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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

I picked Muzzy as well, remembered him from the 4 team tournament thing that DisguisedToast, Kibler and Cydonia won (as the PogChamps)... can't recall what the name of it was, though.

Him, Kolento and JasonZhou were the only names I recognised.


It's a bummer that this tournament is happening at the worst time for me, like 4 in the morning. I kinda wanted to watch it.


I was thinking just recently what if they added 2 months into every expansion some wild cards back to standard to spice the meta? then at the release of the new expansion those cards go back to wild? that could work similar to the idea of a new batch of cards introduced mid-expansion.

even if the wild cards fail to add new meta decks, they could work well as a deterrent for the usual drought of new decks.


Let's put this in the positive category.

Savage, but true. Noxious "quit" but by the time he did he was basically irrelevant anyway.

Any idea when the rogue nerf will come down? I'd like to try out a sun keeper tareem deck.

Informed speculation is July 11th.

muzzy is giving me huge Thijs flashbacks...

Nah, Thijs was on downswing and didn't have any recent good results to speak of when the community decided he was going to win them a bunch of packs. Muzzy has been consistently very good for a very long time, he just hasn't had a lot of great finishes when he gets to the big stage. Seems like he's gotten over his stage fright and I feel confident he won't tank as hard as Thijs did.

I voted Muzzy and I have a decent track record; voted Amnesiac and then Fr0zen the last two Choose your Champion HCT events and both did well.


I'm up against taunt warrior with midrange hunter. I play Macaw and discover King Mosh and think: "By the time I can cast this, they'll already have that dumb ability". Opponent plays Dirty Rat.

The rest was history.
I don't know if it's good or bad that you can complete a joke quest like "play 75 murlocs" with a tier 1 deck but I won't complain.

At the same time I don't think my opponents are having much more fun getting trashed by divine shielded murlocs and me drawing 12 cards from divine favour throughout a game than facing quest rogue.
I don't know if it's good or bad that you can complete a joke quest like "play 75 murlocs" with a tier 1 deck but I won't complain.

At the same time I don't think my opponents are having much more fun getting trashed by divine shielded murlocs and me drawing 12 cards from divine favour throughout a game than facing quest rogue.
The thing about facing aggro decks versus facing quest rogue is that at least there's SOMETHING on the board to interact with. At least against pirate warrior and the rest of the decks, I can try to do something against them. And don't get me wrong, I enjoyed playing against quest rogues because it was easy to wreck them with druid or mage, but I do understand the dislike for the deck regardless of how well or how poorly it may perform.

Fuck Divine Favor though.
Divine Favor is the biggest slap in the face.

"I'm losing board but at least my opponent is running out of cards. If I clear this I can stabilize."

The thing about facing aggro decks versus facing quest rogue is that at least there's SOMETHING on the board to interact with. At least against pirate warrior and the rest of the decks, I can try to do something against them. And don't get me wrong, I enjoyed playing against quest rogues because it was easy to wreck them with druid or mage, but I do understand the dislike for the deck regardless of how well or how poorly it may perform.

Fuck Divine Favor though.
But there is something on the board. Yes there is very much reduced interactivity but all the aggro decks right now have a ton of damage from hand which the most you can do against is try to keep out of reach or pray.
Divine Favor is the biggest slap in the face.

"I'm losing board but at least my opponent is running out of cards. If I clear this I can stabilize."

It's feels so good. 3 mana draw 5, thank you.


Divine Favor punishes the opponent for having card advantage, which is generally a good thing to do in a card game, and rewards the player for dumping his hand as fast as he draws it, which is generally a bad thing to do in card games. I really dislike the card.


Having an aggro paladin run out gas when you finally have board control with a modicum of health left, then them top decking divine favour to fill back up to five cards has to be one of the most shitty feelings in hearthstone.

Fuck that card.


Super Sleuth
I put every steal priest card in a deck and went to town at trash ranks in wild.

It's real dumb fun. Stole jaraxxus, kazakus, reno, brann, sylvanus and shadowflame from a renolock. Still lost because he turned out to be combo, but still a hell of a fun game.


One of the worst designs in Hearthstone. Rewards bad play
I was just thinking this, but considering the card changes the play pattern, it can't technically be considered "bad" play -- if it wins by virtue of you strategizing around said card, it's "good" play for that particular deck.


Kabal Courier discovers Kabal Courier.
Kabal Courier discovers Primordial Glyph.

I hate discover, ESPECIALLY chaining discover, so much.
Kabal Courier discovers Kabal Courier.
Kabal Courier discovers Primordial Glyph.

I hate discover, ESPECIALLY chaining discover, so much.
I played against a guy recently that had a Mana Wyrm on turn 1 and then on turn 2... primordial glyph > primordial glyph > primordial glyph > primordial glyph > frostbolt. 9 fucking damage on turn 2. Still managed to win though.
I think Kibler explained the issue well in his latest video for Omnislash, but I'll try to break it down here.

1) The deck is extremely popular. That isn't an issue in and of itself, but because it's so popular, people are now teching against it -- as much as you can with such a non-interactive deck. Essentially, that means more aggro. Despite how much people try to counter play it, it still sees a pretty good win percentage. That's an issue. If people are trying to counter a certain deck and still fail often when playing against it, there's a problem.

2) It's repetitive. Because it's a Quest, it always comes into play. The monotonous nature of playing against QR, and the fact that it makes all of their minions the same, stat-wise, adds to this. It makes for boring games that feel like they come down to whether the QR got a good draw or not. Sometimes you can play around it and use skill/tech cards to squeeze out a win, but more often than not, it's all about who draws what -- moreso than usual.

3) Because of 2, it's just not fun to play against. You don't feel in control at all, and the effect is both boring and obnoxious. It's the kind of deck Blizzard should fear, because it can cause people to quit the game entirely. In fact, IIRC, Noxious quit the game (which was making him considerable $$$) to play Gwent instead, partially thanks to QR.

I actually don't think the change will completely kill the deck, but I think it will diminish the amount we see it -- just like when Pirate Warrior fell off after the STB nerf.

The only reason I buy for it getting nerfed is that people don't think it's fun. It's not because it's overly oppressive or too strong. It's because people don't like losing to it, even if in truth they aren't losing to it at an unheard of level for strong meta decks. I think this is a perfectly fine reason to change a card. It's ultimately a game and we want to have fun. I just don't buy the balance or competitive complaints.

And as for your last point, do you have much experience playing quest rogue? One bounce is a very big deal, from a consistency standpoint, a mana standpoint and a turn standpoint. The deck already has a pretty mediocre winrate. I can see some people still trying to make it work (hey, people tried to make purify priest a thing during Kara), but knowing how low the room for error is already.

I don't mind seeing it go. Know what a better nerf for QR would have been that would have made the meta a lot more fun? Nuke the shit out of Patches.


Super Sleuth
The only reason I buy for it getting nerfed is that people don't think it's fun. It's not because it's overly oppressive or too strong. It's because people don't like losing to it, even if in truth they aren't losing to it at an unheard of level for strong meta decks. I think this is a perfectly fine reason to change a card. It's ultimately a game and we want to have fun. I just don't buy the balance or competitive complaints.

And as for your last point, do you have much experience playing quest rogue? One bounce is a very big deal, from a consistency standpoint, a mana standpoint and a turn standpoint. The deck already has a pretty mediocre winrate. I can see some people still trying to make it work (hey, people tried to make purify priest a thing during Kara), but knowing how low the room for error is already.

I don't mind seeing it go. Know what a better nerf for QR would have been that would have made the meta a lot more fun? Nuke the shit out of Patches.

Changing charge in general would be a major change to the entire game. Interesting to theory craft what making charge only work on hitting minions would do to the game in general.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Just lost to a Cthun Warrior of all things using Midrange Paladin. Just out tempoed the shit out of me, didn't even make it to turn 10.


I hate volcano now, but not as much as rogue quest, and ice block is the worst.

EDIT: oh ya, primordial glyph should not be able to discover itself. Get on that bliz.
Apparently you can't Mass Dispel Sherazin in its egg form. The more you know.

You can't do anything to it in that form. Doesn't ever win brawl either, for example, nor does it get removed from it. Maybe one day "dormant" will be a keyword, or at least other cards that have dormant states. I'm guessing the quest warlock portal counts as dormant.


You can't do anything to it in that form. Doesn't ever win brawl either, for example, nor does it get removed from it. Maybe one day "dormant" will be a keyword, or at least other cards that have dormant states. I'm guessing the quest warlock portal counts as dormant.

Probably, I remember them telling that testing the card was a pain in the ass since they had no way of removing the portal.
I just tried this for giggles when I had a taunt in the way of lethal and Lyra gave me a mass dispel.



This jade druid playes 2 naturalize and burned my pyro and thalnos. At that point I was 100% gonna lose.

But later I got Toni from portal and I still had 2 frost nova and a blizzard, and he only had 1 swipe left. GG
Start of the month and ahhhhhhhgh I'm back to being salty in this thread. It's a nightmare. I can't win one at rank 20. ONE! How can I go from winning games at rank 14 to struggling to get one win at 20. I'm gonna blame my deck change.

I got bored of midrange hunter and after listening to advice on my silence priest deck I've decided to go with Jade Druid, that's supposed to be good in this meta right? It's doing so badly. This is my list:

### Jade goro
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Earthen Scales
# 2x (1) Jade Idol
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 1x (3) Feral Rage
# 2x (3) Jade Blossom
# 1x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 1x (3) Tar Creeper
# 2x (4) Jade Spirit
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 1x (5) Druid of the Claw
# 2x (5) Nourish
# 1x (5) Verdant Longneck
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# 2x (6) Jade Behemoth
# 1x (8) Primordial Drake
# 1x (10) Deathwing
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

It's almost exactly the same as kolentos list on hearyhpwn except I only have one P Drake so went with Deathwing (which nearly won me a couple)

Any tips or how to pilot the deck in general? I'm trying to play it as control and then win in late game with big Jades but it's not working. I run out of cards with my biggest Jade being a 6-6. It sucks.


Start of the month and ahhhhhhhgh I'm back to being salty in this thread. It's a nightmare. I can't win one at rank 20. ONE! How can I go from winning games at rank 14 to struggling to get one win at 20. I'm gonna blame my desk change.

I got bored of midrange hunter after listening to advice on my silence priest deck I've decided to go with Jade Druid, that's supposed to be good in this meta right? It's doing so badly. This is my list:

I would say you need a Fandral there, also there are some weird cards, like thalnos, the card is good, but given this list there are not much spells to make it worth and just using it for draw is not good enough. Druid of the claw isn't doing anything on the ultimate goal of the deck, also, where is aya? aya is fundamental for jades.

usually you want to either make jade fast in the first turns of the game or ramp quickly to get to play your bigger things fast.

Aggro can outrun you though, so may be make some tar creepers in that list.
I would say you need a Fandral there, also there are some weird cards, like thalnos, the card is good, but given this list there are not much spells to make it worth and just using it for draw is not good enough. Druid of the claw isn't doing anything on the ultimate goal of the deck, also, where is aya? aya is fundamental for jades.

usually you want to either make jade fast in the first turns of the game or ramp quickly to get to play your bigger things fast.

Aggro can outrun you though, so may be make some tar creepers in that list.

OK thanks. I don't have Fandral or Aya so added in druid of the claw and I also only have one tar creeper so added in stonehill defender.

Man decks are so expensive! I'm missing two of the key legendaries in this deck. Is it even worth running without them? It sucks though as don't have the new legendaries for Paladin either, don't have lyra for priest, etc. Not sure what to run expect boring cheap midrange hunter or quest rogue that is getting nerfed. I've also got the Warrior quest but I sucked at that too.
Lol playing against QR and I have a single out since he is at 3 and in control of the board. He runs with a 5/5 directly into the Eye for an Eye instead of testing for any other quest.


Pretty sure the double gold event lasts for the length of the brawl so no worries if you don't have quests saved up, you'll still be getting 5 doubled quests.
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