What happened to duelyst?
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The Duelyst devs started making some horrible balance decisions. For example, imagine a turn 3 Jaraxxus that doesn't lower your health and gives you two 5/5s each turn for 1 mana. And being hit by 10/10 charge minions in an aggro deck. Plus they added Ragnaros, and in a game where minions can run away to stay safe it's just insanely OP. The game became more about who drew massive burst combos to set these up instead of strategy, and the dev team got their heads up their ass and refused to the entire competitive community.
Basically, the game was loved by its fans because it had deep strategy, little to no RNG, and the better player usually won. It would never have been the #1 card game like that, but it had a fan base. One dude even put $5000 per expansion in.
Instead, they tried to become Hearthstone on a board with mostly RNG combos winning the game, and draws decide everything. They lost most of the competitive base and weren't able to gain the casual base they thought they could.
The game has lost about 15% of its playerbase month over month for the last year. It is down to about 200 concurrent monthly players, so it will die in a few years. I say a few years because the mobile version is coming out soon, and I am sure they will extend its life in that way.
Meanwhile, Hearthstone has, IMO, been on a better path. It still lacks the depth Duelyst had, but the breadth is fantastic.
Infinity Wars is actually the best card game, but no one plays it because the devs are so bad at advancing the game. Simultaneous turns, real strategic combat, and the GUARANTEE that you never get into a top deck situation. I can't express how much people should just spend a few days playing Infinity Wars to see what the digital format could offer us.
Hearthstone is the best choice because other devs keep killing their games through shitty decisions, basically. Design-wise, I wish they would add more fundamental features. My top 2 are the Infinity Wars Trading Post and Duelyst Replace.
I haven't played it, but watched lifecoach's stream few times and I still have no idea what's the game about.
Each guy has attack power. You want the most attack power on your side at the end of each round. Best of 3 rounds wins. Some cards can lower the attack of other cards.
It's a fun side game like Triple Triad in FF8, but it lacks depth and breadth.