I think that a "fatigue" playstyle really is the worst thing in a game. It's the most unenjoyable way to play the game. .
The worst way to play the game is by emptying your hand every turn, ignoring the board and just dragging cards to face. You might as well be playing solitaire.
Second worse way is freeze mage. Another style that ignores board state and tries to win without interacting with your opponents minions.
Any type of game where what your opponent does doesn't matter to your game plan is dumb. What's fun when you don't have to think about your turns at all?
I like control warrior vs other control decks (except Priest, lol) because you have to maximize every resource. Unlike aggro decks, you can't just draw your whole deck as fast as possible because you can't win the long game.
I am going to very sad when Justicar rotates.