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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

To be fair, BananasWithGuns has been a Shaman stan since way before they were king of the mountain. He suffered through some dark times, let him have this.

Heh, while I love that midrange Shaman is finally a viable deck again, I really haven't played all that much Shaman if you can believe it. I think my most played Shaman deck since WOG dropped is C'Thun Shaman lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Totem Golem, Tuskar Totemic, Ancestral Knowledge, and Thunder Bluff Valiant leaving with TGT rotating out will help a ton, but I don't know if that'll be enough to end shaman's reign.

Funny thing is Druid and Priest are probably the next two classes to hurt the most by the removal of TGT and Blackrock Mountain, and they're already probably the two weakest classes at the moment.
Without knowing what cards Blizzard will make for Shaman going forward, they stand to lose their entire early game next year. Trogg, Golem and Totemic will all be gone. If Blizzard doesn't create reasonable replacements then Shaman will be back to the basement I'm sure.


Been having such a blast with my rogue. Had 2 really close ranked matches earlier. Both times my opponent had me on the ropes. 1st comeback I put poision on an assassin blade and achieved board dominance (wiped all his cards). 2nd match just now was up against a Druid that also got the early advantage. But then I got an orge on the board, buffed him with two cold bloods for 11 attack and took him out with that.

Guess Druid didn't draw any good cards that allowed him to remove my minion. I usually only expect a 'big game minion' to only live 1 turn (that gives me an idea I should get Conceal into my deck)
Without knowing what cards Blizzard will make for Shaman going forward, they stand to lose their entire early game next year. Trogg, Golem and Totemic will all be gone. If Blizzard doesn't create reasonable replacements then Shaman will be back to the basement I'm sure.
I'm sure Blizzard will give Shaman proper replacement drops, just like they did with Priest.


Without knowing what cards Blizzard will make for Shaman going forward, they stand to lose their entire early game next year. Trogg, Golem and Totemic will all be gone. If Blizzard doesn't create reasonable replacements then Shaman will be back to the basement I'm sure.

Take it to the bank. I knew the day the nerf list was printed that Shaman would be far and away the best class; all they lost of any value was Crackle, and then when we saw the cards, they also got Faceless and Thing from Below (the latter is a much bigger problem, in my opinion). Bonkers. And with that in mind, it's just as clear that they will get absolutely gutted to the bone on January 1. The only good deck will be that crazy fatigue/healing one.

Edit: Actually even that fatigue deck won't work because you lose Elemental Destruction and Healing Wave, holy shit!


card like Feral Spirit might as well gone without Trogg. I'm sure even without nerf Flamewreath also gone without those 8-10 card
Why didn't you just wait?

dead on board

Also managed to not get a single secret with the first mysterious challenger played one game

Lost 3 games in a row, 2 being insanely close, and the last 1 being dumb af. Secret paladin mirror really comes down to who has secret keeper in the starting hand. The last game my opponent didn't play a single card that cost more than 2 and it wasn't Zoo... My first play was a 3 drop.


Coming back after not playing for about 6 months. I'm sitting on some gold and wondering which packs to be buying, TGT or current WotOG? (Don't have much time for Arena.) When I last played TGT was new and seemed pretty weak, not sure if that's changed at all.


Super Sleuth
Hah, I just topdecked and simultaneously got a perfect Shifter Zerus formation (Leeroy Jenkins) to get exactly lethal on a guy that would have killed me next turn. I'd be pissed if i were him.

To be fair I had two Shifter Zerus from Dark Peddlers. So the odds were pretty good.


Totem Golem, Tuskar Totemic, Ancestral Knowledge, and Thunder Bluff Valiant leaving with TGT rotating out will help a ton, but I don't know if that'll be enough to end shaman's reign.

Funny thing is Druid and Priest are probably the next two classes to hurt the most by the removal of TGT and Blackrock Mountain, and they're already probably the two weakest classes at the moment.

it will honestly be pretty crippling You're rotating out the 2 cards that generate totems that you want to play on curve. Flametongue and mana tide totem are both somewhat situational cards. You can't drop flametongue with no board on turn 2, it doesn't work. So this is going to make thing from below much weaker if there are no real replacements. So you're losing valuable cards, making thing from below weaker and to some degree making tunnel trogg weaker in a midrange deck at least. without the overload on 2 a turn 1 tunnel trogg doesn't effectively trade with other minions. using a lightning bolt or stormcrack to generate that buff is usually going to be incredibly awkward. You'll probably do it but it won't be good.

The thing is shaman doesn't need it's 'reign' ended.it is okay for shaman to hav etier 1 decks, it is okay for shaman to have tier 1 midrange decks. Hell it's even okay for there to be tier 1 aggro decks and there's no reason shaman can't have one.
dead on board

Also managed to not get a single secret with the first mysterious challenger played one game

Lost 3 games in a row, 2 being insanely close, and the last 1 being dumb af. Secret paladin mirror really comes down to who has secret keeper in the starting hand. The last game my opponent didn't play a single card that cost more than 2 and it wasn't Zoo... My first play was a 3 drop.

you were dead on board.... so you played n'zoth.... which got you a creeper....
I find hitting the concede button is faster than playing out a predictable outcome.
Today is weird, I really shouldn't be losing against C'thun Warrior playing secret paladin.

you were dead on board.... so you played n'zoth.... which got you a creeper....
I find hitting the concede button is faster than playing out a predictable outcome.

it was a long game and an even longer night. I wasn't entirely sure there wasn't a sludge belcher among the cards I had played and a taunt could have been the game.


Something is wrong with the shuffling of the cards in my deck. I've been getting a lot of the same cards next to each other the past few days. In the US on android here. Do we know when a fix is coming? It's not fun playing like this.

edit: seems to just happen with my patron warrior deck. wtf.


People playing aggro shaman and face warrior adding me to real id because i beat them with a greedy control warrior list.

The excuse is always "if i got my mortal strike you would have been rekt nub" or something along those lines.

Maybe its because i emote them to death before lethal because they are playing a face deck and i like doing it.


People playing aggro shaman and face warrior adding me to real id because i beat them with a greedy control warrior list.

The excuse is always "if i got my mortal strike you would have been rekt nub" or something along those lines.

Maybe its because i emote them to death before lethal because they are playing a face deck and i like doing it.

so in other words you're an asshole.


Maybe its because i emote them to death before lethal because they are playing a face deck and i like doing it.

Doing the lords work, my friend.

It's bad manners to ignore the minions you so carefully played, so a little bm in return is okay if you ask me.
I'll be honest, I do enjoy the, "I'm not the jackass, but those other guys are!" coming from everyone.

Edit: I guess not everyone, but hopefully people get the point.
Other passive aggressive BM is to rope without clicking end turn starting from turn 1.
I'm not interested in being a jerk for no reason, but:
1) I like to hear emotes.
2) I don't like hearing emote spam.
3) I'm always multitasking while playing Hearthstone anyway, so roping comes naturally for me.


In YGO Legacy of Duel on PS4, if you use up all of your alloted turn time you instantly lose the game. Needless to say, no one plays the game intentionally slow or as a means to "BM" others.

Also the game has actual voice chat so none of this adding friends to pop off at them though you are still subject to people sending you a message via PSN.


so in other words you're an asshole.

yes emoting makes me an asshole, for which yup, im cool with lol

people do it to me all the time and i dont add them and curse them out

its an in game feature, so is them adding me and me accepting, i just hear them out and throw in a quick XD and remove them, i imagine it gets the stress out.

back when face hunter was tier 1 and every other game was against that cancer deck, i would emote when they lost also.
just feelsgoodman

not to mention the people i emoted tonight misplayed to no end with said face decks.
one of them included me dropping chillmaw, him calling the bluff and getting full cleared, roped me then conceded as i said "heh, greetings".
that guy had some issues in the chat following the game, complete maniac and it was hilarious.


In YGO Legacy of Duel on PS4, if you use up all of your alloted turn time you instantly lose the game. Needless to say, no one plays the game intentionally slow or as a means to "BM" others.

Also the game has actual voice chat so none of this adding friends to pop off at them though you are still subject to people sending you a message via PSN.

I used to play the game irl to a pretty significant degree back when jumps were jumps etc. and we would bm irl because back then there was shit you can do in that game that was completely out of control, so you had to just sit there and watch as your opponent played his own game.

I had a guy literally stare at my graveyard for 3 minutes and then tell me my sleeves were nice, i have 2 cards in there at the time playing lightsworn, 2 gardnas..


I used to play the game irl to a pretty significant degree back when jumps were jumps etc. and we would bm irl because back then there was shit you can do in that game that was completely out of control, so you had to just sit there and watch as your opponent played his own game.

I had a guy literally stare at my graveyard for 3 minutes and then tell me my sleeves were nice, i have 2 cards in there at the time playing lightsworn, 2 gardnas..
IRL card games have their own level of BMs lol.

And yeah I probably wouldn't want to play card games without strict time limits on turns. A lot of troll time wasters out there.


That feeling of equipping a gorehowl right after they drop Harrison.

Also watching Reynad I know he plays up his salty "schtick" but man you could easily come to the conclusion someone at blizzard is pushing RNG buttons against him. Someone who was in a 100% losing position played yogg against him and every spell was beneficial including healing, clearing reynad board, filling his own board , refilling his hand and playing secrets. Most disgusting yogg I've seen.


having fun with winning streak against Aggro Shaman and zoolock with Tempo Warrior, want close play session with one more game, met Control Warrior ResidentSleeper

fun ended


Naga Sea Witch Ramp Druid, Y'shaarj Priest, and the usual Tempo Yogg Mage have been working out wonderfully so far at the start of this season!! Only class I've been losing consistently against now is mid-range Hunter.


Nothing like queueing up against a golden Priest in brawl to know you're in for an epic. It didn't disappoint.

Mage vs. Priest always seems to go super long, and it seems to be true even if Mage is just the second class.


I was looking forward to this Xfinity Invitational. No player cams makes it a hell of a lot less interesting.

I just checked out the tourney details and I don't understand why they need to have the casters be physically in London. They're also doing cross-marketing with the Warcraft movie by assigning players as Horde and Alliance... except the players aren't being matched up across factions but are instead playing against the same faction :/


Just gave an Antonidas stealth in brawl. Then proceeded to fireball my own face for lethal because mobile controls are so amazing.


Super Sleuth
I have to choose a new deck to make. I have 900 dust to work with.

I am interested in the following:

Midrange Hunter. For my collection, it would cost about 880 dust to make a seemingly solid deck with one call of the wild. This seems like a fun deck.

Midrange Shaman. This obviously seems powerful, but also so trendy that it kind of turns me off.

Some sort of warrior. Most of these seem really expensive though.

Will probably go with hunter. What classes are they weak against right now? Strong against?
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