Can anyone recommend some potential improvements for this? Not sure what's needed.
i'm guessing you're trying to play aggro?
If so i'd get rid of the hexes, if you're at the point where your opponent dropped a big minion and you're not near lethal, you've already lost the game. earth shock is good to bypass cheaters aka taunts.
Guessing you don't have tunnel trogg, which are staples.
try to get thing from below (WOTOG), tuskarr totemic (TGT), totem golems (TGT), fire elemental, definitely another flamewreathed faceless. put in ancestral knowledge or mana tide totems for card draw.
lava burst for more burst.
if you do have LOE, i'd say tech in sir finley to change that hero power to life tap, hunter hero power or shapeshift.
cards to definitely cut are
unbound elemental, sucks, too slow
stormforged axe, garbage.
murloc tidehunter (wtf? why not just play vilefin tidehunter instead)
scarlet crusader, shattered sun cleric. reckless rocketeer, lava burst is cheaper and better as a finisher because it bypass cheaters, sorry, i meant to say taunts.
any ways if you don't have the cards I suggested, don't go crazy crafting for them, unless they're commons. tell me what of them you have and what you dont, there are viable replacements.