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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I am not very good at Hearthstone, but even I am getting a 66% win rate with totem shaman deck. Any turn that I have to play a totem because of awkward overload gets turned into a bonus with the synergy cards.

EDIT: Currently rank 8 with it.

Is Dr. Balanced really massive boost in your deck, I think I actually had most of card in your list

No boom and doomhammer tho


I really like Deathwing Dragonlord's art, but I think it's to slow for dragon priest. By the time you play it, I doubt you will have dragons in your hand. It might work in Dragon Reno Pally though.


Must.. not... craft..

I really like Deathwing Dragonlord's art, but I think it's to slow for dragon priest. By the time you play it, I doubt you will have dragons in your hand. It might work in Dragon Reno Pally though.

Yea I think that + the other dragon released are gonna be good for a reno dragon deck as well


That card ability isn't that good on dragon priest mostly because most of the cards used there are bad without the battlecry.

The only cards worth dropping are ysera and chillmaw, and there you had other cards like malygos and chromaggus which are not used at all in that deck.

Now, if we consider that the card has great stats is a good card, and could be used as a late threat, but we don't how the meta will shift until the nerfs.

Now that I think about it, this card could work on dragon priest if the deck uses museum curator, chillmaw and the legendary that revives all the deathrattle cards, it's a good upswing


Is Dr. Balanced really massive boost in your deck, I think I actually had most of card in your list

No boom and doomhammer tho

Boom is not necessary. He usually gets BGH'ed immediately anyway. Doomhammer isn't really needed either, but it helps to finish out games.

EDIT: could replace one of them with a bloodlust probably. The deck always has a bunch of totems on the board to make use of it.


This fuckin' dude actually got the Monkey in Arena.

I lost to the Nozdormu glitch. I could have won. Fuck you Blizzard. Remove this card from the game or fix it.

find it funny they went out of their way to say that they tested yogg with noz. I will not even flinch when it goes live and something with it is bugged


I wanted to play control warrior and by mistake I qeued with a shadowform reno priest deck that I made 2 months ago.

Is a very entertaining deck when it works, I almost lost against another priest who was a shadowform priest too, and that pulled a ragnaros faceless manipulator combo


Shame on whoever suggested, or even hinted at, the possibility of Auchenai Soul Priest getting nerfed. SHAME ON YOU! Keep your hands off my ASP, you damn dirty apes!

Very tough to win in fatigue against priest when they can just cabal your deathlords, and play 2 of their own, forcing you to draw 4 minions directly from your deck. The only way to beat a priest as a CW in my experience is to bait them into using their Clerics to draw a bunch of cards. An experienced priest player who avoids drawing cards--crazy hard to win. Gotta pray your Golden Monkey gives you significantly better cards than theirs does

You can also take advantage of opponent clerics and heal their stuff (especially if they have 10 cards in hand.) Pyro + spell + Circle of Healing is greeeeat for this.

@ Embrace the Shadow

Another *very* situational epic for Priest. Looking at the cards available for Standard, Priest only has two exploitable spells: Flash Heal and Circle of Healing.

I could see EtS being a thing if Face Decks (especially Shaman) remain a thing in Standard. If a Shaman goes Trogg → Totem → two or three drop (coin + feral wolves for example), you could reply with EtS and Circle of Healing.

Otherwise, I don't see much use for it. Maybe if Velen comes back in Standard, you could include it with Justicar to hit something for four - eight damage. The only really good thing about it is that it lets you hero power something without completely locking out your healing (like ASP or Shadowform.)

Maybe in some sort of Miracle Priest deck? lol I'd love to be wrong about this card though. I think putting more focus on weaving between Healing / Shadow aspects would make Priest a more interesting class overall. I like the art and the golden version will probably look awesome. Or maybe we'll see some kind of aggro priest that uses cheap creatures, the 4-cost inspire minion that deals four damage, and Embrace the Shadow → Hero Power → Flash Heal as a finisher.

@ Deathwing

I don't think this card is good at all. By turn 10, I'd think you'd have most of your dragons out already. The exception being in Pally, Druid, or maybe Shaman who have ways of getting DW out sooner. Deathwing → Chillmaw seems OK. Just doesn't seem like much to get excited about.

Maybe Raptor / Deathwing will be a thing now. #kappa

@ Priest in WoG

Of the four revealed, I like Forbidden Shaping, Embrace the Shadow >= Volazj, Shadow Word: Horror.

I love, love, LOVE the flexibility of Forbidden Shaping since you can tailor the cost of the spell. Particularly in the mid-late game, there are lots of times when I heal something and then pass the turn. Healing, then Shaping for eight sounds awesome. Or, I could Entomb something, then Shape for four to put something on the board.

The RNG component sucks big time, but the flexibility is really nice.

The jury is out on the other two cards. Volazj doesn't seem good enough. Rarely do I have a large board as Priest, and the units I do use serve a specific purpose:

1. ASP for clears, control, damage (don't need more than one)
2. CSP (you lose the battlecry)
3. Injured Blademaster (1/1 BM is bad)
4. Senjin (1/1 taunt is better than nothing)
5. Northshire Cleric

There are no more Dark Cultists, Piloted Shredders, or Sludge Belchers I can use to take advantage of their death rattles. I can't even Chow, Chow, Volazj, Embrace the Shadow, Circle of Healing anymore. Sneaking out a Volazj with Sylvanas is pretty sexy though.

Outside of Death Rattle, I'm having a hard time picturing a situation where it'd be useful. Maybe if you had something like Paletress on the board, or Ysera... Without DR, you have negative synergy with things like Holy Word: Horror, EE, and Pyromancer.

@ Holy Champion

Someone was talking about Holy Champion and how little play she sees and they were right. Holy Champion is a great card. I use her sometimes and it's well-designed, powerful, and flexible. She's also barely used. Even when Standard rolls in, I think most Priests will fall back on Senjin or Yeti.


For mid-level play, it is probably the strongest Arena class as well.

It's a distant third at any level IMO.

Mage is the only class that can draft 12 win tempo AND control decks and Rogue has so many powerful early game interactions that it can take the board and never lose it reliably in an average or better draft.
It's a distant third at any level IMO.

Mage is the only class that can draft 12 win tempo AND control decks and Rogue has so many powerful early game interactions that it can take the board and never lose it reliably in an average or better draft.
Nah. Rogue is weaker in mid-level play, and I would say that Mage is equal to Paladin.

Plus it's Paladin. I still hate on them from WoW over to Hearthstone. Blizzard did an amazing job translating the classes over. Hunter is designed for simple play even, Shaman are redundant, and Warriors can't do anything but tank.


That is some straight up nonsense, lol

I mean, think of all the things that had to happen there.

I was playing Rogue in the Unstable Portal Tavern Brawl, I don't even know why I did. Probably a quest.

I got Preparation in my mulligan, kept it, and threw away the two Unstable Portals, which got me Beneath the Grounds.

I then threw caution to the wind by immediately playing Prep + Beneath the Grounds on my first turn instead of using it on the portal. Thinking back on it, it was the wrong play. The better use of Prep would have been to play two Portals with the coin, and that's what I figured I would be doing when I kept it in the mulligan. But I played BtG because it was turn 1, I figured I would get maximum value playing it early and trying to get a Nerubian on the board. So I yolo'd. I definitely wasn't expecting two to pop out right away.

Without Flame Cannon there wasn't much that Mage could do about that. He did play out the game, and he did get beaten quite comprehensively by turn 5.

The thing that blows my mind is, I've never played the card before in my life since I haven't crafted it or pulled it out of a pack. I've had mill rogues use it on me and then cycle my deck, which of course gets the Nerubians on the board easily. I just played it for the hell of it in a tavern brawl.


I never thought I'd say this, but WoG may actually have me playing Paladin. Maybe a mid-range Murlock or Dragon Paladin?

I've always wanted to play with Murloc Knight and Inquisitor looks really fun as well.


Kripps troll subs have been fucking savage lately



"TooShortto69" - a personal favorite


well, guess it isn't my night. Lost 5 in a row so far to pure RNG. Bad draw first game, mc tech gets the 1:5 to steal the biggest minion next, knife juggler gets the 1:6 to prevent me having lethal, etc...

EDIT: I guess whining in forums helps. Next game my opponent has crap draw so I win by turn 7.


Nah. Rogue is weaker in mid-level play, and I would say that Mage is equal to Paladin.

I'd like to hear your reasoning.

Mage and Rogue are at the top of every relevant tier-list and I've never seen Paladin higher than three. Neither class is particularly difficult to play. They have the uncontested, unrivaled top-2 hero powers in arena. Like, none of the other ones are even close.

No Eboladin hate? Because fuck Eboladin! It even beats secret paladin pretty well.

Most hyper-aggressive face decks beat Secret Paladin. Anything that kills them before they reach their dreaded turns 6-7-8.

The third most relevant face deck isn't something I spend a lot of time hating on.
This shows you how bullshit the claim that freeze mage takes skill to play is. If you aren't playing a heal/armor deck, freeze mage beats you if it draws the cards in the right order. The only skill involved is not fucking up.

Thankfully, the loss of Mad Scientist will make it a little harder for freeze mage to guarantee its ice blocks get out, and hopefully Alex is nerfed to uselessness.
If freeze mage doesn't take skill to play, nothing in this game does.


I'd like to hear your reasoning.

Mage and Rogue are at the top of every relevant tier-list and I've never seen Paladin higher than three. Neither class is particularly difficult to play. They have the uncontested, unrivaled top-2 hero powers in arena. Like, none of the other ones are even close.
First of all even if Paladin is #3 it isn't by some wide margin. It's these top 3 and then there's a big gap between #3 and #4.

Secondly, Paladin decks in general are far, far easier to pilot. Rogue is the toughest. While no one is particularly super hard to play, just that added subtlety makes it so that not everyone can get those high wins with Rogue but a very mediocre player can get high wins with a great Paladin deck.
Very much agree. Rogue is quite different to pilot and takes a lot of practice. Old Patron was tough to play right, the thing was you could play brain dead and win anyway "3+3+3... Too hard, it probably equals a fucktonne of damage so I'll just yolo and win anyway".

And Eboladin being third? I rate it #1 in the aggro deck, although I agree it is under represented since secret paladin. People just kind of forgot how broken it is but I rank up to 10 each month with ease. Shaman is better with a good draw, but worse without. Face hunter is to easily countered these days through healing.

How that matches up in standard depends on KJ and DF nerfs. If it stays as-is, keeper + DF will match up quite nicely against the seven slow cards clogging up your hand. But It seems this deck will be the worst hit so far.
Been in a losing streak :( Rank 15 to 19

Was Using Midrange Pally and got shitted to 17, tried playing Astral Druid, but it relies too much on luck

anyone can recommend me a deck right now? ;_; ranked ladder pls

leaning towards ramp druid, control and patron warrior, anyfin or something else? maybe a weird zoo deck lol?

i just wanna win


prolly suck at mulligan stuff but i don't even know now :(


crazy how patron warrrior is still a great deck without that nerf, but no one complains about it anymore.

It no longer has the BS 1 turn kill potential. I can guarantee that the meta would be entirely different on the ladder without the charge nerf.
Shame on whoever suggested, or even hinted at, the possibility of Auchenai Soul Priest getting nerfed. SHAME ON YOU! Keep your hands off my ASP, you damn dirty apes!

I think if auchenai gets gets nerfed it is circle of healing that gets nerfed. Primarily because it's a 0 mana spell that is quite powerful in conjunction with a couple cards, as a draw engine for NSC and then for auchenai as a board clear. Amaz is the one that convinced me it could be nerfed, not that I think it will be. I just will not be surprised if it happens.


crazy how patron warrrior is still a great deck without that nerf, but no one complains about it anymore.

I think it's because it's an honest deck now. It's powerful, but not imba. It's a bit simpler to play now, but still requires some thought. I hate playing warrior, but the synergy in Patron decks is a beautiful thing.

I think if auchenai gets gets nerfed it is circle of healing that gets nerfed. Primarily because it's a 0 mana spell that is quite powerful in conjunction with a couple cards, as a draw engine for NSC and then for auchenai as a board clear. Amaz is the one that convinced me it could be nerfed, not that I think it will be. I just will not be surprised if it happens.

Nooooo, stop talking already!!!!

lol ; )


Well first version of my N'Zoth pally.


Idea is kinda like an anyfin can happen pally but now the individual legendaries are the 'first wave' and N'Zoth is the 'second wave' that seals the game.

Twilight Summoner has some nice synergies going with Equality, Equality/wild pyro and N'Zoth.

Pally could really use another weapon though.


this post from reddit sums up kiblers deathwing pretty well.

1.play deathwing, dragonlord
2.keep normal deathwing in hand
3.sacrafice deathwing, dragonlord and summon deathwing without burning your hand
5.nevermind, lost game 5 turns ago


I can't believe they're already re-using names/characters for new cards. Another Deathwing? Really? You couldn't pick something from the billion and one characters or monsters already in WoW? They'll just be called Deathwing2 and Rag2 or something like it. How strangely uninspired. As is the card really.


C'mon, guys! What's wrong with expanding on the lore! I personally like revisiting old characters and seeing how they change. Like, you could do an Origins arc and show Sylvanas before she was turned, Ilidan before he went blind, and Arthas before he...well, you know...

Or a Ysera, Awakened! Yeeeaahhhh...

Or Malfurion, Wild Stag (when he was a bachelor)

Or Anduin, Wonder Years (when he was still a boy)

Onyxia, Wolf's Clothing (when she was in human form!)


So we got a Dragonlord, a Lightlord > Illidan, Beastlord incoming for Druid?

Haha, well if you saw the Legion (WoW) spoiler thread we might actually get Illidan,
Champion of the Light
. Or maybe even a Tirion,
Where is that laughing smiley when you need it?


this post from reddit sums up kiblers deathwing pretty well.

No it doesn't. By all accounts the game in standard is looking to slow down. Also it's if people that think this think that you also aren't playing any other minions before turn 10 or something

Well first version of my N'Zoth pally.


Idea is kinda like an anyfin can happen pally but now the individual legendaries are the 'first wave' and N'Zoth is the 'second wave' that seals the game.

Twilight Summoner has some nice synergies going with Equality, Equality/wild pyro and N'Zoth.

Pally could really use another weapon though.

Feels like you're missing a lot if early game and relying a whole lot on that one lance to be in your opening hand every time. Like a wild pyro is not going to be something you're just dropping on it's own early on and same with the peacekeeper when it's battlecry is better used on big guys to protect other things.
I'd like to hear your reasoning.

Mage and Rogue are at the top of every relevant tier-list and I've never seen Paladin higher than three. Neither class is particularly difficult to play. They have the uncontested, unrivaled top-2 hero powers in arena. Like, none of the other ones are even close.

Most hyper-aggressive face decks beat Secret Paladin. Anything that kills them before they reach their dreaded turns 6-7-8.

The third most relevant face deck isn't something I spend a lot of time hating on.
I think that most people are averse to taking face damage and under-utilize the hero power. You also only get a few of the key Rogue cards like Backstab and Sap, and using those at just the right time takes a lot more skill than anything in Paladin.


Feels like you're missing a lot if early game and relying a whole lot on that one lance to be in your opening hand every time. Like a wild pyro is not going to be something you're just dropping on it's own early on and same with the peacekeeper when it's battlecry is better used on big guys to protect other things.

Yeah, not satisfied so far. But the idea is to go back to the old control pally's that let their opponent build a board and than have a huge tempo swing with equality/consec or pyro. And then you proceed to put down threats.

With the removal of a lot of the problematic deathrattle's it might have a chance to make a comeback.


Been in a losing streak :( Rank 15 to 19

Was Using Midrange Pally and got shitted to 17, tried playing Astral Druid, but it relies too much on luck

anyone can recommend me a deck right now? ;_; ranked ladder pls

leaning towards ramp druid, control and patron warrior, anyfin or something else? maybe a weird zoo deck lol?

i just wanna win


prolly suck at mulligan stuff but i don't even know now :(

Play zoo lock!! I've had some good success with it the last few days
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