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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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I was thinking if there would be enough people here on gaf to make a HS tournament some day.

this new expansions is really promising in terms of weird things that can be pulled off early meta

on mage the spells at 2 discount seem better than a general minion with 3 discount

We did have tournaments a few years ago. I guess interest waned. It had some issues IIRC. Maybe with some better rules and bans it could get more interest again.


The two mana discover a spell card seems like a better esportal.

ehhh, esportal was more ridiculous, getting some minions out for 3 less is insane so you can really high roll with esportal
-2 on a spell is less proactive swing, if you think about hunting for an aoe you are basically paying the full cost anyway so it's improved flexibility at the cost of rng

Edit: The real question for ridiculously broken interactions with mage quest is the coin for going second. "here have a free spell that helps you out"


I was the one trying to make a GAF tournament with rules/bans but then Firebat unveiled his Batstone tournament with bans and then I was like nah I think I will do it much later.

I got flak for banning the powerful cards but then Firebat banned almost the exact same cards for his tournament lol!


Unconfirmed Member
I'm getting on that train, too

shame us in 2 months

Sorry, but I'm certainly not on that train. Murlocs seem too good, and there's not quite enough to get rid of patches when it almost all rides on a having a single tech card turn 2. Elementals do seem particularly good vs aggro, but seem to be so bad against any jade or quest type of deck it's not worth it.

Drawing good taunts on curve is good, but sometimes even that isn't going to be enough if aggro draws even better, while it is absolutely terrible in other matchups. It's basically the same problem hearthstone always has with aggro on ladder. There's extremely few matchups that are terrible for you, and some matchups that are extremely good for you, while the few matchups they're somewhat bad against just have way too low win rates against non-aggro to make the aggro-hate worth it.

Hell, even in the rare meta that we see aggro at the bottom of tier 2, those were still the most popular decks on ladder because they're easy, cheap, and are benefited by the quantity over quality ladder reward system.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pirate Warrior still has the most insane early game. It's not leaving the meta.


was goofing off on Wild since I went there with the intent to do my quests. Anyways I was playing a goofy rogue deck that had 2 x beneath the grounds (was hoping to catch some reno decks). Queued into a Control Warrior of all things. felt so good to beat him in the end. Took 15 turns though. man what a tedious deck to fight against.


a weird interaction with noggendoffer, if you drop bran + master of evolution it will choose a random target and then evolve it twice, but THEN it will choose another random target and evolve it twice again! giving you a total of 4 level ups instead of 2


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Jesus those hunter 1 drops. I am kinda terrified about that.

Mage and Druid quests are pretty cool, this expansion still seems super expensive overall.


Pirate Warrior still has the most insane early game. It's not leaving the meta.

I wonder if that deck will get some hard nerfs cause if it reminds top tier then no reason at all to bother grinding for new cards. just play Pirate Warrior / Jade druid and run everyone over for low cost


Jesus those hunter 1 drops. I am kinda terrified about that.

Mage and Druid quests are pretty cool, this expansion still seems super expensive overall.
They've been very clever with this set. By giving each class a quest legendary they're essentially banking on the fact in order to have these funky decks you're going to have to either cough up the dust or cash.

Whereas in previous sets you might have got 4-5 decent legendaries there is now at minimum 9 for each class on top of the other class legendaries and neutral legendaries too.


Unconfirmed Member
I think a Discard-Zoo is probably going to be pretty good for warlock.

Pirate Warrior will stay around to keep late game decks honest, but with lots of new STRONG taunts it will have more trouble being so annoying. I mean Tar elemental x2 in every deck will shut it down pretty hard. Not sure if many decks can fit that, but it will cut down Pirate wins BRUTALLY.


Jesus those hunter 1 drops. I am kinda terrified about that.

Mage and Druid quests are pretty cool, this expansion still seems super expensive overall.

after meta settles people will discover that will only need to craft like a handful of legends. Its not like you will need all of them (if any).

How many legends you run from MSoG? I run only White Eyes (in my zoth shaman), Inkmaster, kaz, aya, shaku, patches, and finja. Well nvm that might be a lot of legendaries lol!!!!

to be tier 1 though all anyone needed was patches. maybe Aya 2nd

[edit] Nopw if you like to experiment and play goofy decks then I 100% feel you bro. this is why I preorder and started saving my gold months ago for this expansion


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
They've been very clever with this set. By giving each class a quest legendary they're essentially banking on the fact in order to have these funky decks you're going to have to either cough up the dust or cash.

Whereas in previous sets you might have got 4-5 decent legendaries there is now at minimum 9 for each class on top of the other class legendaries and neutral legendaries too.

The epics are generally pretty good too, and in some cases also important for the quest. The pally 2 drop, mage discover spell, stampede, the weapon hate card, blazecaller, etc.

after meta settles people will discover that will only need to craft like a handful of legends. Its not like you will need all of them (if any).

How many legends you run from MSoG? I run only White Eyes (in my zoth shaman), Inkmaster, kaz, aya, shaku, patches, and finja. Well nvm that might be a lot of legendaries lol!!!!

to be tier 1 though all anyone needed was patches. maybe Aya 2nd

[edit] Nopw if you like to experiment and play goofy decks then I 100% feel you bro. this is why I preorder and started saving my gold months ago for this expansion

Yeah you rarely need everything, I just think it might show more than usual here with a lot of the goofy decks being really expensive. Quests are a big draw to this expac and not pulling the ones you want might not feel great. Like not having Aya last set you could still run Jade even if it is much better with her, but her, kazakus and patches were all pretty necessary if you wanted to be more serious with those decks.


the main problem are epic, they cost tons of dust to have. Legendary you either open or craft one, it's done. Epics are many more and crafting them always feels bad.


Oh yeah, here we go. The Latin American page has all the cards AND tokens available. The English page needs to step their game up.


So does the spanish one tbh :p


"Battlecry: Steal a secret from your hand"


Yeah you rarely need everything, I just think it might show more than usual here with a lot of the goofy decks being really expensive. Quests are a big draw to this expac and not pulling the ones you want might not feel great. Like not having Aya last set you could still run Jade even if it is much better with her, but her, kazakus and patches were all pretty necessary if you wanted to be more serious with those decks.

Ah you sound like an experimenter like me. Yeah there's no doubt it will be a pain to acquire all the legends. Luckily I don't like Paladin much so not crafting anything for them.

I do like Warrior, Rogue, Mage, and Shaman so yeah not sure what I'm going to do.

Last time got crazy lucky I only had to craft Kazakus & Aya. But this time around if Quests really do work out I will want lots of legendaries ;(


Corporate Apologist
Hunter Epics seem like must crafts. Primordial Glyph seems like a staple, the Dino Size is one of Paladins few worthwhile cards this expansion. Glimmer Root is likely a must craft.

For Neutrals, you will likely want the Oozes, Blazecaller, Primordial Drake, and Charged Devilsaur.

So lets see, that 8 different Epics, two copies each, 6400 dust. Plus, a lot of the other epics may be playable in specialized decks, like Biteweed, Shadow Visiosn, and Primalfin.

And thats just competitive stuff. You may want Sprit Echos or Explore Un'Goro for a more fun deck.


Unconfirmed Member
Pirate Warrior still has the most insane early game. It's not leaving the meta.

If every single deck ever made runs the Pirate Crab and Tar Taunt, it might push them back some, but with no Reno on the flipside, it might not actually be that bad of a trade for them. At least the anti-aggro tech is no longer limited to just 3 classes like last meta.

And Jade is still putting a gigantic clock on slower decks.

I guess there's room in between Pirates and Jades to have new decks, but sucks to still be so hard capped on both ends with those two decks. You're still forced to make a deck that doesn't just roll over with 10% winrates to one of those two decks, and that really limits your deckbuilding options. Maybe there's a deck in here that somehow finds a way to be at least decent against both, but I can't imagine there'd be so many decks in that slim middle ground that it's enough to keep the meta fresh.

It's extremely hard to speculate on the meta in more detail than that without being very wrong, but I will say that Murloc Shaman looks like it has the best chance at mixing things up, though I still have reservations about potentially overly weak turns 6-8 without actually trying it.


yeah it might be really frustrating when expansion drops and ladder is still filled to the brim with pirate wars and jade druids. This is why I wish they would go Batstone route-- add a temporary ladder or something where you forced to use something like 10-15 cards from new expansion.

This way we dont get our asses kicked back-to-back while we trying to learn and tweak our decks. Optimizing a deck can be so painful

But anyways I am sure people will have plenty of tier 1/2 decks ready to go when new expac drops (edit- I meant theorycrafted netdecks should be available)
After all the quests revealed, I think control warrior will be top control deck once again. Jades aren't going to be as bad now that warrior has rag hero power. Hell, even their legendary board wipe is going to be an issue for jade decks imo.

Control warrior will have ways to beat OTK decks due to armor and even galvadon can easily be killed with brawl + a minion (esp the 2 mana 2/6 spawn 3 minions). For a little midrange power boost you can even include sudden genesis which when it copies 2 minions is just huge value and you can copy up to 3 off 1 card.

Sleep with the fishes is potentially counter to finja decks. And cw is just naturally strong against aggro decks.

They even have a taunt with adapt.

I think they only got 2-3 mediocre/meme/bad cards. Everything else seems very good, including an ancient of war level taunt. It doesn't need to push face damage. It just needs to buy you time while you ragnaros every turn.

BTW, how many games have you won where ragnaros survived multiple turns? This is a ragnaros you time that your opponent cannot kill. And you even get a 4/2 weapon to destroy a small/medium threat to better the odds for rag rng.

It does all this, while becoming more interesting because you actually play minions rather than attempt to remove everything and win in fatigue/elise. So I am tempted to make learning control warrior in ungoro a priority.

TL;DR I think the rag hero power is absurdly good. The potential to make CW top tier, yet again.


er not sure how I feel bout CW coming back. Yeah obviously a meta built around CW has many merits (longer more tactical games, a little less curvestone, chance to play out yer deck, etc).

But those matches go so long. I still prefer fighting against pirate warriors by far & if I lose somehow its quick. Granted all my favorite decks favored against pirate warrior or will at least do 50% at worst

edit- if only they took away Brawl from CW. I am okay with Sleep with the fishes but I feel Brawl is just nuts. I get tired of playing around Brawl. but maybe thats a good thing-- less curvestone. But much longer games


warrior's quest seems really good, the reward is very fast too. You don't have to build taunt warrior to do it, even then their taunts are very good now.

The best part is that against aggro match ups you can toss the quest, you don't need it. I think it's easily the most flexible quest deck.


ooooh that new Taunt Warrior quest looks fun. I would play that I guess.

I think I like this one. It encourages a more proactive Warrior that wont spam Brawl I think? If so I dig it


Unconfirmed Member
I still think people underestimate just how difficult it is to play 7 taunt cards or 7 deathrattle cards. You need your deck to have a ton of those types of cards to make it happen before aggro or jade runs you over, and decks filled with just those types of cards are generally pretty bad up until you actually fulfil the quest.

Maybe there's a deck to be found for taunt warrior, but I'm not expecting it. At least better than deathrattle priest, since it does naturally slow down the game to a point you can reasonably get to the reward and find value from it.


I still think people underestimate just how difficult it is to play 7 taunt cards or 7 deathrattle cards. You need your deck to have a ton of those types of cards to make it happen before aggro or jade runs you over, and decks filled with just those types of cards are generally pretty bad up until you actually fulfil the quest.

Maybe there's a deck to be found for taunt warrior, but I'm still pretty down on deathrattle priest.

yeah... well it was fun daydreaming about it for a little while.

(and yeah deathrattle priest has a nice comeback mechanic; still find it ridiculous someone can heal to 40hp but at least you see it coming unlike Reno)


So what do you think about this deck:

Quest Rogue

0 Backstab x2
0 Shadowstep x2
1 Firefly x2
1 Patches x1
1 Swashburglar x2
1 The caverns below x1
2 Thalnos x1
2 Eviscerate x2
2 Gadgetzan ferryman x1
2 Undercity huckster x2
3 Eggnapper (DR: summon 2 1/1 raptors) x2
3 Fan of knives x2
3 Ingneous elemental x2
3 mimic pod x2
3 Tar creeper x2
4 spiritsinger umbra x1
4 Xaril x1
5 shadowcaster x1
5 vilespine Slayer x1


I still think people underestimate just how difficult it is to play 7 taunt cards or 7 deathrattle cards. You need your deck to have a ton of those types of cards to make it happen before aggro or jade runs you over, and decks filled with just those types of cards are generally pretty bad up until you actually fulfil the quest.

Maybe there's a deck to be found for taunt warrior, but I'm not expecting it. At least better than deathrattle priest.
The priest quest reward probably isn't good enough.
It doesn't really help you against jades. Sure, you live longer, but these 8/8 jades are still coming for you.
Against pirats, the card is most likely too slow.

Taunt warrior has a good win condition: stall until the quest is finished, then spam your hero power until you win.
Pirats shouldn't be a big problem and you should be able to out value most control decks, but the deck has no good way of dealing with jades.

Come to think of it, Jade deck are the ones that profit the most from the new defensive tools.


Priest quest doesn't win/end the game, it does nothing in a lot of match ups even. Fatigue isn't a thing anymore, you gotta deal 30 damage or more so good luck with that priest.

Warrior can stall much better than priest too. Warrior's quest can actually beat control warlocks now, how long Jaraxxus can live against Ragnaros.
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