Mobius and pet octopus
The game can get decided on a coinflip. Then you can play tactical as you say and try to combat the coinflips. Like I said, its purely tactical but next to no strategy
Even if you try to set up win conditions, predict your opponents plays and play perfectly, you can, and will, alot of times loose to a random card. You have forced them to use all their ice blocks or dragon fire potions, but that wont even matter because of pure random luck that may or may not give them the perfect answer.
This is garbage design that the overall card and board game world has moven away from, but the hearthstone team embrace it. Discover is vastly better then Yogg, but the powerlevels of random generated cards/spells in, especially mage is still too high. We need to move more towards strategic play and less coinflips.
Tactics and strategy are intertwined. You can't have one without the other. Your picks off discovery have to balance multiple factors, including your strategy. For an aggro mage the best pick off the same glyph might be fireball and for control mage it might be flamestrike and for secret mage it might be mirror entity. To say there is no strategy guiding player's decision is just simply wrong.
Alright, then what is your Decklist? Because I'm at my wits end trying to counter them, and I've tried virtually every list I can find
Why would you counter them with priest? That is the definition of insanity.
Silence priest works afaik