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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

The game can get decided on a coinflip. Then you can play tactical as you say and try to combat the coinflips. Like I said, its purely tactical but next to no strategy

Even if you try to set up win conditions, predict your opponents plays and play perfectly, you can, and will, alot of times loose to a random card. You have forced them to use all their ice blocks or dragon fire potions, but that wont even matter because of pure random luck that may or may not give them the perfect answer.
This is garbage design that the overall card and board game world has moven away from, but the hearthstone team embrace it. Discover is vastly better then Yogg, but the powerlevels of random generated cards/spells in, especially mage is still too high. We need to move more towards strategic play and less coinflips.

Tactics and strategy are intertwined. You can't have one without the other. Your picks off discovery have to balance multiple factors, including your strategy. For an aggro mage the best pick off the same glyph might be fireball and for control mage it might be flamestrike and for secret mage it might be mirror entity. To say there is no strategy guiding player's decision is just simply wrong.

Alright, then what is your Decklist? Because I'm at my wits end trying to counter them, and I've tried virtually every list I can find

Why would you counter them with priest? That is the definition of insanity.

Silence priest works afaik
Tactics and strategy are intertwined. You can't have one without the other. Your picks off discovery have to balance multiple factors, including your strategy. For an aggro mage the best pick off the same glyph might be fireball and for control mage it might be flamestrike and for secret mage it might be mirror entity. To say there is no strategy guiding player's decision is just simply wrong.

Why would you counter them with priest? That is the definition of insanity.

Silence priest works afaik
You literally told me you can beat Quest Rogue with Dragon Priest. I want to see what Decklist you mean can beat them, because any good Rogue player doesn't just barf their hands into play and then wins the Matchup, because Charge is the least balanced mechanic in Hearthstone
What are Wild players laddering with this season?
Here is very fun hydrologist spikeridged steed deck i made for the month, something like 25-17 on ladder with ATM.

work very well against reno decks and priest suprisingly, since it takes a shitton of removal to deal with, average game is around 9 turns. combines the insanely obnoxious early game of secret pally with late game bombs that are working very well against control decks for that reason.

if i ran into a more aggro meta (suprisingly i am seeing very little pirates so far), but when that changes second spike ridge and consecration will be good. if you're lacking the leggys you can sub those or that discover a taunt guy maybe. i thought i would be missing sludgebelcher or loatheb for 5 drop but it isn't necessary and wouldn't help against all these control decks much anyway, something like shredder with redemption is as good as a 5 drop can get as it is, or finley and 2 hero powers. don't use a second mysterious challenger though.

pirate war
You literally told me you can beat Quest Rogue with Dragon Priest. I want to see what Decklist you mean can beat them, because any good Rogue player doesn't just barf their hands into play and then wins the Matchup, because Charge is the least balanced mechanic in Hearthstone

Yes, you can beat quest rogue with dragon priest. That doesn't mean you're countering them wtf. Why would you ever try to counter rogue with priest? i can hardly think of a single meta where priest has countered rogue, why would that be any different now. And I did not suggest dragon priest counters rogue, I said it's a winnable match up when you claimed it was auto-lose.

I'm not talking about a special decklist here. There are really only 2 or so dragon priest lists worth running anyway, with some minor variations here and there like with elise and lyra.

There are also variations in the quest rogues themselves, some target aggro line ups to improve those wirnates and some run double vanish to beat midrange/control decks harder.

Here are 2 games where I beat this "auto-loss" match up. Both legendary tier players.


Dragon priest has probably dropped in the meta. When decks are trying to counter aggro and mage, dragon priest seems quite strong tbh. And you can tech against mage if needed, although I haven't personally required it since your minions are strong against their removal being largely at 6hp or higher. My point is, deck selection is part of the game. If you're facing a lot of quest rogues that are tech'd to counter you, then you're not going to have a good time with any dragon priest list. It's is a winnable match up though, regardless.

Yeah but they don't do those things either

They literally just put out one of the best expansions and followed up with adding deck import/export, along with still supporting tournaments/esport and some deck building UI stuff (still best deck building UI by miles imo). Yeah, they do nothing.


Tactics and strategy are intertwined. You can't have one without the other. Your picks off discovery have to balance multiple factors, including your strategy. For an aggro mage the best pick off the same glyph might be fireball and for control mage it might be flamestrike and for secret mage it might be mirror entity. To say there is no strategy guiding player's decision is just simply wrong.

Why would you counter them with priest? That is the definition of insanity.

Silence priest works afaik

I think you misunderstand me (English not beeing my native tongue is probably the reason).
Tactical gameplay and strategic are two different beasts. A purely tactical game is 100% reactionary whereas a purely strategic game is based on planing. Now any card game will almost always lean towards tactical gameplay, simply because of card draw etc.
My issue with the random generating of cards in hearthstone is that it tips the focus heavily into the tactical side.
Having the ability to pull the answer out of thin air through a babbling book or a cabalist tome, rather than preserving your cards through careful play is what bugs me. Which also means I phrased my whole rant wrong, discover in itself is not bad, but the pure rng generating cards bug me.
Evolve shaman is clicking with me finally, down to rank 7 and there's a lot of interesting lines.
Also poop draws like evolve evolve bloodlust with no minion.

My favourite wins are outgrinding taunt warrior or priest then finishing it off with a double bloodlust.

I can't beat Taunt Warrior with Evolve Shaman. They focus on my Flametongue so I lack reach to clear their taunts unless I use Bloodlust, and they don't overextend so Maelstrom and Devolve are less useful. Primordial Drake clears my board, and they usually save Brawl for when I Evolve. Armorsmith also makes me sad.
Oh yeah it's a horrible matchup but if curator is at the bottom of their deck you have a chance to grind them out. Need to find a middle ground between forcing aoe and keeping resources back.

The more I play the deck the more I go for tempo evolves on a bunch of 1 2 3 mana minions. You'd be surprised how often one can get milhouse.
I love this idea that somehow, if a deck isn't working, you can just switch to another no problem. Like, what world do you live in where it's easy to switch to another class/deck in Hearthstone? I have a complete Quest Warrior and Dragon Priest Standard lists and even if I dusted every card I have in them (and the tech cards I own) I'd get about 3000 Dust in exchange for disenchanting anything worth a damn. Quest Warrior alone costs more then that to make. Hell, I can't even craft 2 Legendaries for the cost of DEing these 2 decks, meaning even though I own 90% of the non-legendary staples of Paladin right now, I couldn't even get Tirion and Tarim.

Switching decks in Hearthstone is fundamentally a bad idea, because every time you Disenchant something (which 90% of people do), you lose 75% of what it cost to make. Unless you're dumping money hand over fist into Hearthstone, changing decks is a loss.

Dragon priest against quest right is nearly as auto lose as it gets in this meta.
Fricking Thank you.

I run that exact Decklist that he's saying means Quest Rogue isn't an Autolose for DP, and I've lost every match I've played against them.

It's not a beatable Matchup unless you get a literal perfect hand, your opponent plays like an idiot, and they don't play around the answer you have.

Like, first matchup his opponent was trying to trade, despite knowing that he was on DP and not playing around Drake. Second one didn't play around DF Potion. Both of those were bad players, not a sign that DP can beat QR.
Hunter, Quest Rogue, Aggro Druid, PW are relatively cheap to craft.

With seasonal rewards, tavern brawls and quests you should be building up a collection over time. You can also dust a ton of the commons, which at 5 dust may look meagre but add up to a considerable amount of time.
If you're lacking cards you can also just dust everything from classes you have no desire to play. It's a net loss if you ever want to play them again but if in return you can hit rank 5 consistently you'll make it back and some.
You should never dust good useful cards to make a new deck. Maybe dust some things for your first few decks but you hit a point where you can make multiple decks easily. If you're a new player I can understand the frustration of playing a deck that is not optimal in the current meta because you lack the options.

I've ranked up many seasons playing tier 3 decks though and it's usually not until around rank 2-5 that things become difficult for me. But if you want to try hard, then yeah you probably want to have more than 1 deck and especially if it's not a tier 1 deck. If you're running a tier 1 deck like control mage you'll probably be good at least until next expansion.
I love this idea that somehow, if a deck isn't working, you can just switch to another no problem. Like, what world do you live in where it's easy to switch to another class/deck in Hearthstone? I have a complete Quest Warrior and Dragon Priest Standard lists and even if I dusted every card I have in them (and the tech cards I own) I'd get about 3000 Dust in exchange for disenchanting anything worth a damn. Quest Warrior alone costs more then that to make. Hell, I can't even craft 2 Legendaries for the cost of DEing these 2 decks, meaning even though I own 90% of the non-legendary staples of Paladin right now, I couldn't even get Tirion and Tarim.

Switching decks in Hearthstone is fundamentally a bad idea, because every time you Disenchant something (which 90% of people do), you lose 75% of what it cost to make. Unless you're dumping money hand over fist into Hearthstone, changing decks is a loss.
Well I guess that could also depend on how long you've been playing. I started a little after BRM and I've only dusted one card and I've been able to play multiple decks for quite a while now and I'm mostly f2p. I've bought 0 packs of cards with actual money.
Fricking Thank you.

I run that exact Decklist that he's saying means Quest Rogue isn't an Autolose for DP, and I've lost every match I've played against them.

It's not a beatable Matchup unless you get a literal perfect hand, your opponent plays like an idiot, and they don't play around the answer you have.

Like, first matchup his opponent was trying to trade, despite knowing that he was on DP and not playing around Drake. Second one didn't play around DF Potion. Both of those were bad players, not a sign that DP can beat QR.

So because you lost every match up that mean's it's an autoloss? What rank are we talking about here. I was playing at a high rank early in the season, rank 4-5 on like day 5.

In the first game, my opponent never once tried to trade improperly. The only time he actually removed a minion was lyra while I was at nearly full hp and he was almost out of resources. That is the right move. He isn't gonna have a chance at winning unless he extends the game out. Probably lost either way so to blast him on that decision is just something you're doing to prop up the whole argument that quest rogue autowins unless they're bad. It's shallow.

Turn 7, with his hand I don't even think he played it wrong. DF potion is gonna hurt before and after quest completion. But if I didn't have DF potion he could have won the game on the spot. You call him an idiot but he made the play that gave him at least some chance to win, perhaps the best chance to win. On second thought, not only do I think he played his hand right, he probably played the entire game right. if I were him I probably would have tossed vanish but vanish is real strong vs priest so I am not sure if he made the right move and got unlucky (by drawing the second vanish) or made a sub-optimal mulligan.

In the second game, my opponent was pressured by the dragon I pumped up hard. Turn 8, what would you have done differently to play around dragonfire potion that may or may not be in my hand? Do you think it's correct to always play around dragonfire potion here? Cause this late in the game I severely doubt he has the capability of playing around dragonfire potion and still win. 5/5s are strong but not a big deal when your opponent is also dropping large minions and has removal cards like shadow word death. If you play around DF potion, you play into other cards.

You call them bad players but these are probably people who hit legend every season.
Of the decks you listed that are cheap, the only actual cheap one is Hunter. Quest Rogue/Pirate Warrior/Aggro Druid requires at least 2400 Dust(Quest+2x Prep/Patches+Southsea/Living Mana+Patches). For what it's worth, the old Zoolock deck I made it to rank 5 with back during TGT had no Legendaries (I stopped playing right before I got enough dust to make Leeroy) and maybe one Epic. There's been a definitive cost increase since the last time I actively tried to climb Ladder, and that was when I had spent no Money

Like, I'm not sure why bringing up that Hearthstone's becoming more expensive is this big taboo. Dusting, Aka the thing 90% of players do, is fundamentally worthless. Why does it take me getting 4 Legendaries to make one that I want? Why does it take me 8 Commons to craft one I want? I can literally go down to my LGS and sell my Magic Deck and get back about half of what I spent to buy it, but Blizzard can't even offer the consumers rerolling of Legendary Cards and we have to settle for 25% back at best?

Well I guess that could also depend on how long you've been playing. I started a little after BRM and I've only dusted one card and I've been able to play multiple decks for quite a while now and I'm mostly f2p. I've bought 0 packs of cards with actual money.
I've played on and off since 2014, largely skipping over 2015 because TGT was a dud. I've reached rank 5 before during that time, because Zoolock was both Cheap and actually decent.

So because you lost every match up that mean's it's an autoloss? What rank are we talking about here. I was playing at a high rank early in the season, rank 4-5 on like day 5.

In the first game, my opponent never once tried to trade improperly. The only time he actually removed a minion was lyra while I was at nearly full hp and he was almost out of resources. That is the right move. He isn't gonna have a chance at winning unless he extends the game out. Probably lost either way so to blast him on that decision is just something you're doing to prop up the whole argument that quest rogue autowins unless they're bad. It's shallow.

Turn 7, with his hand I don't even think he played it wrong. DF potion is gonna hurt before and after quest completion. But if I didn't have DF potion he could have won the game on the spot. You call him an idiot but he made the play that gave him at least some chance to win, perhaps the best chance to win. On second thought, not only do I think he played his hand right, he probably played the entire game right. if I were him I probably would have tossed vanish but vanish is real strong vs priest so I am not sure if he made the right move and got unlucky (by drawing the second vanish) or made a sub-optimal mulligan.

In the second game, my opponent was pressured by the dragon I pumped up hard. Turn 8, what would you have done differently to play around dragonfire potion that may or may not be in my hand? Do you think it's correct to always play around dragonfire potion here? Cause this late in the game I severely doubt he has the capability of playing around dragonfire potion and still win. 5/5s are strong but not a big deal when your opponent is also dropping large minions and has removal cards like shadow word death. If you play around DF potion, you play into other cards.

You call them bad players but these are probably people who hit legend every season.
I'm talking Turn 13 in that first game. He had 20 attack on board, flinging his guys into your guys gained him nothing but letting Primordial Drake Sweep in. Especially since he saw the Netherspite Historian. Trading there cost him the game, because otherwise it's 20 at you(you're at 22, go down to 2), you chip in and kill 2 dudes of his with Primordial+Historian+Azure, he goes Southsea to hit the Drake, Bounce, Hit Drake again, deal 5 killing you. That's lethal.

Secondly, not being able to win in the face of DFP!=Justification for playing into it. Bouncing Engineer over Patches is a worse choice in terms of turning the game around, and his luck in Mimick Pod hitting Eater of Secrets is what really cost him. Really, I don't see how both of these games point out that it's winnable when both games have either your opponent fucking up(Game 1, where even without Bounce he'd still have you dead iirc because at best you'd kill 3/4s of his group and then he'd hit you for 5 vs your 4 life assuming Drake+Heal) or your opponent literally getting the worst possible Mimic Pod hit
If he had some obscure way of getting lethal, that is powerful hindsight at work. He had no read on primordial drake. I literally just discovered the card and in the same turn played all my mana 100%. He could only assume the worst and lose the game to primordial drake or assume no drake and lose to primordial drake. The outcomes are the same as I am about to point out.

Lets say he goes all face and sets me to 1 hp. How would he get past the 4/8 taunt? He couldn't run southsea in and then bounce it, it would already be dead. He can't trade with the other surviving minion. It has 8 health. And forget all that nonsense, I would have used twilight drake to trade with the pirate anyway every time. There are 2 problems with your course of events, 1. southsea would have died every time he didn't trade. 2. Even if I did not kill southsea deckhand it would be at 5/3 and die once it hit drake meaning you could not use it to remove drake and then bounce it.

And before you say he could have won with dagger to face after killing drake, I obviously would have healed my face instead of playing NSC if I was at 1 hp.

His trades, while perhaps not optimal, doesn't actually change the outcome of the game.

As for this dragon fire potion nonsense, my point is that you can't play around a card if playing around the card causes you to lose. In card games your best play sometimes makes you lose and you make that play anyway because that is how you win games. Playing around DFP is a risk just like playing into it. They chose to go into it because they were behind with a clunky hand.
If he had some obscure way of getting lethal, that is powerful hindsight at work. He had no read on primordial drake. I literally just discovered the card and in the same turn played all my mana 100%. He could only assume the worst and lose the game to primordial drake or assume no drake and lose to primordial drake. The outcomes are the same as I am about to point out.

Lets say he goes all face and sets me to 1 hp. How would he get past the 4/8 taunt? He couldn't run southsea in and then bounce it, it would already be dead. He can't trade with the other surviving minion. It has 8 health. And forget all that nonsense, I would have used twilight drake to trade with the pirate anyway every time. There are 2 problems with your course of events, 1. southsea would have died every time he didn't trade. 2. Even if I did not kill southsea deckhand it would be at 5/3 and die once it hit drake meaning you could not use it to remove drake and then bounce it.
He gets past the Taunt because you can't kill more then 1 of his creatures. If you kill one, he still has 15 attack of creatures on the board. 2 of them kill Drake, one hits face.

As I mentioned, he didn't even need Bounce to kill you, he had 20 damage on board. Nothing you could have done would have been able to kill every creature he had outside of Dragonfire. Bounce would have just been the icing on the cake. Even if he assumed there wasn't a Drake, trading was still the dumbest choice he could have made.

Rogue: 1/2 Dagger, at 20+ Life
5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5

Priest: 22 life
4/8 1/3

If he goes 20 to face and refuses to trade, you're at 2(Or 1, if he hits with Dagger). Even if you try your best with your cards in hand, You can kill one of his guys(at best) with Drake's ETB+ your dudes.

Next turn of his, two guys swing into Drake, Drake dies(Let's just confirm that you know 10 power beats 8 health) You're at 4(at the best) and 2 at the worst, with him having a 5 attack dude. So tell me, how do you survive that? You don't.

But no, evidently this was a top tier player who didn't screw up his execution and Dragon Priest can totally beat Quest Rogue.

As for this dragon fire potion nonsense, my point is that you can't play around a card if playing around the card causes you to lose. In card games your best play sometimes makes you lose and you make that play anyway because that is how you win games. Playing around DFP is a risk just like playing into it. They chose to go into it because they were behind with a clunky hand.

As for this it doesn't prove jack that DP can beat QR. Like, for reference, I literally pulled up a matchup winchart for fun.


From this, you are statistically more likely to win a game as Quest Warrior against Jade Druid then a game as Dragon Priest against Quest Rogue, when the former is considered unwinnable.
He gets past the Taunt because you can't kill more then 1 of his creatures. If you kill one, he still has 15 attack of creatures on the board. 2 of them kill Drake, one hits face.

As I mentioned, he didn't even need Bounce to kill you, he had 20 damage on board. Nothing you could have done would have been able to kill every creature he had outside of Dragonfire. Bounce would have just been the icing on the cake. Even if he assumed there wasn't a Drake, trading was still the dumbest choice he could have made.

Rogue: 1/2 Dagger, at 20+ Life
5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5

Priest: 22 life
4/8 1/3

If he goes 20 to face and refuses to trade, you're at 2(Or 1, if he hits with Dagger). Even if you try your best with your cards in hand, You can kill one of his guys(at best) with Drake's ETB+ your dudes.

Next turn of his, two guys swing into Drake, Drake dies(Let's just confirm that you know 10 power beats 8 health) You're at 4(at the best) and 2 at the worst, with him having a 5 attack dude. So tell me, how do you survive that? You don't.

But no, evidently this was a top tier player who didn't screw up his execution and Dragon Priest can totally beat Quest Rogue.

As for this it doesn't prove jack that DP can beat QR. Like, for reference, I literally pulled up a matchup winchart for fun.


From this, you are statistically more likely to win a game as Quest Warrior against Jade Druid then a game as Dragon Priest against Quest Rogue, when the former is considered unwinnable.

It's literally right in the replay. He starts the turn with a 5/3, 5/5, 5/5. He plays 1 charging 5/5. He doesn't start the turn with 4 5/5s. This is significant because I can take out the 5/3 with primordial drake and historian. He would not have 3 minions on board going into the next turn. I don't know how much clearer I can make this.

You're using an incredible amount of hindsight to concoct an unrealistic scenario, you realize that right? Because it is not based in facts.

As for a winrates chart posted by VS. I've seen that. My position doesn't change. I don't see winrates post on VS as the holy grail, certainly not when it includes low level play and a relatively small amount of games. Decklists change all the time, those 2 matches I posted were in the same day and both were high ranked with very different line ups. As I noted, dragon priest has gotten worse over the past month due the meta changes. It's still a winnable match up though. I haven't argued it's favored. I never even argued it's even. I'm sorry you think it's autolose, but it's not. Autolose is freeze mage vs patron warrior. It's like 90-10 favoring patron warrior.

BTW, what rank do you play at that you call these guys bad? Generally getting rank 5+ in the first couple days of the season shows a strong amount of competence, certainly better than 95% of the player base. And nobody is perfect. You've tried to pick a line of play that is obvious only when you know what both hands are.
I'm not saying that the players themselves are bad players-considering how they ranked, it's hard to say that with a straight face. What I'm saying is that they played those matches poorly(or got screwed by RNG). Playing a match poorly!=Bad players. Everyone knows that sometimes, you just punt, happens to the best.

Considering that this is my second month back to actually trying to climb Ladder, I'd say hitting Rank 10 on my first month back was a pretty good thing. So grateful for the floors now though.


I'm running kiblers quest lock list, but I dot have Elise.... do you guys think prince melcazhar works as an Elise replacement?

I guess not, maybe what I really need is card draw?


Yes you can play around df potion, but honestly dragon priest usually (in my experience) beats rogue with the pressure they can pump out relatively early, and also madness potion and swp force the rogue to play that match very careful, I have beaten quest rogues as dragon priest and lost to dragon priest as quest rogue.
It's certainly not a auto loss for the priest.


The current casters in this HCT tourney are so goddamn terrible, they're suggesting players do the worst plays and even suggest plays that misses lethal. "Do you clear the board here?" or just win the game. I thought Frodan was casting earlier, no idea who these two current casters are.
The current casters in this HCT tourney are so goddamn terrible, they're suggesting players do the worst plays and even suggest plays that misses lethal. "Do you clear the board here?" or just win the game. I thought Frodan was casting earlier, no idea who these two current casters are.

true, some of the comments are ridiculous, I consider myself an average player and many times I can read the games better than them .
Yes you can play around df potion, but honestly dragon priest usually (in my experience) beats rogue with the pressure they can pump out relatively early, and also madness potion and swp force the rogue to play that match very careful, I have beaten quest rogues as dragon priest and lost to dragon priest as quest rogue.
It's certainly not a auto loss for the priest.
Dragon Priest

Early Game Pressure

Pick one. Seriously, the deck isn't Pirate Warrior/Aggro Druid/Hunter. Half of the time, even Mulliganing, it can't do shit all to apply pressure until turn 4, which if that's relatively early then idk what to think.


Jeez infinite stars is this really the hill you want to die on? Priest player here that has shockingly beat quest rogue before. It's not an auto loss. Is it a good match up? Nope. I know you don't agree with mobius and that's fine but I've been friends with him for awhile and he always climbs that ladder, I see no reason for him to give you false information.
Decided to play wild this season. Wonder if Blizzard will let us get wild cards for cheap. Don't want to spend 1600 dust on Dr Boom

There is a lot of variety
So this season I've decided to run the midrange hunter that I hated seeing last month as rogue and it's awful! I can't get out of rank 18 and now back to 20.

This game just annoys me, don't know why I keep playing it. I hear people say that it's possible to rank up to about ten with any deck in about two hours.

Anyone else been playing a year and have a struggle every month to hit 15 or is it just me?
So this season I've decided to run the midrange hunter that I hated seeing last month as rogue and it's awful! I can't get out of rank 18 and now back to 20.

This game just annoys me, don't know why I keep playing it. I hear people say that it's possible to rank up to about ten with any deck in about two hours.

Anyone else been playing a year and have a struggle every month to hit 15 or is it just me?

what is ur list? MR hunter is a good deck
Incredible random moment: Control Warrior plays Un'Goro pack. Gets the adaptation spores. Gives his 6-minion board +3 attack to break Ice Block when I had lethal next turn.

You can't play around this shit, which is why I mostly ladder with aggro these days. Anything else suffers too much from random shit your opponent can get to save the day despite you outplaying them.
So this season I've decided to run the midrange hunter that I hated seeing last month as rogue and it's awful! I can't get out of rank 18 and now back to 20.

This game just annoys me, don't know why I keep playing it. I hear people say that it's possible to rank up to about ten with any deck in about two hours.

Anyone else been playing a year and have a struggle every month to hit 15 or is it just me?
The beginning of the month can be rough.

Every match feels like a damn struggle, but I enjoy it.... until I finish the match and realize I'm still rank 16.

In a couple of days the climb to 10 will be pretty easy.


Incredible random moment: Control Warrior plays Un'Goro pack. Gets the adaptation spores. Gives his 6-minion board +3 attack to break Ice Block when I had lethal next turn.

You can't play around this shit, which is why I mostly ladder with aggro these days. Anything else suffers too much from random shit your opponent can get to save the day despite you outplaying them.

Remember back in GvG when people whined about shredder and Boom RNG. People were so innocent and naive.


People complain, but this is still the best meta we had in a long time.
My only gripe is quest rogue, but thats mostly because i play control.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
People complain, but this is still the best meta we had in a long time.
It has positives and negatives. I wish the complexity of the decks being played was higher. Too much board flood into power buff with Aggro/Token Druid/Token Shaman/Murloc Paladin. Even the control decks tend to feel very simplistic. Stuff like Priest almost feels like it's thriving as a gimmick too with how the Inner Fire combos work. Generally speaking though stuff is probably trending upwards, but I feel like there is just something lacking to the general playstyle of the most popular decks. Very little card management is needed, the finishers for control decks tend to be fairly boring and binary (see: Mage), and I miss the strong mid game tempo surges decks saw that relied more on brutal efficiency. The 7+ mana drop slot feels very stale to me in particular. I'd like to see more powerful cards in that range.


It's just pretty much the expected midrange list that's common at the moment with a few changes. Does it really matter? Isn't it the point that good players can supposedly rank up with any deck?

I can't.

Well... yeah :)

I mean, toast did legend with that deck last month, it is possible, you have to learn to use it and to read the opponent better. What about checking toast runs last month?

People complain, but this is still the best meta we had in a long time.
My only gripe is quest rogue, but thats mostly because i play control.

Indeed, I cannot complain with the meta. The only problem seems to be primordial glyph and quest rogue, other than that, this meta is really good.

It seems to be settling down now, and there isn't a master of all deck, which imo, is one of the ideal escenarios of the game


This is the best, more balanced meta. Nothing is absurdly ahead of anything else. About the only bad thing about is that Warlock is the worst class but some class has to be at the bottom.

Probably should cherish it as its the start of the rotation... when we get more cards then aggro will become more efficient like it always does. Even now aggro is still pretty strong and relevant like it always is.

I do think the meta is a bit boring but that's just the new expansion flavor wearing off and there isn't a boogeyman deck to complain about which keeps things interesting. Even in this thread we have much fewer complaints about bullshit deck. There is a theory than in competitive games it's good to have overpowered stuff that people can actively root against and it builds storylines (ie. underdogs, villains). I don't subscribe to that ideology but I can see how some might.


It has positives and negatives. I wish the complexity of the decks being played was higher. Too much board flood into power buff with Aggro/Token Druid/Token Shaman/Murloc Paladin. Even the control decks tend to feel very simplistic. Stuff like Priest almost feels like it's thriving as a gimmick too with how the Inner Fire combos work. Generally speaking though stuff is probably trending upwards, but I feel like there is just something lacking to the general playstyle of the most popular decks. Very little card management is needed, the finishers for control decks tend to be fairly boring and binary (see: Mage), and I miss the strong mid game tempo surges decks saw that relied more on brutal efficiency.
I'd take flood decks over perfect curve (tunnel into trogg) and infinite value jade decks anyday.
At least i can win by teching cards like pyromancer/harrison against those decks.
most of the games i played are pure control priest and i feel that its viable vs those decks. Sure you get shit hand sometime, but at least i have a real chance to win. Compared to last year the last meta where only dragon priest was viable and it was bottom tier 2/tier3 deck.


Question guys, do you guys choose and play a single deck to rank up with from season to season? I know it is recommended so that you can really get to grips with the deck and its match ups.

But what do you guys do with your daily quests? For example, if you're running Burn Mage all season, but you repeatedly get quests for other classes and your quest log fills up. Do you complete the other quests in Casual/Arena/TB or something?


this is the right time for them to announce a new set and release it in a month, now they're likely announcing it in July in China for mid Aug release, screw that. Release gaps are one month too long.

There better be a ooze for secrets next set. Eater was made in reaction to MC, its cost is too much to include in your deck when you just want to hit one secret. A 2 drop, destroy one random secret would do fine.
Is there anywhere I can watch toast's climb to legend with the f2p hunter deck? It's not on his YouTube channel.

I clearly suck at the deck as I can't even get out of rank 20 today. I'm losing to all sorts of homemade nonsense such as a Hunter running prince malchezar. I don't think I'm making that many miss plays and I see my opponents make them and I still lose.

I just don't understand how he can have an over 75‰ win rate when I have probably a 30%. It's like I'm playing a different game. I've gone probably 1—5 the last day and I think maybe one of those I should have won.

Maybe I should just not play this game. I really enjoy the actual games but the constant failure is hard to take.
Quest rogue is like everything I hate about Hearthstone in one deck. I'm just sitting around not doing shit while my opponent ropes bouncing stuff back and fourth.
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