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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Wow Flamewaker is pretty good. Couldn't get a board established at all, everything got killed by it's passive. Only thing I could do was use Brawl to get it off the board. Then I ate two fireballs and was dead.


The correct response is to drop something like Armorsmith or Acolyte so the Mage has to remove it, or else give you amazing value.


Sometimes, the Force is just not with you.

Opponent Priest got Sylvanas and Ragnaros from Forbidden Shaping, Reno Jackson from Shifting Shade, another Sylvanas from Museum Curator, Monkey Map from Thoughtsteal, and then another Rags from Golden Monkey which sniped my Light Rags and then my buffed Al A'kir (20% chance) to steal the win....


I ain't even mad. lol

I really should craft boring Antonidas for the control match-up though...just don't want to.

i'm triggered

fucking anduin ;lol


OK, time to get serious with Rogue.

Thalnos or Edwin?

I can only craft one. I kind of want Thalnos more because he pops up in other classes as well sometimes, but Edwin is a win condition on his own.

Which one, GAF? WHICH ONE?

lol what???

How can priest trigger you? With all the cancer aggro decks running around

Because consistency-wise, Priest sucks balls, but when they have the NUTS they're fookin' unstoppable.
And I "main" Priest.
OK, time to get serious with Rogue.

Thalnos or Edwin?

I can only craft one. I kind of want Thalnos more because he pops up in other classes as well sometimes, but Edwin is a win condition on his own.

Which one, GAF? WHICH ONE?

Because consistency-wise, Priest sucks balls, but when they have the NUTS they're fookin' unstoppable.
And I "main" Priest.

Well the pro of thalnos is it's a neutral and can be put in other decks, but if you are just working on rogue it can technically be replaced by a novice engineer (the better option for cycle) or kobold. Otherwise i'd go edwin all day since it's pretty good
OK, time to get serious with Rogue.

Thalnos or Edwin?

I can only craft one. I kind of want Thalnos more because he pops up in other classes as well sometimes, but Edwin is a win condition on his own.

Which one, GAF? WHICH ONE?

Because consistency-wise, Priest sucks balls, but when they have the NUTS they're fookin' unstoppable.
And I "main" Priest.
Thalnos is used in Malygos and Freeze Mage OTK decks.
Edwin is used in pretty much every single Rogue deck.


Thalnos has been used in every Rogue deck since the dawn of the game.

Edwin comes and goes though right now it's used in all Rogue decks.


Thalnos is in almost every single Rogue deck. I know because I've been subbing for him my entire Hearthstone "career". I think he's not present in Mech, and maybe Mill, Rogue.

Edwin comes and goes, but he's been "big" since the owl and BGH nerfs. Edwin can win you the game on his own, though. Thalnos seems so underwhelming....


It's used in all the meta decks right now, but there have been Rogue decks that didn't use Thalnos in the past. I'm just saying that, if you are 100% Rogue, Edwin will get slightly more mileage.

Nah Thalnos has been in most rogue decks. He is too good to leave out.


Each time I saw Thalnos, I thought he was a clown wearing a purple/fuchsia wig. But then I realized, it was a skull wearing a collar made of fur
It actually makes me want to play the deck I lost against.

Random aside, I really wish there was an 'AI Constructed Mode.'

Basically something that allows you to make a deck and play against it against AI so you can practice against it without losing rank. Of course, AI will never play as good as a player, but it would be cool to see.


Trying to complete priest quests is a chore.
Even when you play perfect youll get so many losses due the class beeing shit
What's classic Rogue? LOL!

Can't think of a deck where Thalnos isn't used for Rogues. Miracle, Malygos, Deathrattle, Control, Mill, Tempo, Oil etc. all have used it.
It's one of the pre-made Rogue decks Blizzard put out, and I figured it had some relation to the class's actual history. :p

Nah Thalnos has been in most rogue decks. He is too good to leave out.
Glad to be corrected on that.

It actually makes me want to play the deck I lost against. I know if I was on the other side getting people mad I'd probably be real happy doing it
1) Craft Dr. Boom.
2) Craft Tirion.
3) Craft Mysterious Challenger x2.
4) Enjoy a 90%+ win rate in Wild with one of the most salt-inducing decks in the game's history.


Random aside, I really wish there was an 'AI Constructed Mode.'

Basically something that allows you to make a deck and play against it against AI so you can practice against it without losing rank. Of course, AI will never play as good as a player, but it would be cool to see.

Its amazing how well made the ai on hard in Overwatch is compared to how shit it is in Hearthstone


It's one of the pre-made Rogue decks Blizzard put out, and I figured it had some relation to the class's actual history. :p

Glad to be corrected on that.

1) Craft Dr. Boom.
2) Craft Tirion.
3) Craft Mysterious Challenger x2.
4) Enjoy a 90%+ win rate in Wild with one of the most salt-inducing decks in the game's history.

Put nzoth too for extra bm.
1) Craft Dr. Boom.
2) Craft Tirion.
3) Craft Mysterious Challenger x2.
4) Enjoy a 90%+ win rate in Wild with one of the most salt-inducing decks in the game's history.

Actually took out Dr. Boom out of secret paladin. He takes up too much space for Nzoth. Don't want sludge belchers pushed out and with the amount of face damage I put in Lightlord and a forbidden healing.


tunnel trogg just carries dude. the only card stronger than it is that pre-nerf undertaker.

best 1 drop in the game. mana wyrm or zombie chow dont even come close


tunnel trogg just carries dude. the only card stronger than it is that pre-nerf undertaker.

best 1 drop in the game. mana wyrm or zombie chow dont even come close

Mana Wyrm comes very close, but mage as a class isn't as good as shammy.


Awwwww yeah, only one good Old Gods Class Legendary left now.


tunnel trogg just carries dude. the only card stronger than it is that pre-nerf undertaker.

best 1 drop in the game. mana wyrm or zombie chow dont even come close

Next expansion: Tunnel Wyrm, 1 Mana 1/3 "Whenever you cast a spell, gain attack equal to the cost of the spell"


Is it worth making a Secret Paladin deck and playing in wild just to hit legend? (Really only want the card back). Is it really that easy? I usually only really try to rank up near the end of the season for the golden epic and have only hit rank 4 before.


Is it worth making a Secret Paladin deck and playing in wild just to hit legend? (Really only want the card back). Is it really that easy? I usually only really try to rank up near the end of the season for the golden epic and have only hit rank 4 before.

You still need many games to hit legend, even though you play the OP deck of the season.
I actually met very few secret paladins on my way to 5 and it usually boiled down to secret keeper turn 1 or Nzoth.

I met some oddshot paladins though murloc pally, face pally, quartermaster pally, midrange pally (secret pally w/o secrets)


I find it difficult to see how a turn 1 light warden can work out well against more aggressive decks, what do you heal to get the buff on turn 2? if you went first and your zoo or shaman opponent drops a trogg or an imp or a voidwalker it seems like your play doesn't work out, against 1 attack dudes you can swing in and heal but now you've invested 3 mana in a card that will likely die for less investment on their part. if you pain the enemy minion you're again investing 2 mana into clearing a 1 mana dude and it leaves your light warden in the situation it was in before.
There are a lot of 1 drops that counter other one drops. A Zoo vs Zoo match up can be won or loss based on how your first turns match up against one another. Against those very early focused decks your goal is to survive and stabilize. It's unlikely that you'll have the board against a deck that runs 4 of the best 1 drops in the game. Lightwarden trades with Argent Squire, Possessed Villager, and Fiery Warbat. So in those situations it doesn't grow into a super power house, it's a stepping stone to not completely losing the board.

It's not on the same level as the wonderfully broken Mana Wyrm, Frothing Berserker, or Troggzor, but it's pretty close in the right deck and it can actually grow it's attack much faster than the other 1 drops in the right situations. The missing health hurts it, but wyrm and trogg get cleared by a Flame Imp too.

You also don't usually want to heal on turn 2. You want to play a minion and keep fighting for board. The deck I posted is a tempo deck. Lightwarden gives you some options if you don't have a 2 drop though. Attacking face, healing the opponent and turning it into a 3/2 can be a good play if you have no other options.

To sum it up. Light Warden allows you to fight for the board in the early game. If it goes unchecked it can deal a lot of damage. It often draws hard removal that will allow your more hearty Holy Champions to survive. In the late game it is stronger than most other 1 drops as it will be immediately combined with a heal. Lastly at 1 mana it is a strong tempo play when combined with any heal, it is an insane tempo play when combined with multiple heals.

Perfect... no, but it's pretty good.


Forget about shamans, midrange hunter is the new op deck cool kids play, unlike shaman and with overload, this takes literally zero thinking too, just get to turn 8 and I win! I only just played HS in the background browsing web this month, I'm about to get that 5, it's full auto pilot. Somehow the designer thought having 3 cards worth 3 mana each in one card minus the RNG, should cost 8 instead of 10. It's so stupid. I beat even zoo with hunter, your minions quality is well above warlock's, shaman isn't a big deal even. You are only weak to face decks like face warrior that actually seems too popular for what it is, warriors are either control or face lol, I haven't seen as many tempos actually. Looking at my ladder games I think hunter and shaman's popularity are pretty close right now, to think people were calling Rexxar dead class.


Tempo storm meta snapshot is out. Which means the entire meta is going to turn into the top 4 decks on that list even though the top 20 decks are completely viable.

Tier 1:
  • Aggro Shaman
  • Control Warrior
  • Tempo Warrior
  • Zoolock

Tier 2:
  • Midrange Shaman
  • Midrange Hunter
  • C'Thun Druid
  • Patron Warrior
  • Miracle Rogue
  • Pirate Warrior
  • Tempo Mage
  • Freeze Mage
  • Yogg Druid
  • Dragon Warrior

Tier 3:
  • N'Zoth Rogue
  • Renolock
  • N'Zoth Paladin
  • C'Thun Warrior
  • Beast Druid
  • Malygos Rogue
  • N'Zoth Priest
  • Ramp Druid
  • Dragon Priest

Tier 4:
  • Control Shaman
  • C'Thun Priest


Wallet brawl. 30 legendaries. You get a card that reduces the cost of your next legendary by 3 and all copies of that legendary.


Wallet brawl. 30 legendaries. You get a card that reduces the cost of your next legendary by 3 and all copies of that legendary.

This brawl is brutal. If someone gets ETC, or one of the sisters or even maexna, the game is over. Managed to offensive play out aviana into double cthun and still lost


The brawls is so dumb, my opponent played reduced cost King Muklas, guess what I had? Hemet!! lmao.

Then curved into discounted Tirions against his Soggoths, that went as expected. Easy pack, might play more, it's just dumb in a good way.


Tempo storm is smoking crack if they think Aggro Shaman is stronger than midrange.

EDIT: and TWO warrior decks in tier one? I guess it's time to play midrange hunter and farm the bandwagon warriors.
Well this brawl is...interesting. I got fucking Blingtron, Hemet, Rend, Geddon and N'Zoth. Played my Blingtron, opponent got Doomhammer, I got Cursed Blade.

Easy pack for that guy.

Edit: Second game, I drop two Eydis. Opponent immediately drops two Gormok. That's a Concede.


Well this brawl is...interesting. I got fucking Blingtron, Hemet, Rend, Geddon and N'Zoth. Played my Blingtron, opponent got Doomhammer, I got Cursed Blade.

Easy pack for that guy.


Heres another good one: Start on turn 2 with 3 Voltrons in your hand, insta GG

Edit: Got a BGH and golden Prep, nice.
Yeah, this is the most random, crap shoot brawl in the history of the mode. Might as well just have each player roll a die at the start of the match, higher number wins.

Edit: Eh, got a golden Highmane from my pack. Good enough.
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