already posted?
I can't see the Pirate card
New Hunter card:
ok I this one is far better than the one who boosts a beast
ThanksGrimestreet Pawnbroker
3 mana 3/3
Battlecry: Give a random weapon in your hand +1/+1
Not a pirate.
ok I this one is far better than the one who boosts a beast
It's Deathrattle though, which means you might not be able to control when it procs.
So just as expected, the Goons mechanic is in fact the whole "buff stuff in hand".
The 3 mana Hunter card isn't bad but the 3 slot for Hunter is very crowded.
pirate warrior is the most fun and interactive deck when it works...
they're severely undervaluing what giving +1/+1 to a weapon does, it's like extra 6 damage for almost free, you're dead to arcanite reaper, in 3 turns and there is nothing you can do expect having a taunt, which most classes don't have right now, neutral ones suck. Or weapon removal, hate cards.
already posted?
Mistcaller is the GOAT card that no one playsWatch the Goons Legendary be something like a better Mistcaller.
"Give all minions and weapons in hand and deck +2/+2"
The warrior card is good... If you have a weapon.
If you want to play on curve and you had a weapon, chances are that card was war axe , which you already played last turn.
It dosen't fit into control, unless they get a new weapon, but could work in other Decks.
The hunter card looks alright.
Mistcaller is the GOAT card that no one plays
Also, the art on this set is legit good.
Watch the Goons Legendary be something like a better Mistcaller.
"Give all minions and weapons in hand and deck +2/+2"
So control paladin won't get shit and will stay just that.
So spells and buffs, what would be the theme of the lotus faction 🤔🤔
Yeah I think that's actually really scary to fight against. An upgraded Fiery War Axe is vicious enough.
If Warriors really needed 5 weapons in that deck, they could run a Gorehowl for 15 face damage over two turns in the late game to boot.
Gorehowl being a 7/2 is a big deal. Can swing to face now
cool new cards. I really see the meta changing!
The dream of savvanah 8/7 on turn 6 is here
*priest entombs*
"Thank you."
Will entomb still be played? with the inclusion of the dragon removal and other high costs cards it seems a little overkill
Entomb is insane. It will always be insane.
That card single handedly murders other control decks.