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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

That feeling when you get a perfect curve in Tavern Brawl.

I went Druid and mulligan gave me two Beasts, so I went Hunter for synergy.

Silverback Patriach
Oasis Snapjaw
Druid of the Fang
Knight of the Wild
Call Pet -> Gahrzilla

It was pretty ridiculous. Unfortunately my opponent had a better early game (Addled Grizzly into Savage Combatant) so I lost to Dark Wispers and Savage Roar.
Got my first taste of post victory salt


He was playing mech mage and I rebuild my board with N'Zoth.


Does anyone here play the yogg, slow, tempo mage ?
It seems like a pretty fun deck to play, but the times I played against it, the deck seemed to be more annoying rather than good.
How good is it really?

Not sure what to use my dust on, it's either 3 epics for mage (2 of which are TGT cards, I'm really not in the mood to craft stuff that will be obsolete in 1 year), or the new warrior legendary.

I have absolutely no clue why I crafted Yogg in the first place, I had so much dust available at the time.


A pretty cool breakdown of what's being played out there by vS. They have breakdowns of legend and Rank 5 to 1 as well.

That Fibonacci N'zoth Control Warrior deck is sick. I unpacked Chillmaw recently and I have the rest of the list, maybe it's time to bite the bullet and craft Justicar and Geddon.


I want to play some wild for fun after my legend climb this season, but i hate secret pally so i might as well just call it there i guess.

Uh oh... people are about to discover wild....

Its been fantastic the last few weeks man. Very few netdecks like you would expect for some reason. People playing all kinds of crazy creative stuff. Its been the opposite of the boring ass standard meta.


Nah, you can sub Dark Iron Dwarf for Gormok and Doomguard for Leeroy and the deck is probably 98% as effective. The only real disadvantage to Doomguard is that if you play it and your board is empty, you may discard the power overwhelming you need for lethal.

I played a few Zoo games this morning and I finally got to Crazed Alchemist a turn 2 Doomsayer. Felt good.
Yeah you can bring down the budget of most decks, that's why I was specifically saying the net decks.
I don't agree about the 98% as effective with those subs. Decks change often, but those are two big changes and would have large effects on how the deck plays.

Doomguard in your deck forces you to try and play out your hand so that you can play it and the 7 health allows you to trade efficiently with it. Since you have an additional discard effect you may want to consider removing Soulfire, because getting stacked with discard is really bad. You also might want to lower your curve even further so you are even less likely to hold large cards, so you may drop the Gormok or Dark Iron Dwarf in favor of Argent Squire.

That is an exaggerated example, but those are things you should be thinking about when you make a substitution. When the cards are pretty different so how will those changes effect the entire deck.


That Fibonacci N'zoth Control Warrior deck is sick. I unpacked Chillmaw recently and I have the rest of the list, maybe it's time to bite the bullet and craft Justicar and Geddon.
When I first started Hearthstone, Wallet Warrior was my goal. I wanted to play that unstoppable deck that played every overpowered legendary under the sun. It took about a year, but when I was finally able to fully build a Control Warrior I was disappointed. Not that the deck was bad.

The games take forever!

That deck looks freaking awesome, but with 8 end game legendaries there are going to be some long ass games. I know that after my first 30 minute game I will never play it again.

If you try it out, report back and tell us how it went. I'd love to hear it.


Uh oh... people are about to discover wild....

Its been fantastic the last few weeks man. Very few netdecks like you would expect for some reason. People playing all kinds of crazy creative stuff. Its been the opposite of the boring ass standard meta.

There are really no netdecks that include the new cards, yet. Whenever I've played I've seen the same old Mech Mage, Tempo Mage, Secret Paladin nonsense that I was seeing all the time before, but I also saw some outrageous stuff like a Reno Hunter who utterly demolished me.

When I first started Hearthstone, Wallet Warrior was my goal. I wanted to play that unstoppable deck that played every overpowered legendary under the sun. It took about a year, but when I was finally able to fully build a Control Warrior I was disappointed. Not that the deck was bad.

The games take forever!

That deck looks freaking awesome, but with 8 end game legendaries there are going to be some long ass games. I know that after my first 30 minute game I will never play it again.

If you try it out, report back and tell us how it went. I'd love to hear it.

In my experience, games take longer when the turns are difficult to put together. You don't have that problem with Control Warrior. It's usually pretty obvious what you're doing next. I tried playing a kind of neo-Backspace Rogue for a while, and even though it was a rush deck I often found myself roping because I was trying to figure out the best play for the situation.


As long as Tuskarr Totemic is in the game, I hope Blizz makes a few real shitty totems in the next adventure and expansion. The chances of getting the three great ones is too big. I don't think I ever saw it spawn a hero power totem since the Old Gods launch. Not even when I played it. Golem, Flametongue and Manatide all day!
Backspace Rogue?

As long as Tuskarr Totemic is in the game, I hope Blizz makes a few real shitty totems in the next adventure and expansion. The chances of getting the three great ones is too big. I don't think I ever saw it spawn a hero power totem since the Old Gods launch. Not even when I played it. Golem, Flametongue and Manatide all day!
Totem Golem is rotating out. I think that's enough.




Still in the dumpster ranks, some yogg hunter played yogg three times by virtue of shadowstep being the first spell played both times. Had me down to 5 health and then played lay on hands on me, overdrew and I out healed him with my justicar power. It seems like any decent Yogg will overdraw you and clear the board with twisting nether. Don't think I could stand to play the card myself


Tuskarr is disgusting. It's undercosted, has no downside, and gives Shaman players an innvervate towards a 5/5 taunt.

Glad to see it go when TGT rotates.

lol, Tuskar is only disgusting when it pops out one of the Totem cards. Rolling a heropower totem is the downside.


lol, Tuskar is only disgusting when it pops out one of the Totem cards. Rolling a heropower totem is the downside.

Even rolling a hero power totem isn't that much of a downside. Obviously if it rolls searing you get a 3 mana 4/3, the taunt is basically a 3 mana 3/2 "heal 3 or 4 health" as the taunt will soak up a 2 or 3 drop hit. Basically the only down side are the heal and spell power totems, but obviously those can have massive upsides when played later in the game. Maybe the only bad card currently is vitality totem, but it got rotated out with GVG so tuskar actually got a buff in some way.
Even rolling a hero power totem isn't that much of a downside. Obviously if it rolls searing you get a 3 mana 4/3, the taunt is basically a 3 mana 3/2 "heal 3 or 4 health" as the taunt will soak up a 2 or 3 drop hit. Basically the only down side are the heal and spell power totems, but obviously those can have massive upsides when played later in the game. Maybe the only bad card currently is vitality totem, but it got rotated out with GVG so tuskar actually got a buff in some way.

Shaman finally got some proper Totem synergy with Thing From Below and Primal Fusion. Totems are worth more than just the stats they put on board now. Tuskar was a bust when he pulled a hero power totem prior to WotOG. Now it's not so bad when you don't get Golem or Manatide because at least you can play TFB a turn earlier and Primal Fusion gets insane value if you can get 2-3 totems to stick.


Shaman finally got some proper Totem synergy with Thing From Below and Primal Fusion. Totems are worth more than just the stats they put on board now. Tuskar was a bust when he pulled a hero power totem prior to WotOG. Now it's not so bad when you don't get Golem or Manatide because at least you can play TFB a turn earlier and Primal Fusion gets insane value if you can get 2-3 totems to stick.

And even with all of these truths, draenai totemcarver is still not played.


Even rolling a hero power totem isn't that much of a downside. Obviously if it rolls searing you get a 3 mana 4/3, the taunt is basically a 3 mana 3/2 "heal 3 or 4 health" as the taunt will soak up a 2 or 3 drop hit. Basically the only down side are the heal and spell power totems, but obviously those can have massive upsides when played later in the game. Maybe the only bad card currently is vitality totem, but it got rotated out with GVG so tuskar actually got a buff in some way.

Right, maybe downside was a bit too strict. The key point is, they're not "disgusting". Getting a free manatide behind a taunt is disgusting. A free 1/1 or a 0/2 taunt is not. And for heropower totems, the "free" is stretching it a bit. The Totemic has the stats of a 2 drop so you're usually getting a hero power for 1 mana.


Shaman finally got some proper Totem synergy with Thing From Below and Primal Fusion. Totems are worth more than just the stats they put on board now. Tuskar was a bust when he pulled a hero power totem prior to WotOG. Now it's not so bad when you don't get Golem or Manatide because at least you can play TFB a turn earlier and Primal Fusion gets insane value if you can get 2-3 totems to stick.

Thing from Below is straight up bullshit. Cost reduction is fine but not how it is handled with this card. Make it work like Sea Giant.


Thing from Below is straight up bullshit. Cost reduction is fine but not how it is handled with this card. Make it work like Sea Giant.

It should work like the similar Druid card Knight of the Wild. Knight is reduced by one when you play a beast while that card is in your hand.
Thing from Below is straight up bullshit. Cost reduction is fine but not how it is handled with this card. Make it work like Sea Giant.

It should work like the similar Druid card Knight of the Wild. Knight is reduced by one when you play a beast while that card is in your hand.

If it worked like either of these it would be completely useless.

Thing from Below is fine. So is Tuskarr Totemic. You guys' Shaman salt is getting a bit ridiculous lol.


The grossest topdeck I've ever seen.


Zero cards in hand, I draw power overwhelming and tap into Leeroy Jenkins for exact lethal.


If it worked like either of these it would be completely useless.

Thing from Below is fine. So is Tuskarr Totemic. You guys' Shaman salt is getting a bit ridiculous lol.

Found the Shaman player.

A 3/2 that summons a minion and gives you a free innervate is fine? A 5/5 taunt for zero mana is fine? Play shaman if you have to but don't pretend like it isn't broken bullshit.


Everyone always complains about whatever is the perceived strongest deck/class at any given time like it's the most broken thing ever.

I'm personally quite happy to see Shaman finally get to play at the top after being so terrible for so long. I like that the midrange variant has become more popular than the aggro one too.

Hopefully Priest's turn is coming up in the next expansion/adventure or two.
Found the Shaman player.

A 3/2 that summons a minion and gives you a free innervate is fine? A 5/5 taunt for zero mana is fine? Play shaman if you have to but don't pretend like it isn't broken bullshit.

To be fair, BananasWithGuns has been a Shaman stan since way before they were king of the mountain. He suffered through some dark times, let him have this.


Uh oh... people are about to discover wild....

Its been fantastic the last few weeks man. Very few netdecks like you would expect for some reason. People playing all kinds of crazy creative stuff. Its been the opposite of the boring ass standard meta.

My friend got legend the last 2 seasons of wild playing just secret paladin and shitting on everyone telling me how dumb the meta is, suppose my perception is skewed.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I would be fine with Shaman getting their time in the sun if it wasn't 50% of the ladder.
Been having fun with N'Zoth-C'Thun-Reno Shaman that I created this morning. Wish shaman had a class death rattle, but it is more than made up for with great removals and early curve.


To be fair, BananasWithGuns has been a Shaman stan since way before they were king of the mountain. He suffered through some dark times, let him have this.

Yeah, the only time I'm not annoyed to see Shaman is when it is golden. At least they aren't just bandwagoners who were secret Paladins a month ago.


The golden ones usually don't play the meta decks, either.

In my experience, they do. :p

I did face a Yogg Shaman earlier today. Beat them easy--they didn't have turn 1 play and they hero powered turn 2 and turn 3. Facing a Shaman who doesn't play a minion turn one OR turn two... I would have said it was impossible.


In my experience, they do. :p

I did face a Yogg Shaman earlier today. Beat them easy--they didn't have turn 1 play and they hero powered turn 2 and turn 3. Facing a Shaman who doesn't play a minion turn one OR turn two... I would have said it was impossible.

I've sometimes even played the aggro deck and not played a minion before turn 4. Sometimes that's what you get dealt. It rarely matters though, because Aggro Shaman is batshit crazy that way.


I don't understand the Shaman hate. There are two really popular decks that just straight up crush them. They were probably my best match up last season, I pretty much farmed Shaman to reach legend with both of these decks.

Tempo Warrior - Keep up with their early game, enough taunts to stop their late game, execute to swing the game against the 7/7, and use Armosmtih and whirlwinds will pull you out of lethal range.

Zoo - Play out your minions, make smart trades, take the board and never let go. If they make the trades you will have enough health to tap a few times and if they go face then you will have very good trades.


Found the Shaman player.

A 3/2 that summons a minion and gives you a free innervate is fine? A 5/5 taunt for zero mana is fine? Play shaman if you have to but don't pretend like it isn't broken bullshit.
You are not allowed to complain about Shaman after posting that disgusting lethal screenshot w/ a 10 damage leeroy. :)


Found the Shaman player.

A 3/2 that summons a minion and gives you a free innervate is fine? A 5/5 taunt for zero mana is fine? Play shaman if you have to but don't pretend like it isn't broken bullshit.

1 mana off is not an innervate. 1 mana off a 6 mana 5/5 is not an innervate. 3 mana for a 3/2 and an 0/2 is not something to freak out about.


Zoolock beats Midrange Shaman but Tempo Warrior is sketchy.

Tempo Warrior doesn't have a comeback mechanic, and it's very easy to lose the board vs a Shaman. It's a winnable match-up but it's also a very losable match up.

Tempo warrior in general doesn't like to play from behind.

You are not allowed to complain about Shaman after posting that disgusting lethal screenshot w/ a 10 damage leeroy. :)


At least I recognize when I'm stealing a win I don't deserve. ;)
Tuskarr is disgusting. It's undercosted, has no downside, and gives Shaman players an innvervate towards a 5/5 taunt.

Glad to see it go when TGT rotates.
The innervate toward a 5/5 taunt is card synergy - the game needs more of that, not less. The same thing applies to combos like Armorsmith + Whirlwind. These are the things that make the game enjoyable to play.

I think Tuskarr is a high-risk drop. 3 mana for a 3/2 is down by 2 stats, and something like a Healing Totem is a garbage addition to that. I would not play Tuskarr if not for the 5/5 taunt synergy. He fails me too often. I only really like playing him because he has no overload so I can drop Faceless on turn 4.

Combo flood deck that uses Coldlight Oracles for draw and tries to achieve a burst combo with Deckhands and/or Leeroy. Fussy, difficult to play and unreliable but can be highly explosive.

This is Backspace's original deck: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/60091-backspace-coldlight-rogue

No longer viable due to nerfs to Leeroy and Arcane Golem, but Bladed Cultist enabled a new list:


Still in the dumpster ranks, some yogg hunter played yogg three times by virtue of shadowstep being the first spell played both times. Had me down to 5 health and then played lay on hands on me, overdrew and I out healed him with my justicar power. It seems like any decent Yogg will overdraw you and clear the board with twisting nether. Don't think I could stand to play the card myself
That's amazing.

When is tgt rotating out?
Didn't Blizzard say 2 sets per year, and we'd get another one toward the end of this year that will rotate TGT?


I think Tuskarr is a high-risk drop. 3 mana for a 3/2 is down by 2 stats, and something like a Healing Totem is a garbage addition to that.

Didn't Blizzard say 2 sets per year, and we'd get another one toward the end of this year that will rotate TGT?

Totem synergy is fine. Shaman needed good cards.

They went too far and now Shaman is a wee bit overpowered. The meta revolves around Shaman now. Your deck can't beat Shaman? It's not viable on ladder. I'm not sure that's healthy.

As far as the rotation, TGT will rotate out with the first expansion of 2017. RIP Justicar.
Totem synergy is fine. Shaman needed good cards.

They went too far and now Shaman is a wee bit overpowered. The meta revolves around Shaman now. Your deck can't beat Shaman? It's not viable on ladder. I'm not sure that's healthy.

As far as the rotation, TGT will rotate out with the first expansion of 2017. RIP Justicar.
In my mind, the real problem Shaman cards are Tunnel Trogg (and Mana Wyrm) and Flamewreathed Faceless. Everything else is fine. Oh, and obviously the Rockbiter+Doomhammer synergy is stupid as hell.
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