a bloodhoof to block the 12/4 auctioneer and put cards in hand that let me find lethal next turn.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
There is something disgusting about a warrior have a 3-4 weapon on turn 3 with minions
I'm somewhat thankful for random brawls that don't require you to build a deck because I can get challenges done, but on the other hand, fuck randomness.


I actually like the brawl now if only they allowed you to create the deck as well. A tree with 2 colors is fun.

I am 800 dust away from secret pally. I'm going deep soon.

Every time Malkorok gives me cursed blade I die a little inside.

Well it is cursed.
Got Fandral from an OG pack (I never play Druid, but I'll probably keep him anyway), and got enough dust to craft Twin Emp for my C'thun deck. Solid Hearthstone day.


Salty Kripp is best Kripp.

EDIT: Priest mirror match and I draw excavated evil 4 times before i get C'thun, and I had no excavated evil in my deck at the start.


Alright, I think rank 13 is enough hearthstone for today.

Neither one is essential. You could run a Boulderfist Ogre and North Sea Kraken and win the same percentage of games, I'm pretty sure.

no, I don't think that's true. one of the benefits of cairne is that it's sticky to hard removal effects like brawl, twisting nether, equality combos, etc.
varian (hopefully) pulls minions onto the board for you, or at the very least draws you cards. I don't know how viable kraken is but a big pile of stats 6/7 is not going to provide what either of these cards provide.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Varian feels critical to Tempo Warrior to me. He lets you push for an end or keep up a rapid pace, and his power is much more noticeable with Warrior running things like Bloodhoof Brave. He's also the only piece of card draw that is truly reliable. As great as Battle Rage is you sometimes find yourself unable to really take advantage of it, or not drawing it at all.
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