Mobius and pet octopus
Are quests Spell cards? For the purposes of activating shit, and can they be counterspelled?
Yes, I learned this the hard way.
Midrange hunter is indeed superior to quest rogue -- mostly because by the time they are done bounding you have them on the ropes already. And if they don't get the perfect bounce they are dead before they get to you.
I've teched in two hunter's mark for absolute must kill targets, and it works great against any slower decks you face as well.
I expect it to get harder though once I get to levels where people are better. I think quest rogue is a bit harder to play than other aggressive decks because you have to set up the combo early but also know when you need to defend. A lot of people at the ranks I'm playing at are still all in on the quest even though they could probably beat me if they put the breaks on for a turn or two in order to defend.
I think it depends on the list tbh. I have beaten every single midrange hunter to a pulp but I am not running dog's list which a lot consider to be inferior to a list with elementals. I also run vanish so I can set the midrange hunter really far back.
Here is a match where I had terrible draws as you'll see. I draw all my top end.
Still won because hunter has a very hard time fighting for the board once you take it from them.