The marsh queen 3?? Wow
Crackling razormaw 4?? Hmm interesting
Both Zealous and I rated most of the quests a 3 which is basically "I don't really know if this is going to be good or not".
But I do have some backing as to why Marsh Queen isn't that good mathematically speaking.
If you have too many 1 drops in your deck, then you can activate the quest faster... but that makes your quest reward worse. You are still only going to draw the raptors half of the time and if you can't chain raptors together then it's a pretty weak deck because it's just a bunch of small minions coming one at a time which most control decks can handle.
The quest becomes stronger when you have fewer 1 drops left in your deck (ie. when your deck is thinner) meaning you get more advantage from the quest reward if you play it later. However, if you are playing the quest later that means you have fewer 1 drops and you are probably playing a more Midrange style Hunter deck. In that case, you are just better off playing a standard Midrange Beast Hunter deck that hopes to finish the game by turn 7-8 before the quest is even a factor.
So the Quest isn't as broken as it may appear.
As far as Crackling Razormaw is concerned, I think 4 is the floor for it. This is probably a 5 in most cases but through reviewing cards like these in the past I have seen that cards that need a body on the board are usually slightly overrated because you can't always guarantee a body (Princess Huhuran, Menagerie Warden etc.) . Like mathematically speaking Defender of Argus is insane but you can't always guarantee bodies. Like sometimes you might just not have a beast in play and you have only have a Houndmaster in play. And sometimes the Adapt can whiff although it's a small chance. So a few small percentages prevent Crackling from being an over powered 5/5 card even though it easily can be.
We couldn't really go in-depth with the card analysis because:
A) We had very little time for this review, it was cutting it very close before the release.
B) Recording messed up so we had to do most of the class cards AGAIN and we just sped through most of them with 0 discussion.
C) It's harder to put thoughts into words while on the spot versus just sitting here and typing it out. There's probably a lot of other points that I wanted to make but couldn't.