I got hit with double discount card into two Dr.Booms on turn 2.
Just realised they stacked. Brutal. Almost lived the dream.
I got hit with double discount card into two Dr.Booms on turn 2.
Tempo storm meta snapshot is out. Which means the entire meta is going to turn into the top 4 decks on that list even though the top 20 decks are completely viable.
Tier 1:
- Aggro Shaman
- Control Warrior
- Tempo Warrior
- Zoolock
Tier 2:
- Midrange Shaman
- Midrange Hunter
- C'Thun Druid
- Patron Warrior
- Miracle Rogue
- Pirate Warrior
- Tempo Mage
- Freeze Mage
- Yogg Druid
- Dragon Warrior
Tier 3:
- N'Zoth Rogue
- Renolock
- N'Zoth Paladin
- C'Thun Warrior
- Beast Druid
- Malygos Rogue
- N'Zoth Priest
- Ramp Druid
- Dragon Priest
Tier 4:
- Control Shaman
- C'Thun Priest
So Tempostorm is just going to be swapping Aggro Shaman and Midrange Shaman for the foreseeable future?
LMAO @ CW in tier 1. Son please.
So Tempostorm is just going to be swapping Aggro Shaman and Midrange Shaman for the foreseeable future?
LMAO @ CW in tier 1. Son please.
Don't worry. Tempostorm have only "EXPERTS" from each class to craft these lists. I'm sure CW is amazing.
Anyone who thinks CW is bad is nuts. Ravaging Ghoul is one of the single most important cards introduced in the new expansion and destroys zoo and aggro. It counters most of the popular decks as well, including midrange hunter.
I have no dog in the fight, but the meta snapshot has always been good and continues to be correct.
No one said CW is bad. Tier two is not bad. Tier two decks are powerful and can take a skilled player to legend.
Control Warrior is not one of the top four decks in standard. It has too many bad match ups and it's not stupid-broken like a tier one deck should be.
Well this brawl is...interesting. I got fucking Blingtron, Hemet, Rend, Geddon and N'Zoth. Played my Blingtron, opponent got Doomhammer, I got Cursed Blade.
Easy pack for that guy.
Edit: Second game, I drop two Eydis. Opponent immediately drops two Gormok. That's a Concede.
Offensive Play buffs stack. I played two of them and Onyxia was 3 mana.
2 more week before you turned into Levi or Kars
If you was that mage I faced a few mins ago, I feel sorry bro.dark nat and lorewalker in my first game, wow....WOW
Seriously, fuck this game
Oh shit, and regular nat too. wow
Every. Time.
I just got Nat the Dark Fisherman and Cho just now. I think these mega-shitty decks are pre-arranged.
Edit: ROFL, my opponent actually played two Dark Nats against me. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
This guy tried to mill me, but Paletress gave me Y'Shaarj. GG. My other Paletress gave me Zerus. -_-
One of my games I got Darkfisher, Lorewalker, Brann, and King Mukla. I couldn't put together a better mill deck if I tried.
Turn 2.. coin, offensive play, offensive play, Jaraxxus.
All they need to let you do is:Wow, they topped themselves. This is the worst fucking brawl they've made so far. Even though it's sports themed it has less strategy than every other random card brawl. Please never renew this piece of shit brawl in the future.
You just played me.
I did that.
Rest of my hand was 8-9 drops and no card would have turned the tide.
Took me about 15 games until an opponent autoconceded.
Worst brawl ever.
So far this brawl has been pretty fun, again a fast way to get gold, depending if RNG gods favour you or not.
Fastest one was the 2 card combo one.
This one sucks.