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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Ok, im gonna say it cuz some fool has to say it, feel free to mock me in 2 months:

I think the meta is gonna slow down a bit.



Good thing that card is an epic because Kripp would have been triggered by it.

He would be triggered by it anyway. This is a pretty powerful card to be honest.

Like... this is pretty much a pre nerf Leper Gnome guys... and it has Beast tag on it so you know Hunters are going to toss this in their deck if they want to go face.


Unconfirmed Member
Slowly catching up to stuff.

Envenomed Weapon seems great. Finally a good weapon card for rogue and a supposed reason for the Blade Flurry nerf. Combined with Vilespine Slayer, rogue is going to have A LOT of hard removal options.

Some of these druid cards seem really good. Like Druid might be back on the meta. Earthen Scales can fit into Jade Druid somewhat. Though that deck already loses to aggro before it gets out high Jade values so I dunno if 3-5 armor is going to save anyone. Shellshifter is nice, power creeping Taz'dingo. The quest as I said before seems too easy to fulfil with Jades. Just add it to the usual deck and enjoy.

Control Hunter with Dinomancy seems fun. No idea if it will be good or not. A lot of these hunter spells would be NUTS with spellpower, but hunter still doesn't have any so its still Thalnos and Kolbolds for them.

Shaman got a fucking insane 1 drop. Oh goody. At least it can be challenged by nearly anything this time. Mage will have a bummer of a time if they don't play mana wyrm though. Immune to pings like that is big. Means almost guaranteed 2dmg to something.

Shadow Visions for Priest must enable some of the Crazy OTK decks in Wild to be way better. I can't think of anything OP for it in Standard right now, but I'm sure it will be used for an OTK in Standard too soon enough. Maybe next expansion.

Bitterhyde Hydra is crazy too. Easily a better Fel Reaver. And since it doesn't do like Wrathguard and deal ALL the damage it takes to you, this card is really good and not limited by a Control Warrior (is that still a deck even?) Shield Slamming it for 20.

Damn this is really shaping up to be a good set. Few filler cards, lots of interesting stuff from all the classes.


I'm gonna be so pissed if people still find a way to make aggro decks the best lol.

I just want a few months where control meta reigns supreme. ;~;
Aggro decks will still be a thing. I don't know about best but they will be relevant.

If there are too many taunts then the aggro decks will run more hard removals or even silence if they have to. Pirate Warriors still have access to Execute, Shaman still has Hex/Earthshock, Zoo... well Zoo will struggle against it but they also have Blastcrystal Potion if they really need it.

No matter how big the taunts are they are still going to be out classed by Jades because taunts still are less efficient minions. Jade minions tend to be the biggest idiots ever.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm gonna be up all night fixing Hearthpwn's shit and trying to build decks. Sooo much synergy and theorycrafting to be done in this set.


Aggro decks will still be a thing. I don't know about best but they will be relevant.

If there are too many taunts then the aggro decks will run more hard removals or even silence if they have to. Pirate Warriors still have access to Execute, Shaman still has Hex/Earthshock, Zoo... well Zoo will struggle against it but they also have Blastcrystal Potion if they really need it.

No matter how big the taunts are they are still going to be out classed by Jades because taunts still are less efficient minions. Jade minions tend to be the biggest idiots ever.

Yeah I'm totally fine with it being a thing, after all, the best card games are the ones where the different types of decks are viable.

I just don't want them to dominate.


First thing I am going to be doing is theory crafting a degenerate Discard Zoo and Aggro Hunter.

I am legit thinking of doing a Hunter deck with cheap minions and not even run the quest. If you are playing a fast Hunter deck then you cannot skip turn 1. Maybe run it as a tech card against control decks but eh...


Unconfirmed Member
First thing I am going to be doing is theory crafting a degenerate Discard Zoo and Aggro Hunter.

I am legit thinking of doing a Hunter deck with cheap minions and not even run the quest. If you are playing a fast Hunter deck then you cannot skip turn 1. Maybe run it as a tech card against control decks but eh...

Nah I think you throw in the Quest, but you almost never play it Turn 1. Don't keep it in the mulligan, but have it there so you have a late game threat to go with all the 1 mana cards. There some damn strong ones.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Nah I think you throw in the Quest, but you almost never play it Turn 1. Don't keep it in the mulligan, but have it there so you have a late game threat to go with all the 1 mana cards. There some damn strong ones.

Ew, no. That's bad. If you're already played several 1-drops you don't want to be top-decking a quest to play 1-drops. You'll never satisfy the quest and you'll just have a dead draw.
First thing I am going to be doing is theory crafting a degenerate Discard Zoo and Aggro Hunter.

I am legit thinking of doing a Hunter deck with cheap minions and not even run the quest. If you are playing a fast Hunter deck then you cannot skip turn 1. Maybe run it as a tech card against control decks but eh...

I am thinking midrange hunter is going to be the real deal this expansion. That 1 mana stampede card will not be good in aggro. And dinomancy lets midrange play a more value oritented game giving them flexibility not given to them before hand with their hero power. And it still can push a lot of face damage. Plus they even got some good anti-aggro removal.

Swarmy quest hunter I haven't given much thought on though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Can anybody explain to me what Bloodbloom is for? That card seems super bad.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
The mage cards don't seem very good, but it's possible that they synergize well with old cards.


So are Reno decks essentially dead in Standard? I didn't see a real Reno replacement emerge.
I think priest might still have something there with its other healing options and the quest being an even better reno.

But how will warlock and mage survive a beatdown with a Kazakus deck now? One thing this expansion absolutely doesn't have is neutral healing so only classes that were already good at healing still get to now.


Corporate Apologist
Can anybody explain to me what Bloodbloom is for? That card seems super bad.

Potentially, a huge early Tempo gain. Turn 2 Bloodbloom + <Big spell that doesn't exist>

Right now, best I can think of is Bloodbloom + Kara Kazham. Bloodbloom + Twisting Nether/Doom has some potential. Turn 1 Coin + Bloodbloom + Kara Kazham reminds me of the double mech warper open in Mech Mage.


Not only that but this set is seriously lacking in neutral heals which means that if you have to do a panic place with blood magic to get out a costly spell... it's going to be hard to recover from that.

And Warlock needs those heals badly. No Refreshment Vendor and Reno means Handlock decks are going to struggle, probably will not be viable but we'll see.


Unconfirmed Member
Ew, no. That's bad. If you're already played several 1-drops you don't want to be top-decking a quest to play 1-drops. You'll never satisfy the quest and you'll just have a dead draw.

Eh... the quest is bad anyhow. You aren't gonna skip turn 1. If you draw it late game it's dead in your hand since you are vomiting your board every turn... the more I think about it the less I like that kind of aggro in hunter. Especially with so little charge minions in the game.

Can anybody explain to me what Bloodbloom is for? That card seems super bad.

Yep seems super bad. It lets you play Twisting Nether on Turn 2-7 for the cost of 2 mana and 8 health. That is the only good application I can think of. I don't think you'd run Twisting Nether in a discard deck though. So I don't know what deck would want that card. Some kind of combo enabler in Wild maybe? No idea what spell you'd want though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Potentially, a huge early Tempo gain. Turn 2 Bloodbloom + <Big spell that doesn't exist>

Right now, best I can think of is Bloodbloom + Kara Kazham. Bloodbloom + Twisting Nether/Doom has some potential. Turn 1 Coin + Bloodbloom + Kara Kazham reminds me of the double mech warper open in Mech Mage.

Yeah, something like Kara Kazham might be the right track to take. That's kind of like innervating out a significant threat on an early turn. Or maybe something like Feeding Time where you're effectively paying 5 health for three 1/1's. It's gotta be some big spell that let's you develop an early board and get that early swing. If you're trying to play it with a control card you're just eating your life total away.


Card is pretty flexible so I wouldn't call it super bad.

Edit: Paying just 2 mana to play any Warlock spell at any time in a game is really powerful. Early or late. If an opponent overextends late game you clear the board for 2 mana and put down large threats yourself. Card enables some huge tempo swings.


this is razorpetal btw.

It was never going to cost 0. It's just that the 2 mana spell is quite sloooow and bad now... the 2 drop is ok.

There isn't a single spelldamage minion this set so without azure drake seems like rogue could choke. I guess you could play evolved kobold, it could be a thing if game is slow enough. I actually liked frigid snowbold, it was a decent card but it's rotating out.


Neo Member
No neutral healing is a bit sad. I wanted to try a control discardlock using only deathwing and soulfire as a discard engine.
Maybe the taunts are enough.


There are 9 taunts in the neutrals, not including potential taunts from Adapts.

And then some of the classes have even more taunts that are notable. Warriors got 4 taunts.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
One of the things I really love about this set is the art. Didn't feel like there were that many standouts last set and the themes made everything feel similar in general. I don't think the art really helped the story of what was going on and where the set is taking place which is definitely not the case here. Would be neat if they did some art books someday


Corporate Apologist
There are 9 taunts in the neutrals, not including potential taunts from Adapts.

And then some of the classes have even more taunts that are notable. Warriors got 4 taunts.

Yep, this will slow down Arena if nothing else.

Also, Time Freeze Mage is going to be slow cancer.


Yep, this will slow down Arena if nothing else.

Also, Time Freeze Mage is going to be slow cancer.
Yeah that's the only thing that I really hate so far. There's gonna be a game where a mage highrolls 3 iceblocks out of RNG cards and rides them all the way to the insta-kill.


Unconfirmed Member
Alex is a card I wouldn't mind if it rotated.

But... at least armor still counters this.

I was hoping it would go to hall of fame when they said they were thinking about moving Rag and Sylvannas. Alex is the only card left in Standard that brings your life total down into uninteractive levels. In Wild at least Reno exists to counter it but then again you can get OTK'd like 5 ways in Wild and more than that after this set.


I was thinking if there would be enough people here on gaf to make a HS tournament some day.

this new expansions is really promising in terms of weird things that can be pulled off early meta

The discount on the spell is only 2 mana, not 3 mana.

on mage the spells at 2 discount seem better than a general minion with 3 discount


Unconfirmed Member
The thing y'all are forgetting when comparing this to esportal is that since it is a spell, it can only be used for Face damage, drawing cards, removal or so forth. It is very unlikely to give you something that can give you a board presence at an advantage. Esportal will give you a huge tempo minion due to the discount, but this thing will give you a tempo advantage that is fleeting rather than on-going. Big difference.

It's still really good though.
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