I dont get the new prince
Do you discover a minion?
Warrior weapon seems pretty good
Do you discover a minion?
Warrior weapon seems pretty good
New card
Seems like their answer to aggro is to design late game cards that will get destroyed by aggro.
No 3 drops vs pirate warrior. Seems legit.
For 10 mana the card needs to be insanely crazy, like discover a discarded card and play 2 copies of it...
Watch it being something like "Choose what cards to discard" which would be great if it was a 2-3 cost card, but beyond useless in its current 10 cost slot
Warlock card probably won't be better than jaraxxus
"Hero Power: Discard your opponent"What if the Hero Power is to add jaraxxus to your hand?
Peléo;244458144 said:Got the NA challenge friend quest. If anyone wants to do it, send me a PM.
The hero card is 10 mana? Legit didnt knew.
What happens if i'm in the middle of an arena run when blizzard gives the free runs?
Didn't get the chance to thank you, but thanks for the quest.Peléo;244458144 said:Got the NA challenge friend quest. If anyone wants to do it, send me a PM.
Edit: Done
What was the Jaina leak?
Such a weird card, it understated and also has a horrible effect. Why?
Such a weird card, it understated and also has a horrible effect. Why?
It's only horrible if your deck relies on spells. Otherwise, it's a positive effect. Especially against burn mages and the like.
"Oh, you wanted to cast Firelands Portal this turn? Sorry!"
It's a very strong effect. Loatheb is one of the best legendaries every printed and this is a more balanced version of that. For example, this card will be a huge disruption against miracle rogues and freeze mages when played at the right time.
Also important is this is an epic, so you can run two, unlike Loatheb. Although it is a slightly worse card, it might end up making even more of a meta impact.
It's a lot more than slightly worse, same stats for one more mana plus three fewer spell penalty
Nerubian is a buff to Medivh. Literally unplayable
Sorry guys. Nerubian Unraveler sucks. Kill it with minions on board and you can cast spells again. Easy to do as it is a 5/5 for 6. It affects your spells too. Worse than Troggzor.
True. But it is persistent. And it is also not tied to a battlecry, which means if you summon this card from your deck or hand somehow, its effect is immediately active.
Imagine your opponent going for a Dirty Rat+board clear combo and it pulls this. Ultimate punish.
True, but it can also just be a 6 mana 5/5 that gets killed by minions on board and the spell penalty goes away
Nerubian is a buff to Medivh. Literally unplayable
Forcing your opponent to trade their minions into your 5/5 has value too.
Lord of the Arena is better at doing that than this card. Hell a minion-based deck might not even try to clear it. Just proceed to smorc the face while you have a 5/5 with a downside on your side of the board.
A MUCH worse Loatheb, that still might be good enough to be played
Lord of the Arena is better at doing that than this card. Hell a minion-based deck might not even try to clear it. Just proceed to smorc the face while you have a 5/5 with a downside on your side of the board.
Lord of the Arena is better at doing that than this card. Hell a minion-based deck might not even try to clear it. Just proceed to smorc the face while you have a 5/5 with a downside on your side of the board.
Nerubian looks like a counter to mage and mage alone. maybe paladin too if they start using high energy cards. I don't think it will see a lot of play, but it will definitely be a tech card of choice in certain instances.
Would you actually run this in a control deck so incredibly slow that your opponent has used very few burn cards and had ample time to play Medivh?
Most of those decks would be using enough of their own spells to not want to play this.
In your scenario, you would have to be playing it in a deck where you're not flooding the board and using it to cover from board clears, which seems incorrect to me.