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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Do you hear its call?

Listen closely


At the moment still getting my warrior to 500 ranked matches. Only 150 more.. My deck is either ultimate fatigue warrior or Grim patron warrior :)
I still love throwing down a reno and having my opponent ( Shaman or Hunter mostly ) insta concede.
Hearthstone became pretty fun again after Whispers of the Old Gods was released. Had fun with it until these last few weeks. It seems now everyone just has stupid burst damage and there aren't enough board clears or healing or anything to keep up anymore. Losing half my life by turn 4-5 is a common occurrence and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it. It feels really bad losing to people who ignore my minion and just punch and soulfire my face because I just can't stabilize or if I do then there's like 14 damage burst out of hand anyway.

It's just endless frustration now. Probably time to take another extended break.
In my 3 days of experience, Wild doesn't have this problem. Give it a shot if you want a break from this nonsense.

Imo it took a turn for the worst. I hate C'thun and how basically almost everyone runs a c'thun deck.
I have only seen C'Thun twice in Wild.


Super Sleuth
I feel like you see Cthun mostly at ranks 16-20 (because it's cheap) and Warriors/druids. I don't see much Cthun otherwise.


In my 3 days of experience, Wild doesn't have this problem. Give it a shot if you want a break from this nonsense.

I have only seen C'Thun twice in Wild.

Lol.. who plays Wild?

not anymore, others here made me relize how important gromm and varian are, so in the end I'm running a budget c'thun mage deck since I'm more of a filthy f2p player than p2w

Huh.. well I wouldnt have put Varian Wrynn in there at all. Weird choice.


Listen closely


At the moment still getting my warrior to 500 ranked matches. Only 150 more.. My deck is either ultimate fatigue warrior or Grim patron warrior :)
I still love throwing down a reno and having my opponent ( Shaman or Hunter mostly ) insta concede.

Well met...


I was interested in running a Grim patron warrior, but I'm not so sure about the deck I have, which deck do you use? (if you don't mind sharing)

Huh.. well I wouldnt have put Varian Wrynn in there at all. Weird choice.

sorry! I meant Ragnaros, Ragnaros and Gromm are the finishers, without those the deck wouldn't work well
Listen closely


At the moment still getting my warrior to 500 ranked matches. Only 150 more.. My deck is either ultimate fatigue warrior or Grim patron warrior :)
I still love throwing down a reno and having my opponent ( Shaman or Hunter mostly ) insta concede.

What's your fatigue deck look like? I'm trying to put together some different deck styles so I can learn how to play more than one style (aggro / midrange)


Imo it took a turn for the worst. I hate C'thun and how basically almost everyone runs a c'thun deck.

I only ever see 2 C'thun decks. Druid and Warrior. Both are quite rare for me to match up against.

The majority of matches I see are against Zoo and Call of the Wild, then some Warrior and Shaman sprinkled in.


From that IGN interview, it sounds like Blizzard puts far more thought, care and effort into balancing freaking 10 mana cards than they do for 1 mana and other cheaper cards that are extremely strong and beat out any of these big ass unplayable for the most of the game cards.

Like, they are concerned about deathrattle taunts but they think call of the wild is ok, that thing has taunt everytime without any set up, buffs your board and charges into the face and doesn't even cost 10. lol. Average N'Zoth plays are far far far weaker than a Call of the wild and you have two of them.


4 out of 7 wild games today were tempo mage. Only 1 secret Pally. 6-1 with Grim Patron warrior.

No fucking Shamans. FeelsGoodMan.


Well that interview is specifically about the Old Gods (and their support cards). Nothing indicates they took a different approach with COTW when it comes to playtesting. They just got it wrong.


Blizzard still doesn't seem to get that it's very hard to make expensive cards in HS ridiculously strong and very easy to make cheap cards ridiculously strong.

90% of all HS games are played and decided in the first 5 turns. Impact of cheaper cards is always higher on a game as long as the current status quo remans.

Tunnel Trogg wins more games than Nzoth, Cthun, Yshaarj and Yogg COMBINED!


CoTW isn't even close to the most broken Old Gods card. Hunter has shit early game and shit draw, one OP 8-drop makes them viable, not OP.


CoTW isn't even close to the most broken Old Gods card. Hunter has shit early game and shit draw, one OP 8-drop makes them viable, not OP.
That's the very definition of an over powered card.

Mind you without CotW Hunter would be garbage, with a SINGLE card they are in tier 2 category. That's a lot of heavy lifting a single card is doing for a class.

Of course the most over powered card in Old Gods is Faceless Flamewreathe.


Well that interview is specifically about the Old Gods (and their support cards). Nothing indicates they took a different approach with COTW when it comes to playtesting. They just got it wrong.

I mean the results don't show that they do. I think the gods are very balanced, strong but not broken, they're in a good reasonable spot and it sounds like they put a lot of care and consideration into them in design to get to this point and they feel quite elegant overall, I appreciate that but then I see a bunch of other cards that are beyond stupid and it's really baffling to me, like if this is how designers think about balancing these gods, and they did that for every card, the game would be far more enjoyable overall. A 10 mana legendary card better be powerful, I don't even mind if a 10 mana legendary card is broken, you will rarely get to play it, but a 1-4 mana card being broken is a huge deal and that has happened a lot now in history of hearthstone, undertaker, mad scientist, shredder and so on. There has never been an imposing 9-10 mana card in this game that people complained about, closest was Tirion or Alex maybe, one of expensive cards better do something significant, 1 drops shouldn't be able to solo your opponent. These cheaper broken card have never felt remotely as well designed or elegant.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That's the very definition of an over powered card.

Mind you without CotW Hunter would be garbage, with a SINGLE card they are in tier 2 category. That's a lot of heavy lifting a single card is doing for a class.

Of course the most over powered card in Old Gods is Faceless Flamewreathe.

CotW is far stronger than Faceless. If Faceless was a 7/6 it would be balanced. You'd essentially pay one more mana for a more consistent Fireguard Destroyer. So Faceless is about half a mana point too good. Comparable to Piloted Shredder levels of OP. CotW meanwhile is more like Dr. Boom levels of OP. Maybe even better.




Them wild decks, right?

This was in arena. Not pictured: him pulling out Kor'kron Elites to finish me off.


That's the very definition of an over powered card.

Mind you without CotW Hunter would be garbage, with a SINGLE card they are in tier 2 category. That's a lot of heavy lifting a single card is doing for a class.

Of course the most over powered card in Old Gods is Faceless Flamewreathe.

CoTW is over-powered--but it doesn't matter because they printed it for Hunter. I hate hunters because I main Warrior but I'm not going to begrudge them the only card that makes the class viable.

Not when Shaman has an entire 1-6 curve of over-powered cards. Shamans who draw their cards in the right order are unstoppable. It's impossible to win. Hunters who draw well can still easily lose.

Bitching about an 8 drop when Shamans are winning on turn 6 is letting Blizz off the hook. They want people upset at Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Ancient Shieldbearer, Darkshire Councilman, CoTW... anything to distract from the fact that Standard--in Ranked, at Legend, and in Tournaments--completely revolves around Shaman.


CotW is far stronger than Faceless. If Faceless was a 7/6 it would be balanced. You'd essentially pay one more mana for a more consistent Fireguard Destroyer. So Faceless is about half a mana point too good. Comparable to Piloted Shredder levels of OP. CotW meanwhile is more like Dr. Boom levels of OP. Maybe even better.
There things to consider:

1) Fact that Faceless is even comparable to Shredder is staggering considering Shredder is a top tier card in WILD format.

2) Faceless comes out 4 turns earlier than Call meaning that it has more game impact on average simply because it will get played more often.

3) Call of Wild maybe comparable to a later Dr Boom but this goes back to the early vs late game cards. Shredder influenced more matches than Dr Boom and could be seen as the stronger card between the two. Certainly Blizzard has said that if there was no Standard then Shredder would've been nerfed. And Call of Wild comes out one turn after Dr Boom which is still significant.


I feel like Cthun twins are harder to get past than cotw.
Well it's not about getting past it, it's about its immediate board impact with the charge and the buff. Call of Wild attains value before the opponent can even respond.

Also just realized we are about to head into a new OT.


I swear this game hates me today. One game I don't draw a single brawl, now I have both in my hand by turn 5 but I have nothing to use them on.


Just hit Legend for the first time ever! Super pumped haha.


I got from Rank 15 or so all the way to Rank 1 (3 Stars) with Zoo. Eventually I lost 6 straight games, falling back to Rank 2. I switched to my own Tempo Warrior list and went 10-1 directly after the 6 game losing streak to hit legend. What a roller-coaster! I was about to quit for the day after my 6th straight loss but decided to stick it out with a different deck and just dominated.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
There things to consider:

1) Fact that Faceless is even comparable to Shredder is staggering considering Shredder is a top tier card in WILD format.

2) Faceless comes out 4 turns earlier than Call meaning that it has more game impact on average simply because it will get played more often.

3) Call of Wild maybe comparable to a later Dr Boom but this goes back to the early vs late game cards. Shredder influenced more matches than Dr Boom and could be seen as the stronger card between the two. Certainly Blizzard has said that if there was no Standard then Shredder would've been nerfed. And Call of Wild comes out one turn after Dr Boom which is still significant.

None of this changes the fact that CotW is still more OP than Faceless. Just that it currently effects more games.
Just hit Legend for the first time ever! Super pumped haha.


I got from Rank 15 or so all the way to Rank 1 (3 Stars) with Zoo. Eventually I lost 6 straight games, falling back to Rank 2. I switched to my own Tempo Warrior list and went 10-1 directly after the 6 game losing streak to hit legend. What a roller-coaster! I was about to quit for the day after my 6th straight loss but decided to stick it out with a different deck and just dominated.



Just hit Legend for the first time ever! Super pumped haha.


I got from Rank 15 or so all the way to Rank 1 (3 Stars) with Zoo. Eventually I lost 6 straight games, falling back to Rank 2. I switched to my own Tempo Warrior list and went 10-1 directly after the 6 game losing streak to hit legend. What a roller-coaster! I was about to quit for the day after my 6th straight loss but decided to stick it out with a different deck and just dominated.

just wondering (need statistics about this), since when are you playing? how much did you spend to get where you are?


just wondering (need statistics about this), since when are you playing? how much did you spend to get where you are?

I started playing in February 2014 I believe (that is my first post about Hearthstone on Neogaf anyway).

Not sure exactly how much I have spent but it is probably a bit above $250 over that time (60$ for the 3 adventures and 50$ in packs from each of Classic + GvG + TGT + Old Gods).


I'm not Reynad Blizz, pls get your hands off the "fuck your rng" button. And give me some good draws instead of this "pass, heropower pass" openers on aggro decks.
Lol.. who plays Wild?

Huh.. well I wouldnt have put Varian Wrynn in there at all. Weird choice.
Why not play Wild?

4 out of 7 wild games today were tempo mage. Only 1 secret Pally. 6-1 with Grim Patron warrior.

No fucking Shamans. FeelsGoodMan.

I know guys come on in to the wild the water is warm and amazingly more friendly then standard.
This surprised me, too.


Man, what a day. Went 8-18 today, one game away from dropping to 16 (started at 12) before I got my last two wins to finish off my quests. When I finished my 5 warrior wins quest I was all like "well, at least the win 3 shaman games won't take long" and then I managed to get 30% winrate on bloody face shaman. Eugh.


Someone tell me wtf just happened, playing in standard mode and facing this:


Thanks for ruining my streak old shit-meta. Reported it as a bug to Blizzard, then realized Mysterious Challenger is still a standard card, secret pala just isn't viable anymore.
Man, what a day. Went 8-18 today, one game away from dropping to 16 (started at 12) before I got my last two wins to finish off my quests. When I finished my 5 warrior wins quest I was all like "well, at least the win 3 shaman games won't take long" and then I managed to get 30% winrate on bloody face shaman. Eugh.

That was me yesterday. Decided to blow off steam by doing an Arena run, had a solid deck but ran into some amazing ones for a horrible run. Just won my first game on a second Arena run.

Best case I get 3-4 wins and then I make my gold back, worst case I pay 150 gold for a card pack and some dust.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Havent played in a while.
... 4 aggro decks in a row. WTF
Is this the current meta or just bad luck?


Flamewreath noth the most broken card, sheit does he even playable without Trogg and Golem?

come on dahbomb
Of course it's god damn playable/broken without those cards. The deck and class would suck without those cards though.

That's like saying is Call of the Wild playable without Highmane, Infested Wolf, Quickshot etc.? Yes it's still a god damn broken card but the deck itself would suck because you would lose before making turn 8.

Both of these cards are strong in a vacuum. Just give them to another class and see how they perform. You are not going to be mad if you get Faceless from a Unstable Portal/Paladin Discover card or get Call of the Wild from Saraad/Nefarian etc.


Over 100 armour, opponent 4 cards ahead in fatigue, easy game. After this my opponent N'Zothed for a full board so I played Yogg, drew zero cards, Twisting Nethered his board, cleared most of his deathrattles and played Snipe to kill his next Anub'arak. That was fun.


I started playing in February 2014 I believe (that is my first post about Hearthstone on Neogaf anyway).

Not sure exactly how much I have spent but it is probably a bit above $250 over that time (60$ for the 3 adventures and 50$ in packs from each of Classic + GvG + TGT + Old Gods).

alright.. I guess I won't get too far with a semi F2P account.. but I feel better that way

Over 100 armour, opponent 4 cards ahead in fatigue, easy game. After this my opponent N'Zothed for a full board so I played Yogg, drew zero cards, Twisting Nethered his board, cleared most of his deathrattles and played Snipe to kill his next Anub'arak. That was fun.

warriors can do crazy things in this meta, I see


also, I made a barebones deck for the warrior because i wanted to try building something. Very barebones because I'm still missing key elements for a normal control warrior like Blood to Ichor or brawl, but I gave it a shot, what do you say? too trashy? hot garbage?


also, I made a barebones deck for the warrior because i wanted to try building something. Very barebones because I'm still missing key elements for a normal control warrior like Blood to Ichor or brawl, but I gave it a shot, what do you say? too trashy? hot garbage?

Too many one-offs, not enough top end. You're also gonna run out cards.

If you're running Patron, you should run Sir Finley. Look for Mage or Warlock for the hero power. You also want a second inner rage and at least one battle rage, and definitely a second Frothing and taskmaster. You want at least one big card--Nef or Rafaam, maybe, to help close out the game. Ravaging Ghoul also has good synergy if you have it.

If you can, use the Innkeeper program on Hearthpwn to upload your collection, and we can give you more specific advice.


Just hit Legend for the first time ever! Super pumped haha.


I got from Rank 15 or so all the way to Rank 1 (3 Stars) with Zoo. Eventually I lost 6 straight games, falling back to Rank 2. I switched to my own Tempo Warrior list and went 10-1 directly after the 6 game losing streak to hit legend. What a roller-coaster! I was about to quit for the day after my 6th straight loss but decided to stick it out with a different deck and just dominated.

Congrats, mayne!

I wish I could enjoy playing aggro decks! Closest I've gotten is maybe Tempo Mage or Beast Druid.

Did you enjoy the climb?
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