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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Jumped back on this game due to me wanting to check out my Overwatch cardback (clever Blizzard). Snagged the free card packs, dusted some shit, made a decent Hunter deck and ranked up to 15 so far. It's been like 6 months since I've played the game and it seems players in ranked are a lot more salty than I remember. I don't emote spam, I don't do aggro decks and I say well played after every game... but I still get a ton of people who try to friend request me to tell me off. Crazy shit.

And... they removed the Sorry emote? lol I can guess why they did it but did they ever state the reason?


Yeah I notice people simply spam that where a sarcastic "sorry" would normally be said.

I threw together the cancer Midrange Shaman for a quest, and came up against a golden Control Warrior with Magni who had all the answers. I mean all of them. Every turn. "By my beard!"


I threw together the cancer Midrange Shaman for a quest, and came up against a golden Control Warrior with Magni who had all the answers. I mean all of them. Every turn. "By my beard!"

To be fair, every shaman deck has a hard time against midrange warrior. I still have to lose a match against shaman with that deck,

Edit: oh you say control...well thats difficult for midrange still, better with aggro.


BM 10/10.

I was spectating a miracle rogue who had two loooong gadgetzan turns in a row, pieced together a Leeroy double cold blood lethal, and then instead of attacking and winning he conceded, presumably to deny me the pack.

Probably should have expected it from someone named PssyDstryr.

I had only added him because he was playing some crazy deck in wild I wanted to ask him about.


Step 1) Set card back to Legend.

Step 2) Use Golden Priest

Step 3) Build a Tempo Priest deck

Step 4) Enjoy all the new friends who add you asking what the hell kind of deck you're playing and is it posted anywhere online.

Step 5) Post that deck on Neogaf:

2x Circle of Healing - Hold for big card draws with northshire, or play it when you can heal a minion by +4 health.
2x Forbidden Shaping - Play it on curve if you have no other options. You want the board so fight for it.

2x PW: S
2x Northshire Cleric - Don't play this on turn 1 unless you are up against aggro or tempo
2x Light Warden - Always play this. On turn 1 it will probably draw removal. If it survives into mid-game it can wreck.

2x SW:p
2x Wild Pyromancer - Hold for a combo vs Zoo or Shaman.
2x Flame Juggler - Always play it.

2x SW:D
2x Injured Blademaster - 4/3 is sometimes good on curve, so don't be afraid to play it. Heal it as much as you can and use him for trades
2x Shattered Sun Cleric - Buff those early drops.

2x Holy Champion - A win condition. If it sticks and you get a good Pyro + Circle Heal combo you can easily win the game.

2x Holy Nova - Typically one of the worst clears in the game. When you actually have a minion on the board left from turns 1 to 4, it is actually really great.

2x Cabal Shadowpriest - Insanely high tempo card. Every popular deck is playing great minions to steal. Bloodhooves, Imp Gang Boss, Argent Squires, and so many more. Take them all.
1x Cairn - This guy fights for the board. You want the board. Use him to fight for it.

1x Ragnaros - This guy finishes up games. You want to finish the game. Use him to finish it.


Embalm, that looks like a cool deck. I've thought Holy Champion could end up a win con in a Priest deck similar to Frothing for warrior, but it's so much more conditional than frothing that no one has really made it work.

I'd give it a shot but I haven't pulled Forbidden Shaping and I don't want to spend my dust on a Priest epic since I'm unlikely to get much use out if.

Still, good on you for innovating! And add me if you play on NA or EU so I can spectate it in action! Levi#1147


Yeah I'll add you and bjaelke. Anyone can feel free to add me if you want to watch someone stumble thorugh ladder and arena: TheEmbalmer#1742

I haven't played the deck nearly enough to say if it's good or not. It is a lot of fun and it is heavily inspired by Tempo Warrior.
The deck has done very well against Zoo & Aggro Shaman, but again this is only against about 5 zoo and 3 shaman. It has struggled against Warrior, their weapons can rob you of tempo very quickly. It seems to do okay against mid-range Hunter, I beat one who played 2 Call of the Wild on turns 8 and 9. Other than that I haven't played enough to know the match ups.


Kinda depressing looking at builds for Rogue etc when they contain fancy cards like Leeroy. guess all I can do for now is take my time and use the starter decks that only cost bout 200 dust or so (I got most of those cards). Might unload a lot of money for cards around October

Still having fun though. I guess I could start dusting some of my niche cards like Finklehorn and Mountain Giant. But still not enough dust to craft Van Clef or Sylvannas so havent bothered dusting my crappy/niche epics yet


Kinda depressing looking at builds for Rogue etc when they contain fancy cards like Leeroy. guess all I can do for now is take my time and use the starter decks that only cost bout 200 dust or so (I got most of those cards). Might unload a lot of money for cards around October

Still having fun though. I guess I could start dusting some of my niche cards like Finklehorn and Mountain Giant. But still not enough dust to craft Van Clef or Sylvannas so havent bothered dusting my crappy/niche epics yet

I wouldn't dust Mountain Giant if you can help it. It says play in Handlock/Renolock (Warlock control style) decks.


I haven’t played much since August. I should be playing standard now and what should I spend 1350 of my gold on?

If I did this right it looks like I am missing 123 Neutral cards
Warrior – 19
Warlock – 21
Shaman – 20
Rogue – 21
Priest -19
Pladan – 21
Mage – 22
Hunter – 20
Druid – 22

Classic – Missing 48
GnG – Missing 32
Naxxramas – Have all collection
Black Rock Mountain – almost all (except hero cards missing 5)
Grand Tournament – I have zero cards
League of Explorers – I have zero cards
Old Golds – missing 92


Brandwin said:
I haven’t played much since August. I should be playing standard now and what should I spend 1350 of my gold on?

If you have that many GvG cards, maybe you'd do well in Wild. The competition there isn't too crazy because there are fewer people playing it. In Standard you're not going to be able to use any Naxx or GvG cards.

Cat Party

BM 10/10.

I was spectating a miracle rogue who had two loooong gadgetzan turns in a row, pieced together a Leeroy double cold blood lethal, and then instead of attacking and winning he conceded, presumably to deny me the pack.

Probably should have expected it from someone named PssyDstryr.

I had only added him because he was playing some crazy deck in wild I wanted to ask him about.


Kinda depressing looking at builds for Rogue etc when they contain fancy cards like Leeroy. guess all I can do for now is take my time and use the starter decks that only cost bout 200 dust or so (I got most of those cards). Might unload a lot of money for cards around October

Still having fun though. I guess I could start dusting some of my niche cards like Finklehorn and Mountain Giant. But still not enough dust to craft Van Clef or Sylvannas so havent bothered dusting my crappy/niche epics yet

I really wouldn't get discouraged by net decks. Netdecks are always going to have legendaries that fit for that specific deck because the people who make decks often have all of the legendary cards. Yet that doesn't mean you can't build a deck that's just as good, with cheaper cards!

It sounds like you are looking at Miracle Rogue and it actually has a lot of tournament quality decks that don't use so many expensive cards. Here is a Budget Miracle Rogue guide. It details the cards, the combos, and some basic strategies for the deck.
Miracle Rogue is a pretty hard deck to learn how to play, but it's very rewarding when you start to get it to click.

Whenever you're looking at Net Decks and need to do some substitutions you can generally get pretty close without missing very much.


Whenever you're looking at Net Decks and need to do some substitutions you can generally get pretty close without missing very much.

I have a lot of fun on my EU account trying to make cheap versions of meta decks. One of the benefits? Surprising opponents who think they know your decklist.

People don't play around Brawl when they think you're playing a netdecked Tempo Warrior, nor do they expect to see Gorehowl. :D


If you have that many GvG cards, maybe you'd do well in Wild. The competition there isn't too crazy because there are fewer people playing it. In Standard you're not going to be able to use any Naxx or GvG cards.

Thanks. I think I will buy the Explorer set with cash and buy Grand Tournament and Old God packs?


Thanks. I think I will buy the Explorer set with cash and buy Grand Tournament and Old God packs?

League has a lot of amazing cards, I highly recommend it. TGT is a mixed bag, there are only a few must-haves. I feel like the WOG set is better overall.


So I guess they fixed the "bug" that let you stack more than 3 quests in your queue? Haven't been playing as much recently and have been away for more than 3 days in a row multiple times and each time I was hoping to get the quest stacking but it hasn't worked.


Since I took such a long hiatus from the game I'm really behind with the Adventure stuff.

Just got back up to over 700 gold, should I start unlocked Explorer stuff or should I just wait until the next one?


I finally get to tell a tale filled with my salt. I was a Warlock vs a Druid. I had control the whole game and had lethal sitting on the board. He drops Yogg. He didn't cast that many spells in the game, less than 10. Yogg then proceeds to clear my side of the board while giving himself power of the wild and the casts shadowform not once, but twice for my opponent. He ended up with perfect lethal. What are the odds? Shadowform twice? isn't that like 100x100x2?? Fucking hell, had to stop for the day after that bullshit.


Unconfirmed Member
I bowed down to the God of Death and crafted a Yogg.

Been playing some Token Druid and Yoog & Load Hunter with it. Neither deck (my versions at least) are that good, but WHO CARES? YOGG MUST BE PRAISED.

The Hunter deck actually is probably the most fun hunter deck I've ever played. There are lots of decisions every turn because the deck runs so few minions, that you REALLY have to make the most of every spell and a missed hero power will often be the difference between lethal (Malygos + On the Hunt/Arcane Shot or more with Thaurissan ticks), and just losing the game and needing to rely on Yogg RNG. Really fun deck to play becuase every game is different. The deck does pretty much auto-lose against a few decks though so beware of Miracle Rogues and Freeze Mage.
Step 1) Set card back to Legend.

Step 2) Use Golden Priest

Step 3) Build a Tempo Priest deck

Step 4) Enjoy all the new friends who add you asking what the hell kind of deck you're playing and is it posted anywhere online.

Step 5) Post that deck on Neogaf:

2x Circle of Healing - Hold for big card draws with northshire, or play it when you can heal a minion by +4 health.
2x Forbidden Shaping - Play it on curve if you have no other options. You want the board so fight for it.

2x PW: S
2x Northshire Cleric - Don't play this on turn 1 unless you are up against aggro or tempo
2x Light Warden - Always play this. On turn 1 it will probably draw removal. If it survives into mid-game it can wreck.

2x SW:p
2x Wild Pyromancer - Hold for a combo vs Zoo or Shaman.
2x Flame Juggler - Always play it.

2x SW:D
2x Injured Blademaster - 4/3 is sometimes good on curve, so don't be afraid to play it. Heal it as much as you can and use him for trades
2x Shattered Sun Cleric - Buff those early drops.

2x Holy Champion - A win condition. If it sticks and you get a good Pyro + Circle Heal combo you can easily win the game.

2x Holy Nova - Typically one of the worst clears in the game. When you actually have a minion on the board left from turns 1 to 4, it is actually really great.

2x Cabal Shadowpriest - Insanely high tempo card. Every popular deck is playing great minions to steal. Bloodhooves, Imp Gang Boss, Argent Squires, and so many more. Take them all.
1x Cairn - This guy fights for the board. You want the board. Use him to fight for it.

1x Ragnaros - This guy finishes up games. You want to finish the game. Use him to finish it.

I just killed a nzoth paladin with 25 dmg from a lightwarden on turn 4. Fun deck.


I finally get to tell a tale filled with my salt. I was a Warlock vs a Druid. I had control the whole game and had lethal sitting on the board. He drops Yogg. He didn't cast that many spells in the game, less than 10. Yogg then proceeds to clear my side of the board while giving himself power of the wild and the casts shadowform not once, but twice for my opponent. He end up with perfect lethal. What are the odds? Shadowform twice? isn't that like 100x100x2?? Fucking hell, had to stop for the day after that bullshit.

Yogg: stealing games since 2016.


Not too bad.


I find it difficult to see how a turn 1 light warden can work out well against more aggressive decks, what do you heal to get the buff on turn 2? if you went first and your zoo or shaman opponent drops a trogg or an imp or a voidwalker it seems like your play doesn't work out, against 1 attack dudes you can swing in and heal but now you've invested 3 mana in a card that will likely die for less investment on their part. if you pain the enemy minion you're again investing 2 mana into clearing a 1 mana dude and it leaves your light warden in the situation it was in before.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Really disappointing loss just now.

Cthun Warrior mirror match. Both used Cthun once and got killed. Opp went Emperor Thaurissan, next turn Bronzebeard into Doomcaller for two more Cthuns. I'm able to take out the second Cthun with Disciple into Execute. I hit fatigue first so I had to play my second Cthun first (only made one with my Doom caller). Opp responds with last Cthun, I try and go for Shield Slam into Execute but the weird phone lag made me target my own Cthun :(
Really disappointing loss just now.

Cthun Warrior mirror match. Both used Cthun once and got killed. Opp went Emperor Thaurissan, next turn Bronzebeard into Doomcaller for two more Cthuns. I'm able to take out the second Cthun with Disciple into Execute. I hit fatigue first so I had to play my second Cthun first (only made one with my Doom caller). Opp responds with last Cthun, I try and go for Shield Slam into Execute but the weird phone lag made me target my own Cthun :(

Really disappointing loss just now.

Cthun Warrior mirror match. Both used Cthun once and got killed. Opp went Emperor Thaurissan, next turn Bronzebeard into Doomcaller for two more Cthuns. I'm able to take out the second Cthun with Disciple into Execute. I hit fatigue first so I had to play my second Cthun first (only made one with my Doom caller). Opp responds with last Cthun, I try and go for Shield Slam into Execute but the weird phone lag made me target my own Cthun :(


Man, I hate playing this game on my phone.
I find it difficult to see how a turn 1 light warden can work out well against more aggressive decks, what do you heal to get the buff on turn 2? if you went first and your zoo or shaman opponent drops a trogg or an imp or a voidwalker it seems like your play doesn't work out, against 1 attack dudes you can swing in and heal but now you've invested 3 mana in a card that will likely die for less investment on their part. if you pain the enemy minion you're again investing 2 mana into clearing a 1 mana dude and it leaves your light warden in the situation it was in before.

What I used to like doing when I ran Lightwardens in a Priest deck was hitting them and then healing them, if I had no other choice. Awkward as hell but it worked in some very minor situations.

That was a long time ago though, maybe early or late TGT, and the main reason I used Lightwardens was because of the few situations where people would ignore them when I had a board fill of other minions. Also because I was tired of using Zombie Chow since I was using a dumb combo deck.

In today's meta? No way that would ever work, and probably will never work again.


I wouldn't dust Mountain Giant if you can help it. It says play in Handlock/Renolock (Warlock control style) decks.

I really wouldn't get discouraged by net decks. Netdecks are always going to have legendaries that fit for that specific deck because the people who make decks often have all of the legendary cards. Yet that doesn't mean you can't build a deck that's just as good, with cheaper cards!

It sounds like you are looking at Miracle Rogue and it actually has a lot of tournament quality decks that don't use so many expensive cards. Here is a Budget Miracle Rogue guide. It details the cards, the combos, and some basic strategies for the deck.
Miracle Rogue is a pretty hard deck to learn how to play, but it's very rewarding when you start to get it to click.

Whenever you're looking at Net Decks and need to do some substitutions you can generally get pretty close without missing very much.

I missed these responses. Thanks for the feedback will apply!

Also will look at the miracle rogue


Super Sleuth
I just tied.

A priest at 2 health Cthuned me at 4 health when i had a knife juggler and Imp Gang boss on board. It killed us both. Bittersweet.
I've been playing Yogg 'n Load a bit today. Honestly it is super fun and not awful at low ranks at least. I played Call of the Wild four turns in a row starting on turn 9 against a Patron Warrior. Dude got out-valued hard.
Aggro Paladin Budget Deck is currently at 10-3.

Blizzard gave me a challenge to get 2 more paladin wins.

I'm now at 12-3.

Beat a freeze mage too.

Ben Brode, why. WHY.


Sometimes, the Force is just not with you.

Opponent Priest got Sylvanas and Ragnaros from Forbidden Shaping, Reno Jackson from Shifting Shade, another Sylvanas from Museum Curator, Monkey Map from Thoughtsteal, and then another Rags from Golden Monkey which sniped my Light Rags and then my buffed Al A'kir (20% chance) to steal the win....


I ain't even mad. lol

I really should craft boring Antonidas for the control match-up though...just don't want to.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Wow Flamewaker is pretty good. Couldn't get a board established at all, everything got killed by it's passive. Only thing I could do was use Brawl to get it off the board. Then I ate two fireballs and was dead.

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