Forget about shamans, midrange hunter is the new op deck cool kids play, unlike shaman and with overload, this takes literally zero thinking too, just get to turn 8 and I win! I only just played HS in the background browsing web this month, I'm about to get that 5, it's full auto pilot. Somehow the designer thought having 3 cards worth 3 mana each in one card minus the RNG, should cost 8 instead of 10. It's so stupid. I beat even zoo with hunter, your minions quality is well above warlock's, shaman isn't a big deal even. You are only weak to face decks like face warrior that actually seems too popular for what it is, warriors are either control or face lol, I haven't seen as many tempos actually. Looking at my ladder games I think hunter and shaman's popularity are pretty close right now, to think people were calling Rexxar dead class.