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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

As far as I know he said he's going to try and reveal it around 2:30 AM Taiwan time. Which should be in about 45 min I think.

Oh, I thought the schedule was reveals Tues-Sat, taking a day off on Sun and then putting up the new cards Monday.

Yeah, Blizzard just seems to completely ignore Saturday and Sunday. Streamers can't reveal their card until they get the e-mail from Blizzard which they don't seem to send out until 10 AM PDT on the respective day. So Roger probably just got the go ahead from them about 45 minutes ago.


I would rather see warlock legendary first, Kranich it is. lifecoach card is probably some warrior spell and those tend to be really bad than good.

Cat Party

How the fuck then is this Legendary?

Because of acid maw.


Reynad's card was a 'book' too it turned out a good spell. Maybe it's another mage spell actually.

For an odd reason I want the tea cup to be a warrior spell, just because the image of garrosh sipping from a tiny tea cup with his pinky in the air amuses me.
Dreadscale is an awesome card, probably in the wrong class though. That ghoul thing warrior is getting is probably about as good because the effect happens immediately instead of the end of the turn.


Corporate Apologist
That seems pretty bad IMP. Maybe I to hard to judge, I guess its 5/5 stats or a 3/3 Body + Wild Growth. I guess the issue is that late game, this is a super dead draw.


Had a druid quest...very first game against a dragon priest who whittled me down to 10 life while he's at full. He's been clearing my board every turn but the one turn he leaves up my keeper...double force innervate savage roar for exactly 30 (emperor tick of course). I feel dirty all over...how do I make it go away?


That card is very good. Usable in Flood Token Druid because it puts down two bodies that are worth 10 stats total and usable in Ramp Druid because it gives you Wild Growth on a body.

Either way it give you around 4.5 worth of value and what makes it good is the option. Both of those options are slighty better than 4 mana but the whole package makes it closer to 5.

Question is if you use it on turn 10 with the crystal option do you get the cycle?


Corporate Apologist
Question is if you use it on turn 10 with the crystal option do you get the cycle?
I'm guessing no. You don't get a card cycle with Grove Tender if you pick the mana crystal option at 10 mana (Yes, I know one option is straight up draw a card), and Arcane Golem doesn't give the enemy an excess mana card if used when the enemy has 10.
They give the card draw to wild growth because it can't do anything at max crystals, this can summon a 2/2.

So druid gets a pretty insane 4 drop again. Summon 5/5 stats or 3/3 with wild growth. Yeah, pretty insane.

They give druid so many good 4 drops for some reason.


Poor Grove Tender. That power creep. edit: oops. grove tender is 3 mana.

Ramp druid could be really good. Maybe we don't have to play beasts.


That seems pretty bad IMP. Maybe I to hard to judge, I guess its 5/5 stats or a 3/3 Body + Wild Growth. I guess the issue is that late game, this is a super dead draw.

Why do you feel a 3/3 and 2/2 late game for 4 mana is bad compared to what else you could be playing at 4 mana?


The card should work the same way as Darnassus Aspirant, in other words no Excess Mana for you.
Would probably be too crazy anyway.

Still a great card, but druids have quite a few good 4 mana cards. Since the other keeper is still in one of the basic druid deck,he probably won't get nerfed either.
My reno druid deck is quite happy about this card,though.


Corporate Apologist
Why do you feel a 3/3 and 2/2 late game for 4 mana is bad compared to what else you could be playing at 4 mana?

I just value having stats concentrated onto a single body, maybe with Sludge Belcher rotating out it won't matter as much. The slime option is very comparable to Silver Hand Knight, which sees very little play in constructed right now, and while this gives some flexibility and synergy with the current Savage Roar, I just don't think its potent enough.


I feel like they'll look at Force of Nature over Savage Roar first. Different classes and all, but you never see Shamans run Bloodlust, or it's not for very long. I think a card that rewards keeping a full board is fine. Hard to say what will happen though.

Savage Roar is game winning in decks that don't include Force of Nature. Shaman doesn't run Bloodlust because it's 2 mana more expensive and has no effect for the hero. It's useless if you aren't completely winning the board where as Roar can be used on a few things and have a big impact on the game AND let you play other things the same turn.

The other reason it will be Roar, and not Force, that is nerfed? Roar is a basic card and Force is an epic quality classic card. If they nerf Force, they have to refund 800 dust for the pair. They're not in the business of making it easier for us to craft cards.

As for Owl, I'd actually be surprised if that gets changed. It's a tool for both aggro and control decks, and it's very important for the former. I know people don't like aggro decks but I feel like everyone would hate a heavy control meta more.

We've already heard they think silence is a problem. There is no more problematic silence card in the game than Ironbeak. I would bet my card collection in Hearthstone that the Owl is nerfed.

Aggro decks can't exist in the form they do now. It's too powerful and too braindead. Right now it's throw stuff on the board, hit them in the face, and then burn them down before they can recover. Aggro decks have a place, sure, but that place doesn't include easily getting around taunts or powerful effects for only 2 mana, with a 2-1 body (a beast no less) on board.


Hearthstone @PlayHearthstone

.@MightyMax44 Mire Keeper doesn't give you Excess Mana (Draw a Card spell) when played at 10 mana and Gain an empty Mana Crystal is chosen.


My guess is Ironbeak Owl's text will be changed to "Silence a Beast". Basically, making it a very narrow tech choice as opposed to the "bypass all taunts" tech it is right now.
My guess is Ironbeak Owl's text will be changed to "Silence a Beast". Basically, making it a very narrow tech choice as opposed to the "bypass all taunts" tech it is right now.

That would make it unplayable. If they want to keep Owl in the game in some capacity, it will have to be a cost adjustment.


That owl won't see play ever :p which is probably what Blizzard would do.

They should change to silence a friendly minion, wailing soul is leaving, it's good to have a cheap option for that to play with certain cards that have synergy like watcher or statue. I think that's a really good design decision. It probably won't happen. Blizzard nerfs are all about making sure no one ever wants to play a card ever again.


It's really strong when innervated out on turn 2, you get a vanilla 3-drop which trades with almost everything, letting you play the significantly stronger 4- and 5-drops not only early but uncontested. When played on curve it's not significant immediately, oftentimes you'll just drop a Claw anyway and float 1 mana while it does get you closer to those op 7+-drops. Pretty solid card overall but that"s enough ramp now.
That would make it unplayable. If they want to keep Owl in the game in some capacity, it will have to be a cost adjustment.
There already is a 4 mana silence neutral minion, changing Owl's mana cost would be weird considering that fact. It needs to get its effect changed entirely if they want to nerf it.

Also can we get some mage minions already good lord.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wild growth plus you get an 3/3 for 2 more mana. That's actually pretty crazy. And if your opponent is hyper aggressive you still can get 2 bodies as a kind of better version of dragonling mechanic.



It's an ok control I think. I don't think you go face with this. It can't compete with doomhammer but it's a lot better than charged hammer.


That would make it unplayable. If they want to keep Owl in the game in some capacity, it will have to be a cost adjustment.

That's the point. They can't adjust its cost because Spellbreaker exists. It's telling that the Handlock recipe currently in game uses Spellbreaker as its silence tech and not the cheaper Owl.

There already is a 4 mana silence neutral minion, changing Owl's mana cost would be weird considering that fact. It needs to get its effect changed entirely if they want to nerf it.

Also can we get some mage minions already good lord.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That's kind of like a 4/3 weapon for 5 mana, which seems pretty nice to me. Kind of like Assassins Blade. I mean it is at least better than Arcanite Reaper, right?
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