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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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7 mana 6/6 with Taunt

If you have no duplicates, all 3 cost or lower minions in your hand and deck become Chaos Infernals.

Chaos Infernals are 2 mana 6/6 Taunts.


And yeah I totally copied this from Shadowverse but I don't care!


both mage and priest legendary were about things costing 0. So, maybe warlock cards don't cost health anymore, something like that. Hellfire doesn't damage you or that new card. Life Tap doesn't damage you. It could just read you're immune on your turn permanently. Never die to fatigue.

I'll just content if your spell not hurt you anymore
both mage and priest legendary were about things costing 0. So, maybe warlock cards don't cost health anymore, something like that. Hellfire doesn't damage you or that new card. Life Tap doesn't damage you. It could just read you're immune on your turn permanently. Never die to fatigue. I don't think that would be very good actually though it's interesting.

"Your Spells, Battlecries and Hero Power cannot damage you or your minions"

Eh maybe


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Oh shit, there's a Raza OTK. You play Kabal Courier in your Reno Shadowform priest, you get Coldarra Drake. You hero power your opponent to death.
Newbie here.

I got to rank 20 and can't progress. Everyone has insane cards that I run up against. Ragnaros, malygos, and all kinds of legendaries. I'm running a C'Thun cheap deck. Do I just need to buy packs to have any chance of having fun here or what?


Newbie here.

I got to rank 20 and can't progress. Everyone has insane cards that I run up against. Ragnaros, malygos, and all kinds of legendaries. I'm running a C'Thun cheap deck. Do I just need to buy packs to have any chance of having fun here or what?

Find a cheap, good deck (a cheap C'Thun deck is likely not going to be good) and work towards creating that. Zoo Warlock is the oft-used example here. Tempo Mage is another good pick. Then just play that deck a lot, learn its ins and outs and how to play certain matchups.

That's the best way to rank up in this game.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Newbie here.

I got to rank 20 and can't progress. Everyone has insane cards that I run up against. Ragnaros, malygos, and all kinds of legendaries. I'm running a C'Thun cheap deck. Do I just need to buy packs to have any chance of having fun here or what?

It's probably best if you play Casual instead of ranked until you build up your collection if you want wins. Casual is based off MMR so you're more likely to be matched with players of your skill level. Sometimes longtime players bully low level players to grind portraits around Rank 20 and that's no fun.

BTW, getting beat by legendaries feels awful when you don't have them but they aren't necessarily the strongest cards in the game. Having one or two per deck can help but some of the strongest decks in the game (usually aggro decks) can get away with zero legendaries. People will sometimes build decks with 30 legendaries in them, just for funsies, but those decks are usually terrible.


Corporate Apologist
A lot of the Adventure Cards are pretty powerful and needed for a number of archetypes. Have you gotten any of them?

Warlock Zoo decks are pretty cheap and can do pretty well. Could you post the deck you are currently running?
I'd be more inclined to play wild if the dust cost for Naxx and GvG weren't the same as standard.

It's suppose to be the "fun" mode wish it was a little more accessable



C'thun druid is ok deck but that build is really questionable. There are some expensive cards you probably don't have but that's ok for rank 20, much much better than ok.

Look into your collection, see if you have Nourish and Azure Drake.

Replace Aspirant, Senjin and savage roar and specially starfire with those. Play a second C'Thun's Chosen too. If you don't have 2x drake or nourish, keep the senjins and aspirant, in that order, those other cards are bad for this deck.

I think that should make your deck significantly more consistent.


Amaz's legendary reveal:



holy SHIT


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah this Priest Legendary has some insane combo implications. Thankfully it is tempered by the fact that you have to run a Reno deck in order to get it to work.

Still lots of awesome stuff available in a Reno Priest though. Besides the good cheap spells that Priest is getting this set, there are several spells that are "almost" good enough to run at 1x. Stuff like Shadow Word: Horror (combos well with that potion that gives -3Atk), and Forbidden Shaping. You'd run 1x of those and sometimes profit, but they'd never be in a deck where you could just have 2x of something else. I'm excited to be playing lots of Mage and Priest this expansion I think.



so i guess jeweled scarab becomes an auto-include for the chance to pick up a second shadowform
so i guess jeweled scarab becomes an auto-include for the chance to pick up a second shadowform

old reno shadow priest decks ran two shadow forms. Reno priest is looking a lot better in mtg with the additional 2 and 3 drop. Honestly wouldnt have cared much for this legendary w/o the new cultist, deathlord and chow.
C'thun druid is ok deck but that build is really questionable. There are some expensive cards you probably don't have but that's ok for rank 20, much much better than ok.

Look into your collection, see if you have Nourish and Azure Drake.

Replace Aspirant, Senjin and savage roar and specially starfire with those. Play a second C'Thun's Chosen too. If you don't have 2x drake or nourish, keep the senjins and aspirant, in that order, those other cards are bad for this deck.

I think that should make your deck significantly more consistent.
Thank you for the advice. I will look into that!
50%. You either get it or you don't.

If you're Pavel and you're on an elimination game in a tournament--100%.

However many cards Mage has in Standard so roughly 1 out of 50.

So roughly 2%.

You can also get Jaraxxus.

I mean, it's low. 1 in however many Mage cards + Kabal tri-class cards in standard. But high enough that it'll be in a Trolden video, guaranteed.

Thanks guys, I won't bother then.


so i guess jeweled scarab becomes an auto-include for the chance to pick up a second shadowform
In Shadowform Reno Priest you have to run both copies of Shadowform and you have to try to get it in your opening hand. It's just too essential to the deck to not run two copies of.

This is the deck I would try in MSG in Standard.

There are quite a bit of experimental cards in there like Dirty Rat, the 3 mana 2/2 Discover, Beerdoand the Confessor Paeltress. I feel like one or more of these cards may get the cut for something more stable or even Garrison Commander/Kodo Rider.

Wild variant.

Replaced the Elise win condition for the N'zoth win condition plus some Deathrattles like Deathlord, Dr Balanced (too broken not to run) and Belcher.

While making the deck there were enough flex spots particularly in the Wild variant. There is a lot of room for refinement this time around. Before with Reno Shadowpriest you were kinda stuck playing sub par cards because you didn't really have a choice, now you do which makes the overall deck strength higher.

I don't think the deck is particularly fancy or changes some of Priest's weaknesses. It's like a fancier Control Priest but with the ability to close out games faster. You are still going to auto lose against Mages and Rogues in addition to Renolock.


I'm a bit late but this legendary made my day. I liked playing Shadowform Priest in Wild and this is basically autoinclude. I can't wait to craft it.


3 more Priest cards left, let's see if they get one not good card.

Haven't seen this much concentration of good cards in a class since Shaman and Warrior in Old Gods. Warrior only got one bad card in OG.
Priest is going to have a lot of experimentation to go through.

Various combinations between Reno, Shadowform, Dragon and N'Zoth to find out what works and what doesn't with the new set.
Can we start a petition or something where we ask Blizz to make Reno and Elise part of the classic set? I don't want a Hearthstone without those two cards. Please Blizzard, do this for the people.


Really do hope that I'll open golden Raza when Mean Streets arrive, will be so nice playing with Priest again. Especially how fitting that card name is for me.

Guess Blizz made me now preorder those 50 packs even without any card back as bonus.
Raza probably makes the reno-type decks persist past reno, at least for priest. Here is the thing though, I'm not even sure how good 0 mana hero power is. It seems really good against aggro and it seems really lightweight versus control. So we're left with what 0 mana hero power brings to the table in terms of synergy with other cards, which is clearly where this card is meant to be powerful at. Inspire cards seem stronger. Shadowform is an obvious one. 0 mana deal 2 damage every turn seems pretty good. But is it actually good enough? Probably when everything is packaged together.

I don't think you run 2 shadowforms, because you're no longer just running 1 "reno", you're potentially running 3 renos. And you don't want the potential of having so many dead cards simply because both shadowforms are in your deck and your card draw is not consistent enough to ensure shadowform is drawn.

I think the biggest question a reno-priest deck begs is what is the end game? Maybe kazakus if it is consistent enough. Maybe paletress. Maybe a heavy removal focus and elise end game like removal warrior. I think there are yet to be answered questions, at least ones I don't know the answer to, to making reno priest a top tier deck.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Can we start a petition or something where we ask Blizz to make Reno and Elise part of the classic set? I don't want a Hearthstone without those two cards. Please Blizzard, do this for the people.



So far the set looks a bit better, but still not great.
Most neutrals sucks outside a few tech cards and some auto-includes in very specific decks.
Warrior doesn't get many worthwhile cards and paladin better get an good aggro or buff deck,because otherwise the set is a waste of time for them with the possible exception of Wickerflame Burnbristle.
Hunter got a few good cards that could make a goon deck playable.
Mage and Priest are so far the biggest winner.
We are still missing most of the cards for 3 other classes and we haven't seen a single shaman card yet (my guess is that they will push a new gimmick).
Can we start a petition or something where we ask Blizz to make Reno and Elise part of the classic set? I don't want a Hearthstone without those two cards. Please Blizzard, do this for the people.

I await elise being cycled out. It's not the most disgusting RNG card, but it's disgusting enough.

And while I like Reno being in the game, I can't support Reno being made a forever standard either. I think less cards in forever standard the better. There is actually only 1 card I wish was in standard which is healbot. I don't think they can consistently make a good neutral recovery card. But I think there is a lot of design space in where reno is concerned.


Can we start a petition or something where we ask Blizz to make Reno and Elise part of the classic set? I don't want a Hearthstone without those two cards. Please Blizzard, do this for the people.

Reno for sure. Not Elise though. I like Golden Monkey because it makes for some fun matches but most control match-ups came down to "who got the better monkey".


Can we start a petition or something where we ask Blizz to make Reno and Elise part of the classic set? I don't want a Hearthstone without those two cards. Please Blizzard, do this for the people.


No archetype is so precious it needs to be permanently enshrined in the game. Change is good.
I remember a recent control mirror where my opponent was like 5 cards ahead of me to fatigue and he still almost won because elise got them a reno. I was actually ahead on board and winning the fatigue match and still could have lost because of RNG of golden monkey. Not to mention you have to play in consideration of every high impact legendary card in standard, including legendary cards they cannot normally get. Elise is a reason why control mirror suck where they used to be (although sometimes still are) pretty skill intense I believe.

Prince Malchezzar might end up being unplayable, but at least it follows normal deck building rules.
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