You play aggro shaman, you have no decisions to make outside of mulligan, you spam emotes when you are winning.
What exactly is the point of the game to you? You may aswell go outside and challenge people to a coin toss then if they lose call them bad at tossing a coin.
I cant understand half the people who play this game and actively contribute nothing but feel self entitled doing it.
Kripp is having one of those nights again.
You play aggro shaman, you have no decisions to make outside of mulligan, you spam emotes when you are winning.
What exactly is the point of the game to you? You may aswell go outside and challenge people to a coin toss then if they lose call them bad at tossing a coin.
I cant understand half the people who play this game and actively contribute nothing but feel self entitled doing it.
4-3 the dream after being up 3-0.
Grats man!Woo! Just beat the final boss to get to Rank 5 for the first time in my HS career. Midrange Hunter vs. Freeze Mage and I just squeaked it out. Interestingly enough, I had promised myself that my next loss after getting kicked back to the start of Rank 6 would be the end of my night but then I went on a 4 game win streak to claim the prize.
I started tonight one star into Rank 8 and had been going back and forth since 7:00pm Eastern. Despite being a trivial accomplishment to many here, this feels really good. Guess I'm going to have to push for legend next season!
Squelch?You play aggro shaman, you have no decisions to make outside of mulligan, you spam emotes when you are winning.
What exactly is the point of the game to you? You may aswell go outside and challenge people to a coin toss then if they lose call them bad at tossing a coin.
I cant understand half the people who play this game and actively contribute nothing but feel self entitled doing it.
Come to the dark side. ;-)I always believed if I had more time I could get to rank 5 or even legend. The 60 or more games I played after getting rank 8 to end up at rank 9 pretty much disproves that.
Even with infinite time, I'll never get to 5. My decks get countered, my wins come in twos and never threes, and any adjustments I make are negated by match making.
I wish I hadn't tried, so I could still pretend like I'm a good player.
I'll never hit rank 5.
I'll never get a light forge key.
All I'm good for is feeding wins to terrible players who are less terrible than me.
I always believed if I had more time I could get to rank 5 or even legend. The 60 or more games I played after getting rank 8 to end up at rank 9 pretty much disproves that.
Even with infinite time, I'll never get to 5. My decks get countered, my wins come in twos and never threes, and any adjustments I make are negated by match making.
I wish I hadn't tried, so I could still pretend like I'm a good player.
I'll never hit rank 5.
I'll never get a light forge key.
All I'm good for is feeding wins to terrible players who are less terrible than me.
Come to the dark side. ;-)
In all seriousness, this game is a ton of RNG. I'm done being salty about it - I just laugh and move on. In contrast, I had an 80% win rate with my Duelyst deck to S-Rank, and it's not even considered a top 5 deck in the meta. Another Duelyst player just showed a 16 win streak to rank 5.
Understand that Hearthstone pretty much plays itself outside of control decks. It doesn't matter which aggro or midrange deck you run, the decisions are minimal, and when you understand how to optimally play the game, there's hardly any thinking at all. You can play this game while watching TV and you'll rarely make a mistake. That's how it's designed. The draw you and your opponent get determines the entire game. Like GAF poster God's_Beard said about MtG last night, playing is just a formality. The game is decided once the cards are drawn, because the rest is just going through the motions.
Come to the dark side. ;-)
In all seriousness, this game is a ton of RNG. I'm done being salty about it - I just laugh and move on. In contrast, I had an 80% win rate with my Duelyst deck to S-Rank, and it's not even considered a top 5 deck in the meta. Another Duelyst player just showed a 16 win streak to rank 5.
Understand that Hearthstone pretty much plays itself outside of control decks. It doesn't matter which aggro or midrange deck you run, the decisions are minimal, and when you understand how to optimally play the game, there's hardly any thinking at all. You can play this game while watching TV and you'll rarely make a mistake. That's how it's designed. The draw you and your opponent get determines the entire game. Like GAF poster God's_Beard said about MtG last night, playing is just a formality. The game is decided once the cards are drawn, because the rest is just going through the motions.
Come to the dark side. ;-)
In all seriousness, this game is a ton of RNG. I'm done being salty about it - I just laugh and move on. In contrast, I had an 80% win rate with my Duelyst deck to S-Rank, and it's not even considered a top 5 deck in the meta. Another Duelyst player just showed a 16 win streak to rank 5.
Understand that Hearthstone pretty much plays itself outside of control decks. It doesn't matter which aggro or midrange deck you run, the decisions are minimal, and when you understand how to optimally play the game, there's hardly any thinking at all. You can play this game while watching TV and you'll rarely make a mistake. That's how it's designed. The draw you and your opponent get determines the entire game. Like GAF poster God's_Beard said about MtG last night, playing is just a formality. The game is decided once the cards are drawn, because the rest is just going through the motions.
Don't get too down on yourself. I think if you burden yourself with the "I want to hit Rank 5, but I want to do it MY way" then you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Just don't beat yourself over the head for not reaching some arbitrary marker of "skill" in a dumbass game.
I always believed if I had more time I could get to rank 5 or even legend. The 60 or more games I played after getting rank 8 to end up at rank 9 pretty much disproves that.
Even with infinite time, I'll never get to 5. My decks get countered, my wins come in twos and never threes, and any adjustments I make are negated by match making.
I wish I hadn't tried, so I could still pretend like I'm a good player.
I'll never hit rank 5.
I'll never get a light forge key.
All I'm good for is feeding wins to terrible players who are less terrible than me.
I'm not saying there's no thinking involved at all, but Hearthstone is one of the simplest games I've ever played. The number of decisions you make every turn are on the small side.don't listen to this bullshit.
If you want to improve and become a better player think about your plays and think about every game you lose and why you lost it. For instance an incorrect mulligan is the easiest way to throw away a game without realizing it. Try to understand your matchup from your opponent's perspective.
Vetruvian is weaker than it has ever been, and Vanar is considered to be on the weaker side of things in the current meta. Nothing like Shaman - you still have to THINK to play those. They also aren't even nearly as strong as Shaman is in the relative sense. Watch a Duelyst tournament and see how much aggro there is.Yeah the same Duelyst that have Vetruvian and Varan that can made today Shaman blush
I always believed if I had more time I could get to rank 5 or even legend. The 60 or more games I played after getting rank 8 to end up at rank 9 pretty much disproves that.
Even with infinite time, I'll never get to 5. My decks get countered, my wins come in twos and never threes, and any adjustments I make are negated by match making.
I wish I hadn't tried, so I could still pretend like I'm a good player.
I'll never hit rank 5.
I'll never get a light forge key.
All I'm good for is feeding wins to terrible players who are less terrible than me.
Guess I'm going to try a new deck today
edit: And first game is lost to a shaman who gets lucky with RNG
Vetruvian is weaker than it has ever been, and Vanar is considered to be on the weaker side of things in the current meta. Nothing like Shaman - you still have to THINK to play those. They also aren't even nearly as strong as Shaman is in the relative sense. Watch a Duelyst tournament and see how much aggro there is.
You need to out RNG his RNG with some Yogg Hunter, mayne.
Do eet! Show him who the ALPHA MALE is!
"Goes to watch section, still see at least 6 Vetruvian in each division" oh..
Vanar has something kind of like Steady Shot as its Bloodborn spell, but that's where the similarities end. Vanar has one of the best early game clears, has great nukes, dispels, can create walls, and even its "hit face" BBS hits in a column, so you can try to force opponents into it. It even has one of the game's two extremely balanced polymorph spells. You're doing the faction an disservice by comparing it to something as unidirectional and uninteresting as Hearthstone's Hunter class, which just plays on a curve, and its only really strategic decision to make in most games is when to use UTH.Stuff.
Honestly, the worst thing about OG is that I think most of the golden card animations suck. I'm not a fan of golden card animations in general, but I can acknowledge some of them are pretty sweet. Soul Fire, for example, really brings the terror of 4 damage to life. Maybe I'm missing the good ones, but most of the OG animations I've seen are just swirly mist and other generic effects.Rank 9.
Gold Loot:
Unleash the Hounds
Twilight Flamecaller
Void Terror (it's eyes blink and shit)
Grats man!Golden Gorehowl, yus.
Honestly, the worst thing about OG is that I think most of the golden card animations suck. I'm not a fan of golden card animations in general, but I can acknowledge some of them are pretty sweet. Soul Fire, for example, really brings the terror of 4 damage to life. Maybe I'm missing the good ones, but most of the OG animations I've seen are just swirly mist and other generic effects.
Grats man!
I had a guy play Blade of C'Thun and then Shadowmaster it twice. Never seen such a big C'Thun!Blade of C'thun blegh
In what way does the hero suck?I think the Warlock class cards look really good. Soul Fire, Demonic Sacrifice, and even Corruption...good stuff. Too bad the hero sucks or I'd play it more. (not sure I can make that argument if I main priest)
I had a guy play Blade of C'Thun and then Shadowmaster it twice. Never seen such a big C'Thun!
In what way does the hero suck?
Oh yeah, I feel you. I actually don't understand the internal log of the design team on this point. Why is Sylvannas summon-able? What about Jaraxxus? I'd rather them let us make our own heroes, WoW-style, and move all these noteworthy characters to cards or something.Gul'dan. Can't stand him.
Give me a Forsaken or Worgen instead.
. said:
Playing Mage, got her to rank 22. Is it still best for me to open classic packs?
yes, always go classic until you have most of them, those cards will be around forever.
bunch of scrubs playing right now
went from 18 to 13 in one streak roffles
guess I'm a scrub. Deranked 18 to 19 trying to play c'thun warrior. C'thun seems kinda bad without those nice Druid minions.
Should I disenchant all other cards apart from Mage so I can craft cards I am missing?